MTL - The Picked Lion Touched Porcelain-Chapter 66

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"Civil Affairs Bureau." Gu Beimo's mouth twitched with a smile, and he was happy, "Get the certificate."

Shen Sui'an: "...It's late at night, everyone is off work, right?"

"Well, but I said hello in advance, work hard today and work overtime." Gu Beimo held Shen Sui'an's hand wearing the ring, no matter how satisfied, he felt that this ring was for Shen Sui'an born.

"To be honest, how long have you been planning today?" Shen Sui'an couldn't help laughing, but Gu Beimo was so prepared.

"When I found out that I fell in love with you, I was looking forward to today." Gu Beimo kissed the ring, the affection in his eyes almost drowned.

Shen Sui'an softened, no longer in the mood to joke, "Sorry for making you wait so long."

"In the past, I didn't do well enough, looking ahead and worrying too much, but I can guarantee you will be happy every day in the future." Gu Beimo held Shen Sui'an's face and made a serious promise.

The last word disappeared between the lips and teeth, this kiss was more gentle and sweeter than ever.

The suspension car stopped at the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Gu Beimo took Shen Sui'an's hand, "Let's go."

Shen Sui'an hesitated, subconsciously wanted to retreat, "Bei Mo, are we a little quicker?"

"Sorry, we've known each other for half a year." Gu Beimo sensed Shen Sui'an's fear, took him into his arms, and patted him lightly, "And you have me in your heart, and in my heart With you, you are very familiar with each other's family and friends, isn't it normal to get a certificate?"

"But—" Shen Sui'an still wanted to struggle.

"Trust me, okay?" Gu Beimo looked into his eyes, neither persecuting nor angry, just begging.

Shen Sui'an pursed his lips, clenching his hands unconsciously, he took a deep breath, "Well, let's go in."

"Don't change another day, today is fine." Shen Sui'an clenched Gu Beimo's hand tightly, vowing to live with Gu Beimo well, and never repeat the mistakes of his biological parents in his previous life.

Take a wedding photo, enter the file, and they officially become a family.

Coming out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Shen Sui'an tilted his head slightly, and found that Gu Beimo was holding his marriage certificate, smiling from ear to ear, he couldn't help but smile, "Are you so happy?"

"Of course!" Gu Beimo carefully put the marriage certificate in place, and touched it twice, making sure it wouldn't fall out before letting go.

He is a famous person now!

"Oops!" Shen Sui'an patted his head and cried out suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Gu Beimo asked with concern.

"If my uncle knew that we didn't know about him and got the certificate directly, he would definitely be angry!" .

Shen's father doesn't care, after all, they are not close, Chu Liuyun is different.

Then what, can marriage be revoked first?

The words twitched in his mouth and swallowed silently, but his expression had already revealed everything.

Gu Beimo lightly pinched the little unconscionable cheek, in order to avoid Shen Sui'an's worry, he took the initiative to say, "Don't worry, I have already greeted my uncle this morning, he knows this I won't be angry with you."

"We have discussed it, and we will hold the wedding when he returns."

"Really?" Shen Sui'an tilted his head, doubtful.

"Why am I lying to you?" Gu Beimo turned on his brain and retrieved the chat record between him and Chu Liuyun.

Shen Sui'an glanced roughly and couldn't help but be amused, "Yo, this military order has been issued."

"Otherwise, how can you let your uncle let go?" Gu Beimo took his hand, and the corners of his mouth turned up.

Sit in the suspension car, Shen Sui'an was still a little erratic, "Beimo, we got the certificate like this? Why does it feel so unreal?"

"I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"It's not a dream." Gu Beimo took his hand and squeezed it lightly.

"Then we really become a family?"

"We have always been a family." Gu Beimo emphasized.

Since the day when Gu's father and Gu's mother promised to let Shen Sui'an live in Gu's house, he has never been regarded as an outsider.

Shen Sui'an was moved by this sentence, her voice softened a little, "Why are you so good?"

