MTL - The Original Heroine of the 70’s Cannon Fodder Book is Reborn-Chapter 50 (1)

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Chen Dan looked at Fang Ru with some worry. This Professor Chen is so strict, Fang Ru will not be scolded if she is called to the office, right?

Fang Ru shook her head towards Chen Dan: "Don't worry, it's fine."

Chen Guanghe didn't recognize her at first, and he called her by her name later. It should be entrusted by his master to tell her something, Fang Ru guessed.

When we arrived at the office, it was exactly as Fang Ru had guessed.

"Old Qian mentioned you to me, it's not what I imagined."

Chen Guanghe took a look at Fang Ru. Although Qian Jianghuai said his apprentice was a little girl, she was too pretty to be an academic.

Chen Guanghe felt that Qian Jianghuai had been in the country for a long time, and his vision of seeing people had deteriorated.

"Do you understand everything in class?" Seeing that Fang Ru was such a young and beautiful girl, Chen Guanghe's eyes couldn't help being a little careless.

"Understandable, the teacher's lectures are very interesting. Many contents that I find boring when reading books become completely different after the teacher speaks." Fang Ru said.

"Oh? Did you preview in advance?" Chen Guanghe raised his drooping eyelids again, and there was a little more interest in his eyes.

"Yes, I'm used to reading the book first, knowing that there will be a class today, so I previewed it in advance." Teacher Fang Ru replied.

"Well, this is a good habit, and we must maintain it." Chen Guanghe felt that he understood Lao Qian a little bit at this moment, probably because he liked the hard work of this apprentice, "If there is anything you don't understand, just ask the teacher. .”

"I really don't understand some things, can I ask the teacher for advice now?" Fang Ru asked, when she was previewing yesterday, there were a few things she didn't understand, so she just took this opportunity to ask Chen Guanghe for advice.

"Of course, what don't you understand?" Chen Guanghe, a student who likes to learn and ask questions, saw Fang Ru like this, although his face was still serious, his voice softened unavoidably.

But when Chen Guanghe saw Fang Ru's question, his face darkened, and his voice became a little cold: "I won't talk about these questions until the end of the semester. It's normal for you to not understand now."

Chen Guanghe was a little angry. He felt that Fang Ru was a little stupid. Even if he wanted to please the teacher, he couldn't ask him the questions at the end of the textbook.

"Teacher, I have already finished reading this book, but I don't understand these few things." Fang Ru knew that Chen Guanghe had misunderstood it, which was the same as her master back then, and she quickly explained.

"Have you read it all? Although this book is the most basic thing, it's not so easy to understand it thoroughly. If you flip through it casually, even if you read it all?"

Chen Guanghe put his hands on the table and looked directly at Fang Ru: "Fang Ru, the worst thing to do in studying is to cheat. You can fool the teacher, but you can't fool yourself. Seeing as you are Lao Qian's apprentice, this time I don't care about it with you. I hope you can study steadily in the future instead of making these opportunistic things."

"Teacher, you really misunderstood me. In fact, my master was the same as you at the beginning, thinking that I was impatient and playing tricks." Fang Ru said.

Chen Guanghe nodded: "Your master still sees you very clearly."

Fang Ru smiled, and then said: "I have been smart since I was a child, and I will never forget anything I have read. That's why I read books faster. I really finished reading this book, and I can read every word clearly." Very carefully, not casually flipping through it as the teacher said."

Chen Guanghe looked at Fang Ru in surprise: "Have a photographic memory?"

Fang Ru nodded: "You can say that."

Chen Guanghe still had some doubts, he asked a few questions casually, and Fang Ru could answer them all. Only then did Chen Guanghe believe that Fang Ru was not lying.

He sat in his seat and was silent for a long time before he said to Fang Ru: "You have such a talent, and it would be a waste of time to study with ordinary students. How about it, in the future, in my class, you can listen to it if you want, and if you don't If you listen, you can read other books, and you can thoroughly understand the textbook as soon as possible, and I will find other information for you."

