MTL - The Original Heroine of the 70’s Cannon Fodder Book is Reborn-Chapter 46 (1)

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Meng Xing got on the tractor going to the town. He didn't dare to turn his head, fearing that if he turned his head, he would be reluctant to leave again, but he had to.

The tractor was emitting black smoke, making a chug sound, and drove forward.

Fang Ru looked at the tractor gradually going away, and suddenly remembered that the safety rope she made for Meng Xing hadn't been given to him yet.

Fang Ru raised her legs and followed, but no matter how slow the tractor was, it was faster than her. Just when Fang Ru thought she couldn't catch up, she stopped and bent over to catch her breath, the tractor stopped.

A military green figure jumped off the tractor and ran towards Fang Ru.

"Aru." Meng Xing put his arms around Fang Ru, at this moment, he could no longer care about other people's eyes.

Just now when he turned his head suddenly, he saw Fang Ru chasing the tractor behind him. At that moment, he didn't think about anything, and after letting Li Tiezhu stop the car, he turned around and looked for Fang Ru.

"Silly girl, what are you chasing me for?" Meng Xing touched Fang Ru's forehead, which was already sweating a little due to the violent running.

Fang Ru took out the red safety rope from her pocket, and handed it to Meng Xing: "I don't have anything for you, this is a safety rope I wove myself to keep you safe. May you be safe on the battlefield." Invincible, come back victorious.”

Meng Xing grabbed the red safety rope and put it on his hand: "I will definitely return safely, you wait for me, when I come back to marry you."

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come back, you must come back safely." Fang Ru's eyes were moist, she told herself not to cry, but the tears were not obedient.

Meng Xing sighed, and wiped away her tears with his fingertips: "Don't cry, if you cry again, I won't want to leave."

Meng Xing lowered his head, and pressed a cherished and pityful kiss on Fang Ru's forehead.

He stroked the place where he kissed with his hand, then gradually moved down, and landed on the cherry-like red lips: "Next time I come back, this is where I want to kiss."

How could Fang Ru stand up to Meng Xing's teasing, her face was on fire. Although she has lived two lifetimes, she has never had such intimate contact with a man.

Such emotions dispelled the sadness of parting, Fang Ru pushed Meng Xing: "Let's go quickly, don't delay. If you can, write me a letter when you arrive at the place, and report that you are safe."

Fang Ru wondered if the place where Meng Xing went could write letters.

"Okay, I'm leaving." Meng Xing put Fang Ru in his arms, hugged Fang Ru hard, then turned around and strode away.

Fang Ru stood where she was, and did not prepare to go back until the shadow of the tractor could no longer be seen.

Meng Xing returned to the tractor, took out the letter that Fang Ru had specially instructed from his pocket, and opened it to read.

But the more he read it, the more frightened he became. After reading the letter, Meng Xing finally understood why Fang Ru destroyed it after letting him read it.

He took out a match, lit it, and burned the letter to ashes. As soon as he threw his hand, the ashes scattered everywhere with the wind, leaving no trace.

After Meng Xing left, Fang Ru spent the whole morning in a daze, and only calmed down in the afternoon.

Meng Xing had already left, and no matter how melancholy she was, it would be useless, she might as well improve herself, so that when Meng Xing came back, she could stand by his side with more confidence.

After Meng Xing left, life seemed to be the same. Fang Ru went to the health center as usual to treat patients with minor ailments such as colds and coughs, and learned more advanced medical skills and plant cultivation techniques from Qian Jianghuai.

Occasionally, when you have free time, cook something delicious to reward yourself. At this time, Wei Huan and Wang Hao looked at Fang Ru eagerly and asked her to do more.

Half a month later, Fang Ru was about to return to the educated youth spot after work, but was stopped by Chen Mancang: "Fang Ru, I have a letter from you."

Fang Ru took the letter and thanked Chen Mancang. She opened the letter while going back to the educated youth point.

She thought that the letter was sent by her second brother Fang Weihua. After his second brother returned to the city, he would often write to her and send her some things from the city from time to time.

