MTL - The Paranoid Bosses Are All My Boyfriends-v5 Chapter 93

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Chapter Thirteen

"Brother, that, this is your flower again."

Su Jingyan heard the sound and looked up at the little girl who was talking to him.

The little girl was blushing, she looked about thirteen or fourteen years old, and she was holding a big bouquet of roses in her hand. It could be seen that she was a clever ghost who specially chose to sell flowers to make money on Valentine's Day.

The reason why this little girl said "again" is because since Su Jingyan sat in this position, this little girl has been assigned to give him flowers countless times.

It's no wonder that as long as Su Jingyan appears in the crowd, he will inevitably be the most dazzling existence. Even now, I don't know how many people sitting around his seat have been watching his every move from the corner of his eye.

Just now Su Jingyan had heard several times, faintly talking about himself from nearby. Although it was subtle, it did not escape his ears.

Of course, logically speaking, the usual Su Jingyan would not be able to accept such a gift that is obviously a show of love. After all, his family has a super big vinegar pot, and it will blow up at any moment.

But the problem is that the little girl in front of him is really very clever, every time she rushes over to give him flowers, she immediately runs away in a hurry and doesn't give him a chance to refuse.

Seeing that his table was so piled up with flowers, Su Jingyan still tried his best to maintain a smile on his face, and he could faintly see a little helplessness in his brows and eyes.

"Thank you, just put it on top."

This time, Su Jingyan, who knew that the refusal was fruitless, did not refuse again, and could only let the roses pile up on the table one after another.

After all, he also knew that the little girl in front of him was only in charge of delivering things, just like the little brother who delivered them. To her, rejection was a loss of business, and she had no right to decide for the buyer whether to keep these roses.

The little girl blinked her eyes, blushed and carefully placed a new bouquet of roses on the table.

Not knowing if it was because of nervousness, she grabbed the hem of her skirt with both hands, coughed, and cleared her throat, "Well, he asked me to tell you that he was at the fifth floor of the coffee shop opposite. Desk number, if you like this gift, I hope you can go there."

After finishing speaking, she took another step closer to Su Jingyan, "That little brother is really handsome and tall."

Su Jingyan raised his eyebrows, did not speak, and looked at the little girl's beaming expression with a calm face.

The little girl took another step forward, with a coquettish and pleading tone, and whispered, "Brother, you can go, it's only a few steps away, look, it's on the opposite side, and that little brother said, if If you go, you will order 999 more roses, so that all my flowers can be sold today."

The little girl looks young, and even prefers the appearance of a loli, but every word she speaks has a hint of worshiping money, and even in the process of talking to Su Jingyan, she even shows a sly look from time to time.

After the whole sentence was finished, before Su Jingyan could express his opinion, the little girl stretched out her hand directly to touch Su Jingyan's arm. The intention was also very obvious, but it was just to continue acting like a baby and begging.

But before her hand actually touched it, she felt as if she was getting an electric shock. With a slight rub, she immediately retracted her fingers, and her eyes became extremely frightened.

In the next second, she felt a pair of big cold hands pressing on the top of her head, as if a yin energy spread from the top of her head to her whole body, which made her tremble all over, her hair stood on end with horror.

The man condescendingly looked down at his little one, who was wearing a suit, leather shoes, and tie, and everything was in place, and his expression was expressionless at first glance, with a bit of toughness, but upon closer inspection, it was not ugly There was a naked chill and murderous look in his eyes.

The little girl trembled, raised her head timidly, and met Lu Yichen's gloomy eyes. She was frightened again, and her whole body trembled even more.

The man's strength was great, pressing on top of her head, as if Mount Tai was pressing down on top of her head.

I don't know if it's her illusion, she even thinks that this man, who is very dangerous at first glance, wants to kill herself...

"Rang Rang." The man stared at her face without changing his face, the muscles on his face didn't move too much, and he didn't even open his mouth too much. He took his big hand from her head.

The little girl's legs were a little weak, and her expression looked like she was about to cry. She staggered two steps, subconsciously stepped aside, and even sobbed a bit with her expression.

Just when the little girl was about to turn around and run away, the man squinted his eyes again, showing an unpredictable expression, his eyes fixed on the little girl, and the little girl's heart trembled in fright.

"You! Take all these flowers away." Lu Yichen said every word, his voice was not loud, but he was not angry and pretentious. He had an indescribable deterrent effect on the little girl, and he seemed not worried that the little girl would refuse. .

The little girl trembled again, and stood there hesitating.

She still has the professionalism of selling flowers. These are already flowers for this little brother. Even if this little brother doesn't need them, or even throws them into the trash can, it shouldn't be done by flower sellers...

She paused on the spot, lowered her head, and tugged at the corners of her clothes with both hands, still looking like she was about to cry, shrinking back, and said pitifully, "No, I won't be able to do business like this." .”

