MTL - The Paranoid Bosses Are All My Boyfriends-v4 Chapter 71

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Chapter Six

"Boom boom boom."

Someone is knocking on the door.

Su Jingyan was sitting on the bed, half lying down, with an IV in his left hand, and a brush in his right hand, holding the drawing board against his knees, earnestly painting.

His expression looks very sincere, and his expression is slightly moved, just like an artist who is addicted to his own world and is serious about painting, and keeps his ears shut.

The sunlight came in quietly through the window, and sprinkled on his body, as if covered with a layer of golden gauze.

There is a kind of beauty of time and tranquility.

Hearing the sudden knock on the door, Su Jingyan paused first, and his expression was blank for two seconds, as if he suddenly realized what he was drawing, his face turned red all of a sudden, suddenly, he drew the picture very quickly Turned over to cover the content of his own drawing.

His heartbeat also accelerated uncontrollably.

"Please come in!" Su Jingyan yelled at the door, and subconsciously touched the mask on his face, repeatedly checking whether it was properly done.

The door opened with a "click".

Su Jingyan saw the face of the visitor clearly, almost subconsciously, he frowned slightly, his Adam's apple twitched, his emotions were a little uncontrollable, showing a bit of unhideable dislike.

— It was the male boss of his company who came in.

Su Jingyan works in a small private company. This company is responsible for advertising outsourcing, including some work tasks including weddings. His position in the company is design, and he often stays up late and works overtime.

Thinking of this, Su Jingyan frowned even tighter.

At first, he didn't think much about it, he only thought that there were many tasks. Later, after a long time, he realized that it was the male boss who deliberately arranged extra tasks for him.

Although he is not the only one in the company to design, the boss will always assign tasks to him, and they are all urgent tasks, so he will always stay up late to finish the work.

But if it is said that the boss is wearing small shoes for him, it is obviously not the case. Because every time he worked overtime, the male boss would stay up late with him, and even enthusiastically prepared a late-night snack for him, so that he would not be too tired, and even often gave him vacations.

This is actually a very contradictory behavior.

Su Jingyan felt inexplicably that everything this male boss did was to have space to be alone with him.

So Su Jingyan has very complicated emotions towards this boss, and even has physical dislike and disgust in his body.

The man's name is Wang Xingran. He is in his early thirties. He has good looks and a good body proportion. In addition, he has achieved a little success in his career. In the blind date market, he is definitely a golden bachelor and a 100% sought-after item.

Wang Xingran at this moment is different from the meticulously dressed in the past. When he saw him today, he was inexplicably a little more embarrassed. His eyes were all black and blue, his face was haggard, and he walked a little flutteringly, as if he had been trapped. It's like being hollowed out, I feel like I've aged ten years overnight, and I've completely lost my usual vigorous appearance.

The man carried a thermos bucket and a basket of fruit in his hand.

Before Su Jingyan could speak, Wang Xingran stepped forward, put the things on the bedside table dedicated to Su Jingyan's hospital bed, and sat down on Su Jingyan's hospital bed in a very uninterested manner.

"This is the chicken soup I made for you." Wang Xingran opened the thermos and took out the matching small bowl.

Su Jingyan saw that he was impatient to let him drink the soup, and he was a little confused during the whole process. After he realized it, he pushed and pushed without hesitation, "No, no, no need, you put it here, I will wait later Drink again."

Regardless of whether Su Jingyan knows this bowl of chicken soup or not, one thing is for sure, he does not want to take off his mask in front of Wang Xingran and reveal his face.

But what's strange is that the man who clearly knew Su Jingyan's temper didn't want to follow his wishes this time, his actions were very brutal and domineering, and the eyes he looked at Su Jingyan were also inexplicably ferocious.

It was very different from the gentle and elegant image that men deliberately pretended to be in front of him in normal times.

Su Jingyan's frown deepened, and he didn't reach out to pick up the chicken soup. Even if he didn't show his whole face, people could easily see the expression on his face, his eyes were full of resistance.

For a moment, the two of them remained motionless with their current actions, and they fell into a stalemate, neither of them willing to back down a step.

Seeing that Su Jingyan didn't show any emotion at all, the man had a strange light in his eyes.

Finally, he put the chicken soup back on the bedside table, looked for the steps by himself, and said, "That's fine, you can drink it later."

After finishing speaking, he paused, his expression became half torn and stiff, and his voice became more gloomy, with a bit of coldness, "But you must remember to drink, hehehe."

Su Jingyan shuddered inexplicably when he heard his yin and yang voice. He moved his body and sat down to the side with some resistance. It was obvious that he wanted to keep a distance from the other party.

Wang Xingran didn't seem to see his rejection, as soon as he saw Su Jingyan's body move, he moved his **** again, wanting to get closer.

At this moment, Su Jingyan only felt uncomfortable everywhere in his body, and he felt uncomfortable everywhere, and his whole body felt physical discomfort.

If it wasn't for the drip in his left hand, he would have bounced off the bed to avoid the man's intentional or unintentional approach.

