MTL - The Perfect Destiny-Chapter 139 Unreal reality (5)

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Zhou Liguang, who was pulled off his swimming trunks by Chen Liguo, took a fart/share and climbed ashore to catch Chen Liguo. After chasing it, Chen Liguo was taken back to the pool, and then in the scream of Chen Liguo, he was thrown into the pool. .

Zhou Wei stood on the shore and laughed and said, "Chen Liguo, do you see if you have something missing?"

Chen Liguo looked down and found that his pants were gone. He said with anger: "Give me back-"

Zhou Xiao smiled at him and licked his crotch. He said, "No."

Chen Liguo said: "Ah, ah!"

Zhou Wei said: "When the husband calls, he will return it to you."

Chen Liguo was silent for a moment, then pinched the scorpion and said: "Husband, you want to say it earlier, don't say how people know you want, husband~"

Zhou Wei’s position is obviously not as high as Chen Liguo’s, because after hearing the voice of Chen Liguo, he has a layer of goose bumps. He said, “Who are you studying with?”

Chen Liguo succeeded in getting his own trousers. After wearing it, he also flirted with Zhou Hao and said, "Self-study."

Zhou Wei only laughed.

The two played for one day. At night, when Zhou Qiu took a ride to Chen Liguo to go home, Chen Liguo thought about Zhou Wei’s waist. Zhou’s waist was really fine. His back was really wide, and his hand was really good. Ok, then I thought about falling asleep and going down from the car.

Zhou Wei was shocked by Chen Liguo’s action and said, “What do you want, sit down.”

Chen Liguo wiped the saliva of his mouth and muttered: "Almost fell asleep."

When Zhou Yi heard it, he said helplessly: "How can you fall asleep like this?"

Chen Liguo said: "This is not very good..."

Zhou Yan bent his mouth.

After the winter vacation, it is a tense high school.

The main force in the basketball team is generally a high school student, because at that time the pressure of learning is relatively small, training can also squeeze some time. But it was not the same in the third year of high school, and the atmosphere in the entire grade was suddenly suppressed.

The high school where Chen Liguo is located is the best one in their city. Because it is the best, every year, students with particularly good grades are exempted from tuition fees and even subsidized living expenses.

Chen Liguo of the original world has occupied such a quota, otherwise he will not have the opportunity to go to school.

At the beginning of the school, Zhou Wei asked Chen Liguo to retreat from the basketball team.

Chen Liguo thought about it and couldn’t say it. It’s OK to go to play occasionally.

Zhou Wei said: "Your mother has no opinion?"

Chen Liguo said: "No."

Zhou Wei said: "That's good."

When he went to Chen Liguo's home, he felt that Chen Liguo's mother was still full of children's learning. I did not expect such tolerance in this matter.

Chen Liguo said with a smile: "My mom is fine." Although his parents often told him to study hard, he would not force him to do anything. In their words, the road is their own choice, as long as they don't regret it. How are you doing your own thing now?

Chen Liguo is proud of having such a parent.

After the start of the school, the learning atmosphere in the class was also tense. The teachers of various subjects tried their best to take the course, and what music lessons, physical education classes, accounted for all.

At the same time, evening self-study at night also began to force students to go, unless the home is far away.

Chen Liguo was kidnapped once inexplicably, and waited for a while before he found that there was nothing, so he relaxed.

He thought that it was the man who tied the wrong person. If he didn't tie the wrong person, why did he put it back when he didn't do anything?

It didn't take long for Chen Liguo to prove with himself that what is called unlucky and drinking cold water is stuffed.

It’s a bit late to go to school this day, and they went to play basketball for half an hour after class.

After playing the ball, Zhou Wei asked Chen Liguo if he would send him home. Chen Liguo said: "No, I just take the bus."

Zhou Wei said: "Then you be careful."

Chen Liguo said: "Well."

The two said goodbye at the school gate, Chen Liguo looked at the figure of Zhou Wei disappeared at the end of the road.

At this time, there was no one at the school gate, and Chen Liguo was chatting with the system.

The system hasn't seen mosaics recently, and the temper is much better. If you are early, we won't go to today.

Chen Liguo said: "So what are we going to do?"

The system said: "We used to be friends."

Chen Liguo said: "What are we now?"

The system sings out two words: "Father and son."

Chen Liguo, who has been in charge of the system called Dad, found that he really could not refute...

The two were chatting happily, Chen Liguo suddenly heard the system: "Be careful!"

When Chen Liguo glanced, he turned his head and saw a car rushing in his direction. This scene made him feel too familiar, so that the body could not even respond, and it was directly in the same place.