Just looking at the flying and phoenix font on the envelope, Fang Ru knew that it was not the letter from the second brother Fang Weihua.

She opened the letter, the content of the letter is very simple: safe, don't read! I miss you waking up.

Fang Ru's eyes suddenly became sore when he looked at the strong font.

During this period of time, she arranged her time very well and lived a fulfilling life. She felt that she didn't miss Meng Xing that much.

But it wasn't until she read his letter that Fang Ru knew that it wasn't that she didn't want to, she just kept this longing in her heart.

She wanted to write back to Meng Xing, but there was no address on the envelope. Fang Ru could only read the eight characters upside down over and over again.

Really, since you can write a letter, why don't you write a few more words, Fang Ru complains in her heart.

Back at the educated youth point, she laid the letter out on the table, took a stack of letter paper, and began to reply to Meng Xing.

She knew that this reply letter couldn't be sent, but she just wanted to reply. She wrote three full sheets of paper about her study and work experience during this period, and then stopped writing.

After finishing writing the letter, it seemed that the conversation with Meng Xing had also been completed, so Fang Ru folded the two letters and put them together under the box.

After more than half a month, Fang Ru received another letter from the army, and she was overjoyed. She never thought that Meng Xing could still send her a letter.

However, when she opened the kraft paper envelope, she found that the envelope was not a letter, but a stack of ten-cent notes and various soap and cloth tickets.

Fang Ru counted the bills, and there were 66 yuan. 66 yuan is not too little, an ordinary worker's salary for two months, and those tickets.

This money is not too much for Fang Ru now. Li Fenghua is a good money maker. Ever since Fang Ru let her do it, Fang Ru's private coffers have doubled several times.

But it's not just money, but Meng Xing's affection for her. By sending her his army allowance, Meng Xing was telling her that she was his family.

While Fang Ru was moved, she was also worried that Meng Xing would suffer in the army. She found Wang Hao and asked about the situation.

Wang Hao was not clear about the specific situation of Meng Xing's army, but he told Fang Ru not to worry: "Since Brother Meng Xing sent you this money, you can use it to buy some delicious food. He doesn't need to spend anything in the army. , you don’t have to worry about that.”

Moreover, brother Meng Xing sent money here because he regarded Fang Ru as his wife.

Thinking of the recent rumors in the village, there are still a few boys who are ready to move, Wang Hao feels that he has to spread the news that brother Meng Xing sent money to Fang Ru.

In case some people thought that Brother Meng Xing had left Fang Ru. There are even a few people who don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, thinking that they can take advantage of Brother Meng Xing's departure? He didn't even think about what Wang Hao was doing here.

Wang Hao feels that he has a great responsibility.

One day, when Fang Ru was walking on the road, she saw several old ladies smiling at her, and young girls looking at her enviously. Fang Ru was a little puzzled.

When I went back at night, I planned to ask Wei Huan, who knew that Wei Huan also looked at her with envy.

"What's wrong with you?" Did something happen that she didn't know?

"I just envy you too much. You and Meng Xing are not married yet, and they have prepared everything for you. You haven't seen what some little girls said a few days ago, tsk, it's really ugly. It's all over now, Meng Xing will send the money, let's see what those pink eye patients have to say."

Fang Ru didn't say anything, because the news of Meng Xing's going to be a soldier had not spread in the village, and everyone thought that Meng Xing had returned to the city. The two talked about each other, Meng Xing returned to the city, but Fang Ru remained in Shuangxi Village, there were inevitably some rumors in the village.

She also heard some of those rumors, they were nothing more than that, Meng Xing was just playing with her, not really with her or something like that.

Fang Ru just laughed it off when she heard it. The matter between her and Meng Xing didn't need to be explained to outsiders.

But this matter must have been spread by Wang Hao, and he only told him about Meng Xing sending money.

Fang Ru could also guess the purpose of Wang Hao's doing this, but that's good too. Recently, a few people always came to the clinic to find her under the pretext of seeing a doctor, and she was very annoyed.

