MTL - The Picked Lion Touched Porcelain-Chapter 48

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"Go out again?" Shen Sui'an was stunned, feeling a little depressed.

"Well, I will be a little busy in the past few years. When I train all the people, I will hand over the business of the alien domain to them, and then I can concentrate on accompany you on the imperial star." Chu Liuyun rubbed Shen Sui'an's hair and said with a smile.

"Okay then." Shen Sui'an is not a willful child, and he won't mess around. Seeing that things are settled, he doesn't say much, he looks at Xiao Kuang, "Is my uncle going too?"

"Of course." The corners of Xiao Kuang's mouth curled up uncontrollably, and said triumphantly, "Where Ayun is in the future, I will be there!"

"Okay, then I'm relieved." Shen Sui'an couldn't help laughing, no matter how daring he was, he wouldn't dare to steal the goods of the star thief leader Xiao Kuang, "Uncle, little uncle, you must go out. be careful."

"I see." Chu Liuyun solemnly promised, "We will be careful."

Not to mention that Shen Sui'an is weak, even with the help of the Long family and his wife, she will definitely not be able to bear the pressure.

Even if Shen Sui'an married Gu Beimo and had the protection of the Gu family, Chu Liuyun could not rest assured.

In case Gu Beimo is in love, how should his baby nephew deal with himself?

Not to mention that the two are not officially together yet.

"Then tell me the day you leave." Shen Sui'an said with a smile.

"Okay." Chu Liuyun responded directly.

After chatting a few more words, he and Xiao Kuang went to arrange the goods and personnel to be brought this time, Shen Suian sent them to the door, and then returned to the house, his eyes were a little more wistful.

"Huh?" Panda Cub hugged his leg and called out in confusion.

Shen Sui'an smiled slightly, took the cub into her arms, touched the soft fur, and the discomfort in her heart disappeared a little.

"Don't think about that, let's play." He found the toy, intending to use it as a distraction.

The cubs' emotions come and go quickly, they soon forget what happened just now, and they happily play in the living room.


There are too many things on my mind recently, and at night, Shen Suian has nightmares again.

He turned and ran upstairs, locked the door, curled up in the corner and shivered.





The sound of kicking the door is getting louder and louder, and the locked door bolt is gradually loosening.

Fright and helplessness fermented in his heart, just when he wanted to jump out of the window, when he was over, the door slammed into the wall!

The woman was holding a stick and looked even more crazy.

He put his hands on his head, protected his vitals, and silently endured the atrocities of women, but he didn't even dare to make a sound.

Help me.

Whoever it is, please.

Help me please?

He gritted his teeth, tears frantically raged, almost mournfully praying.

But, like countless times before, no one heard and no one would protect him.

It is said that home is a shelter from the wind and rain, but his biggest storm is brought by his home.

"Sui'an, Sui'an?" An anxious male voice came from a distance, and his body was shaken gently.

Shen Sui'an suddenly opened his eyes, gasping for breath, and for a while he couldn't recover.

"Suian, what's wrong with you? Are you having a nightmare?"

The numb and empty eyes deeply hurt Gu Beimo's heart. He didn't know what Shen Sui'an dreamed about to become what he is now.

Shen Suian blinked, and the hot tears fell again. He was still immersed in that terrifying nightmare, and his body kept shaking.

The next second, I was hugged into a warm and generous chest.

"Don't be afraid, no one can bully you with me." Gu Beimo's gentle voice sounded from his ears, with a strong sense of comfort.

If I just cried because of despair and fear, this time it is grievance and discomfort.

The child falls down, if no one cares, he will shed two tears at most, and he can get up by patting the dust.

But if someone stepped forward with a nervous face and asked him if he was in pain, the grievance would be magnified infinitely.

The body in his arms kept shaking, and the hot and humid liquid slipped down his chest, making Gu Beimo feel distressed.

The soldiers under his command dared to cry like this, so they had already caught it in training and had a good time, and then practiced every day.

But Shen Sui'an is the person at the top of his heart, how could he be willing to do it?