Lu Yichen pulled the chair next to Su Jingyan, then sat on it, and under Su Jingyan's stunned gaze, he put his arms around the other's shoulder, and firmly held him in his arms.

Seeing the sour smell emanating from the man, Su Jingyan couldn't help but snicker, but he didn't intend to speak for the little girl at all.

The little girl looked at the younger brother whose face was basking in the spring breeze, and the man Lou hugging the younger brother, whose face was like an iceberg, with a dead fish face.

She moved her eyes from side to side, and looked at Su Jingyan for help from time to time, but obviously, the latter seemed to be unable to receive her help message, and stared at the man's side face with a sweet expression and secretly smiled.

The little girl bit her lip, trembling her legs, and timidly took a step forward, staring at the flowers on the table and swallowing her saliva, then picked up the roses that had just been placed on the table without haste, but she Just as he hugged Rose into his arms, Dead Fishface started talking again.



The little girl was miserable, but she couldn't refute it, let alone dare to resist.

There is no such thing as the cleverness of running away when sending flowers to Su Jingyan at the beginning and the coquettish behavior of trying to get away with her cute appearance.

Passers-by No. A, B, B, D, who stared at Su Jingyan's direction for a long time, all looked at the scene in front of them with stunned eyes, as if they didn't expect that the other party was actually a man with a master, and I don't know how many words they sighed in the bottom of their hearts pity.

Lu Yichen raised his eyes slightly, his eyes swept lightly around, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.



It was freezing cold.

Sorry to bother you! Don't dare to look! Don't dare to look!

The man looked at the crowd and retracted their eyes with interest one by one. They closed their eyes, and their eyes fell on Su Jingyan again.

From Su Jingyan's point of view, it is inexplicable to feel that the man at this moment is a bit like a kid who smugly shows off to others after eating candy, and his behavior can be described as very childish.

Thinking of this, Su Jingyan couldn't hold back his expression any longer, and leaned forward, where there was no elegance and indifference when the man was away, he actually laughed outright, almost squeaking.

Seeing the expression of the person in his arms, Lu Yichen raised his eyebrows, and the hand on Su Jingyan's shoulder went around his neck and pinched the soft flesh on Su Jingyan's face.

Su Jingyan's mouth immediately showed the effect of pouting, and the laughter stopped abruptly.

The man's face also moved closer, and the distance between their faces was only two centimeters in an instant, as if they were going to kiss each other.

"What are you laughing at?" Lu Yichen blinked, with a smile that couldn't be hidden.

Su Jingyan immediately grinned and arched his nose, made a grimace, and narrowly escaped from the man's clutches, "Didn't you go to help me buy dessert? Why did you go for so long?"

Lu Yichen smiled, stroked his hair with his backhand, raised his other hand, pointed in the direction of the door, and snapped his fingers.

The wind chime at the door was ding-dong ding-dong sounded by the wind outside the door.

Su Jingyan opened his mouth slightly, with a startled expression on his face, watching an orange cat rush in from the direction of the door, shaking its head and wagging its tail. It is very big, chubby, and cute.

The orange cat's short legs are too short, so it can be described as very slow to run, but it stared at Su Jingyan with its eyes almost squinted into a straight line, and bounced steadily towards Su Jingyan's position Da ran over.

I don't know if there is any magical induction, Su Jingyan almost subconsciously bent down at the moment when the orange cat rushed over, before his brain could react, and made a gesture of wanting to hug him.

The fat orange cat did the opposite, jumped up, kicked its calf, and sat down on Su Jingyan's feet, with a lot of strength.

And Su Jingyan stretched out his half-stretched hand in the air without embarrassment, not to blame him, but to blame that the cat is too fat to jump up at all.

Su Jingyan held the cat in his arms and sat down. While stroking the cat's fur, he looked up at Lu Yichen in surprise and asked, "Where did it come from?"

Su Jingyan had an indescribable feeling, he had an indescribable emotional impulse towards this kind of cat, just like seeing Lu Yichen for the first time.

Lu Yichen stared at the orange cat on Su Jingyan's thigh that kept scratching Su Jingyan's inner thigh with its cat's paw, squinted his eyes, then calmly grabbed its paw, held it down, and let it behave honestly.

Lu Yichen moved his lips, paused for three seconds, and continued to answer without changing his face.

"I picked it up on the side of the road."

Su Jingyan nodded with a clear face, convinced, and then grabbed the orange cat's legs with both hands, hugged the whole cat, and buried his head in the other's chest proficiently, shaking his head and began to be serious Bright sucking pussy.

Looking at this scene, Lu Yichen squinted his eyes, couldn't help clenching his hands on the back of Su Jingyan's seat, and then showed a half-smile expression.


Sorry, he shouldn't have gotten the cat out.

Read The Duke's Passion