But she explained that those people thought she was holding on for the sake of face.

Now that such news is spread, those people should not come to her again.

In the following time, Fang Ru never saw Meng Xing's letter again. On the contrary, the allowance will be sent on time every month. Fang Ru guessed that it should be sent by someone entrusted by Meng Xing.

She also knew that as the time for that war was getting closer, Meng Xing was probably busy too.

Fang Ru began to immerse herself in learning medical skills and plant cultivation techniques, and before she knew it, it was already October.

On this day, Fang Ru saw the last patient in the health center, and was about to go back to the educated youth point, when a person ran in hurriedly outside the door. Fang Ru looked up, and it was actually Qi Han.

As soon as he came in, he asked, "Is Dr. Qian here?"

"My master was called out just now, if you have anything to do, you can tell me." Fang Ru explained.

Qi Han was flustered, his face was so anxious that he was about to sweat: "Liu Rong is about to give birth, but the midwife said that the baby might be in danger, so let me come to the health center and ask Dr. Qian to come over."

When Fang Ru heard this, she picked up her medicine box and said to Qi Han, "Then hurry up."

Qi Han didn't move: "I'll wait for Doctor Qian to come back." If he hadn't gone to find Ning Yuheng, and Ning Yuheng wasn't there, he wouldn't even come to the village clinic.

Fang Ru smiled, she didn't trust herself until Qi Han, but now is not the time to care about this.

"Can you afford to wait, can Liu Rong wait? Don't worry, my medical skills are still good in gynecology. Human life is at stake. I will not lie about this. You can trust me."

Qi Han was a little hesitant, not because he didn't trust Fang Ru, but because Fang Ru had studied medicine for too short a time, so there was no way he could be trusted.

Fang Ru was not angry: "In this case, I'll go first, you wait here, if my master comes back, you go with him again."

This time, Qi Han nodded, he thought it would be safer: "Thank you."

Now that she knew that Liu Rong had done a lot of wrongs to Fang Ru, Fang Ru could have excused herself from being incompetent in medicine and didn't have to get involved in this troubled water, but she still stood up. Fang Ru is indeed an admirable girl.

Fang Ru rushed to Qi's house in a hurry, and as soon as she reached the door, she heard loud and low shouts from inside.

Fang Ru walked in, and Qi's mother was standing outside the door, walking back and forth anxiously. When she saw Fang Ru coming in, she was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Why didn't Doctor Qian come?"

Fang Ru patted her medicine box: "My master is out, I'm going to see how Liu Rong is doing."

"Hey, I'm sorry to trouble you."

At the door, Fang Ru stopped suddenly and asked, "Ms. Qi, why don't you go in?"

"I, I'll just take a look outside." Qi's mother showed a trace of embarrassment on her face.

Fang Ru was a little surprised, but didn't think much about it. She pushed open the door, and a **** smell came out of her nostrils.

The midwife Wang Pozi was guiding Liu Rong to give birth. On an October day, the weather in Shuangxi Village had already cooled down, but Liu Rong's hair was completely drenched with sweat, and her face was turning blue.

Fang Ru unloaded the medicine box and asked Mrs. Wang, "How is she?"

Mrs. Wang shook her head: "The situation is not very good. As the saying goes, seven lives and eight don't live. Liu Rong's child in her womb is just eight months old, so it's a bit difficult."

Fang Ru approached Liu Rong, and just wanted to see her condition, but Liu Rong suddenly opened her eyes, seeing Fang Ru, her face changed: "What are you doing here? You want to take advantage of me to give birth, and make trouble Kill me, right? Go away!"

Fang Ru curled her lips helplessly: "What am I doing to kill you? Mrs. Wang is still watching. I'm going to jail for someone like you. Am I worth it?"

Mrs. Wang was also on the sidelines to help Fang Ru persuade: "Liu Rong, Doctor Fang is kind enough to give birth to your difficult child, please cooperate."

Liu Rong still opened her eyes wide, staring at Fang Ru, wondering whether she should believe her or not. She had done so many bad things to Fang Ru in the past, and both of them knew that Fang Ru was so kind that he would come to see her?