"It's not good for you, how can you be willing to be with me?" Gu Beimo took Shen Sui'an's waist, let him lean on him, and touched the marriage certificate in his pocket, the corner of his mouth was blank. down.

After the hovering car stopped, looking at the familiar building outside the window, Shen Suian suddenly became nervous.

It was obvious that he lived in Gu's house for a long time, and Father Gu and the others treated him very well, but because of the change in the relationship, they couldn't help but feel a little fear.

"It's fine, we can get along as we did before, don't think too much." Gu Beimo saw his cowardice, took the initiative to extend his hand, and said gently.

Shen Sui'an took another deep breath and held his hand with Gu Beimo's encouragement.

A total of one hundred steps, Gu Beimo has taken ninety-nine steps towards him, and he should be brave enough to take this last step.

It makes more sense to go both ways.

"Let's go, let's go home." Gu Beimo smiled and raised his feet first.

Hearing the word "go home", Shen Sui'an was slightly startled, and then smiled.

Yes, he also has a family.

After entering the room, meeting countless twinkling eyes, Shen Sui'an subconsciously wanted to hide behind Gu Beimo, and said hello, "Uncle and aunt, butler grandpa, we are back."

Seeing this expression, Mother Gu grabbed Father Gu excitedly and shook it twice.

Gu Beimo didn't say a word, only took out the marriage certificate from his pocket, handed one to Gu's father and the other to Gu's mother, the old housekeeper stood beside him, craned his neck and watched happily.

"Good, good!" Gu's mother confirmed that this was their marriage certificate, and said three "good" words in a row, smiling until her teeth were lost.

The four little animals were unknown, so they gathered around Shen Sui'an as usual, tugging at his trouser legs to hug him.

Shen Suian sat on the sofa, and the cubs jumped up one after another, humming and acting like a spoiled child with him.

"Sui'an, I have received the marriage certificate, should I change my words in the future?"

God knows how long they have been looking forward to this day.

I thought that my son was so arrogant that he would never find a partner in his life, and he was likely to die alone. He didn't expect to find such a good partner as Shen Sui'an.

Shen Sui'an tightened the arm holding the cub, a little twisted.

I'm sorry.

"It's okay, don't worry, take your time." Father Gu smiled gently, not trying to force him.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure I can't change it all at once. We have time." Mother Gu also waved her hands again and again.

I have already received the marriage certificate, how about a day or two to change?

"Thank you, Mom and Dad." Shen Sui'an clenched his fists and said quickly.

Father Gu and Mother Gu were stunned, then laughed, "Hey!"

Seeing their happy appearance, Shen Sui'an lowered his head, blinked quickly, and forced the tears from his eyes back.

These two titles used to represent pain and despair to him, but after changing the object they became tenderness and joy.

The last shackle in his heart was removed, and he was finally able to get rid of the past and officially start a new life of his own.

It seems that the stray cat, who has been abused and abused since birth, finally has a home, and after getting enough love and care, those sufferings have disappeared.

"Sui'an, this is the change fee I gave to you and your father, and I will live a good life with Beimo in the future." Mother Gu was overjoyed, took out her light brain and transferred 200 million Interstellar coins to Shen Sui'an. After he refused, he continued, "It's time to prepare invitations, wedding candies, etc. What style do you like for the wedding?"

"I can do it." Shen Sui'an touched the soft fur of the cub and said meekly.

"Okay, then I'll let the wedding company prepare several plans in two days. Then you can pick and choose, if you can't change it." Everyone's family is asleep, and I can't wait to share the good news with close friends and relatives one by one.

"Yes." Shen Sui'an nodded.

"It's getting late, pack up and go to bed early." Father Gu pulled his wife and said to them.

"Okay, Mom and Dad, both of you go to bed earlier." Everything is difficult at the beginning, but after this start, it will be much smoother.

Shen Sui'an likes how Father Gu and Mother Gu look happy when he calls this title. He was treated as a defective product of a failed marriage in his previous life.