"Okay, thank you teacher." Fang Ru smiled. Although Chen Guanghe was strict, he was eclectic in teaching. The learning method he mentioned was exactly what Fang Ru needed.

"Don't thank me first, I will give you two months to read all the textbooks, and then I will personally give you the test questions, I hope you can say thank you to these two after the test. word." Chen Guanghe waved his hand and said.

"Then during this period, can I come to ask the teacher for advice?" Fang Ru asked.

"Yes, yes, but I don't stay in the office when I don't have classes. Most of the time is in my laboratory. If you have any questions, just come to my laboratory. Even if I don't have time, There are many senior brothers and sisters of yours there, and they can also help you answer the question."

"That's really a big thank you teacher."

When Fang Ru returned to the classroom, she had a smile on her face. Seeing her like this, Chen Dan was finally relieved.

"What did Teacher Chen call you?"

"It's just asking me if I understand something in class." Fang Ru said.

"You know Teacher Chen?" Chen Dan touched his head, but it was wrong. Teacher Chen asked Fang Ru's name when class was over, obviously the two did not know each other.

"It's kind of related. My master and Mr. Chen are friends." Fang Ru explained.

"You still have a master?" Chen Dan felt that this beautiful new classmate became more and more mysterious, "Why do you feel like the martial arts master described in the book?"

Fang Ru smiled: "What kind of martial arts master? My master met me when I was an educated youth. I followed him to learn Chinese medicine."

Chen Dan was puzzled: "Since you study Chinese medicine, why didn't you apply for the Department of Chinese medicine?"

"My master said that I can learn medical skills from him, and there is no need to apply for another major. He wanted me to learn more about pharmaceuticals, so he suggested that I apply for this major." Fang Ru explained.

"Then are you still learning medical skills from your master?"

Fang Ru nodded: "Still learning."

Chen Dan thought of the densely packed courses on his timetable, and couldn't help shaking his body: "We already have enough courses, and you still need to learn medical skills, can you take care of both?"

"It's okay now."

Since then, Fang Ru seems to have received an amnesty. She reads other books in class, and no teacher talks about her.

Fang Ru felt that Chen Guanghe should have told other teachers about himself. Unexpectedly, Chen Guanghe looked serious, but in fact he was warm-hearted.

After staying in school for half a month, Fang's mother suddenly called Fang Ru to go home, saying that something happened at home.

Fang Ru was a little strange. She remembered that nothing happened at home at this time in her previous life, but she still planned to go back and have a look.

Fang Ru thought of one thing, could it be that the second elder brother Fang Weihua asked the family to move out?

"Mom, you called me so anxiously to tell me to go back, what happened at home?" Fang Ru asked tentatively.

"You haven't been home for half a month, what's wrong with me asking you to come back? Remember to come back before noon tomorrow."

Fang's mother complained, one or two were like this, Fang Ru didn't come back, and Wei Hua didn't come back either. Going to a university seemed to leave the family behind.

Fang Ru was a little funny, she only went home once a year in Shuangxi Village, and she didn't see Fang's mother thinking about her much. Why did she only go to the university once, and it took only half a month for her mother to miss her?

However, Fang Ru decided to go back and take a look. What if it was really the second brother who asked to move out? Just right, there is no class tomorrow morning, so I'll go back and have a look.

The next day, as soon as Fang Ru returned home, she saw her mother and Chen Cuiping walking out.

Mother Fang looked Fang Ru over, frowned, but didn't say anything: "It's just in time for you to come back, and we just happened to go together."

"Where are you going?" Fang Ru asked, "Second brother didn't come back?"

"Your father invited a friend to dinner, let's go there first." Fang's mother said.

Fang Ru silently followed behind her mother, there was nothing to talk about between the two of them.

Chen Cuiping didn't say much along the way, but the excitement and jealousy in her eyes were intertwined, making her look very strange.