Wang Xingran stared into Su Jingyan's eyes, showing a bit of obsession and love, and even a little bit of paranoia and madness.

There was a bit of shadow in his eyes, and he looked at Su Jingyan with a bit of scrutiny, scanning Su Jingyan's whole body, as if he was confirming something.

Wang Xingran took the initiative to break the weird situation, his eyes flickered slightly, and asked, "Did you meet someone?"

Su Jingyan didn't understand what he meant, frowned, and asked, "What?"

Wang Xingran paused, his expression slightly suffocated, as if he was struggling in his heart, his expression was slightly distorted.

"No, it's nothing." Wang Xingran withdrew his eyes and clenched his fists, as if there was a nameless anger burning in his heart, and jealousy was tormenting him.

who is it? Who is it?

Who untied the love he had placed on Su Jingyan?

damn it!

Wang Xingran gritted his teeth.

There are generally two types of head-dropping techniques, spirit drop and gu drop. The drop method of spirit drop is with the help of spells, while the drop method of Gu drop is with the help of foreign objects such as centipedes, spiders, and corpse oil.

The effects of these two kinds of head lowering are also very different because of the different methods.

The spirit drop effect is the best, but once the head drop technique is unlocked, it will be backlashed on the head drop master, so few spirit drop masters are willing to use the spirit drop.

And Gu Jiang is also because of the help of foreign objects, compared with Ling Jiang, it is easier to break the kung fu, so it can't achieve the effect.

In order to neutralize these two kinds of downfall, Wang Xingran used a mixed form of downfall to subdue Su Jingyan.



Seeing it is a success! He was beaten back to before liberation overnight!

Wang Xingran was so angry that he was going crazy.

Because he was accidentally broken, his body was also eaten back, and he aged ten years overnight!

Physical function, physical strength, memory, and state all declined instantly!

How can he bear this?

Just let him look at the duck he got and just fly away?

Not reconciled! Not reconciled!

Wang Xing gas knot.

So he wants to make love to Su Jingyan again!

He added his own blood essence to this bowl of chicken soup, as well as the corpse oil he bought secretly, and a mixture of eels, spiders, and poisonous snakes...

if only…

As long as Su Jingyan drank this bowl of chicken soup!

In the next second, Su Jingyan will fall in love with herself uncontrollably!


Wang Xingran withdrew his gaze, and moved his gaze to the sketch paper that was blocked by Su Jingyan's hand.

For the sake of getting close, he squinted his eyes, took the initiative to put on a flattering expression, and asked, "Were you drawing just now? What did you draw?"

Su Jingyan's body froze because of his words, he covered the sketch paper more tightly, and the protest in his eyes became more profound.

Wang Xingran narrowed his eyes and clenched his teeth, but he did not forcefully **** the painting away.

Suddenly, his eyes changed, he looked at Su Jingyan's wrist, frowned, and asked with a little disbelief, "You, why did you wear this red string?"

Hearing what he said, Su Jingyan touched the red rope Lu Yichen gave him with his hand, unconsciously showing a little pride on his face, he raised his head and raised his eyebrows.

Seeing Wang Xingran's astonished gaze, Su Jingyan felt a little strange in his heart, and asked, "What's wrong with wearing the red string?"

Wang Xingran took a deep breath, and the expression on his face became more and more strange.

"Do you know what day it is?"

Su Jingyan said "Huh?", the doubt in his eyes deepened.

"Today is July and a half, Hungry Ghost Festival." Wang Xingran rolled his eyes, feeling a little strange, "It's the so-called Ghost Festival."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly raised his head and met Su Jingyan's eyes, making the latter startled by his sudden violent movement.

Wang Xingran sneered, and continued, "On Ghost Festival, hang wind chimes, wear red strings, bells..."

"It's all used to recruit ghosts!"


Su Jingyan blinked indifferently, followed by hehe in his heart, secretly cursing the other party for being mentally ill.

He didn't remember what the other party said at all, he only said something to intimidate himself when Wang Xingran had nothing to say, and interrupted the other party angrily, "I see, stop talking. "

This red string was put on by Yi Chen himself. You said it was an evil thing used to attract ghosts, even if Su Jingyan beat him to death.


The red rope is indeed used to attract ghosts.

It also has one of the biggest functions, which is to let ghosts mark the person they are looking for, so that they can appear at the first time and find the other person...

Wang Xingran still wanted to say something, but before the words came out of his mouth, he felt something coming out of his nose.

Reach out and touch.

-is blood.

Su Jingyan blinked suspiciously when he saw Wang Xingran who had a nosebleed suddenly.

But when the latter touched the blood, his reaction was not as normal as that of a normal person, and there was a little more panic in his eyes.

In the next second, before Su Jingyan could react, Wang Xingran stood up abruptly, rushed out without saying a word, with the intention of fleeing for his life, and his movements were very reactive.


Once the mixed descent is released, strange insects will hatch out of the descender's body, and then drill out from the seven holes, bleed out and die...

Read The Duke's Passion