MTL - The Picked Lion Touched Porcelain-Chapter 18

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Gu's father and Gu's mother were shocked when they learned that Shen Sui'an had an accident.

Although she knew that no one was injured, Mother Gu still took the time to come over and see with her own eyes that Shen Sui'an was all right, so she was relieved.

Watching Mother Gu leave, the corner of Shen Sui'an's mouth rose slightly, he liked the feeling of being cared for.

The little white lion looked at his happy appearance, the tip of his tail tickled lightly, and by the way, he gave his mother a compliment in his heart.

What is God Assist?

This is it!

Uncle Chu made a loud noise, and he casually took it out. After seeing the information, his face changed instantly, and he didn't know what he was talking to. When he looked up again, his expression was a little anxious.

"Uncle, if you are busy, you can go first, I am here." Shen Sui'an said kindly.

What else did Uncle Chu want to say, Shen Sui'an smiled, "Uncle, don't worry, I won't walk around, and this is our hospital, the security facilities are very good, there will be no accident."

It was almost noon, and the old housekeeper came to deliver the meal with a heat preservation bucket. He was a little surprised when he saw the little milk dragon on the hospital bed.

"Grandpa the housekeeper, what's the matter?" Shen Sui'an asked in confusion while drinking the soup.

"It's nothing." The old housekeeper shook his head, and he subconsciously glanced at the little white lion, "I've only heard of dragon orcs before, but I haven't seen it with my own eyes."

Shen Sui'an gave a "uh" and didn't think much about it.

"Master Shen, in order to avoid this situation today, I would like to arrange two bodyguards to protect you, okay?" The old housekeeper asked cautiously.

I was worried about disturbing Shen Sui'an before, so I have been secretly protecting it, but now I find it can't work. In an emergency, if I don't respond in time, it will cause serious consequences.

Fortunately, it was in the forest this time, and there were shelters. If it was in an open place, no one could guarantee the result.

"Then I'll trouble the housekeeper grandpa." Shen Sui'an did not object to this arrangement, he brought all the four cubs, and it didn't matter if he added two more.

Safety comes first.

The old butler responded with joy, packed the insulation bucket, left two bodyguards, and went back to prepare things for the little milk dragon.

Climbing mountains and encountering danger in the morning, Shen Sui'an couldn't hold on to his small body for a long time, and he was all supported by one breath.

Now that he is in a safe environment, the little milk dragon's condition has stabilized. In addition, he is full and sleepy. He yawns and lies on the hospital bed next to him to take a nap.

The three little ones also jumped up happily and formed a group next to Shen Sui'an.

The little white lion didn't have the habit of taking naps, and after living with Shen Sui'an for a long time, it was subtly influenced.

Now in the hospital, I have nowhere to go and nothing to do, I can't make a noise to Shen Sui'an, so I just take a nap.

Shortly after they fell asleep, the little milk dragon snorted and opened his eyes.

Looking at the snow-white ceiling above, it still couldn't react.

He tilted his head and saw the beautiful young man and the four cubs on the hospital bed next to him, the little milk dragon suddenly remembered the words of comfort and warm embrace he heard in a daze.

It struggled to sit up, biting its claws and thinking, did this person save itself?

The little milk dragon is particularly powerful, trying to fly over with its small wings.

The little milk dragon flattened his mouth and wanted to beat his unsatisfactory wings, but his arms were too short, so he had to give up.

The little guy pouted his little butt, quietly cheered himself up, and then threw himself on the small bench with all his strength, and the result was too much force, accidentally knocked the bench into the air, and fell to the ground with a snap, grunting Roll directly under the hospital bed where Shen Sui'an was lying.

Shen Sui'an was awakened by the sound, subconsciously looked at the hospital bed next to her, and found that the little milk dragon was gone!

"Ow~Ow~" The little milk dragon clutched his aching forehead and cried out in grievance.

Shen Sui'an hurriedly bent over and hugged the little guy into his arms, he carefully avoided the wound on the cub's body, and gently touched the small bag on the little milk dragon's forehead, "Baby, are you right? Accidentally fell off the bed?"

Little Milk Dragon grabbed the front of Shen Suian's chest, sniffed, and nodded.

"Sorry, I didn't pay attention." Shen Sui'an sighed and planned to ask the housekeeper to order a cub bed with guardrails, and by the way, put a long-haired carpet in his bedroom, "Does it hurt so bad? I'll call the doctor to come and see if it's okay?"

Shen Sui'an pressed the call bell at the head of the bed and gently comforted the cub, "The doctor will be here soon, stop crying, be good."

The little milk dragon buried its face in Shen Sui'an's chest, it sniffed the smell on Shen Suian's body lightly, and confirmed that it was the one who saved him, and his little tail waved happily.

Shen Sui'an smiled slightly, but did not refuse the closeness of the little milk dragon.

Dragon's body temperature is low, and the scales are cold to the touch. It should be very comfortable to hold in summer.

He thought so.

The three little ones also woke up, squatting on the bed and looking at the little milk dragon curiously.

Cats have no resistance to things that move. The little black panther stared at the wagging tail of the little milk dragon, and stepped on the mattress with claws, eager to try.

Fortunately, the doctor arrived in time to prevent the poor tail of the little milk dragon from turning into a cat-like stick.

Shen Sui'an gently touched the cub's back, "Don't be afraid, baby, uncle doctor is not a bad person, let him check your health for you?"

The little milk dragon shook his head, his claws still clutched Shen Sui'an's shirt tightly, his round eyes were full of terror, and he cried so hard that he hiccups.