Mother Fang didn't stop until she reached the entrance of the state-run hotel, and turned around to help Fang Ru straighten her collar: "Go in."

Fang Ru's mother's behavior became even more strange, and she helped her tidy up her collar. It had been a long time since her mother had done such a warm gesture to her.

As soon as Fang's mother entered, she led Fang Ru inside. Fang Ru remained calm and followed behind her mother, wanting to see what her mother was going to do.

Mother Fang took Fang Ru and sat down on an empty table: "Let's wait."

"Didn't you say that Dad's friend invited you to dinner? Why hasn't anyone arrived yet?" Fang Ru asked. The person who invited the dinner asked others to wait?

"Probably something has delayed it. It's okay if we wait a while." Mother Fang said.

"That's right, there's nothing wrong anyway, just wait a moment." Chen Cuiping helped Fang's mother speak.

Seeing this situation, Fang Ru had a vague guess in her heart: "Mom, I..." I have a date.

Before the words were spoken, a woman's voice sounded from behind: "Lanxi."

Fang Mu heard the voice and hurriedly stood up: "You are here."

Mother Fang walked over and greeted him. Fang Ru looked past Mother Fang and the woman, and looked at Wan Guowei who was standing behind them.

At this moment, she confirmed the guess in her heart. Her mother actually brought her on a blind date.

After Wan Guowei and his mother Peng Bing sat down, Fang Ru smiled and said, "Mom, there is something I haven't told you yet. When I went to the countryside in Shuangxi Village, I met someone."

Fang's mother's complexion suddenly turned ugly, and Peng Bing's complexion was also not good-looking. If the Fang family hadn't taken two college entrance examinations at once, and Fang Ru herself was from Beijing University, Fang's family was not worthy of their family. Guowei.

After Lao Wan went to Fang's family's school entrance banquet, he came back and praised Fang Ru like a flower. Guowei himself liked it very much, so she agreed to take such a trip.

But what did she hear? Fang Ru actually said that she has a date?

Just as Peng Bing was about to lose her temper, she noticed her son's hand tugging at her clothes behind her back. Peng Bing breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face: "Fang Ru already has a date, where is he from?"

When Peng Bing said this, Mother Fang's face turned even paler. She knew that the blind date failed this time. After Peng Bing heard Fang Ru's words, Fang Ru was dissatisfied.

"His name is Meng Xing. Like me, he is an educated youth who went to the countryside, and he is also a native of Beijing." Fang Ru laughed.

This was originally a blind date banquet arranged by Fang's mother for Fang Ru, but before the blind date banquet started, Fang Ru said in front of the other party that she had a partner, and the blind date naturally failed.

Peng Bing was not in the mood to eat, so he talked to Fang's mother casually, and then left with an excuse. If her son hadn't blocked her behind her back, she would have scolded that Geng Lanxi well.

Ask her what she means, is it okay to play with her? My own daughter already has a partner, so why come to her son for a blind date?

Peng Bing walked to the entrance of the state-run hotel angrily, and said to Wan Guowei: "You are not allowed to mention Fang Ru again in the future. I am really mad at me. It is her blessing that our family has a crush on her, but in the end she didn't want to."

She couldn't believe that Fang Ru didn't know what it meant when she and Guowei appeared on such an occasion. But she only said that she had a partner after they showed up. It was obvious that she didn't like their family Guowei.

"Go back and tell your dad that the position of section chief should be given to someone else."

"Mom, don't do this. Aunt Fang doesn't know about it either. Didn't you hear what Fang Ru said just now? She didn't tell Auntie. It's because we didn't investigate clearly that we made such a thing." Wan Guowei persuaded his mother.

Peng Bingleng snorted: "You still help her mother and daughter to talk, so Fang Ru is so good?"

Wan Guowei was silent, and after a while he said: "Mom, I really like her."

"It's useless to like it, people don't like you. You come home with me obediently. Based on our family's conditions, is there any girl you want to find?"

