MTL - The Original Heroine of the 70’s Cannon Fodder Book is Reborn-Chapter 44

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Liu Rong still wanted to resist stubbornly: "I didn't, you don't want me to admit something I didn't do just because of a few nonsense words from a child."

"Liu Rong, Zheng Qiang gave me that note. Since you don't admit it, let's compare the handwriting?" Meng Xing said suddenly from the side.

Liu Rong's face turned pale, and her eyes began to flicker. Suddenly, she clutched her stomach: "Oh, my stomach hurts. Qi Han, my stomach hurts so much, take me home."

Seeing Liu Rong clutching her belly, Qi Han's expression changed: "I'm sorry, if A Rong did something wrong, I apologize for her. But now, we have to go back first."

Fang Ru didn't know if Liu Rong's stomachache was real or not, but when she saw Liu Rong who was hiding in Qi Han's arms, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, her eyes flashed, and Liu Rong was really pretending.

Fang Ru stopped Qi Han: "She has a stomachache, it's useless for you to carry her back. Wait a minute, I'll call my master over and show her what's going on? At this time, the stomach hurts. I'm afraid it's dangerous!"

Liu Rong, who was hiding in Qi Han's arms and snickering, froze, and Qi Han also stopped.

Just now when Liu Rong cried out that it hurts, he panicked. She said she wanted to go home, so he wanted to take her home quickly, but forgot that the most important thing to do was to take her to see a doctor.

"Okay, thank you."

Liu Rong was a little hesitant, not knowing whether she should pretend to be the end, or come down immediately, expressing that her stomach pain was gone.

However, Fang Ru didn't give her enough time to think, so she invited Qian Jianghuai.

Seeing Qian Jianghuai approaching, Liu Rong knew that it was too late for her to say that she was not in pain. She was heartbroken and simply pretended to be the end.

Anyway, whether the stomach hurts or not, only she knows. Even if Qian Jianghuai saw that she was fine, and she insisted that her stomach hurt, he would have nothing to do with her.

Qian Jianghuai walked over, and first observed Liu Rong's face, since the last time Liu Rong showed signs of bleeding, Qi Han asked his mother to keep an eye on Liu Rong's diet to prevent her from eating anything she shouldn't eat.

Qi's mother even resorted to 18 tricks, just to make Liu Rong eat satisfactorily, so as not to treat the child in her stomach badly. Liu Rong was raised to be white and fat, with a ruddy complexion.

After Qian Jianghuai observed it, he already had a point in his heart, and put his hand on the number one pulse on Liu Rong's wrist, and it was exactly as he thought.

He put down his hand, with a careless look on his face: "It's no big problem. I'll prescribe you an anti-fetal medicine. If you want to drink, you can drink it. If you don't want to drink it, don't drink it."

"Are you all right?" Qi Han asked a little worried.

"It's okay, this medicine, it's best not to drink it if you can. But it's not a big deal if you drink it once or twice." Qian Jianghuai added.

When Chen Mancang came over just now, he had already attracted some people's attention.

Later, when Qi Han picked Liu Rong up, everyone thought that something had happened, and out of the desire to watch the fun, another group of people gathered around.

Now, hearing Qian Jianghuai say this, no one knows what's going on. As for the unclear situation later, I asked the person who came first, and I knew what was going on.

This Liu Rong is obviously guilty, otherwise why pretend to have a stomachache? Tsk, the sisters of the Liu family are really on par with Fang Ru.

"Qi Han, your daughter-in-law is fine, she just pretended to have a stomachache, that's why Dr. Qian said that she doesn't need to take medicine." Said a person who usually likes to show off his intelligence.

Qi Han glanced at Liu Rong, his face was a little ugly. But in front of everyone, he didn't say anything.

Liu Rong got down from Qi Han's arms, and supported her waist with her right hand: "You are talking nonsense, why am I just pretending? I did have a stomachache just now, and it won't hurt anymore, can't I?"

"Okay, let's go home!" At this moment, the education criticism meeting was coming to an end, and Qi Han couldn't stay here any longer.

Everyone actually saw Liu Rong's guilty conscience, but they didn't say anything because of Qi Han's face and Liu Rong's stomach.

If Liu Rong still wants to talk about it here, it will only make people look down on him even more.

Chen Mancang was very dissatisfied with Liu Rong, he had already said it, and he would not bother with her if he admitted his mistakes, but Liu Rong did this to him.