I don't know how long it took, Shen Sui'an finally calmed down, his mood fluctuated too much, and he cried too fiercely for too long, and now he was a little exhausted.

After realizing what he had done, his face turned red, "Yes, sorry."

"It's alright, wait for me here." Gu Beimo bent his lips, put the tissue paper on the bedside table in Shen Suian's hand, then turned into a big white lion and got out of bed, opened the door and went out.

Shen Sui'an wiped his tears indiscriminately, when something suddenly touched his arm, he turned his head and met the worried eyes of the four little animals, his heart warmed.

"I'm fine, I just had a nightmare." He pulled the cubs into his arms and touched them one by one, trying to look relaxed.

It's just a hoarse voice and reddened eyes.

Panda cub hugged Shen Sui'an's neck and rubbed his cheek affectionately.

The soft fur rubbed against the skin, and Shen Sui'an felt that she was healed.

Yes, it was just a nightmare, could it be possible that the woman could still appear in front of him, beating and scolding like before?

He took a deep breath, tightened his arms, and tried to comfort himself.

If this is repeated several times, the chaotic heartbeat will gradually calm down.

During his thoughts, Gu Beimo came back with a cup in his hand, "Drink some milk to calm the shock."

"Ah, thank you." Shen Suian took it and thanked him politely.

The warm and sweet milk dispelled the last haze, and Shen Sui'an felt that she was alive.

"Is it better?" Gu Beimo asked in a soft voice, for fear of scaring Shen Sui'an.

"Yes." Shen Sui'an nodded with complicated eyes.

He believed that Gu Beimo really liked him now, but he didn't know how long this emotion would last.

In the past life, his parents were free-loving, one handsome and the other beautiful.

It didn't take long for the marriage to become a piece of chicken feathers, and it even developed from a quarrel to a hands-on situation.


After returning home, he turned his anger and unwillingness into abuse and sent it out on him.

When others beat their children, parents or grandparents, there will always be one to protect them.

There are only two people in his family, he and his mother, who are often beaten to the death, and will stop when his mother is tired.

Shen Sui'an is worried that she will become a **** person. When dealing with people, she always suppresses all negative emotions and tries her best to show friendliness and sincerity.

And keep your distance, not too close to anyone.

Only when facing the cubs, will they lower their defenses a little.

No one knows what kind of heart is hidden under this bright and beautiful appearance.

How dare someone like him ask for the love of others?

Shen Sui'an didn't dare to gamble and couldn't afford to lose.

Sometimes he would also think, if Gu Beimo hadn't woken up, it would have been a good idea to stay at Gu's house, instead of worrying about gains and losses and leaving at no time.

Every time she couldn't help but have this idea, Shen Sui'an collapsed.

What is the difference between him and that woman?

I don't want to be like the other person, but the result is...

Shen Sui'an clenched her fists firmly, her nails digging deeply into her palms, but she felt no pain at all.

When he was a child, he always felt that he must not be doing well enough that his mother hated his existence.

So I tried my best to be sensible and obedient. Before the stove was high, I would step on the small bench to help cook, wash clothes, sweep the floor, and even work on the ground.

As long as you can get a sincere compliment, or a gratifying smile, you will be satisfied.


No matter how much you put in, it's like being thrown into a black hole, which will never be filled and you won't get any feedback.

The black hole even madly wanted to swallow him up and make him disappear completely.

Gradually, he died and even began to resent.

It's not his fault, why is he the one who bears the pain?

Why is the perpetrator able to live happily and at ease, but the victim is always in fear and always lives in the shadows?

This is not fair at all.

Those arrows that hurt as if piercing through the body made him unable to approach others, and others could not approach him.

After years and months, those arrows grow together with flesh and blood, and it hurts to pull, pull, and insert.

Shen Sui'an wanted to grab Gu Beimo's collar and ask loudly.

You can be a friend, why do you have to like him?

Gu Beimo used to be able to say goodbye to other suitors, why is it different when he comes to him?

But he also clearly knows that there is nothing wrong with liking someone, but Gu Beimo likes the wrong person.

He is not worthy of Gu Beimo's treatment.