Peng Bing didn't understand why his son was so stubborn. Fang Ru was a bit prettier, but it's not easy to find a pretty one?

Aside from that, Li Wenxiu in their factory is also very pretty.

"Maybe she really has someone?" Wan Guowei said.

"Then it has nothing to do with you. You already have a partner. What do you want to do, take it by force?" Peng Bing nodded Wan Guowei's forehead, "I can tell you that our family's conditions are good, but we can't Do something illegal."

"Mom, where did you think? It's not about getting married, maybe we will break up someday?"

Peng Bing was stunned: "What do you mean? You still have to be that Fang Ru?"

"Mom, the first time I saw her, I felt that she was the only one I would never marry in this life. I like her, and I dream about her." Wan Guowei looked very serious at the moment.

Peng Bing sighed a long time: "Why did Mom give birth to such a stubborn son like you? Well, since you like her so much, you can do whatever you want, but you have to remember, we can't do things that break the law .”

"Thank you, Mom, you are the best." Wan Guowei smiled.

"Okay, don't give me the ecstasy soup." Peng Bing gave his son a white look, and couldn't help laughing, "Hurry up, don't stay here."

Wan Guowei was happy to get his mother's promise, and helped his mother to leave.

Mother Fang's face darkened after Peng Bing left, she looked at Fang Ru: "When did you have a date, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"What I wanted to say, I didn't have time to talk about my sister-in-law's troubles a while ago."

"If you have something to talk about, don't involve me in it. Fang Ru, what you did was wrong. You don't know what you are doing on such an occasion today. Why do you have to say it on such an occasion?"

Chen Cuiping was also dissatisfied. She was jealous that Fang Ru could marry Wan Guowei. However, thinking that Fang Ru married Wan Guowei, her family would also benefit. While Chen Cuiping was jealous, she also had expectations in her heart.

But now, because of Fang Ru's words, the marriage is gone, and Chen Cuiping is full of resentment.

Fang Ru leaned on the back of the chair and said, "I know, I just said that on purpose because I knew what you guys wanted to do."

Mother Fang slapped her hand on the table: "Fang Ru, you want to **** me off, don't you? Now that you know it, you still make trouble on purpose?"

Fang Ru raised the corners of her eyes and looked at her mother: "Mom, I have a partner and I can't hide it. I said at the beginning that neither of the two parties made it clear, so this matter will be over. If we hide it, When the Wan family finds out that I have a partner, how will you explain to them?"

Of course Fang's mother knew that what Fang Ru said was reasonable, but she was just angry, what a good marriage partner of the Wan family.

In normal times, it is impossible for people to look down on Fang's family, and they are willing to offer an olive branch now, only because of the fact that Fang's family has two college students.

"Do you know how much benefit you can bring to the family if you marry into Wan's family? Your father is now competing for the position of director of the personnel department. If you want to become the future daughter-in-law of Wan's factory director, it's a matter of course." Yet?"

Fang Ru smiled: "After a long time, what you value in this marriage is the benefits it brings. When you trade your daughter for your father's future, have you considered whether I will be punished if I marry into Wan's family?" People take it lightly?"

"How could it be? Your father became the chief of the section. You have our family as your support, and the Wan family can't look down on you." Fang's mother said.

"Mom, do you really not understand or are you pretending to be confused? If Dad can become the chief of the section, it depends not on his own strength, but on his nepotism. To put it bluntly, he is the section chief of his daughter. How can he To support my daughter? You sold me to Wanjia, so how could Wanjia value me?"

"Don't mess around here. Even if we use your marriage to make a little profit, it's still for your own good. Then Wan Guowei's conditions are so good, you won't suffer if you marry him." Fang Ru was convinced by Fang Ru's words , some became angry from embarrassment.

"Also, who is your partner, and what are the conditions in your family? Did you get into college this time? If not, you still have to split up. I'll find a way to find Peng Bing to see if this marriage is still there. There is a possibility of reconciliation."