"Okay, don't stare. If you have the strength, save it to have a good baby. My master taught me that as a doctor, you must have medical ethics. Even if you are my enemy, I will not touch you when I see a doctor." , Put your heart back in your stomach, I'm not as mean and shameless as you."

When Mrs. Wang heard Fang Ru's words, her eyes showed admiration. Qian Jianghuai is indeed a good doctor, and the apprentices he teaches are also good.

As people in Shuangxi Village, everyone knew about the incident between Liu Rong and Fang Ru.

Liu Rong did a lot of things to hurt Fang Ru in the past, but Fang Ru was able to lend a helping hand when she was in distress. In this alone, Liu Rong is far behind Fang Ru.

Fang Ru took Liu Rong's pulse, rolled her eyelids, and knew that Liu Rong was exhausted.

She opened her medicine box, took out a set of silver needles from inside, sterilized them, and began to pierce Liu Rong's acupuncture points one by one.

As Fang Ru stabbed more and more needles, Liu Rong gradually felt that her somewhat cold stomach began to warm up, and her body seemed to have more strength.

Seeing that Liu Rong's health was improving, Wang Po hurriedly instructed Liu Rong to breathe harder and start giving birth.

Liu Rong also knew that medical skills were backward in this era, so she didn't dare to neglect, and followed Mrs. Wang's instructions.

Half an hour later, Liu Rong felt her body lighten up, and something slipped out from between her legs.

"Okay, it's born." Mrs. Wang wiped off her sweat with a smile on her face.

The child was born prematurely and looked a little thin. Fortunately, during Liu Rong's pregnancy, Qi's mother took good care of her. The baby weighed four catties, which was not as good as a full-term baby, but it was not bad for a premature baby.

The child was just born, with red and wrinkled skin, looking like a little old man.

Seeing that the child was safe, Liu Rong had a relaxed smile on her face. When her eyes touched Fang Ru again, the expression on her face became complicated, she opened her mouth, and said "thank you".

Fang Ru glanced at Liu Rong: "Thank you, there's no need. I'm not here to save you. I'm just doing my duty as a doctor. However, if you dare to have bad intentions and try to harm me in the future, I won't treat you You are welcome."

Liu Rong was silent, and said after a while: "I know you look down on me, and most people in the village look down on me, but you don't know why I became who I am now."

"Did you know that you were born in a patriarchal family, and the good things you grew up belonged to your younger brother, and the new clothes belonged to your younger brother. You have nothing. Even the college entrance examination, your grades are much better than your younger brother. Your parents But let your brother go to college."

"Growing up in such an environment, if it were you, how could you be better than me?"

Fang Ru knew that Liu Rong's words should refer to her previous life: "People can't choose their birth environment, but they can choose what kind of person they want to be."

"Do you think you are the only one who is miserable? Do you know why I came to Shuangxi Village to be an educated youth? I have two elder brothers above me, let alone the second elder brother. He is in poor health, so naturally he cannot come to the countryside."

"But my eldest brother, he is physically strong and has enough conditions in all aspects. In order not to let him go to the countryside, my parents insisted on marrying him to my sister-in-law before registration. The quota for going to the countryside is my turn. Yes, I just turned sixteen when I went to the countryside.”

"But I didn't complain about the unfair treatment I suffered like you did, or even pass this unfairness on to others."

"I choose to make myself better than to steal from other people and take what's from others as my own."

"Your situation may be pitiful, but this is not the reason for you to frame others."

Liu Rong lay there, covering her face and smiling, but tears flowed from her eyes: "Maybe you are right."

Fang Ru didn't say anything, but packed up the medicine box and prepared to go out.

Looking at Fang Ru's busy figure, Liu Rong clearly understood the gap between herself and Fang Ru for the first time.

That is not the difference in IQ, appearance and various external conditions, it is a kind of tolerance, no wonder Fang Ru can become the heroine, the kind of tolerance in her body, even she is convinced. No wonder Meng Xing fell in love with her, not himself.