Just now when Liu Rong said that his stomach hurts, he was really startled.

Rural people pay the most attention to offspring. If something happened to the child in Liu Rong's stomach, he would not be able to bear the responsibility.

But he never expected that in order to avoid responsibility, Liu Rong would even talk about the child in her stomach.

Chen Mancang, who originally didn't intend to argue with Liu Rong, walked back to the wooden platform with a gloomy face at this moment: "If I want to waste everyone's time for a few more minutes, I have one more thing to say."

"Recently, I have also heard rumors about Fang Ru's second brother in the village. I, Chen Mancang, have grown up so much, and I have never heard of it. Wherever the disease is cured, the disease will be left there. According to this If you say that, the doctors and nurses in the hospital will not be healthy, so who would dare to be a doctor or a nurse?"

As soon as Chen Mancang's words fell, the audience roared with laughter. There are also people who have spread rumors and feel that what Chen Mancang said is about themselves. Now in the crowd, they only feel that everyone's laughter is directed at themselves.

Chen Mancang shouted quiet, and then said: "I really don't understand. We have already entered the new society. Why are some people still so ignorant in their thinking and believe in the ignorant and decadent ideas of the old society? Some people In my opinion, education criticism conferences like today need to be held a few more times.”

Chen Mancang paused, and then said: "There are still some people, because of their own selfishness, maliciously spread rumors and damage other people's reputation. Such behavior is very bad."

"Who is it, I won't name them here, but I hope that in Shuangxi Village, there will be no such behaviors similar to spreading rumors. If there is such a behavior again, I, Chen Mancang, will put my words here. One counts as one. I asked Li Guangrong to send all of you to the labor camp for reform."

Although Chen Mancang didn't mention his name by name, he just said that when he came back from Liu Rong's side.

In addition, there were people who had just been onlookers explaining from the sidelines, and everyone immediately understood who he was referring to.

"Is this talking about Liu Rong? If you want to talk about rumors, there is only the rumor about Fang Ru's second brother. This rumor was released by Liu Rong? You said she made such a rumor, what is she trying to figure out?"

"Picture what? Don't be reconciled! You have forgotten that she spread rumors that she was Meng Xing's savior? Why? It's not because he fell in love with Meng Xing. As a result, Meng Xing fell in love with Fang Ru. "

"But isn't she already married to Qi Han? I think Qi Han treats her well. Look at that skin, it's much more white and tender than when she was in Liu's house." The speaker didn't understand.

"Tch, you don't understand this. This person, sometimes the more you can't get it, the more you miss it. Besides, can Qi Han compare with Meng Xing? One is a lame farmer, the other It looks like an educated youth from the city with a good background, and he looks so handsome. If it were me, I would also choose Meng Xing."

"Tch, forget it. Look at your wrinkled face, how dare you miss Meng Xing."

"Why don't I just use an example, besides, when I was young, I didn't look too bad." The man said with a grin.

A few people were talking and talking, but the topic got off topic, and they were laughing and joking.

After arguing for a while, a woman stopped and said, "You said that Fang Ru was unlucky enough, why did she get involved with the two sisters of the Liu family? At first, she was spread by Liu Hua, and later by Liu Rong stole the prescription, and was almost captured by Liu Jian later, tsk tsk."

"That's right, thanks to Fang Ru's good personality, she doesn't care about them. If it were me, I would have to call the door and make him turn upside down."

"You think Fang Ru is like you, but you are a shrew."

The woman who was scolded as a shrew was not angry either, she rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips: "What's wrong with the shrew, the shrew doesn't suffer! But, I understand why Meng Xing chose Fang Ru."

"Don't talk about Meng Xing, even I like girls like Fang Ru. She treats people sincerely, although she doesn't talk much, but you can see what they do, teach the girls in the village to read, make face oil by yourself, and think about giving it to her. The girls in the village. Who wouldn't like such a good girl?"

"That's true, it's a pity, Fang Ru is a girl from the city, and she has fallen in love with Meng Xing again. Otherwise, I really want to have the cheek to come and ask for a marriage for my son."

"Tsk, you dare to think too much." Someone retorted.

"Tch, I don't believe you don't like a girl like Fang Ru as your daughter-in-law."

"Who doesn't like a good girl, but the key is to have self-knowledge. That girl is as beautiful as a fairy descended from the earth, and she has skills. There is really no one in our village who can match her."