Fang Ru looked at Fang's mother, in her heart, interests were far more important than her daughter. So, in her previous life, after a few words of persuasion from her sister-in-law, she agreed to the conditions proposed by the Ning family.

"Mom, don't care about my partner's conditions, I just fell in love with him. What I like is him, not his conditions. Don't go looking for that Peng Bing again. Even if you make peace, this marriage I won't agree either."

Fang Ru said and stood up: "Since you are fine, Mom, then I will leave first. The classes in my school are very tight. Don't call me back when you are fine."

"Stop, Fang Ru, in this family, I still mean what I say. Hurry up and share with me your partner." Hearing Fang Ru's words, Fang's mother knew that Fang Ru's partner must be in a poor family. How about it.

Fang Ru chuckled, and was about to speak when she heard a familiar voice.

"Fang Ru, what a coincidence, you're eating here too?" Wang Hao walked over with a smile.

"It's a coincidence that you're here too?"

"Well, come over for dinner with some friends." Wang Hao motioned Fang Ru to look behind her left, where several tall young men were standing.

Wang Hao wanted to see Fang's mother: "This is Aunt Fang, right? Hello, I am Fang Ru's friend."

"You are?" Fang's mother looked at Wang Hao. Fang's mother had a sharp eye, and she knew from Wang Hao's clothes that this person's family background should be good. She looked at Fang Ru, "This is your friend, why don't you introduce him to your mother?" introduce?"

Fang's mother guessed in her heart, could this be the person Fang Ru mentioned. If it was this person, Mother Fang nodded in her heart, but it was not unacceptable.

"My name is Wang Hao, and I'm an educated youth from the same place as Fang Ru."

Hearing the words, Fang's mother had a smile on her face, and she gave Fang Ru a look: "You girl, you are still playing tricks on your mother. Xiao Wang is a nice person, why do you say that his conditions are not good?"

As soon as Fang Ru heard this, she knew that her mother had misunderstood. Wang Hao didn't know what Fang's mother meant. He scratched his head and said with a smile, "I'm not as good as Fang Ru. Fang Ru is a college student in a prestigious university, and I didn't even take an exam."

Mother Fang wanted to say something, but Fang Ru cut her off: "Mom, he's not."

"No?" Mother Fang raised her eyebrows and looked at Fang Ru. This disobedient daughter was lying to herself. She could see that this daughter should resent her for letting her go to the countryside. Since she came back, she has been against her everywhere.

"What isn't it?" Wang Hao didn't hear the conversation between the mother and daughter before, and was a little confused.

"My mother thought you were Meng Xing." Fang Ru explained.

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, and quickly waved his hand at Fang's mother: "Oh, Aunt Fang, you can't misunderstand like this. If Brother Meng Xing knows, he will beat me up when he comes back."

"Meng Xing?"

"Meng Xing is my partner. He and Wang Hao also met in Shuangxi Village, but his father is just an ordinary worker." Fang Ru said.

Wang Hao was stunned when he heard what Fang Ru said, and was about to say something, but was stopped by Fang Ru's eyes.

When Fang's mother heard this, she realized that Fang Ru hadn't lied to herself. Her face became more and more ugly, she gave Fang Ru a hard look, and led Chen Cuiping out.

On the way home, Mother Fang became more and more angry when she thought about it. When she got home, she didn't even eat.

Wang Hao looked at the back of Fang's mother leaving, and then turned to look at Fang Ru: "What's going on? Why do you say that Brother Meng Xing's father..."

"A little private matter at home." Fang Ru smiled without explaining.

She didn't want her mother to know that Meng Xing was the one who drove the car to pick her up last time. With Fang's mother's personality, knowing that Meng Xing was the one she mentioned last time, she would definitely think about how to get benefits from the Meng family.

She is not strong enough now, she doesn't want to be looked down upon by Meng Xing's relatives and friends because of this.

Two years later, when Meng Xing came back, at that time, he should have grown enough to be worthy of him.