This time, Liu Rong clearly felt that she was not as good as Fang Ru, but she couldn't bear the slightest bit of jealousy. The gap is too big, they are not on the same level at all, and it is just ridiculous to be jealous forcibly.

She covered her eyes, with hot tears streaming down her cheeks, she asked softly: "If you were me now, knowing that Qi Han's feet would not recover, would you choose to stay?"

Fang Ru straightened up and glanced at Liu Rong: "I won't choose to stay, but I will lead the Qi family to live a better life."

Liu Rong lay there without speaking for a while, and after a long time, she said softly: "I see, thank you. Also, I'm sorry."

This sentence is sorry for all the wrong things she has done before.

Fang Ru's eyes flickered, she didn't speak, she turned around and walked out the door with the medicine box in hand.

She will not choose to forgive, Liu Rong can easily say this sorry because she has no memory of her previous life.

But she is different, she clearly remembers the pain and injustice suffered by Liu Rong every day and night in her previous life.

She came to see Liu Rong, but it was out of her duty to the doctor, not forgiving Liu Rong's actions. Forgive her, then all the grievances and tortures I suffered in the previous life are not all in vain.

Mrs. Wang has already washed the child, wrapped it in the prepared quilt, and went out to announce the good news to Qi's mother: "Mother and child are safe. Thanks to Dr. Fang, this child was able to come out smoothly. You have to thank him very much."

"Also, I advise your Liu Rong not to think about harming Dr. Fang in the future. If Liu Rong succeeds in spreading rumors last time, she will have a baby. Who can I ask to save her?"

Seeing Fang Ru's performance in the delivery room made Mrs. Wang especially like this beautiful female educated youth, so she couldn't help but say a few more words.

As soon as Qi Han walked into the door with Qian Jianghuai, he was a little embarrassed when he heard Mrs. Wang's words.

Qian Jianghuai looked satisfied when he heard this. Fang Ru is indeed his favorite apprentice, he is decisive in doing things, and when he is framed by a scheme, he can deal with it calmly, refute it back with reason, and return the color to the perpetrator.

But when facing patients, he can not bring personal emotions, and has the benevolence that a doctor should have.

This kind of Fang Ru already has the qualities that a famous doctor should have, and after time has passed, she will shine with her own unique light. Qian Jianghuai could almost see Fang Ru's bright future.

His apprentice is really worth it. Qian Jianghuai once again thanked himself for his decisiveness. In other words, he still had to thank Liu Rong. If Liu Rong hadn't been involved in the process, he would not have accepted Fang Ru as his apprentice.

In that way, he would have missed an apprentice who was extremely talented but also possessed the benevolence of a doctor.

Fang Ru packed up her things and walked out. When she saw Qian Jianghuai, she quickly took a few steps forward: "Master."

Qian Jianghuai looked at Fang Ru now, more kindly than looking at his own daughter: "You are very good, Master did not teach you in vain. Keep studying hard, and you will become a good doctor in the future."

Qi Han also guessed at this moment: Liu Rong should be fine, and Fang Ru played a big role in this.

He thought of what he had done in the health center, and felt extremely ashamed. He shouldn't doubt Fang Ru.

Although he felt extremely embarrassed, Qi Han still wanted to thank Fang Ru, after all, Fang Ru saved Liu Rong's mother and son: "Fang Ru, thank you."

"You're welcome. I'm a doctor. This is what I should do. Liu Rong is fine. Master and I should go back."

Fang Ru's generous attitude made Qi Han even more uncomfortable. Although he didn't say anything about what he did in the clinic, it was clear that he didn't look down on Fangru.

Fang Ru is a perceptive girl, and probably saw what he meant, so she asked him to wait for Qian Jianghuai there.

Qi Han's lips twitched a few times, and finally said: "I'm sorry."

Fang Ru didn't take it seriously, it was just an ordinary visit.

After being busy for so long, she hasn't eaten yet. Fang Ru is so hungry that her stomach is growling, and she just wants to go back to the educated youth to get some food.