"That's true."

A few people were talking, but the topic didn't know where it went.

Liu Rong's mother-in-law Qi Mu, who was listening to these words, felt extremely uncomfortable.

Could it be that the daughter-in-law is still thinking about that Meng Xing, otherwise she would already be married to her son, and wouldn't be able to get along with Fang Ru at all, so why would she spread rumors about Fang Ru like this?

When Qi's mother came home, she sat in her room thinking for a long time, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, and called her son into her room.

"What's the matter with that rumor? Did it really come from A Rong?" Qi's mother hoped to hear a negative answer, but Qi Han was silent for a while, then nodded.

Now he also knew what the outsiders said about Liu Rong, he comforted his mother and said: "Don't listen to the nonsense of those people outside, Ah Rong has nothing to do with Meng Xing, she is just Qi Fangru's prescription that ruined her face, I just wanted to teach Fang Ru a lesson."

This point, Qi Han can be sure. In the eyes of that woman Liu Rong, how can there be any love? Even if she fell in love with Meng Xing, she only fell in love with his family background.

Mother Qi felt a little better when she heard what Qi Han said. If the daughter-in-law married the son but was thinking about other men, the son would feel aggrieved.

"A Rong has a child, so don't be influenced by those rumors outside, or your relationship between husband and wife will be ruined." Qi's mother persuaded, since the daughter-in-law has no outsiders in her heart, the two should not be allowed to quarrel over this matter. .

"I see, mother." Qi Han agreed with his mouth, but smiled bitterly in his heart. He and Liu Rong don't have any relationship between husband and wife.

Because of Sun Hongren's accidental arrest, a rumor against Fang Ru died before it developed.

However, since then, Liu Rong's life in Shuangxi Village has become more and more difficult. Everywhere she goes, she is pointed and pointed at, and Liu Rong gradually doesn't like to go out.

Fang Ru, on the other hand, gained a lot of sympathy because of this incident, and some even praised Fang Ru for her generous behavior.

Because of this incident, the people in Shuangxi Village had all their doubts about Qian Jianghuai gone.

On this day, the Li family at the west end of Shuangxi Village was extremely lively. It turned out that the headache that had tormented Mrs. Li for most of her life was finally completely cured.

"I must send a pennant to Dr. Qian, I must send it." Mrs. Li said excitedly, "Dr. Qian is a capable person. I have a headache that lasted for decades, and I can hardly bear it anymore. Unexpectedly, in just a few months, Dr. Qian cured my headache."

Mrs. Li's son is a filial son, so when he heard what his mother said, he naturally followed suit.

After a few days, a pennant of "Rejuvenation with Wonderful Hands" was rushed out.

Mrs. Li's sons and daughters-in-law supported Mrs. Li and walked to the village clinic holding the banner.

"Hey, Mrs. Li, what are you doing here?" A passing woman looked at Mrs. Li and asked in surprise.

Mrs. Li raised the banner in her hand: "I'm going to send a banner to Dr. Qian. My headaches for decades have finally been cured. I have to thank Dr. Qian very much."

"It's cured?" The woman was even more surprised. Many people in Shuangxi Village knew about Mrs. Li's headache. They thought that the disease would accompany her for the rest of her life, but they didn't know that it was really cured.

"Yes, it's cured. My head doesn't hurt anymore, and my whole body feels relaxed." Mrs. Li smiled, "I won't tell you anymore, I have to give this banner to Dr. Qian quickly, I want to thank him face to face."

Mrs. Li walked halfway, and met two people walking towards the village health center. These two people were Wang Er and his wife.

"Hey, Wang Er, is your daughter-in-law still sick?" Mrs. Li asked.

"Okay, okay. No, my wife insists that I thank Dr. Qian face to face." Wang Er raised the pork in his hand.

"It's right to thank you in person. Your daughter-in-law has been suffering from this illness for several years. She can't eat well or sleep well. Dr. Qian cured your illness. You have to thank him very much." Mrs. Li smiled.

"Yes, am I ready to go now?" Wang Er also smiled, "Ms. Li, what are you doing here?"

"I, like you, thank Dr. Qian." Mrs. Li flashed out the pennant in her hand.

"Hey, I even made a pennant. I didn't think too much about it, so I came here with a piece of pork." Wang Er patted himself on the head, a little annoyed.