Wang Hao didn't ask again, but he also guessed that the relationship between Fang Ru and his mother was probably not very good.

The two didn't talk about this topic anymore, Wang Hao said to Fangru: "Since we met by such a coincidence, why not go over and say hello to them, we have been playing with Brother Meng Xing since we were young, and the tallest one is Meng Xing's cousin Zhou Liangqiu, they are also very curious about you."

Thanks to Wang Hao, everyone in Meng Xing's small circle now knows that Meng Xing talked about someone who won the first prize in the college entrance examination.

Fang Ru thought that sooner or later she would join Meng Xing's circle of friends, so she didn't refuse, and followed Wang Hao over.

"I said you boy, you can't move when you see a beautiful girl? Leave us here?" As soon as the two walked over, someone teased Wang Hao, thinking that Fang Ru had something to do with Wang Hao.

Wang Hao quickly waved his hands: "You guys misunderstood, she is Fang Ru, brother Meng Xing's object."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, although when Wang Hao said it, he also said how beautiful Fang Ru was. But few people believed that a girl who was admitted to be the number one scholar in science could be so beautiful no matter how beautiful she was.

But when everyone saw Fang Ru in person, a young man said to Wang Hao, "So you really didn't lie."

Wang Hao patted him on the shoulder: "I said it a long time ago, I didn't lie, but none of you believed it."

Fang Ru smiled at everyone: "Hello everyone, my name is Fang Ru, and I am Meng Xing's partner."

"You are Fang Ru?" Zhou Liangqiu stood up and looked Fang Ru up and down.

"I am." Fang Ru already knew that Zhou Liangqiu was Meng Xing's cousin after Wang Hao's reminder.

"You are fine. Meng Xing has suffered a lot since childhood. From now on, you and I will get along well."

Zhou Liangqiu also learned from Wang Hao how Fang Ru and Meng Xing fell in love, and only then did he know that this girl was willing to be with Meng Xing even though she knew Meng Xing was going to perform a dangerous mission.

Therefore, before meeting Fang Ru, Zhou Liangqiu was already somewhat satisfied with Fang Ru. Now seeing Fang Ru in person, seeing that she is beautiful, and there is a bit of dignity in this beauty, I feel a little more satisfied.

He took out a pen and paper from his pocket, and wrote down an address: "This is the address of our home. During the time when Ah Xing is away, if you have any difficulties or troubles, you can come to me."

Fang Ru accepted the note and said with a smile, "If there is any difficulty, I will."

Seeing Fang Ru being so generous, Zhou Liangqiu was even more satisfied: "Have you eaten yet? If not, let's go together."

Several other people saw that Zhou Liangqiu had a good attitude towards Fang Ru, and heard Wang Hao brag about how much Meng Xing liked Fang Ru, so they also smiled and asked Fang Ru to join them.

Fang Ru shook her head: "No, I've already eaten. I still have something to do, so let's go first, you guys have fun."

Zhou Liangqiu didn't stop them either, they were all men, it was really inconvenient for Fang Ru to be a girl: "Where are you going, let the mouse take you."

"No need, I'll take a car by myself." Seeing them like this, they have just arrived, and they must have not eaten yet. How could Fang Ru ask Wang Hao to take her back, and quickly refused.

"It's okay, I'll see you off. How can you sit in that car? It's packed like a stack of arhats. It's not convenient for you as a girl." Wang Hao said and took the lead to go out, and said to Zhou Liangqiu and others while walking, "You wait for me, don't finish all the dishes."

The young man who first joked with Wang Hao said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'll leave food for you."

Wang Hao walked out of the door and drove the car out. Fang Ru sat in the back seat and said, "Take me back to school."

Fang Ru sat for a while and asked Wang Hao, "Do you have any news about Meng Xing?"

Wang Hao shook his head. In fact, he vaguely guessed what Meng Xing was going to do from the words of his family members. But he couldn't say this to Fang Ru, he just said: "Don't worry, brother Meng Xing is very capable, and he will be fine."