"Wait a minute." Qi's mother came up, "Fang Zhiqing, wait a minute, I will ask Qi Han to bring you some eggs before leaving."

After hearing what his mother said, Qi Han went back to the house and took ten red eggs, put them in a cloth bag, and handed them to Fang Ru.

Fang Ru did not refuse, this is the rule here, the red egg is a wedding egg.

Mrs. Wang packed up for a while and was ready to leave. She took the red eggs prepared by Qi's mother and left Qi's house with Fang Ru.

"Doctor Fang, you are really generous and a good girl. Meng Xing

It is his blessing to find someone like you. "Wang Pozi gave Fangru a thumbs up.

Fang Ru smiled modestly: "Don't praise me like that, I just did what I should do."

"By the way, why did Liu Rong give birth prematurely?" Fang Ru remembered that in her previous life, Qi Baoguo was born at full term. She was a little strange just now, but Liu Rong was in a critical situation at the time, so she didn't ask.

Mrs. Wang really knows something about this: "I heard that I had a quarrel with Qi Han, and it seemed to be about studying or not studying. When I went in, Liu Rong was crying, and Qi Han's mother was trying to persuade me to come , Liu Rong let Qi Han's mother go out."

Only then did Fang Ru know why when she came, Qi's mother stood outside the door, and when she was asking questions, Qi's mother still had such a strange expression, so it was like this.

Mrs. Wang didn't make it clear, but Fang Ru understood: Liu Rong probably wanted to take the college entrance examination two months later, but Qi Han disagreed, and a dispute arose between the two.

Mrs. Wang really likes Fang Ru, and praises Fang Ru for her kindness and generosity when she sees everyone.

"You don't know. At that time, Liu Rong did something wrong and felt guilty, and she was afraid that Fang Ru would harm her. Don't you know that Fang Ru has the same knowledge as her."

Gradually, everyone in Shuangxi Village knew about Fang Ru's rescue of Liu Rong regardless of previous suspicions.

While feeling that Fang Ru was upright, they also had a clearer understanding of Fang Ru's medical skills.

It turns out that Fang Ru is not only good at treating minor ailments like colds and coughs, her medical skills are far better than they imagined.

Gradually, more and more people came to see Fang Ru for other diseases, and Qian Jianghuai was happy to see the success of this situation.

And the more people in Shuangxi Village thought Fang Ru was nicer, the more they hated Liu Rong in their hearts.

Thinking that Liu Rong wanted to drive Fang Ru out of Shuangxi Village for her own selfishness, I really don't know what she was thinking.

In mid-October, Qian Jianghuai was suddenly notified to return to Beijing.

Chen Mancang said to Qian Jianghuai with a smile: "Mr. Qian, you have come to the end of all hardships."

Looking at the document, Qian Jianghuai didn't know what it was like, it was sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, with mixed flavors.

He never thought that he would have the chance to return to Beijing in his lifetime, he thought he would die of old age in this Shuangxi Village.

Fang Ru was also happy for Master, although she knew that Master would leave Shuangxi Village sooner or later, but when that day came, she was still so happy that she couldn't help it.

"Congratulations, master."

Qian Jianghuai sighed: "There is nothing to congratulate."

Because of this period of reeducation through labor, the family members have long since lost contact. If Fang Ru hadn't been taken in, he would be nothing but a helpless old man, so why not.

If he could, he would rather just stay in Shuangxi Village like this for the rest of his life, teaching Fang Ru and treating these simple villagers, but the choice was never in his hands.

Before Qian Jianghuai left, he took a stack of study materials and handed them to Fang Ru: "I'm leaving, and you can't miss your homework. These are specially organized by me in the past few days. When you go to Beijing, I will check them. .If I find that you have regressed, don't blame me as a master for teaching you."

"Don't worry, Master, I will study hard and I won't let you down." Fang Ru promised.

Qian Jianghuai finally left, and Fang Ru was the only one left in the village health center. Fang Ru was afraid that she would not be able to handle it, so she recommended Ning Yuheng to Chen Mancang.

