MTL - The Paranoid Bosses Are All My Boyfriends-v3 Chapter 44

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Chapter Eleven

what happened?

Didn't any accident happen just now?

What about the guy with the voyeurism? Didn't it show up?

The sense of loss of control in Zhao Hongyang's heart became stronger.

He froze in place in a daze, looked at Su Jingyan's leaving back, took a deep breath, looked in the direction of the toilet, looked back and forth several times, and licked his dry lips helplessly , the whole person became anxious.

The more Zhao Hongyang thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. He felt that the development of this retrospective was very strange, but he didn't know where the problem went wrong this time.

Oh shit!


Zhao Hongyang was still in a state of ecstasy, and in the next second, there was a piercing scream from around him, which made him tremble unpreparedly. He was shocked, raised his head suddenly, and then was stunned. look at the location of the sound source.

Before he could see it clearly, a figure was almost shoulder-to-shoulder distance, like a gust of wind, flashed past his eyes very quickly, making people caught off guard.

Zhao Hongyang's eyes widened in horror, and he took a breath. The moment the figure floated past just now, the bangs on his forehead also flew up.

In the next second, there was a loud "pong" from the ground, and something seemed to fall heavily on the ground downstairs.

There was a sound of gasping all around, and then the students who came back to their senses screamed in fright, and then there was a sound of chaotic footsteps, and the students in the classroom rushed out one by one, leaned to the edge of the corridor, and looked down. , join in the fun.

Oh my God.

Someone actually jumped off the building.

The deceased was a male student.

The reason for the jump is unknown.

Zhao Hongyang's brain was still in a state of bewilderment. Although the noise around him seemed to be the end of the world, he seemed to have tinnitus, and there seemed to be sound waves echoing in his ears.

As for what the people around him were saying, he couldn't hear clearly at all, and he couldn't listen to it.

Zhao Hongyang's white lips began to tremble up and down, cold sweat dripped down his temples, and slowly began to slide down, perhaps because too much cold sweat flowed down, and some of it flowed directly along the contours of his face into his ears.

Zhao Hongyang moved his throat and shook his head stiffly.

Just now...

He stands right here...

Witnessed the boys jumping off the building.

Of course, if it was just like this, maybe it wouldn't frighten him to the point where he was scared out of his wits now.

Zhao Hongyang's heartbeat accelerated, and he began to breathe non-stop...

Just before the boy jumped down, his feet straddled the railing, his eyes went straight through the crowd, and settled on Zhao Hongyang. He coldly turned his head to look at Zhao Hongyang, his gaze was full of unconcealable gloom and warning.

It's a bit like a dying person cursing and cursing the living one last time before death, and finally dies with regret.

Of course, if it was just this simple look, Zhao Hongyang might be able to calm his heart through psychological hints.

But the problem is...

He just saw the face of the boy who jumped off the building...

Thinking of this, Zhao Hongyang's cold sweat began to flow faster and faster, and his heartbeat began to jump up and down, desperately jumping, with a painful expression on his face, and his brows were twisted into a ball.

The boy who jumped off the building was the **** in his memory who was supposed to secretly take pictures of Su Jingyan in the toilet...

It's day!

He has gone back so many times, it is impossible to admit the wrong person!

He is 100% sure!

That person is definitely that boy, unmistakable!


Because Zhao Hongyang maintained the same movement for a long time, his feet also began to faintly numb, and even became weak again, and he had the urge to kneel down directly.

He shook his head stiffly, looking at the terrified expressions of the people around him, as if the world was being destroyed, his body trembled uncontrollably again.

But this time, he slowly took his own steps, moved the position he had stood for a long time, and he didn't know what kind of mentality he was holding. Go to the edge of the railing to see the tragedy downstairs.

From beginning to end, he was still in a dreamlike state.

Zhao Hongyang plucked up his courage and had a strong psychological struggle before he plucked up the courage to glance downstairs.

But just this one glance made him feel his stomach churning, like roundworms wriggling crazily in his stomach. He moved his throat, and a sour taste came out of his mouth.

going to throw up...

The design of the teaching buildings of their school is a bit special. They are not built independently, each building has its own way.

They have four teaching buildings, which are divided into ABCD four buildings. These four teaching buildings are connected with each other and form a square shape with a huge flower bed and trail in the middle.

This also meant that the scene of the boy jumping from the corridor just now was not only seen by the students in their building.

But all the students who have courses scheduled at this point in time, all the students in the teaching building can see the scene of jumping off the building.

In the middle of the teaching building, there is a flower bed, and many iron trees are planted in the flower bed.

After the boy jumped down, it was a coincidence that the one in the middle directly hit the top of the iron tree, and his head hit the edge of the flower bed.