This is the case with children who grow up in misery. If someone treats him a little bit better, he can't wait to give them all his heart.

What's more, what the Gu family gave to Shen Sui'an was not just one point, but all.

No one can stand still.

"Bei Mo, I'm so lucky." After taking a shower, Shen Sui'an rubbed the ring on his hand, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Meeting Gu Beimo and the others, and gaining so much favor and doting, he never dared to imagine that one day he would live such a life.

Gu Beimo stood behind him and helped wipe his hair. Hearing the words, the corner of his mouth tickled, "What a coincidence, I also feel very lucky."

If it wasn't for Shen Sui'an, the Gu family would definitely not be as full of laughter as it is now.

"Then we two lucky people add up, won't the luck value be doubled?" Shen Sui'an looked up at him with a smile in his eyes.

"Of course." Gu Beimo leaned over and placed a kiss on his forehead, his expression extremely pious.


Learning that Shen Sui'an and Gu Beimo had obtained the certificates, Chu Liuyun quickly dealt with the important affairs at hand, leaving the trivial handover work directly to his subordinates, and then took Xiao Kuang to speed up the return to the imperial capital star.

After half a month, Shen Sui'an stood at the port looking forward to it, and Gu Beimo quietly accompanied him.

After the starship landed, the hatch slowly opened, Chu Liuyun came out first, and the first reaction was to look for his precious nephew.

"Uncle!" Shen Suian shouted and ran forward happily.

Chu Liuyun smiled and gave his baby nephew a hug, pulling him to look up and down.

Seeing that Shen Sui'an looked good, and was obviously well-raised by the Gu family, his heart was relieved, "How has this time been?"

"Very good, what about uncle? Did you encounter any danger on the way?" Before coming to Gu's house, Chu Liuyun was the best person for him, how could Shen Sui'an not care about him?

Since Chu Liuyun left, he didn't say anything, but he was actually very worried.

"No, this time went well, otherwise I wouldn't be able to come back so soon." Chu Liuyun smiled and rubbed Shen Sui'an's hair.

With Xiao Kuang escorting him this time, Chu Liuyun didn't make himself look like a rough man with a beard. A few even wanted to pursue him, making Xiao Kuang very angry.

"That's good." Seeing that Chu Liuyun's movements were smooth and not looking injured, Shen Sui'an was relieved.

When their chat was over, Gu Beimo stepped forward and called, "Uncle, you must be very tired from rushing back with my little uncle, go home first, the car is ready."

Rao Shichu Liuyun had nodded his head a while ago and agreed that the pig would take away his own cabbage. Why are pigs not pleasing to the eye.

For the sake of his own cabbage, he reluctantly nodded, "Yeah."

Worrying that his bad attitude will affect the life of the cabbage in the pigsty, he reluctantly added, "Trouble you."

Gu Beimo was flattered and quickly said no trouble.

Send them home, Shen Sui'an took the initiative to say, "Uncle, you and my uncle have a good rest, I will come to you in the afternoon."

"Okay." Chu Liuyun wanted to keep Shen Sui'an, but the too frequent space transitions made his body a little overwhelmed, so he could only nod in agreement.

Looking at the back of Shen Sui'an and Gu Beimo leaving side by side, there was a bit of sadness in his eyes, and his heart became empty.

Although Shen Sui'an also lived in Gu's house before, the meaning is different after all.

The hand was suddenly held by someone, Chu Liuyun turned his head, and smiled at Xiao Kuang soothingly, "Ayun, you still have me."

Hearing this, Chu Liuyun's heart warmed.

Yes, he is happy, and his baby nephew will be petted and protected in the future, so he should be happy.

Chu Liuyun is very fortunate to have met Xiao Kuang. If he is really single until now, there is only Shen Sui'an in his heart. Although this kind of love is single-minded and sincere, it will definitely bring a lot of pressure to Shen Sui'an. .

Even if he can control it, but Shen Sui'an finds a partner by himself, won't he worry about his uncle who is alone?

It's fine now.