Fang Ru was silent for a while, thinking of buying a house, although she didn't mention it to Fang Weihua, what she wanted to buy was a courtyard house.

She likes that kind of yard, where she can plant a few plants she likes, set up a few tables and chairs, build a pot of tea, and put a book she likes, and she can sit for half a day.

"Wang Hao, if I want to buy a courtyard house, can you help me find a house?" Fang Ru didn't have any idea, so she asked Wang Hao tentatively.

"Do you want to buy a courtyard house?" Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, "I'll go back and ask for you. How big do you want to buy, and what price is acceptable?"

"What kind of things can I buy for about 1,000 yuan?" Fang Ru asked.

"I don't know the details, but I estimate that it should be possible to buy a second yard for 1,000 yuan." Wang Hao said.

"I want to buy three sets, please keep an eye out for me."

"Okay, I'll go back and ask." Wang Hao nodded, but he was still shocked.

He knew that Fang Ru made some money by selling snow skin cream, but he didn't expect Fang Ru to earn so much, and bought three houses in one go, 3000 yuan, what kind of concept is this.

Wang Hao suddenly felt that Brother Meng Xing might have to eat soft food in the future.

When approaching Beijing University, Fang Ru asked Wang Hao to stop the car. Cars are a rarity in this day and age, and Fang Ru didn't dare to let Wang Hao drive the car to the gate of the school just like that.

After getting out of the car, Fang Ru didn't go back directly to Beijing University, but turned around and went to Qing University next door.

After asking someone about the location of the dormitory of the Department of Construction Engineering, Fang Ru asked a classmate downstairs to help Fang Weihua come down.

It was a coincidence that the male student happened to be in the dormitory opposite Fang Weihua, and he had already arrived at Fang Weihua's dormitory, so he said, "Fang Weihua, there is a beautiful girl looking for you outside, can it be your date?"

Fang Weihua was stunned for a moment: "I don't have a date, what does the pretty girl you mentioned look like?"

The male classmate described it, and Fang Weihua smiled: "That's my sister, I'm going out first."

As soon as Fang Weihua left, the classmates in his dormitory pulled the male classmate and asked, "Fang Weihua's younger sister is really beautiful?"

"Pretty, even more beautiful than Chen Wenzhu."

"That's right, looking at Fang Weihua's appearance, you know that his sister must be pretty."

Fang Weihua didn't know what his roommates were discussing behind the scenes. He met Fang Ru downstairs in the dormitory: "Why are you here?"

"Let's find a place, I have something to tell you." Fang Ru said.

"Let's go to the bamboo forest. There are few people there, so it's suitable for conversation." Fang Weihua thought for a while and said.

In the bamboo forest, many students were reciting English and reading books there in the morning. At this time, there should be no one there.

Fang Ru followed Fang Weihua to the bamboo forest, and she stopped: "Second brother, when are you going to tell your parents about the separation?"

Fang Weihua said before that after the Spring Festival, he did not expect it to be delayed until now.

Originally, Fang Ru was not in such a hurry, but after today's incident, she felt that the matter of moving out should be carried out as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if her mother could introduce Factory Director Wan's son to her today, and Factory Director Wang's son tomorrow, she would have endless troubles in the future.

As she didn't want to reveal Meng Xing's family background for the time being, the only way to prevent similar things was to move out.

"What happened?" Fang Weihua looked at Fang Ru. If nothing happened, she wouldn't rush over to tell him about it.

Fang Ru told her about the blind date that Fang's mother gave her today.

Fang Weihua frowned: "Why don't you tell mom about you and Meng Xing."

Fang Ru shook her head, smiled wryly and said, "If it's possible, I'd like to say it too. However, if you avoid this trouble, it will bring more trouble."

"It's not like you don't know what kind of person Mom is. Knowing Meng Xing's family background, you have to urge me to please Meng Xing's family every day. Then what have I become?"