Perhaps it was because the back force was too great, the smash directly smashed out the brains, and dyed the whole path red!

And the boy's body, the chest position was pierced by the iron tree forcibly, and he collapsed on the ground in an extremely twisted posture. There was an unknown amount of blood splashed in the flower bed and on the wall.

And the boy didn't seem to die on the spot after falling, and he didn't know if he still had residual consciousness. His eyes were wide open, and he blinked.

As if the consciousness of the brain suddenly came back to life, the originally expressionless face suddenly became frightened and fearful, but the result was set, and everything could only be in vain.

The boy stared unwillingly, his pupils constricted, and he raised his head to see the countless heads in the teaching building looking down at him, and finally died in terror, completely lifeless.

"Qu Qu—Qu Qu—" The school's broadcast was turned on, and before everyone could react, there was a sudden whistle that pierced people's ears and made their scalp tingle.

It was as sharp as nails on glass, and it sounded so ugly that it made people shiver.

The whistle didn't blow a few times, followed by a man's hasty and flustered voice on the radio. His tone was somewhat commanding, and he said cursingly, "Go back to the classroom and sit down. No orders are allowed." Come out, all the classes in the morning will be changed to self-study! I will give you 30 seconds! Otherwise, you will be punished and credits will be deducted!"

The man's voice was an unthinking threat and warning, but he could vaguely hear the panic and bewilderment inside, and his voice was a little trembling.

As soon as they heard the teacher start directing and giving orders, the students who had been joining in the fun looked at each other left and right, one by one withdrew their eyes, and started walking back to the classroom in fear.

During this process, countless students knelt on the spot because of fear, their faces were pale, and some of them seemed to be able to faint in the next second.

Su Jingyan sat on the classroom seat in a daze. When the accident happened just now, he just opened the book.

Looking from his current position, he could only see someone outside the classroom whose legs were suddenly frightened, and someone who was directly facing the wall and began to retch because of the great stimulation.

There was an earth-shattering din of screams and discussions outside.

The whole world looks like a madman.

what happened? What happened?

Su Jingyan still looked dazed, maybe because of his personality, he didn't stand up and go out to join in the fun, but sat in his seat, watching the students around him run out one by one.

Although curious, but still did not act,

Hearing the command on the radio, Su Jingyan's strange feeling in his heart became more and more obvious. There was an indescribable feeling, which was very complicated.

After everyone came back from the fun and sat back in their seats, Su Jingyan poked the elbow of the boy sitting in front of him who had just come in from the outside with a very bad face, and asked strangely, "What's going on outside? What? Why was there such a big commotion just now?"

Although the boy didn't see the whole process, at this moment, his eyes still couldn't hide the horror. He covered his heart and explained with some fear, "Someone jumped off the building just now!"

Su Jingyan was surprised when he heard the words.

As expected, there were bursts of discussions around the classroom, everyone was talking about what happened just now, and the faint discussions echoed the boys' words one by one.

"I know the boy who jumped off the building, he is our professional!"

"I've seen it too, my God! How can I say I just jumped? It's still chosen at this time, so many people saw it, and I don't know how many people will leave a psychological shadow for a lifetime."

"Ahem, well, I'll tell you a secret about the boy who jumped off the building."

"What? What secret? You still know his secret?"

"My brother lives in the same dormitory with him. He seems to be the kind of person who doesn't like to talk. Anyway, he is very withdrawn. My brother thought that he was pitiful when he was excluded by others, so he helped him a few times. You know Did my brother find anything?"

"What did you find? Don't keep it!"

"My brother found in his mobile phone photo album that the boy secretly took videos and photos of them showering and going to the bathroom throughout the dormitory!"

"Fuck? Is it true?"

"It's absolutely true. It seems that they are not the only ones. Anyway, he took pictures of many people. The worst part is that he also uploaded these videos to **** **** sites on the Internet to make money..."

Su Jingyan choked up inexplicably when he heard voices full of righteous indignation sounding from around him.

I don't know if it was because yesterday's dream had a deep influence on him. Whenever he heard these key words mentioned by the people around him, he couldn't help but think of the voyeuristic boy in his dream.

Su Jingyan's heart skipped a beat, extremely complicated.

Can't help but think, things shouldn't be so coincidental, right?

The entire classroom is very noisy, the teacher is not there, and there is no one to control discipline. The students next to each other even took out their mobile phones one by one, watching the school's postings, forums, and official groups, and began to chat about this shocking gossip.

The time passed by like this minute by minute, and the students sitting in the classroom could even clearly hear the sound of the police car honking downstairs, one after another, which made everyone calm down, and once again felt flustered .

Then again, just letting them sit in the classroom with nothing to do, no teacher came to class, nothing to do, and their panic has been almost wiped away.