She can see some diseases, but she knows her own condition, and she can't see some difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

When Wang Hao found out about this, he also went to the village clinic. It's not that he doesn't trust Fang Ru, just because Fang Ru knows that Brother Meng Xing is in danger and still chooses to be with Brother Meng Xing, he knows Fang Ru's affection for Brother Meng Xing.

In addition, Fang Ru was able to treat Liu Rong who had designed to frame her regardless of previous suspicions, and she also knew how noble this girl is.

It was Ning Yuheng who he didn't trust. He knew that Ning Yuheng had chased Fang Ru before.

He had to watch out for Brother Meng Xing, and if Ning Yuheng made any changes, he would use all means to dissuade him.

Fang Ru couldn't laugh or cry after seeing Wang Hao's actions. However, she didn't stop her. She used to be with Master and there was a big age gap, so there wouldn't be any gossip.

But Ning Yuheng is different. After all, Ning Yuheng is young, and he was recommended by himself. It is hard to guarantee that the villagers will not gossip. It is good for Wang Hao to look at it like this.

In this way, Fang Ru treated the villagers while studying.

On October 21st, all major media and newspapers across the country announced the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination. The educated youths all over the country were excited to hear the news.

The educated youths in Shuangxi Village were no exception. They went to tell each other and shared this exciting news.

From this day on, the learning atmosphere of the educated youths in the educated youth spot has become stronger.

From time to time, educated youths or high school students from the village came to ask Fang Ru for advice.

Because many people came and the time was not fixed, it really took up Fang Ru's time.

Although she didn't need to review specially for the college entrance examination, but before the master left, he left her a lot of study materials and homework for him to complete before returning to Beijing.

The master knows her learning ability, and the materials and homework left behind are all based on her ability. Fang Ru really doesn't have that much time.

But she also knows how important the college entrance examination is to these young people.

Fang Ru simply set a time, from 8:00 to 9:30 every night, dedicated to explaining the topic to everyone.

Neither the educated youth nor the students of Shuangxi Village had any objections.

"If you're like this, won't you delay your studies?" Wei Huan was a little worried, she knew how busy Fang Ru was.

Fang Ru smiled: "It's not easy for everyone. They all want to have a good future. I can help as much as I can. Besides, one and a half hours a day can still be squeezed out. Only these two moon."

After Fang Ru's words spread, the educated youths and the villagers of Shuangxi Village became more grateful to Fang Ru. They also seized the time to study, usually solve it by themselves, try their best to solve it by themselves, so as not to waste Fang Ru's time.

Only put the unresolvable ones at night, and save them for consultation with Fang Ru. Um

As for the Qi family, Liu Rong was also taking the time to study, even during the confinement period, she didn't stop.

As for the child, after it was born, Liu Rong didn't take it much because she had to review, and asked Qi's mother to help with it. Because of her dystocia, she didn't have much milk when she gave birth, which saved her trouble.

When Qi Han came back, he saw Liu Rong lying on the table, reading a book. His eyes flickered, he didn't say anything, after changing his clothes, he turned and went to see Baoguo in his mother's room.

Qi Han didn't speak anymore. During this period of time, he saw Liu Rong's actions and knew that Liu Rong must leave.

Originally, Qi Han planned to spend his whole life with Liu Rong. But seeing the little Baoguo, he suddenly couldn't bear it anymore. He could spend his whole life with Liu Rong, how about Baoguo?

Qi Han wanted to tell Liu Rong that since you must leave, then divorce the marriage. But thinking of divorce, Qi Han suddenly thought that the two of them didn't have a marriage certificate at all.

Thinking back to the time when he proposed to go to the commune to get the marriage certificate, but Liu Rong kept refusing it, she must have made all the plans a long time ago.

In the darkness, Qi Han's mouth curled into a self-deprecating smile. Liu Rong, this woman, he completely gave up.

Since she wants to go, let her go. However, before leaving, the two of them still had to speak clearly, after Liu Rong finished her college entrance examination.

