MTL - The President Asked Me To Go To Her House Again-Chapter 10 The president asked me to go to her house again

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"Blowout?" Xu Nan was also stunned, she walked quickly to the back of the car, bent down to see that the tire was flat, Xu Nan straightened up, his eyes fell on Lin Sheng's face, "No It was you last night..."

"Hey, hey, hey." Lin Sheng was flabbergasted when he heard it, "Don't wrong me like that, I can't do such an unethical thing as tying a tire!"

It was so unlucky early in the morning, Xu Nan was in a bad mood, and said, "The tire is flat, so I can't drive." She looked at the time on her phone, "At seven thirty-five, call someone to repair it. The car is too late, take a taxi from the street to the company."

"What is the car, I have a car, wait."

Xu Nan was stunned: "Do you have a car?"


Lin Sheng put her bag on the front of the car, ignoring the stunned Miss Xu, turned around and went upstairs quickly.

Miss Xu has just arrived, so she probably doesn't know what the traffic jams will be during the rush hour every Monday.

This guy's car is upstairs?

Going to work at eight o'clock, the time is tight, Lin Sheng quickly went upstairs, found her "sweaty BMW" at home, put it up and quickly went downstairs again.

Waiting for about two or three minutes, Xu Nan didn't want to waste time, and was about to leave first, when Lin Sheng got down, when she saw the bicycle in Lin Sheng's hand, the corner of her lips twitched again: "Miss Lin, is this your car?"

Lin Sheng put down the bicycle and said confidently, "A bicycle is also a car." She grabbed the bag from the front of the car, put it on her shoulder, turned to look at Xu Nan, "Miss Xu, come up quickly, I Take you to the company."

Xu Nan turned around and left: "No need, you ride by yourself, I'll take a taxi."

Lin Sheng stepped on the bicycle and followed Xu Nan.

"Don't trust my skills?"

Xu Nan gave her a sidelong glance, and replied rudely, "I don't believe it at all."

Lin Sheng curled her lips: "I have good intentions to carry you, but you don't want to." She pedaled a few times, the bicycle quickly passed Xu Nan, and rode seven or eight meters, Lin Sheng suddenly turned her head and shouted: "Miss Xu, don't blame me for not reminding you that it's hard to get a taxi at this time, so don't be late!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Sheng stepped on the bicycle and disappeared.

Xu Nan was in a worse mood, and cursed in a low voice: "Dead Lin Sheng, just leave."

She turned her head and glanced at the white jeep car, frowned, called the towing company while walking, reported the address and hung up the phone, she took a deep breath, straightened her back, faced In the early morning sun, I stepped on high heels briskly and walked out of the alley.

This alley is full of independent houses. The building where she lives now is a little old and has a quaint atmosphere.

This place is located in the center of the city, but it is not noisy during the day and night, there is no feasting, and one person is happy at night. When I chose this place, it is relatively close to the company, and the picture is quiet and convenient.

Listening to the ear-piercing trumpet, I was quite speechless as I watched the road blocking the long dragon.

Time 7:40.

It was too late to take a taxi, Xu Nan decided to walk, she walked a few steps, and a familiar voice came from behind: "Hey, Miss Xu, I said it's not easy to take a taxi at this time, you still don't believe it I."

Miss Lin has not left yet?

Xu Nan turned her head subconsciously, and saw Lin Sheng who was riding a bicycle towards her. This guy said these words really flat, and his smile was flat.

Lin Sheng saw Xu Nan ignoring herself, hurriedly stepped on the bicycle, followed Xu Nan, she laughed: "Miss Xu, it's too late to take a taxi, not to walk, it's not a problem to be late. Good habit."

Xu Nan froze.

Lin Sheng hurriedly followed the brakes.

Xu Nan rubbed his eyebrows and turned to look at her: "Why are you still here?"

Lin Sheng: "I'm waiting for you."

"Wait for me?" Xu Nan was stunned.

Lin Sheng pursed his lips: "The road is so blocked, you definitely can't get a taxi, it takes half an hour to walk to the company, you can't run, who makes me soft-hearted again Now, for the sake of letting me take your car, I'll take it hard and give you a ride."

Ms. Lin has said all that, what is there to be awkward about her? Ke Xu Nan had never ridden a bicycle before, so she felt a little bit satisfied. She coughed and asked awkwardly, "Can you do it?"

Lin Sheng jokingly said: "If you don't try it, how will you know if it will work?"

Xu Nan was angry: "I've never sat before, how do I know if you can do it?"

"Okay, you'll find out later."

