MTL - The Picked Lion Touched Porcelain-Chapter 42

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"That, that, Marshal Gu, thank you." Shen Sui'an looked back in a panic, stammering thanks.

After waiting for a few seconds, the hands on his waist didn't mean to let go. He was a little embarrassed and couldn't help reminding, "I'm standing firm now."

Gu Beimo pursed his lips, responded with a sound, released his hand, and stepped back a few steps to distance himself.

The others gathered around, "Sui'an, are you alright?"

"It's okay, I was just taken aback. Fortunately, Marshal Gu appeared in time, so I wasn't injured." Shen Sui'an smiled and looked at Gu Beimo subconsciously.

The latter has drooping eyebrows and a cold Z color, and seems to have completely forgotten himself.

Shen Sui'an was happy and a little disappointed at the same time.

Mother Gu hated that iron could not become steel, and when Gu Beimo was a beast, he had no face and no skin and leaned in front of Shen Sui'an, all kinds of coquettish closeness, how could he become a humanoid and cowardly?

"Bei Mo, do you still know us?" She sighed and took the initiative to add drama to her son.

Gu Beimo's eyelids trembled slightly, and nodded, "Yeah."

"What about Sui'an? Do you still remember him?" Mother Gu grabbed Shen Sui'an by the shoulders and pushed him to Gu Beimo Z, her face full of anticipation.

"Remember, it was raining heavily on the day I got home, and it was you who carried me into the house, thank you." Finally had the opportunity to thank him, Gu Beimo's tone was particularly sincere.

"No thanks, this is what I should do." Shen Sui'an waved his hands again and again.

"What else?" Mother Gu followed her instructions, "How much do you remember after that?"

Gu Beimo didn't want to deceive Shen Sui'an. The memory loss was a follow-up to the situation before, but if he deceives him now, he will definitely not be able to get away with it in the future, so he kept silent.

"Don't be so troublesome." Shen Sui'an waved his hands again and again, he didn't want to go any further with Gu Beimo, "Now that Marshal Gu has recovered, I don't need to stay-"

"Sui'an, how do you want to leave this good-looking person? Is it uncomfortable to live at home?" Gu's mother immediately became anxious and asked hastily, "What's wrong with us, just say it directly, this is another nothing."

"No, I promised to wait for Marshal Gu—" something suddenly hugged his legs, Shen Sui'an bowed his head, the panda cub and the little black panther looked up at him pitifully, The fox also called out anxiously.

The little milk dragon was infected, and also dropped the golden beans, crying and hiccups.

Shen Suian's throat choked, and the lines she had rehearsed many times in her heart suddenly couldn't speak.

Seeing that there was a door, Mother Gu hurriedly persuaded again, "Sui'an, you see that the children are reluctant to bear you. If you leave suddenly today, they will definitely die of grief, will you stay?"

Shen Sui'an opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything to refuse, and the balance in his heart also tilted towards the cubs.

"Is it okay?" He was particularly embarrassed, and subconsciously looked at Gu Beimo, who was still expressionless, not sure if he was happy or unhappy.

"Is there anything you can't do?" Gu Mu's heart finally put it in her stomach, with a smile on her face, "Except for Bei Mo's recovery, nothing else has changed, we live as before. Wouldn't it be alright?"

This is the advantage of having children. Even if there is a problem between partners, you will think twice for the child and will not act impulsively.

What's more, Gu Beimo is just recovering his memory, not a principled issue of cheating and domestic violence. Mother Gu thinks that this stupid son can be rescued again.

"Marshal Gu would mind?" Shen Sui'an did not forget how ruthless Gu Beimo used to treat those suitors, and how embarrassing it would be to live under one roof every day if the other party was not happy.

"I don't mind." Gu Beimo shook his head, his mother was too ruthless, and his waist was probably green by now.

"Then I'll stay for a few more days with a shy face, and wait until they get used to it before leaving." Shen Sui'an made a concession.

The big white lion who lost his memory is not the same as Gu Beimo who regained his memory before the injury.

"Are you still leaving?" Mother Gu was about to die, and she glanced at her son who had turned into a human.

Not as useful as a beast!

Anyway, I can make Shen Suian happy with that white hair!

Shen Sui'an smiled, indicating default.

Chu Liuyun and Shen Yaochen were very confused. They managed to keep the clouds open and see the moon, so why did Shen Sui'an leave?

It was the right time to come to the Imperial City this time, to catch up with such a good show, interesting, so interesting!

Now that Gu Beimo has recovered, Shen Yaochen and the others bid farewell.

After sending the people off, Shen Sui'an pursed her lips, "Uncle and aunt, talk to Marshal Gu slowly, I'm ɑ匚xun!

"Okay." Mother Gu also had something to say to Gu Beimo, so she nodded in response.

"What happened to you just now? Why did you follow An?" Mother Gu patted Gu Beimo, not arguing, "and with a fierce face, scaring people away What to do!"

Gu Beimo couldn't refute, he lowered his head and was silently trained.

Seeing him like this, Gu father and Gu mother looked at each other with a smile on their faces.