Soon, more than a month passed, and on December 11th, Province L officially kicked off the college entrance examination. Fang Ru, Wei Huan, Ning Yuheng, Liu Rong and others all participated in the college entrance examination.

After the college entrance examination, it is time to wait nervously for the results.

Liu Rong knew that in the book, Fang Ru was the number one student in liberal arts back then. Fortunately, she was studying science in modern times, and there was no conflict with Fang Ru. Otherwise, Liu Rong didn't know if she could beat Fang Ru.

Liu Rong is very confident in her grades, but Fang Ru is the heroine of the book after all, and the author gave him too much cheating.

That time when she went to ask Fang Ru a question, she deliberately took a difficult problem to embarrass Fang Ru, but Fang Ru easily solved it.

And the last time, Fang Ru wrote down all the patients' names, conditions, and queuing order in the health center. Liu Rong also heard about it. Since then, she has been even more jealous of Fang Ru.

But she never extinguished her determination to compete with Fang Ru, until that time when she gave birth, Fang Ru treated her regardless of the past.

She finally realized the difference between herself and Fang Ru, and stopped comparing herself with her. There is no need to compare people who are not at the same level.

However, Liu Rong didn't think the college entrance examination questions were difficult this time. She felt that her score should not be low, and it would be no problem to get into Qingda University.

As for Fang Ru, it should be the same as the original book, taking the Chinese Department of Peking University.

The two of them had a liberal arts and a science, even if Fang Ru got the first prize in liberal arts, it would not have much influence on her.

During this period of time, her reputation in the village was not very good, and she was pointed at everywhere she went.

She also hopes to take advantage of the college entrance examination, succeed in one fell swoop, feel proud, and slap those in the village who look down on her hard in the face.

At the same time, her relationship with Qi Han was so tense, she did well in the exam, and she could use this as a breakthrough to ease the tense relationship with Qi Han.

After the college entrance examination, Liu Rong was relaxed, and she was rarely interested in helping Qi's mother bring up Xiao Baoguo.

It's a pity that since Baoguo was born, his mother hadn't hugged him very much. Baoguo didn't know Liu Rong very well. When he saw Liu Rong wanting to hug him, he cried "wow".

Liu Rong's face was a little unhappy, Qi Han just came in, seeing this scene, he didn't say anything, just hugged Baoguo and patted him gently.

Baoguo remembered his father, after being hugged by Qi Han, he gradually stopped crying.

Qi Han handed over Baoguo to his mother, and said to Liu Rong, "Come inside, I have something to tell you."

For Baoguo's sake, he didn't mention the future of the two of them during Liu Rong's college entrance examination. Now that Liu Rong has finished the exam, it's time to clarify the matter between him and Liu Rong.

Liu Rong didn't refuse, she also had something to say to Qi Han.

Since Fang Ru said those words last time, Liu Rong thought about it for a long time. She thinks what Fang Ru said makes sense, Qi Han is lame, but he treats her very well.

She is a person who wears books, understands the plot, and also knows the future. With her own ability, she can live a good life.

Therefore, she wanted to reconcile with Qi Han.

After entering the room, Liu Rong smiled and said, "Because of the college entrance examination, we had a lot of unhappiness between us. But going to college is a good thing. Think about it, I went to college and found a good job in the future, which can also relieve my family's burden. The burden is not."

Qi Han stared at Liu Rong, thinking that Liu Rong was still deceiving himself at this time, he felt funny in his heart.

"Will you really come back after you go to college?" Qi Han asked softly.

The smile on Liu Rong's face froze for a moment: "Look at what you said, if I don't come back, where else can I go?"

This time it was Qi Han's turn to be impatient, he was tired, and he didn't want to be so hypocritical with Liu Rong: "Liu Rong, I know what you're thinking, you look down on me, a countryman with a crippled leg, and think I'm a drag on you .You went to college and you're not coming back."

The smile on Liu Rong's face froze: "You, what are you talking about? Did you hear those rumors outside? Don't listen to those people's nonsense, they are all fake. I

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