The most speechless thing is that there are people patrolling outside the corridors of the classroom from time to time. Even when they go to the toilet, they have to report to the patrolling people for instructions, just like taking the college entrance examination.

No, it's almost time for lunch, and the school hasn't issued a notice yet, so they have no intention of letting them go, so how could they not be anxious.


In contrast, Su Jingyan's mood and state were much more stable.

He was not in a hurry, and his expression was very calm.

He also stuffed a lot of snacks that Lu Yichen prepared for him yesterday morning in his schoolbag, and he didn't finish eating at all, so he didn't worry about being hungry at all.

He wasn't even like the person next to him. He didn't take out his mobile phone to relieve boredom during the whole process. He just held a pen in his right hand and silently scribbled and drew on his notebook, with an expression of being immersed in his own world.

Su Jingyan's drawing talent is very high. Although he has not received systematic training, he can draw a simple outline with two or three strokes.

I don't say how realistic his paintings are, but he is really good at capturing the characteristics of people's facial features.


Lu Yichen.

Lu Yichen's eyes are particularly good-looking, some eyelids are downturned, usually with a straight face, his demeanor always gives people a feeling of indifference and world-weariness, most of the time his eyes look very hollow, and his bangs are always With half-covered eyes, the whole person looks very gloomy, and even the brows are often locked tightly.

Looking at Xiao Yichen who jumped out of the paper without a few strokes, the corners of Su Jingyan's mouth rose uncontrollably.

Looking at the q-version villain who only drew a small head and didn't have time to draw the body, Su Jingyan paused and blinked his eyes.

I don't know if it's because of my dark taste, but this time Su Jingyan didn't draw clothes according to the man's usual dressing style, instead he found another way and changed the villain's style.

Of course, if it’s just that, it’s okay, but the problem is, I don’t know if it’s because of Su Jingyan’s brain twitching, some weird things have been put in his head, he waved his hand, and gave it directly. This little guy comes with a cat's paw maid outfit.

With just a few strokes, the villain was easily drawn.

"Pfft." Su Jingyan looked at this little man and almost laughed out loud.

Fortunately, the classroom was already noisy, and his movements were not too large. In addition, he reacted very quickly, and he quickly took it back in time when he just had a sign.

So basically, except for those little fans who have been staring at him and even taking pictures secretly, no one else noticed his fleeting snigger.

And the girl who secretly photographed Su Jingyan's smiling face was so excited that she almost jumped up from the stool, secretly gritted her teeth and laughed.

But before she was excited for more than a minute, she didn't even have time to lick her face carefully, and she didn't know what was going on, her hand holding the phone seemed to have been smeared with butter, and suddenly slipped, "pa" All of a sudden, it slipped from her hand and hit the ground so hard that the whole screen could be described as being smashed to pieces.

"..." Wo Ri is a dog, shit!

Su Jingyan on the side pursed his lips, shivered his shoulders, and closed the book again, with a bit of a smirk.

He was worried that if he continued to watch it, he would really lose his expression and fail.

Put the book together and do nothing.

Su Jingyan couldn't help sighing, with a bit of sourness.

Alas, I suddenly miss Lu Yichen so much.

Just as Su Jingyan was thinking this way, suddenly, bursts of "dong dong dong." came through,

The door of the classroom was knocked with the position of the knuckles, and the original noisy noise came to an abrupt end because of the sudden knock on the door.

After the man finished knocking, he opened the door of the classroom and walked in without waiting for any feedback from the people inside.

He raised his head slightly, glanced at the classroom, his eyes were quickly fixed on a certain place, and when he saw the person he wanted to find, he slightly hooked the corners of his mouth, with a smile that he couldn't hide.

The man is tall, his whole face looks indifferent, his facial features are very three-dimensional, and his clothes are more formal, but his demeanor is inexplicably giving the illusion of a gentle scum.

All in all, a handsome guy!

The girls in the classroom also gasped when the man appeared.

Handsome guy!

The man stood still on the spot calmly, his eyes were like ink, and he scanned the entire classroom,

"Excuse me, let me find Su Jingyan." The man's voice was very cold, but there was some unique magnetism.

When Su Jingyan was quiet around, it might be because his whole brain was emptying out, he didn't notice anything strange at all, he still lowered his head in a daze.

Until the man suddenly pronounced his name, Su Jingyan's heart trembled, and then he raised his head suddenly, looking at the door, his eyes were still a little foolishly dazed.

Just like that, Su Jingyan's eyes met the man's accurately.

The latter looked at him with a half-smile.

Su Jingyan's eyelids twitched, and his dull eyes lit up instantly, with a bit of joy.

It's Lu Yichen!

After the surprise, Su Jingyan was puzzled again.

Hey, why is Lu Yichen here?

Lu Yichen looked at his expression, and the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened.

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