MTL - The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby-Chapter 3342 Second heir

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The last question of the reporter, he seems to care more, every word, the sound is a bit heavy.

He and Su Qi have never had any feelings at all. What does Sha Xingbao intervene in their feelings?

Sharpness is the journalist's specialty, and every question is very eloquent.

All aimed at Sha Xingbao.

However, it was all stopped by Zhai Chengxi in three words.

No matter under what circumstances, he absolutely maintains Sha Xingbao, and no one can make a negative evaluation of her.

Sha Xingbao looked at him quietly beside him, listening to his almost perfect answer, the red lips slightly tilted, she smiled at him.

Sha Xingbao is not a person who cares about other people's opinions. However, after she has been with Cheng Chengxi, she has to pay attention to many things.

She is very clear about her identity, and her image directly affects Cheng Chengxi.

She can't care what she is in the eyes of others, but she can't care about how it affects him.

In a family like Yujia, especially Hyman’s succession to the family, the public image may directly determine the success or failure of this family dispute!

Yan Chengxi calmly stood in the middle of a large group of reporters and was still helping her answer questions.

One of the reporters clung to the words of Qi Chengxi, and Sha Xingbao’s stomach was on the bar.

"His Royal Highness just said that Miss Sha Xingbao’s announcement at the wedding was so real in front of so many people, but why is there no image of Miss Sha Xingbao’s stomach?"

"If the baby has a child, it will be the future heir to the country. Why is the royal family not officially announced?"

Yan Chengxi swept away in the direction of Sha Xingbao, and waved her hand to signal her to her side.

An arm swung her shoulders and turned her face to herself. The handsome face leaned over, her lips pressed against her forehead and gently kissed her. His hand was lightly covered with her soft belly, and the lips were gently hooked. Looking at the reporter, he taunted. "What is the situation of my wife's stomach, is it clear to you or is it clear to me?"

After a pause, the palm of my hand was gently stroking her belly. "Where can my baby see the pregnancy? The face is so rich, the waist is soft, and this kind of thing requires me to face the country." The people announced?"

His words are actually purely Hu Hu, and Sha Xingbao does have changes. However, he did not reach the point he said.

How long has this been? Can the face get fat?

However, Ruan Chengxi said that it is really like this. The reporter is certainly impossible to understand Sha Xingbao. He is actually much better than the reporter.

Shaxing Baodu lives around him every day. Isn’t he still not aware of anything?

The reporter was blocked by him and his head was knotted. He couldn’t answer a word.

Sha Xingbao raised his hand very seriously and touched his face and stomach. The palm of his hand even felt it several times.

She didn't realize that she was fat. How did he make such a smooth call?

Yan Chengxi’s arm was changed to hold her waist, and her eyes glanced over from the scene. He seemed to be making a notice, his face turned serious and his voice was high. “As for the heir, the baby. As long as the child is born, it is the heir to this country. According to the order of inheritance, whether it is a son or a daughter, it will be the second king of my country.

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