"Sleep, don't think too much." Gu Beimo imitated Shen Sui'an's way of dealing with cubs and awkwardly rubbed his hair.

Shen Sui'an had no time to think about anything else, pursed her lips, responded, and lay silently on the bed.

Gu Beimo wanted to stay with him, but was afraid that Shen Sui'an would be uncomfortable, so he hesitated again and again, helped pull the quilt, and then left.

After this day, when Shen Sui'an saw Gu Beimo again, he was very embarrassed. Coupled with his guilt and guilty conscience, he couldn't get along with each other as normally as before.

So whenever Gu Beimo had the intention of approaching, he immediately went somewhere else with something to do.

More and more, Gu Beimo also noticed something was wrong and frowned.

Shen Suian played with the cubs in the afternoon, accidentally spilled milk on her body, and went back to the house to change clothes.

After a few steps, she was blocked by Gu Beimo, who was waiting outside.

The man's face is handsome, the physique is strong, and he has been in the top position for a long time, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Shen Sui'an panicked and subconsciously wanted to escape, but Gu Beimo wrapped his body and arms around the place.

The distance between the two is too close, he can almost feel the heat on Gu Beimo.

Thinking of the hug that night, Shen Sui'an's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"Sui'an, why are you avoiding me?" A grieved voice sounded from above.

Gu Beimo's brows and eyes drooped, revealing a pitiful meaning for no reason, "When I was in a coma, I talked every day that I liked me the most, I finally woke up, why are you only playing with that group of cubs? ?"

Shen Sui'an didn't know how to answer this question, so she leaned back and pressed her back against the cold wall before calming down a little.

He stretched out his hand and tried to push Gu Beimo away, but when he touched the hot and hard muscle, he retracted like an electric shock.

"You don't want to say anything to me now?" The low and lost voice sounded again.

Shen Sui'an felt pain for a while, but she didn't expect Gu Beimo to feel uncomfortable because of his avoidance.

Just as he was about to explain, his hand was suddenly held.

Shen Sui'an was startled, and was about to break away, when she touched something fluffy and soft.

"Touch your ears." Gu Beimo's cheeks flushed slightly, and his tail quietly wrapped around Shen Sui'an's waist, his posture was extremely gentle, "don't ignore me."

Shen Sui'an was in chaos. He always liked softness rather than hardness. If Gu Beimo pursued aggressively regardless of his wishes, he would definitely be disgusted and leave.

Now it has turned into a half-beast form and is almost coquettishly begging, who can bear it?

Accidentally bumped into those gentle and affectionate eyes, he felt that his soul was about to be sucked away by Gu Beimo.

"Sui'an?" Gu Beimo called out again, his body also moved forward slightly, the distance between the two shortened again, almost touching each other.

Shen Sui'an felt as if she had become a fish on a chopping board, and there was no other way than to be eaten and wiped clean.

And this chopping board, he jumped on it himself!

Just when he was at a loss and didn't know how to deal with it, a sudden "Ow" sounded in his ear.

Looking in the direction of the voice, I saw four little ones sitting in a row, their round eyes full of ignorance.

Shen Sui'an shivered and pulled her hand out.

His face flushed red, and he dared not look at the pure and clear eyes of the cubs, and ran out.

Gu Beimo retracted his ears and tail with a very regretful expression.

He sighed, squatted down in front of the four little ones, rubbed each one hard twice, and whispered, "A bunch of little rascals!"

Although it was not successful this time, it was a little rewarding.

I have always used the animal shape to get along with Shen Sui'an, what is the difference between that and the four children at home?

Shen Sui'an was too vigilant for the human form.

The half-beast can perfectly solve this problem!

It can retain both humanoid and animal-shaped ears and tails, isn't it a matter of minutes to enhance feelings?

The corners of Gu Beimo's mouth rose slightly, smiling like a spring breeze.

The subordinates who gave the idea back will add chicken legs, no, pay more!

The author has something to say: Gu Beimo: The idea of ​​this dog-headed military division is quite useful!

oh angel~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: Zi Mo_Rin4;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of hematoxylin;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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