Fortunately, at this critical moment, the system took over the body of Chen Liguo.

He directly controlled Chen Liguo and rushed toward the station sign behind him. The car was wiped from Chen Liguo's leg and then hit the pillar of the station card.

Chen Liguo fell to the ground, his face was scared of cold sweat, he was weak and could not stand up.

The driver immediately got out of the car and was also a cold sweat. He said, "You are all right!"

"How do you drive?!" Chen Liguo said with anger. "If I escaped, I will be killed by you!"

The driver bitterly said, "I'm sorry, sorry, it's my fault. I have a problem with my car brakes. I am really sorry."

Chen Liguo shouted a few more words.

The driver rushed to the police and called the ambulance.

Chen Liguo calmed down and felt that she had left her thigh pain. His leg was just rubbed by the car. The pants were broken and the blood overflowed. It was obviously injured.

The driver has been apologizing.

The car accident attracted many people's attention. Chen Liguo saw that the drivers of several cars all looked out from the cab and looked over here.

Chen Li’s painful cold sweat, and the old days also against him, the original clear sky began to patter the rain, the ambulance did not know when to come.

The driver stood next to him and tried to stop the rental and sent Chen Liguo to the hospital. After a while, he stopped seeing someone stop.

Chen Liguo has already had a bit of sorrow. The former world system can shield the pain, but the world is not good. Chen Liguo is a little groggy.

Just in this faintness, Chen Liguo felt that someone had picked him up and put it in the car.

He was a little uneasy in his heart, but his closed eyes were too heavy, and he couldn't open it.

Chen Liguo woke up from the thick disinfectant smell the next day.

He didn't expect that when he woke up, the first person he saw was actually Zhou Wei.

Zhou Wei is cutting the apple for Chen Liguo. When he saw him awake, he asked: "Wake up?"

Chen Liguo dumbly said: "How are you here?"

Zhou Wei said: "Why can't I be here?"

Chen Liguo said: "Are you not going to school?"

Zhou Wei said: "Is it important to go to school?"

Chen Liguo thought that the big brother is really too sweet, but he can talk too much.

Zhou Wei said: "How come a car accident?"

Chen Liguo also felt that this was simply an innocent disaster. She even said something about the driver's things in a hurry.

Zhou Yi heard, frowning: "Brake failure? This probability is too low."

Chen Liguo said: "I also think."

"Right." Zhou Hao suddenly said: "Do you know the person who sent you to the hospital?"

Chen Liguo said: "Who?"

Zhou Wei observed Chen Liguo's expression and saw him look blank. His look is not like a fake. Is it a coincidence that his heart is difficult? But if it is a coincidence, it would be too clever. He said: "Lin Zhaorong...Do you know the name?"

Chen Liguo was still stunned. He shook his head: "I don't know."

So Zhou Wei simply described Lin Zhaorong's appearance. Chen Liguo had some doubts about why Zhou Wei was so concerned about this person and said: "What happened to this person? Is it related to my car accident?"

Zhou Wei said: "Not...he..." He was a little bit vocal.

When Chen Liguo rarely saw Zhou Hao’s hesitation, he said: “What happened, you said.”

"It's okay," Zhou said. "Just I know him. I didn't think that he actually sent you to the hospital. It's a coincidence."

Chen Liguo instinctively Zhou Yu is hiding something, but looking at Zhou Wei's expression, obviously he even asked, and could not ask for a reason.

So Chen Liguo simply went to the system to verify, and asked the system that he had never seen Lin Zhaorong in Zhou Shukou.

The system is simply saying, "I have seen it."

Chen Liguo said: "Ah?"

The system said: "You have seen it twice."

Chen Liguo: "...hey?"

The system said: "The first time you go home, he talks to you at the station, and the Cayenne is open."

Chen Liguo only vaguely thought about it.

The system said: "The second time is when you kidnap, the Land Rover."

Chen Liguo: "..."

The system said: "The third time is today."

Chen Liguo said: "What car is driving?"

The system said: "Great Cherokee."

Chen Liguo shed a tearful tear, thinking that my family's system is not the same as the enchanting 贱 / goods outside, the focus of concern is actually what car people open.

Chen Liguo said: "So, which brand do you like the most?"

The system said: "I like which one you can't afford."

Chen Liguo: "..." Dad, his son is not filial.

However, I have seen Lin Zhaorong three times, and it is indeed out of Chen Liguo's expectations.

Chen Liguo tentatively asked Zhou Yi: "This Lin Zhaorong, who is it?"

The apple in Zhou Wei’s hand has been cut, and he cut into pieces and began to feed Chen Liguo. He said: “He? It’s not a good person, especially recently...”