"I won't leave, I'll be by your side, be obedient." Shen Sui'an coaxed patiently.

Under his comfort, the little milk dragon sniffed and finally nodded.

During the inspection, the little claw claw tightly grasped Shen Sui'an's two fingers, the appearance of relying on trust made Shen Sui'an soften, and the two **** who abducted and sold the cubs in his heart scolded a thousand times.

After the examination, the doctor smiled, "This cub is in good health, recovers quickly, and will be discharged in the afternoon."

"Ok, thank you doctor."

The doctor didn't let him deliver, he waved his hand and left.

"Huh?" The little fox gently touched the little milk dragon with his claws, and wagged his tail to show his friendliness.

Little Milk Dragon tilted his head, blinked his eyes, and tentatively greeted, "Ouch?"

Shen Sui'an chuckled, put the little milk dragon beside the bed, let it get close to the other cubs, and packed up and prepared to be discharged from the hospital.

But as soon as he moved, the little milk dragon immediately became nervous, and there was a little panic in his eyes.

"Don't worry, baby, I'm not leaving, I'll be here with you." Shen Sui'an patted the little milk dragon's head lovingly, knowing that the child was frightened, and he was willing to spoil him more .

Even if an adult is suddenly abducted, sold and kidnapped, he will be afraid after escaping, let alone a cub?

Little Milk Dragon shook his head and squeezed into his arms again, not wanting to separate from Shen Suian.

Shen Sui'an could only hold it with one hand, while the other was busy.

Fortunately, there were bodyguards to help with the discharge procedures, which saved a lot of trouble.

On the way home, the little milk dragon nestled in Shen Sui'an's arms, her body trembling uncontrollably.

After getting on the hover car, I dared to sneak out my little head to look at the surrounding environment, "Ow?"

"Will you stay with us before you find your parents?" Shen Suian lowered his head and asked with a smile.

Little milk dragon nodded fiercely, and stretched his neck to rub Shen Sui'an's cheek, his tail wagging quickly.

Shen Sui'an smiled at the corners of her eyes and brows because of its greasy and crooked strength.

The little lion watched the interaction between this person and the dragon, and couldn't help but planed the cushion, and the mood to recover was even more urgent.

After arriving home, the old housekeeper greeted him with a smile, "Young Master Shen, you are back, I have prepared some snacks and fruits, and this little dragon's toys and cub nest are also placed in the bedroom."

"I trouble Grandpa the housekeeper." Shen Sui'an patted the little milk dragon's butt, "Baby, would you like to say hello to Grandpa the housekeeper? He won't hurt you."

The little milk dragon shook his ears, timidly pulled Shen Sui'an's arm and looked at the old housekeeper, then called tentatively, "Ow~"

This little milky voice is still trembling, which makes people's hearts bud.

The old butler laughed so hard that he could not see his teeth but his eyes, "Hello, hello, I will treat this place as my home in the future, you are welcome."

Getting a response, the little milk dragon wagged the tip of his tail happily, raised his head and looked at Shen Sui'an.

"The baby is doing really well." Shen Sui'an kissed the little milk dragon's forehead without being stingy with his praise.

The little milk dragon embarrassedly buried his face in Shen Sui'an's arms, and his tail was about to wag a double image.

Father Gu and Mother Gu came back in the evening, and they didn't show any displeased expressions when they saw the extra little milk dragon at home. They were worried that Shen Sui'an would not have enough money, so they called him 10 million stars. currency.

Shen Sui'an: "..."

Inexplicably, he felt that he could rely on these cubs to make a fortune in the Gu family.

The little milk dragon was a little nervous at first, but when I found that no one hated it, I became much more courageous.

After confirming the safety of the family, it played with the three little cubs, and occasionally flapped its wings and flew to the top of the cat climbing frame to stare at the little white lion.

As it was about dinner time, Uncle Chu hurried into the house, "Sui'an, I bought the yard next door, and I will start moving there today."

"Ah?" Shen Sui'an was particularly surprised, "Why so suddenly?"

"I was worried before, I was afraid that you would be wronged in Gu's family and came here, but now it's all right." Uncle Chu avoided Shen Sui'an's gaze and said vaguely, "I'm not the Gu family, I've lived here for a long time. It's not convenient either."

Shen Sui'an finally saw his uncle and didn't want to part with him, so he followed him, and he suddenly thought of a good idea, "Uncle, you are alone when you go back, why don't I move over to accompany you? ?"

When Uncle Chu goes out to do business, can he just go back home?

Uncle Chu was also a little moved, but he didn't know what to think, his face showed a bit of struggle, "The house has just been bought, and it hasn't been furnished yet. Let's talk about it in a few days."

"It's okay, I can help you clean up together!" Shen Sui'an said cheerfully.

Uncle Chu wanted to say something, but his brain suddenly rang. He was like a cat that stepped on its tail to fry its fur. "No, you live with Gu's family now, and I'll pick you up when I'm settled."

Shen Sui'an felt more and more that Uncle Chu was wrong.

At this time, Uncle Chu's light brain rang a few more times, and he almost flew out.

Shen Sui'an trotted to catch up, with five little ones hanging behind.

After the door opened, she saw a tall man in a black trench coat standing outside the door with a cigarette in his mouth. Shen Suian was a little puzzled.

As if hearing a voice, the man turned his head, revealing an evil and handsome face.

At that moment, Shen Sui'an's scalp was numb, and thousands of grass and mud horses whizzed past!

Not only because the man gave him a very dangerous feeling, but also because this guy is one of the scumbags in the original plot, the arrogant and willful leader of my star thief - Xiao Kuang!

Read The Duke's Passion