"Aunt Li, is your headache gone?" Wang's second daughter-in-law asked from the side.

"Okay, okay." Ever since the headache got better, the smile on Mrs. Li's face has never disappeared. When I got a headache, I really wanted to hit the wall and kill myself. Now, my body is really relaxed like never before.

"That's right, let's go there together." The two families got together, talking and laughing, and walked to the village health center.

Qian Jianghuai had just sent away the last patient, and went out to take a walk in the yard, when he saw a group of people walking in, he was startled, thinking that someone was making trouble again.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Qian Jianghuai's vigilance, Mrs. Li smiled and said, "Dr. Qian, we are here to thank you. I have had a headache for decades, and it is finally cured. I will send you a silk banner."

Wang Er followed behind and said: "We are also here to thank you. I didn't expect to send a pennant, but I just brought a piece of pork. Don't dislike it."

Qian Jianghuai was stunned for a moment, and then a smile slowly appeared on his face: "If you don't dislike it, how could you dislike it? You don't have to be so polite, I am a doctor, and it is my duty to treat you."

Fang Ru came out when she heard the movement in the room. Seeing such a situation, she couldn't help being happy for Qian Jianghuai.

After Mrs. Li and Wang Er's family left, Fang Ru said, "Although there are some bad people here, most of the villagers are simple and kind."

Qian Jianghuai hung the silk banner on the wall of the consulting room, and handed the pork to Fang Ru: "Today, make a dish of braised pork."

"Okay." Fang Ru took the meat and smiled.

After Mrs. Li and Wang Er's propaganda in the village, those who had doubts about Qian Jianghuai's medical skills were completely convinced. More people came to Qian Jianghuai for medical treatment.

Gradually, Qian Jianghuai's fame spread outside Shuangxi Village. Even the people in the town knew that there was a doctor with excellent medical skills in the health department of Shuangxi Village, and some patients with intractable diseases also approached Qian Jianghuai with a dubious attitude.

However, after these patients were cured, Qian Jianghuai's reputation became more and more famous through their word of mouth. Even Fang Ru, an apprentice, is also popular. Now, Fang Ru is not just following Qian Jianghuai to make records.

For some simple illnesses, Fang Ru gave Qian Jianghuai a look after diagnosis and prescribed medicine, and Qian Jianghuai saw that there was nothing wrong with it, so he let her do it.

In the process of treating these simple diseases, Fang Ru has also accumulated her own medical practice experience. The knowledge in the books has been verified one by one in reality, and this process made Fang Ru happy.

No matter how many patients there are, Fang Ru never tires of it.

Half a month later, it was almost May, and the weather was getting hotter. People took off their thick padded jackets and put on light clothes.

On this day, Meng Xing received a call. After the phone call, he looked solemn.

At night, just as Wang Hao returned to the house, he heard Meng Xing say, "Mouse, I'm leaving."

"Let's go? Where are you going? Going back to Beijing?" Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "It's time to go back, and I'll go with you too."

Meng Xing shook his head: "I didn't go back to Beijing. Grandpa called me and asked me to go to the army. I have to leave."

"What?" Wang Hao was completely stunned, "Go to the army, don't you always want to go?"

Meng Xing didn't speak. Although his grandfather didn't speak very clearly on the phone, Meng Xing still guessed that there was going to be a war in the south, and he was one of the advance troops sent there.

"This matter needs to be kept secret. I can't tell you in detail. Anyway, I'm leaving. You have to stay in Shuangxi Village and help me take care of Fang Ru."

"If during this period, Fang Ru falls in love with..." Meng Xing stopped, he couldn't continue.

"No, Brother Meng Xing, if anyone dares to chase Fang Ru, I will beat him away. Don't worry, Brother Meng Xing, I will help you take care of Fang Ru and won't let anyone get close to her." Wang Hao He thought he understood what Meng Xing meant.

Meng Xing closed his eyes, pinched his eyebrows, sighed, and forced himself to say what was in his heart: "If Fang Ru likes someone else, please help me take a good look at the other person's character, don't let Fang Ru cheated."

"What do you mean?" Wang Hao felt that he had no way to understand this buddy who grew up together, "You don't like Fang Ru anymore?"

Meng Xing looked out the window, Fang Ru's room was still lit. How could he not like the pain buried deep in his eyes? He liked her more and more day by day, and if possible, he hoped that he would never let her go for the rest of his life.