Chen Liguo said: "What happened recently?"

Zhou Wei said faintly: "This person has been a madman recently."

Chen Liguo listened to the horror of the war, there is always a kind of feeling that he has provoked people who should not be provoked.

Zhou Wei said: "What do you ask this?"

Chen Liguo said vaguely while chewing the apple: "Curious."

Zhou Hao sighed and said: "You should never be interested in him."

Chen Liguo felt that the apple was crisp and sweet, so I asked Zhou Yi where to buy the apple.

Zhou Wei said that the family mentioned it, Chen Liguo said that you would give me some other fruit 呗, Zhou Wei said that I have never seen you so shameless.

Chen Liguo said: "Husband, you have taken care of others and you are not responsible for others."

Zhou Wei said: "When you look at what you count, you can eat your stomach."

Chen Liguo: "Come on, don't pity me this delicate flower."

Zhou Yan smiled and laughed. The haze between the eyebrows dissipated a lot. He said, "I have told you to be careful."

He didn't mention it, and when he mentioned Chen Liguo, he remembered that when he was in the last incident, Zhou Wei also told him to pay attention to safety...

Chen Liguo: "I feel a terrible curse in my beloved."

The system says: "What curse?"

Chen Liguo said: "As soon as I say that I have to pay attention to safety, I will curse the accident."

The system said: "Wang Wang wants you to die three more, you can live less than five?"

Chen Liguo: "..." Big Brother, what do you want me to pick up?

Chen Liguo finished eating an apple. His dad came back from the hospitalization procedure. He saw Chen Liguo woke up and his face was also good. He said, "You, don't be careful, your mother is crying, you still eat apples here."

Chen Liguo stared at his big eyes and cried, "Dad, I am hungry."

His dad immediately gave up his preaching and said: "Hungry? I am going to buy you some food, want to eat, want to drink soup?"

Chen Liguo felt that she had a good father, so she said that she would eat something, and his father turned and went out to buy food for him.

Chen Liguo always thought that he was only suffering from a skin injury. Later, after listening to Zhou Wei, he knew that he was actually not hurt. If he had too much bleeding, he would die in the middle of the road.

It seems that the person named Lin Zhaorong actually saved his life.

Zhou Wei seems to see what Chen Liguo is thinking. He sighed: "You don't want to thank him. If you meet him, the farther he is from him, the better... Chen Liguo, I am not joking with you."

Chen Liguo said: "Who is he?"

Zhou Wei said: "Not a good person." The words stop here, and then go down, Zhou Wei will not say more.

Chen Liguo was helpless and could only turn the subject away.

Later, Chen Liguo came to visit her mother. When she saw Chen Liguo, she began to cry. He said that his child was not at all discouraged. It was really scaring them.

Chen Liguo was held in his arms by his mother and felt that he was so happy if he was injured.

A few days later, Zhou Yi came to school to see Chen Liguo, and he also came to see his classmates and basketball team partners.

In short, the people in the ward are not broken.

For the first time, Chen Liguo felt that the injury could be so happy.

According to the doctor, although Chen Liguo did not hurt his bones, he still had to stay for a few months and had to take a wheelchair when he was discharged.

Chen Liguo trembled as soon as he heard, doctor, I want to play basketball.

The doctor glanced at him and said, "Now the Paralympic Games are being held. Otherwise, you are hot and hit the iron to cut your legs and play basketball there?"

Chen Liguo: "..." How is the current doctor so cruel.

The doctor said: "Don't think about tossing when you cultivate, it's a lifetime of life."

Chen Liguo said: "Good."

The doctor said: "A good fart, are you not going to play basketball?"

Chen Liguo: "...not hit me wrong."

The doctor snorted and turned and left.

Chen Liguo looked at her back, thinking that if he was not gay, he must take such a sister.

The system knows what Chen Liguo is thinking about and mocks him: "You still said that you are not shaking m."

Chen Liguo said: "Do you still know shaking?"

The system said: "I still know how to shake."

Chen Liguo: "..." It seems that these journeys have changed both of us.

After living in the hospital for ten days before leaving the hospital, Chen Liguo, who loves to study deeply, feels that he has been left behind by the times. He is determined to make more efforts to improve the progress of everyone.

Chen Liguo said: "System, are you ready for the midterm exam?"


Chen Liguo said: "Want to eat fruit? Want to drink milk? Need life number one?"

The system said: "I need you to shut up."

Chen Liguo: "..."

After leaving the hospital, Chen Liguo, who returned to the class, was warmly welcomed by the classmates.