At this time, Miss Xu was still in the mood to quarrel with her. Lin Sheng wanted to pat her **** and leave, and she wanted to tie Miss Xu to the back seat.

Good impression."

Xu Nan would like to say something, your impression has long since turned into scum in front of your boss.

She thought for a while, then took another breath, extremely reluctant and unable to do anything, so she moved a little bit towards Lin Sheng's bicycle.

Turn sideways, just sat down on the back seat, the bicycle slid forward, inertia made Xu Nan roll back, Xu Nan almost instinctively hugged Lin Sheng's waist to stabilize stay.

Lin Sheng frowned slightly, as if thinking of something, who knew that Qianqian pinched the soft flesh around her waist, and Miss Xu's anxious voice came from behind: "Hurry up to reincarnate, slow down. Come on, give me a slow ride."

"Slow, we'll both be late!"

It was very late, Xu Nan stopped talking.

Lin Sheng obviously felt the slender hands around his waist, hugging tighter, and seemed to be shaking a little, so he had to explain: "Miss Xu, don't worry, I won't fall on you, I used to ride the car a lot..."

Lin Sheng suddenly stopped.

"Huh? What?"

Xu Nan waited for half a minute, Miss Lin didn't make a sound, she wanted to let go, but Miss Lin stepped on the bicycle so fast And dare not let go.

If it really falls, a car suddenly rushes out of the side... I am afraid that there is no body.

"I mean, I used to ride my bike to work every day, and I was very skilled."

Not waiting for Xu Nan to speak, Lin Sheng narrowed her eyes, facing the blowing morning wind, she asked loudly, "Miss Xu, have you bought insurance?"


Xu Nan was stunned for a moment. Just when she was stunned, Lin Sheng stepped on the pedals out of illusion. Nan almost jumped out of the car to save his life.

I didn't tie up my hair today, Xu Nan's long hair was blown to the back of his head, straight like a steel needle, Xu Nan closed his eyes tightly, and the whole body was stuck behind Lin Sheng's back, torn in a flash The sound of the voice sounded:

"Dead Lin Sheng, slow down for me!"

Lin Sheng shouted: "It can't be slow, it's only eight minutes, life and death!"

Xu Nan inhales and takes a few more deep breaths.

Calm down.

In the business world for so many years, how could she be frightened by this little thing.

Xu Nan bit her lower lip.

The "ah" that was almost inelegant was about to be called, and swallowed it hard.

The fast speed made her hands grab Lin Sheng's waist tightly.

"What are you doing."

"Miss Xu, don't pinch me!"

"I didn't pinch..."

Xu Nan's voice suddenly stopped, because she found that her hands were holding a ball of soft meat.

Feeling that the pain in the waist was a little lighter, Lin Sheng pouted, but didn't say anything.

Just pedal hard.

This is Lin Sheng's first day at work, no matter what, she must not be late.

Xu Nan's eyes inadvertently saw that the shirt on Lin Sheng's waist was wrinkled by her.

She thought about it for a while, and while Lin Sheng was burrowing on the bicycle, she calmly spread her fingers and smoothed the folds on Lin Sheng's white shirt.

When they arrive at Penghui Building, it will be five minutes before they go to work.

The bicycle will be stolen if you leave it outside. Lin Sheng will go to the underground garage to drop the car and drop Xu Nan at the garage door. Hurry up and don't be late.

Lin Sheng hurriedly locked the car and ran to take the elevator. She took out her mobile phone and looked at it. At 7:58, she breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately she caught up.

The elevator goes up to the twentieth floor.

Lin Sheng just stepped out of the elevator, when he met a slightly familiar face.

It was the gentle lady who met at the door of the hospital! Miss Wenrou looked at her in surprise and said, "It's you, so coincidentally? Are you also working in XS? Why haven't I seen you?"

Lin Sheng touched the back of his head: "It's a coincidence, I came to work at XS on the first day."

"It's your first day here." Miss Wenrou looked at her and was even more surprised, "You are the new accountant hired by the finance department a few days ago, Lin Sheng?"

Since it's a company, Lin Sheng is generous and kindly stretches out his hand: "Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Lin Sheng."

Miss gentle took her hand: "Hello, my name is Ye Tong."

Ye Tong released her hand and looked at Lin Sheng with a warm smile on her face.

"Last time at the hospital, thank you."

"You're welcome."

This smile almost flashed into Lin Sheng's eyes.

It's just that Miss Gentle's next words struck her head like a thunderbolt.

"I'm the director of the finance department. You're not familiar with this place. I'll show you the company first and report to the finance department later."

Lin Sheng: "..."

Miss Gentle is the boss of the financial department.

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