MTL - The Original Heroine of the 70’s Cannon Fodder Book is Reborn-Chapter 7

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Hearing this, Fang Ru was stunned for a moment, and then gloated.

Don't blame her for being indifferent, Qi Han pointed at her nose and scolded her in his previous life. Sure enough, without her help, Qi Han didn't wait for the heroine to come over.

After all, at this time, Liu Rong is still the real Liu Rong! How could he wait?

However, Fang Ru was still a little curious: "What's going on?"

"I don't know either. I heard that Li Tiezhu rescued him! Doctor Qian from the health center said that he was rescued too late and his legs might be limping. Let him go to the county hospital to have a look!"

Fang Ru snorted coldly in her heart, it's good to be lame! She would like to see if the book-wearing heroine needs a lame hero.

At this moment, Qi Han, who was in the county hospital, met Meng Xing who had just come out of the hospital, he was stunned for a moment, why is Meng Xing here?

He remembered that in his previous life, Meng Xing died on the same day as him, but he was lucky enough to be rescued. And Meng Xing, no one noticed, died that day!

But what happened in this life of rebirth, he didn't wait for Ah Rong, and Meng Xing was fine!

"Why did you come to the hospital?" He greeted Meng Xing. Although he was not familiar with him, he knew Meng Xing's family background. Since Meng Xing was not dead, it would be nice to have a good relationship with this person.

Meng Xing nodded: "I was bitten by a snake, come here and treat the wound!"

Qi Han was taken aback again, Meng Xing was still bitten by a snake, so why is he fine? You know, Meng Xing was poisoned by a snake and died in his previous life.

Meng Xing didn't say much, he was not familiar with Qi Han, so he nodded and left with Wang Hao.

Qi Han didn't think too much, and with the support of Li Tiezhu, he entered the hospital.

"What did you say? My legs will have sequelae and I won't be able to walk like a normal person anymore?"

The news was like a thunderbolt, which knocked Qi Han speechless.

how come? In his previous life, he had nothing to do! How can I be lame? His leg is lame, how can he join the army? How did he get on the track of his previous life?

"Doctor, look again! Did I make a mistake? I just fell and injured, how could I become crippled?" Qi Han grabbed the doctor's arm, hoping that the doctor made a mistake.

The doctor pulled Qi Han's hand away, looked at Qi Han's wound, and said: "If your injury is treated in time, you will be fine! But you have been delayed for so long, and the small injury has also been delayed into a serious injury. Can you Walking well is already good, if you delay for a while, this leg might have to be amputated!"

"How is it possible? How is it possible?" Qi Han looked at his wound and muttered to himself. How could this be?

"I can't be crippled! Doctor, help me! I know, you must have a way!"

Yes, the doctor will definitely have a solution. Saying this now is just to scare him!

He knew that doctors like to exaggerate minor illnesses, and minor injuries will naturally be regarded as serious injuries.

Qi Han's eyes burst out with desire, and he looked at the doctor.

The doctor shook his head: "It's too late! I've tried my best to make you walk normally! If your leg dies, you really need amputation. I'm not scaring you!"

Qi Han collapsed on the chair, the light in his eyes dimmed: "There is no other way?"

The doctor spread his hands: "If there is another way, I will not refuse to treat you!"

Hearing what the doctor said, Qi Han realized that his leg was really hopeless. He closed his eyes, and everything in his previous life came to mind.

After a long time, Qi Han said in a deep voice, "Cure it!"

It's just that there is still unwillingness in those eyes. In the end what happened? Why is there such a big difference between this time and the previous life?

Qi Han thought of Fang Ru who turned around and walked away in front of him, and recalled that Fang Ru said that he was his savior in his previous life, and suddenly became suspicious of all this.

The doctor said it was because his wound took too long. If Fang Ru had saved him at that time, would his leg not be limping?

However, no one gave him an answer.

And Fang Ru was chatting with Wei Huan about Qi Han, and when Wei Huan said that Dr. Qian diagnosed that Qi Han's legs were basically impossible to walk like a normal person, Fang Ru felt a burst of joy!

Didn't you say that Liu Rong is your savior? Didn't it mean that she was hypocritical and greedy, and wanted to climb up after seeing him join the army? Now that my legs are lame, what a retribution!

The two talked for a while, seeing that it was getting late, they were washing up and getting ready for bed. At this time, the door rang.

In the darkness, the two looked at each other by the moonlight. It was so late, who else would knock on the door?

"Who?" Wei Huan called out boldly.

"I'm looking for Fang Ru!" A deep voice sounded outside, as if thinking of something, the person said again, "I'm Meng Xing!"

"Meng Xing?" Wei Huan was a little surprised, why did he come to find Fang Ru? Wei Huan glanced at Fang Ru.

"This afternoon, when I went to pick mushrooms on the mountain, I happened to meet Meng Xing who was bitten by a snake, so I helped him a little!" Fang Ru explained in a low voice.

It turned out to be like this, Wei Huan nodded: "Since I'm looking for you, then go and open the door!"

Fang Ru got out of bed, put on her clothes, walked to the door and opened it, and there was indeed Meng Xing outside.

He handed a bag to Fang Ru: "Here is 20 catties of Fuqiang powder, you can use it first, and I will get you some in two days!"

Fang Ru didn't answer, she raised her head to look at Meng Xing, his face could not be seen very clearly under the moonlight, but his eyes were amazingly bright: "I didn't say that, the flower is enough, don't give me any more. Food!"

Fang Ru is not an insatiable person, that flower is very important to her, and she feels that it is enough to offset her life-saving grace to Meng Xing.

"Take it! My life is not as worthless as you think! It's just a little grain, so treat it as my heart!" Meng Xing put the flour bag at the door, turned and left.

Fang Ru looked at the bag at the door, then at Meng Xing, thought about it, and carried the bag back to the house.

"This is food for you! Great, you don't have to worry about running out of food at the end of this month!" Wei Huan said with a smile.

"Hmm!" These 20 catties of rich and strong powder, for her now, is simply a timely gift.

Wei Huan did mention giving her some of his food, but Fang Ru couldn't ask for it. Wei Huan himself is not rich, and if he gave her some more, Wei Huan might also be hungry.

Now with these 20 catties of rich and strong fans, she can finally spend this month in peace.

Fang Ru walked to the window sill and looked at the yellow flowers she had dried, and they were almost done! It should be ready to grind tomorrow!

The next day, Fang Ru prepared all the ingredients, only to realize that she didn't have a container for the dough.

Because of the scarcity of yellow flowers, these facial fats have also become precious.

Naturally, Fang Ru couldn't use that ordinary box to pack it. She intends to sell these things as high-end goods, so the boxes used to pack them must also be high-end.

It's just that such things are not easy to find, and the quantity she needs is not very large. Fang Ru estimated based on the quantity of her own materials, these things can make up to 30 bottles.

And the book also said that it is best to use small porcelain bottles to store these facial fats.

But if these things want to be sold at a high price, ordinary porcelain bottles are naturally not enough, and there is no way to get better porcelain bottles.

Fang Ru had a headache for a while.

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