In particular, the English department representative, who often urged him to work, cried and said that he would never urge Chen Li to hand over his homework. She was afraid to leave regrets for Chen Liguo’s life.

Chen Liguo has nothing to say to her.

Since Chen Liguo had a car accident, his dad began to pick him up from school every day. First, his legs and feet were inconvenient. Second, his mother was afraid that he would have an accident.

Chen Liguo said that I am not so vulnerable, I am strong, this is just an accident.

Both his parents and Zhou Wei showed this: If you are strong enough, you will not have a car accident.

The driver who hit Chen Liguo was very good. He lost Chen Liguo’s medical expenses and nutrition expenses. After the traffic police checked, it was discovered that his car had a problem with the brakes, and there was such a car accident. Fortunately, the consequences are still affordable. Within the scope.

Chen Liguo was treated as a fragile porcelain for a few months.

When it was summer vacation, Chen Liguo’s legs were almost as good.

In the past few months, he has enjoyed the first-class treatment. Even the toilet is pushed by Zhou Wei. Chen Liguo started to be a little embarrassed. Later, Zhou Hao ridiculed him a few times, and he was calm.

Zhou Wei said: "I should have read the watch that should not be seen. Are you embarrassed?"

Chen Liguo said: "Did you look at it?"

Zhou Wei said: "Hey..."

Chen Liguo: "..." It is easy to lose my friendship when you sigh in this life. Do you know?

Lin Zhaorong in Zhou’s mouth did not appear in front of Chen Liguo. In fact, Chen Liguo fought for a few months and saw that nothing happened. He thought that Lin Zhaorong would not come again.

But when it was summer vacation, one day Chen Liguo’s father failed to pick him up. When he was waiting at the school gate, he saw a face that could not be remembered.

"Is the leg okay?" Lin Zhaorong stopped a Porsche sports car behind him. Chen Liguo looked carefully and didn't recognize the model. He told the system: "How much, how much?"

The system sighed deeply and said, "Don't ask, anyway, you can't afford it, why should you hurt yourself?"

Chen Liguo: "..." makes sense.

Lin Zhaorong was a little funny. He didn't expect the child to be so easy to distract. He said: "Chen Liguo?"

Chen Liguo returned to God and said, "Ah? What did you ask?"

Lin Zhaorong patiently repeated: "I asked if your legs are good?"

Chen Liguo said: "Okay, thank you for sending me to the hospital."

Lin Zhaorong said: "Well, I just sent you when I met."

Chen Liguo said: "Oh, I have time to invite you to dinner!" He also casually said, thinking that this person is so rich, why not use him for a meal.

As a result, Lin Zhaorong especially climbed up the pole. He heard Chen Liguo's words saying: "It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day. Today I have time to eat a meal together?"

Chen Liguo was trying to find an excuse to evade, and he heard Lin Zhaorong say: "You should have nothing to do if you have escaped from the study class."

Chen Liguo: "..."

So Chen Liguo got into the car with a sullen mood.

Lin Zhaorong looked at him like a little funny, but he did not intend to let go of Chen Liguo, so he simply launched the engine.

When it was time to eat, Chen Liguo touched his wallet silently, and he felt that his wallet might be embarrassing.

When he sat down inside and started ordering food, he saw the price of the vegetables above. He felt that it was not a wallet, but a problem of selling a few kidneys...

Lin Zhaorong smiled in his eyes and ordered a dozen dishes in one breath.

Chen Liguo said: "Do we both eat so much to eat?"

Lin Zhaorong said: "When you finish eating, there is less weight here."

Chen Liguo touched his stomach and said: waist, I am going to lose you...

Lin Zhaorong said: "How? Reluctant?"

Chen Liguo looked up and said, "No, you saved my life. What is a meal?"

Lin Zhaorong then called the waiter and said that he would open another bottle of Lafite.

Chen Liguo almost fell into tears, thinking that big brother, you still take my life.

Lin Zhaorong said: "My name is Lin Zhaorong. You should know?"

Chen Liguo drank his mouth, thinking that the restaurant was really different, even the water was so delicious.

Lin Zhaorong said: "I also know what you are calling, Chen Liguo, a very cute name."

Chen Liguo drank the water. He is now full of bills. Lin Zhaorong said that he couldn’t listen to it.

Lin Zhaorong apparently also found out that Chen Liguo was absent-minded. He was a little helpless: "Well, don't pay for it, don't think about your wallet."

Chen Liguo said: "Really?"

Lin Zhaorong said: "Really."

Chen Liguo immediately took up the sleeves and said, "The waiter, take the menu and show it to me!"

Lin Zhaorong: "..." You can, Chen Liguo.