Fang Weihua sighed: "Oh, it's all caused by poverty."

Fang Ru didn't refute, her mother was good to her second brother Fang Weihua, and it was reasonable for Fang Weihua to protect her mother.

The reason why he agreed to move out was because of his sister-in-law Chen Cuiping.

And if she hadn't experienced what happened in her previous life, if someone said bad things about her mother in front of her, she would defend her mother like the second brother.

Therefore, Fang Ru didn't talk much about her mother, but started with her sister-in-law Chen Cuiping.

"In short, let's do this matter as soon as possible. My sister-in-law also intervened in this matter. I'm afraid I also want to get some benefits from the Wan family." Fang Ru said.

"There is a sister-in-law in the middle, such a thing can't be avoided in the future."

Hearing Fang Ru's words, Fang Weihua breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that the second sister was dissatisfied with the sister-in-law.

Fang Weihua didn't want to say anything more about the sister-in-law: "Well, I'll mention it to my parents when I get back this week."

"When you go back, I'll be with you." Fang Ru said.

"Saturday, I'll go find you on Saturday and go back together." Fang Weihua said.

"That's ok, by the way, I have entrusted a friend to handle the house. But it shouldn't be so fast, and we may have to rent a house first."

"Don't worry about this, I'll look for the house, it should be closer to Ah Yue's school."

After discussing everything with Fang Weihua, Fang Ru went back to school.

As soon as Fang Weihua turned his head, he saw the people in his dormitory standing outside the bamboo forest.

"Why are you here?"

"Xu Liang praised your sister like a flower. We were curious, so we wanted to come down and have a look. We didn't expect you to go so far." Wang Liang said.

"However, your sister is much more beautiful than Hua. Wei Hua, we all live in the same dormitory, and you know our character. Do you see if we have hope..."

Cheng Xing put his head in front of Fang Weihua: "Wei Hua, look at me. I'm pretty good-looking, and my family conditions are good. You know what kind of person I am. Do you think I can do it?"

Fang Weihua reached out and pushed Cheng Xing's face away: "I don't think you can do it."

"Why?" Cheng Xing was anxious, "I really like your sister, I promise, if your sister wants to be with me, I will treat her well."

Fang Weihua said: "That doesn't work either, my sister already has a date."

"Ah?" Cheng Xing lowered his head in disappointment, and after a while, he raised his head again, "Fang Weihua, aren't you lying to me?"

Fang Weihua snorted: "Why am I lying to you? My future brother-in-law looks much better than you, and he's still a soldier."

"Really, oh, why don't you say I met your sister earlier."

When Cheng Xing heard that Fang Ru really had a girlfriend, and that the girlfriend was a soldier, he gave up his mind, but he felt a little disappointed.

When Fang Ru returned to school, she went to the cafeteria to have a meal first. Because she went there late, the cafeteria only had steamed buns to eat. Fang Ru didn't care either, and ordered two steamed buns with some pickles to fill her stomach.

When she returned to the dormitory, Chen Dan was carrying her schoolbag and was about to go to the classroom. When she saw her coming back, she said, "I thought you weren't coming back. Hurry up. Today is Teacher Chen's class. If you are late, you will be punished again." Training."

"Okay, just wait for me." Fang Ru picked up the book from her desk and followed Chen Dan out of the dormitory.

"Hey, I really admire you. It's only been half a month, and you've already finished two courses. No wonder you can study medicine with your master while going to school."

Fang Ru finished two courses, that is really finished. Chen Dan knew it, and she could answer all the questions she asked about the content of her professional courses, and some ideas were simpler and easier to understand than what the teacher said.

"You said that the gap between people is so big?" Chen Dan became excited, and came out with a little accent.

She was already tired and dizzy after taking optics class every day. Fang Ru can take care of both sides and look relaxed, which is really enviable.

The two arrived in the classroom, and within two minutes, the class bell rang. Chen Guanghe stepped on the bell and entered the classroom, and began to give lectures

Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy