MTL - The Picked Lion Touched Porcelain-Chapter 33

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"Chairman, I know that you have a good relationship with the Gu family and usually take care of Gu Beimo, but now the situation is different, you can't show favoritism!" The commander of the Third Army went directly to the military headquarters The chairman put a high hat on his head, for fear that the other party's affairs would become trivial.

"My favoritism?" No matter how happy and angry the chairman of the military department was, he was also laughed at by this, "Okay, then this matter is according to the rules, I will not interfere ."

The Gu family has guarded the empire for generations, and countless people died in battle. Gu Beimo also made a lot of contributions to protecting the empire, and also solved the threat of the Zerg for the entire interstellar.

Is it normal for him to value Gu Beimo?

The chairman of the military originally wanted to take a little bit of the face of the old commander of the Third Army Corps, but now he has completely lost his mind.

The commander of the Third Legion did not know how much he had done, and was very proud.

He snorted and took out his brain. Not long after, the door of the conference room opened, and two soldiers escorted Xiao Kuang in.

I thought that Xiao Kuang would resist, but the soldiers were all trembling when they set off, thinking that there would be a fierce battle.

As a result, they finished breakfast in a leisurely manner, they didn't resist at all, they even took the initiative to put on handcuffs, and the cooperation made people panic.

In addition, the Gu family also sent people to accompany him, for fear that they would lynch Xiao Kuang.

This move made many soldiers who had a good impression of the First Corps dissatisfied, and they also showed some points on their faces, but they didn't do anything bad.

The commander of the Third Legion is complacent at the moment, plus he is a brainless idiot, and he has not noticed anything wrong.

If the Chairman of the Military Department was not there, he would have wanted to mock and humiliate Father Gu.

No matter how good Father Gu and Gu Beimo are?

Now that he has caught the handle, doesn't he have to be shouted and beaten like a rat crossing the street?

If possible, the commander of the Third Army Corps would like to let his father come back to life, so that the old man can see how Father Gu, a young talent, was trampled under his feet!

Everyone present was not unfamiliar with Xiao Kuang's face. After all, the other party was the leader of the top star thieves in the interstellar ranking, but now he was caught and brought by the commander of the third army. The eyes of some wallheads who were still swaying gradually became firmer.

The commander of the 3rd Army Corps was a little flustered when he saw that he was calm, but he glanced at the photos and took another look at the "prisoner" Xiao Kuang, and he regained his confidence.

He clenched his fists, trying to keep himself calm.

The first few pages are Gu Beimo's achievements over the years, as well as the casualties of the First Army. The commotion in the conference room gradually calmed down, and those with a little conscience were silent.

The commander of the Third Legion was carried away by pride, thinking that Father Gu was going to confess.

He skipped these impatiently, flipped back perfunctorily, and was attracted by a photo.

In the photo, his most trusted lieutenant hurriedly handed an item to the soldier, both of them looked indifferent.

He frowned slightly and turned to the second page. It was taken by a war reporter when Gu Beimo was fighting against the Zerg Queen. The soldier just now was located very close to the Zerg Queen.

The commander of the Third Army Corps sank and looked up at Father Gu.

Father Gu did not evade, his face was full of coldness.

At this time, someone next to him took a deep breath, and his voice was full of disbelief, "This, how is this possible!"

The queen's strength increased instantly, and she frantically attacked the imperial soldiers, and everyone knew what happened after that.

In order to protect these soldiers, Gu Beimo deployed the barrier of the mental force, and then the mental force collapsed and fell into a coma.

"This, this matter has nothing to do with me!" The commander of the Third Army Corps panicked for a moment, and did not want to refute.

But no one believed it. After all, the commander of the 3rd Corps hated the Gu family for a day or two, and it was not impossible for his confidant to kill Gu Beimo.

Father Gu ignored him and looked at the chairman of the military.

The latter nodded slightly, the secretary opened the door, and two soldiers escorted the adjutant of the commander of the Third Legion in.

Different from Xiao Kuang, the other party had a colorful face, messy clothes, and his arms were bent in a strange posture. It was obvious that after a fierce fight, he was extremely embarrassed.

"You, why are you hurting me!" The commander of the Third Army Corps looked at this young man and trembled with anger!

He was jealous of Father Gu, and even more jealous of Gu Beimo, and wanted to pull these two people off the horse, but he never thought of shooting directly!

We are still encircling the Zerg Queen!

At that time, there were not enough manpower, and he was forced to go to the battlefield. If Gu Beimo failed to stop the Zerg Queen, would he still have life to sit here and calculate this and that?

The adjutant didn't even look at the commander of the Third Army Corps, and only focused his hatred on Father Gu.

"You are the son of the head of the Slaughter Star Thief Corps. It took a lot of effort to avenge your biological father." Father Gu gently buttoned the document, his eyes full of coldness.

He never dreamed that the son of the head of the Slaughter Star Thief Corps would be so courageous, he would have plastic surgery 20 times, change his identity and sneak into the military, and climb to such a critical position, even in such a critical position He made trouble at the crux of the matter, and made it for him!

"Oh, if I knew Gu Beimo could recover, I shouldn't have let him live!" The adjutant's words were almost squeezed out of his teeth.

Gu Beimo was seriously injured at that time, and after diagnosis, numerous experts said that the possibility of recovery was extremely small.

He felt that instead of letting Gu Beimo die neatly, it would be better to lie on the bed unconsciously and linger.

If Gu Beimo sacrificed on the spot, Gu's father and Gu's mother may feel uncomfortable, and they can come out after a long time.

But if you look at Gu Beimo's half-dead appearance every day, you will always be in torment.

He admitted that his biological father was not a good thing, and his hands were bloody, but he really had nothing to say about his son, what he wanted.

He could have had a happy life, but all of this was ruined by Gu Beimo, how could he not hate this culprit?

Gu Beimo tortured him, and he tortured those who cared about Gu Beimo. This is fair.

"What a lunatic!" Someone couldn't help cursing.

When the adjutant heard this comment, he didn't care and grinned.

He has long been crazy, driven crazy by Gu Beimo.

"Chairman, I really didn't know he was a member of the Slaughter Star Thief Group! I didn't instruct him to harm Gu Beimo! You believe me!" , The people who just stood by his side just now avoided him, and no one dared to help him.

The chairman of the military closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes were full of disappointment.

Celebrity, arrogant, arrogant, greedy for life and fear of death, and now they don’t even have the most basic responsibilities. Can such a person really lead the Third Army to defend the home and the country?

He was very angry when he thought of the consequences caused by the affairs of the lieutenant of the Third Army Corps.

If Gu Beimo died on the battlefield, even if he grieves and regrets, he can accept it.

After all, from putting on a military uniform and swearing an oath to the national flag, this life does not belong to you, and glorious sacrifice is also an honor.

To die in one's own hands is too ridiculous and too sad.

Seeing his expression, the commander of the 3rd Army Corps knew that he would definitely not be able to eat and walk away today. His eyes lit up instantly, "Wait, let's put that matter aside for now. Even if I was careless and accidentally let the son of the head of the Slaughter Star Thief Corps infiltrate the Third Corps, it would be better than the Gu family colluding with Xiao Kuang!"

Since the Gu family can't refute and intends to turn the tide on the old account, he can also bite Xiao Kuang!

Die everyone!

After he finished speaking, he hurriedly looked at the reactions of other high-ranking officials, only to find that the supporters who had just been filled with indignation did not continue to support him at the moment, and there was an embarrassed expression on his face.

"What's the matter with you! You are all dumb!" The commander of the Third Army frowned, his face full of displeasure.

"You read the document first." Still, Father Gu couldn't stand the stupidity of this guy and reminded him aloud.

The commander of the Third Army frowned and quickly flipped through the document with unwillingness. After a few seconds, a surprised expression appeared on his face, "This, this is impossible!"

How could Xiao Kuang be a member of the military!

It must be fake!

"Why is it impossible?" Father Gu rolled his eyes angrily.

He has never regarded the commander of the Third Army Corps as an opponent, for no other reason, a guy who can't use his brains and can't do it well, talking to the other party more than a word feels like a waste of time.

I didn't expect to capsize in the gutter of the commander of the Third Legion one day.

He rubbed his brows and sighed, "Otherwise, why do you think Xiao Kuang only opposes those star thieves who specialize in looting merchant ships and planets, and has never done anything that harms the interests of the empire? Also send messages to the military again and again to draw maps and power distribution of the alien domain?"

The star thief group formed by Xiao Kuang in the early years was a little large, so he quietly surrendered to the first army. At that time, Father Gu was skeptical and did not directly agree.

I was worried about the crowd and didn't tell too many people.

The commander of the Third Army was speechless, unable to say anything to refute.

"Now that you are publicizing it like this, Xiao Kuang's deployment is considered a waste." Gu's father's face was cold, and his voice was cold, "As long as you report this matter first, then There would be no such thing as today."

"I-I don't know, I really don't know!" The commander of the Third Army was completely panicked.

Disclosing SSS-level confidential characters, whether intentional or not, is a felony!

He turned to the military chairman, his eyes full of pleading, hoping that the other party could help him.

The chairman of the army saw him like this, his temples throbbing, and he felt sad again for the old commander of the Third Army.

I was so famous that I was ruined by my unworthy son. If it was him, he had to be so angry that he opened the coffin and smashed the head of this unworthy son!

Every time he said another word, the face of the commander of the Third Army became pale.

In the end, without waiting for the other party to explain, they let people bet out.

"Xiao Kuang, the Ministry of Military Affairs is sorry for you, your identity is exposed now, it will be very inconvenient to act in the future..." handcuffs, his face softened a lot.

On the other side, Shen Sui'an sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling window basking in the sun, and on his lap sat Kacha Kacha happily eating apples.

The little milk dragon and the little fox sat in front of a pile of logs, and the two little ones built a house together.

At the beginning, the little fox could hold it with its mouth, but later some difficult ones could only be held by the little milk dragon with its claws.

The little black panther was tired from playing with the cat stick and curled up next to him.

The sun was good today, and it was warm on people. Shen Sui'an couldn't help yawning, feeling a little sleepy.

He was about to sit with his eyes closed and squinted, when his back was suddenly touched.

He tilted his head in doubt, and the big white lion didn't know when to come over.

Shen Suian's mouth raised slightly, and he relaxed and leaned on the big white lion. He put his head in the fluffy and soft fur of the big white lion, and then looked at the bunch of cute cubs, feeling that he had reached the point of life peak.

It's such a happy life.

Although I was a little sorry to take care of my father and mother and the old housekeeper, Shen Sui'an couldn't help but hope that the big white lion's memory would be slower and slower.

In a daze, a blanket suddenly appeared on his body, and his ears became quiet.

Mother Gu came out with the fruit plate and found that Shen Sui'an was asleep, and quickly closed her mouth.

Looking at the gentle eyes of the big white lion, she smiled.

Half an hour later, the footsteps sounded from far to near, Shen Suian opened his eyes and looked towards the door, "Huh?"

Father Gu came back, no surprise, how dare Xiao Kuang follow behind?

Xiao Kuang noticed the existence of Shen Sui'an and showed him a bright smile.

Shen Sui'an put his heart in his stomach, okay, he can still laugh, which shows that the problem is not big.

Said hello, watched the two go to the study, Shen Suian stretched, put the panda cub next to him, got up and walked two steps, moving his stiff body.

He glanced in the direction of the study and scratched his head, "Baibai, you'll be fine, right?"

The big white lion flicked its tail, disliking Shen Sui'an paying too much attention to others and rubbing his hand with his head.

"How can you be so coquettish?" Shen Sui'an was dumbfounded, he rubbed the big white lion's head twice, and tugged at the fluffy ears.

Speaking like this, it is very useful in my heart.

There is no plush in the world who doesn’t like being coquettish with plush.

"Master Shen, Gao Haoyu is here, saying he wants to see you." The old housekeeper came in from the door and said to Shen Sui'an.

"Gao Haoyu?" Shen Sui'an subconsciously looked at the big white lion, the latter's skin tightened and his tail froze, looking like a sculpture, "Let him in."

"Yes." The old housekeeper answered and went out to open the door.

In a few minutes, Gao Haoyu hurried into the room.

Shen Sui'an was sitting on the sofa with a big white lion with a guilty conscience. He looked at Gao Haoyu lazily, "Are you looking for me?"

Gao Haoyu took a breath, but he cared more about his father being imprisoned than Gu Beimo.

Clenched his fists, Gao Haoyu tried to keep calm, but when he opened his mouth, he could still hear the anger implied in his tone, "Shen Sui'an, my dad was beaten like that, and I'll be punished when I go back. Why don't you let us go!"

Shen Suian's mouth twitched slightly, "...I haven't been out for a while, what can I do?"

"You're still pretending to be stupid! If it wasn't for your instigation, Uncle Gu would target my dad?" Are you happy to go to court-martial?"

"Well, I'm quite happy." Shen Sui'an nodded and answered honestly.

"You!" Gao Haoyu's eyes widened, if it wasn't for the big white lion beside Shen Sui'an, he would have rushed to tear up this guy who grabbed the person he liked and slapped his nose on his face!

I did it, you ran over and yelled at me regardless, what's the use of making your father die even worse than raising the hatred point?"

Gao Haoyu's operation is really psychedelic.

He leaned on the big white lion, took a slow sip of water, and was very interested in admiring the other party's unique face-changing skills.

"You..." Gao Haoyu was particularly embarrassed at the moment, tears were swirling in his eyes, "If you want revenge, come at me, what kind of hero is it if you attack my dad? ?"

"Did I say I'm a hero?" Shen Sui'an tugged at the big white lion's ear, and in exchange for the other party's favor, he snorted, "What's more, you think I have this Strength to let the military attack your father?"

"If you have time to waste time with me, you might as well ask your dad what the **** he did."

Gao Haoyu is a spoiled young master by his family. If the commander of the 3rd Corps can take a firm seat, he can still protect this son.

The building will collapse now, and I don't know how many people who have been bullied by Gao Haoyu will fall into the ground in the future.

But what does this have to do with him?

It's just Gao Haoyu's own fault.

Shen Sui'an considers herself not a Virgin, and is too lazy to meddle in her own business.

Instead of repaying grievances with virtue, he prefers repaying virtues with virtues and repaying grievances with directness.

Gao Haoyu was in a turmoil, seeing that Shen Sui'an was not going to work, he could only grit his teeth, and then turned to leave.

"Grandpa the housekeeper, you send two people to follow him and come back when he arrives home or at the military headquarters." Shen Sui'an looked at Gao Haoyu's back and said to the old housekeeper, "People leave from Gu's house. , I'm worried that someone will take the opportunity to throw dirty water."

The old butler nodded and hurriedly followed Shen Sui'an's instructions.

A flash of admiration flashed in the eyes of the big white lion, and the tip of his tail was slightly raised.

In the past, it didn't want to find a partner.

Now there is no such concern.

Shen Sui'an is gentle and attentive, kind and bottom line, very considerate in all aspects of dealing with people and things, getting along with him is very comfortable, and there is no need to worry about being held back.

Occasionally get into a small temper, but it won't go too far, just let him rua twice to calm down, it's quite cute.

The big white lion put his chin on Shen Sui'an's leg and enjoyed the massage service of his sweetheart, very comfortable.

Soon it must be "completely restored" and return to work in the military department, and before that, Shen Sui'an must like it!

After Xiao Kuang finished chatting with Father Gu, he saw this scene just a few steps out of the study, and the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely.

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