But this time is different, it is war. Even people who have never experienced war know how cruel the battlefield is. How long this battle will last, no one knows.

During this period, if Fang Ru fell in love with someone else, could he let Wang Hao beat him away?

In case, he died on the battlefield, would it drag Fang Ru for the rest of his life? He can't do it! He can't be so selfish.

Rationally, Meng Xing knew that he couldn't drag Fang Ru down. But the thought of her standing next to someone else made his heart ache.

"If it happens, Fang Ru is willing to wait forever..." Meng Xing's nose started to sore when he thought of that scene. In case she really died on the battlefield, Fang Ru waited obsessively, how unfair to her?

Looking at Meng Xing's expression, Wang Hao understood: "Are you very dangerous this time?"

Meng Xing nodded: "I can't guarantee that I can come back alive."

Hearing what Meng Xing said, Wang Hao also fell silent. He was with Meng Xing because he knew how much Meng Xing liked Fang Ru. I also know that Meng Xing has been waiting for Fang Ru's response.

But now, what a dangerous task it is for Meng Xing to make such a decision. Wang Hao wanted to ask, but Meng Xing said he wanted to keep it a secret, so he couldn't ask.

But Meng Xing likes Fang Ru so much, and thinks about everything for Fang Ru. Sometimes when they chat, Meng Xing even thinks about such things as where to hold the wedding with Fang Ru, where to live after marriage, and how many children to have. arrive.

Fang Ru has no idea of ​​all this, and may even fall in love with other people after Brother Meng Xing leaves, which is unfair to Brother Meng Xing.

Almost in an instant, Wang Hao made a decision. No matter what, he wanted to let Fang Ru know.

"Don't tell Fang Ru, if she asks, just say that I have returned to Beijing at the call of my family." Meng Xing was afraid that Wang Hao would make his own decisions, so he specially warned, "If she doesn't ask, don't mention it."

"I see." Wang Hao agreed with his mouth, but he was not prepared to do so in his heart.

The next day, Wang Hao took advantage of Meng Xing to go out and found Fang Ru: "I have something to tell you."

Fang Ru had never seen Wang Hao with such a serious face: "What happened?"

Wang Hao looked at Fang Ru and asked, "Brother Meng Xing likes you, do you know that?"

Fang Ru froze for a moment, then nodded, "I know."

"Then what do you think?" Wang Hao asked again.

"What happened?" Wang Hao's words made Fang Ru feel confused, but at the same time worried, "Did something happen to Meng Xing? Where is he? Take me to see him now."

Seeing Fang Ru's reaction, Wang Hao breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Fang Ru has no feelings for Brother Meng Xing at all.

"Brother Meng Xing is fine, but I want to tell you one thing. Brother Meng Xing is leaving to join the army."

"Joining the army? How could it be so sudden?" Fang Ru was a little caught off guard, and she was planning to find a good time to have a good talk with Meng Xing. If Meng Xing still liked her, the two of them would formalize their relationship.

But now Wang Hao suddenly told her that Meng Xing was going to join the army, but she didn't know anything about it.

Fang Ru clasped her hands tightly together: "Did Meng Xing ask you to come to me?"

Wang Hao shook his head: "Brother Meng Xing won't let me tell you."

Fang Ru's heart fell to the bottom of the valley, and she blinked her eyes desperately to stop the tears that were about to burst into her eyes: "Why?"

why did not you tell me? Meng Xing, has he changed his mind? Afraid of me pestering him?

"I don't know what Brother Meng Xing did when he went to the army. He said he needed to keep it secret, and he didn't tell me. However, he said that going this time would be very dangerous, and he might not be able to come back alive. So, he didn't let me tell you. He also said..."

"What else did he say? Tell me to find another man to marry?" Fang Ru burst into tears, almost guessing what Wang Hao said next, and she interrupted Wang Hao loudly.

At this moment, she was happy and angry at the same time. Glad that Meng Xing didn't dislike her, but angry that Meng Xing took it upon himself. Why should he make the decision for her.

He thought he was doing great? He thought she would appreciate him? No, she would rather wait for him than let him make such a decision for her.

Fang Ru stretched out her hand, wiped away the tears on her face, sucked her nose, and said, "I know about this, you can go back."

"Then what do you mean?" Wang Hao was in a hurry, and Fang Ru knew what it meant with just one sentence.

Read The Duke's Passion