Gu Beimo has been winning at the starting line since he was born. He also has the self-discipline and hard work that is difficult for children of the same age.

Other children may forget to do their homework because they are having fun, or their test scores are too poor, or they may be called by their parents for arguing with their classmates. Gu Beimo has never had such a situation.

He always manages to keep things in order and either don't do it or do it best.

The child is too independent and excellent, but the parents have no sense of participation and need. While the couple is proud, they are also a little disappointed.

Now that I find that my son is not so innocent, he still needs their help in pursuing a partner. Father Gu and Mother Gu can finally raise their eyebrows and put on the air of being parents.

Don't say, it's a cool feeling!

Here, Father Gu and Mother Gu gave Gu Beimo ideological education. The old housekeeper happily added a sentence or two. Over there, Shen Suian was holding the panda cub and holding the soft cub. Claw pad, can't stop sighing.

Forget it, let's go step by step.

"Meow?" The little black panther rubbed against Shen Sui'an and called out in confusion.

"It's nothing, let's play." Not wanting the cub to follow him, Shen Sui'an rubbed his face, squeezed out a smile, devoted himself to playing with the cub, and soon took Gu Bei Ink recovered this matter forgot.

Until he got tired of playing, he leaned back subconsciously, but there was nothing behind him, and he hit the blanket directly.

The four little ones were startled, and hurriedly came around, their round eyes were full of worry.

Shen Suian touched his head one by one, smiling helplessly.

In the past, when the big white lion was there, and when he was tired and wanted to rest, he could lean back on the soft and smooth fur, and now he had to change this habit.

At dinner, Shen Sui'an sat on the left of Gu Beimo, her scalp tingling.

In order to liven up the atmosphere, Gu's mother took the initiative to talk to Shen Sui'an, and cued Gu Beimo from time to time, wanting him to participate and draw in their feelings for each other.

But Shen Sui'an and Gu Beimo, one is a fake fan who went to the master's house to occupy a magpie's nest, and the other is currently pretending to have amnesia. Be careful, how can you get up easily?

Shen Sui'an was on pins and needles at this time, no matter how delicious the food was, it would be like chewing wax.

After finally getting through dinner, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, told Father Gu and the others, and hurried back to the house.

The four little ones also jumped off the chair.

Gu Beimo followed subconsciously, looking at Shang Shen Sui'an's suspicious, panic-stricken and vigilant eyes, he made a move, changed direction and walked towards the living room.

"Pfft." Mother Gu finally couldn't help laughing.

Why are these two kids so fun?

Father Gu shook his head and looked at his wife with doting eyes.

After taking a shower, Shen Sui'an looked at the four little ones lying on the quilt, and his eyes were much dimmed.

Without a big white lion, the room becomes empty, which is really uncomfortable.

After going to bed, Shen Sui'an tossed and turned for a long time without finding a suitable sleeping position.

When she was woken up by the cubs, Shen Sui'an estimated that she hadn't slept for two hours.

His heart was beating very fast, his chest was tight and short of breath, and his face was as white as paper.

Thanks to this time, Dad Long has been using the healing power to help him recuperate his body. Usually, in this situation, he will never get up.

I went to the bathroom to wash my face with cold water, Shen Sui'an got a little bit of energy, and then went downstairs.

"Sui'an, didn't you sleep last night?" During the meal, seeing Shen Sui'an's head a little bit, almost falling into the porridge bowl several times, Gu's mother asked with concern.

"Well, a little insomnia." Shen Sui'an covered his mouth and yawned, two tears oozing from the corners of his eyes.

The position was adjusted so that Shen Sui'an was facing Z, Gu Beimo couldn't help clenching his chopsticks when he saw this scene.

"Go upstairs after dinner and sleep for a while, don't hold on, your health is important." Gu's mother could probably guess why Shen Sui'an was insomnia, and glared at her unsatisfactory son again.

"Okay." Shen Suian bent his lips and replied.

After dinner, the kitchen robot came to clean up the dishes, Gu Fu and the others went to work, Shen Sui'an staggered upstairs, and the cubs also accompany them to sleep.

Here, Shen Sui'an couldn't sleep well and had nightmares all the time, but Li Kaixuan was experiencing a reality that was no different from nightmares.

"Chairman, why do you want me to be stationed at the edge star and stay there for five years?" After receiving the transfer order, Li Kaixuan was particularly broken and rushed directly to the office of the military chairman to discuss.

He is still young, and he is in the golden age of hard work. He really went to the edge star to stay for five years, and then returned to the imperial star. Does this military executive still have his position?

"Is it Gu Beimo? He's too much, how can he avenge his personal revenge like this?" Resentment and jealousy fermented in his heart, and Li Kaixuan's voice was full of anger.

Determining the future is like killing one's parents. Li Kaixuan has climbed from a commoner to where he is today. I don't know how much effort and hard work he has paid.

His eyes were red, and he could not wait to slash Gu Beimo with a thousand knives!

"It is a tradition for the five major legions to take turns stationing on the edge stars. This year is the turn of the third legion. How can it be a public revenge?"

In the past, he thought Li Kaixuan was a talent, although his vision was a little small, he acted impulsive, and he was not so thoughtful about things, but there were a few young people who could enjoy meals with the gods like Gu Beimo People who eat and are willing to work hard are on a par?

In the end, Li Kaixuan learned from the good and not the bad, and even learned from the former commander of the Third Army and publicly accused the Gu family.

It's just a matter of reason and evidence, but the result is all his own brains, and once again he has lost the face of the Third Army, and even the face of the military!

If it wasn't for Gu Beimo's resumption of the news to suppress Li Kaixuan's stupid deeds, the military's prestige in the hearts of the people would have been greatly reduced.

The assignment of Li Kaixuan to the edge star this time is not only a punishment, but also a grind.

If Li Kaixuan can figure it out, admit his mistakes, actively apologize, and be cautious in his words and deeds in the future, he may be able to come back early and go to a higher level.

If you can't figure it out... The military chairman sighed, this is the case in this life.

"Chairman—" Li Kaixuan still wanted to argue, but the military chairman didn't want to listen anymore, and waved his hand to let him out.

He didn't dare to disobey the order, so he could only be reluctant to leave.

Going downstairs in a daze, Li Kaixuan took a picture with Gu Beimo who came to go through the reinstatement procedures, he couldn't help clenching his fists.

Gu Beimo only glanced at him, didn't bother to say hello, and didn't take Li Kaixuan, the jumping clown, in his heart at all.

This contempt made Li Kaixuan even more angry, and the moment they passed by, he finally couldn't help but slap Gu Beimo in the face!

"Marshal be careful!" The adjutant didn't expect Li Kaixuan to suddenly make a move, and was taken aback.

Gu Beimo was already prepared, he took Li Kaixuan's fist calmly, twisted it lightly, "click", Li Kaixuan's hand fell softly down.

He still refused to admit defeat and continued to attack with his other hand. Gu Beimo easily removed his joints and lifted his foot to kick Li Kaixuan out!

Li Kaixuan slammed into the wall heavily and then slid to the ground. He tilted his head and spat out a mouthful of blood. He was very embarrassed.

Gu Beimo didn't use up his strength just now, that kick hurt his internal organs, and he can't stand up right now.

"It's just you who dare to count on my people?" Gu Beimo grabbed Li Kaixuan's collar and lifted the person up, his eyes were full of coldness, "Crap."

Li Kaixuan's pupils contracted violently, feeling the strong killing intent emanating from Gu Beimo's body, his body trembled uncontrollably.

Just when he thought Gu Beimo would kill him on the spot, the chaotic footsteps sounded from far to near.

Gu Beimo snorted and threw him back to the ground like throwing garbage, then stood up slowly and patted the ashes on his body.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the military was stunned.

What's going on here?

The adjutant hurriedly explained to Gu Beimo, "Just now, the commander of the 3rd Corps suddenly attacked the marshal, and the marshal reflexively hit back a few times, but he has just recovered, and the attack will inevitably be neither light nor heavy, no Just be careful-"

The military was originally led by Gu Beimo, not to mention that after a major purge before, those guys with ulterior motives were all cleaned up, and the rest were either Gu Beimo's diehard loyalists or Neutrals, who is so full and restless to fight against Gu Beimo for the villain Li Kaixuan?

Just call an orderly to send Li Kaixuan to the infirmary, and the others flock to Gu Beimo to the office of the chairman of the military, that is called a caring person.

Gu Beimo has lived with Shen Sui'an for a long time, and people have become gentle and patient. He didn't use a cold face to force people back as before, and occasionally replied a sentence or two, so as not to be cold. .

Others were flattered, and their affection for Gu Beimo deepened.

Gu Beimo was surrounded by stars and held the moon, but he was lying in the infirmary and no one cared. This kind of gap made Li Kaixuan particularly uncomfortable.

He didn't expect that more collapse was yet to come.

Li Kaixuan was so angry that he vomited blood again when he learned that his position as the commander of the Third Army had been taken over by a high-ranking official sent by the military!

He clearly knew that if it wasn't for the big change of the Third Legion this time, and all the qualified ones were gone, where would it be his turn to be the legion commander?

Now that he has been demoted, the empire will not have any major actions in recent years, and he will not be able to earn military merit. If he wants to climb up, it will be more difficult than ascending to the sky. The law goes a step further!

After the anger, Li Kaixuan felt remorse.

I knew that I would end up like this, why did I have to fight against the Gu family in the first place?

It's a pity that the consequences have already been caused, and he can't turn back time, so he can only eat the consequences with tears.

The author has something to say: Shen Sui'an: woo woo woo I'm just a fake fan, can't I just get out of bed and get out?

oh angel~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: Ying Ming, guess I guess you guess, Qi Li 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Min Min's relatives 17 bottles; Lilichen 10 bottles; Thirteen 9 bottles; Dreams are horses 5 bottles; Luo Yunxi (??.??) 3 Bottle; (=^▽^=), 1 bottle of lanterns, chatting and laughing;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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