MTL - The Original Heroine of the 70’s Cannon Fodder Book is Reborn-Chapter 36

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When Ning Yuheng heard the news that Qi Han proposed marriage to Liu Rong, she was stunned.

He found Qi Han and asked: "You clearly know how Liu Rong treated you in the previous life, why did you pay back?"

Ning Yuheng really couldn't understand, Liu Rong is such a good woman, so Qi Han couldn't let her go?

Qi Han smiled and looked down at his hands: "I'm already rotten in the mud, Liu Rong, why should she pursue a bright future? Let her sink with me!"

Ning Yuheng looked complicated: "Why are you doing this? Even if you can't join the army, you can do other things, so you won't end up rotten in the mud."

Qi Han didn't say anything, he could have a better choice, but he didn't want to. For Liu Rong's obsession, he would rather give up a better choice than get entangled with her.

She ruined his two lives, ruined his supposedly bright future, ruined his supposedly happy family, let her go? He can't do it.

He knows Liu Rong too well, don't look at her as if she has been beaten to the ground now. But this woman, she can use every opportunity to climb up by any means.

Did Liu Rong choose to marry him now because she liked him? No, she married him, but because she had no other better choice.

Qi Han knew that once Liu Rong found an opportunity, he would kick him away without hesitation.

And what he can do is to lose his whole life, and hold Liu Rong's feet, so that she has no chance to climb up.

This is the punishment for Liu Rong and also for himself.

After Fang Ru heard the news that Qi Han was going to marry Liu Rong, her eyes remained unchanged.

These two people have nothing to do with her anymore, all her energy is now devoted to the topaz emerald flower.

Qian Jianghuai has been researching for a period of time, and Fang Ru followed him to record various data, such as the temperature, humidity, and nutrients in the soil needed for the growth of the topaz flower.

This flower, when Qian Jianghuai first transplanted it back, grew pretty well. But after a period of time, problems such as leaves turning yellow and falling off began to appear.

Up to now, even the stems of the flowers tend to turn yellow. Qian Jianghuai and Fang Ru, working during the day, devote themselves to the flower at night.

However, sometimes effort and results are not directly proportional. Even though Qian Jianghuai and Fang Ru had taken good care of the yellow crystal emerald stalk flower, the flower was slowly withering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Qian Jianghuai scratched his hair and frowned: "What's the problem? The temperature, humidity, and nutrients are all based on its growth environment. Why is it still not working?"

Fang Ru was also checking the data recorded by them. Suddenly, she saw a number next to the temperature record.

"Master, this number is wrong." The number Fang Ru pointed to showed Qian Jianghuai.

"What's wrong?" Qian Jianghuai stared at the number, "17 degrees 8, I remember it was this number when I measured it, there is nothing wrong."

"No, Master, you remembered wrongly. At that time we measured 17 degrees 3." Fang Ru was very confident in her memory.

Seeing that Fang Ru was so sure, Qian Jianghuai hesitated. During this period of time, Fang Ru and Fang Ru studied the topaz emerald flower, which made him fully understand how terrible it is to have a photographic memory.

Even a small piece of data, as long as Fang Ru sees it, it will be remembered in his mind. This greatly facilitated his research process.

Now that Fang Ru made a mistake, Qian Jianghuai couldn't help but wonder if he remembered it wrong.

"Why don't we take away some of the straw and cotton?" Qian Jianghuai said. In the end, he still chose to trust Fang Ru.

There is no way, he said that since Fang Ru became a disciple, he has never seen Fang Ru's memory go wrong.

According to what Qian Jianghuai said, Fang Ru removed the straw and cotton a little bit to lower the temperature around the yellow crystal emerald stalk flower a little.

After a few more days, the topaz emerald stalk flower could not shed its leaves.

"It's done!" Qian Jianghuai shouted excitedly, and he patted Fang Ru on the shoulder, "Okay, thanks to you this time, otherwise this flower will wither."

Fang Ru smiled and said, "It's mainly due to you, Master. I just help record the data."

Qian Jianghuai waved his hand: "You don't have to be humble with me. If it weren't for you this time, this flower would be wasted. Who would have thought that this flower is so delicate, even if it's only 0.5 degrees off, it won't work."

Fang Ru heaved a sigh of relief after solving the problem of the yellow crystal emerald stalk flower.

Qian Jianghuai also said that the yellow crystal emerald stalk flower cultivated according to their method is only 70% of the efficacy of the original flower, but this is enough.

"By the way, didn't you mention your second brother's illness before? Have you written to him yet?" Qian Jianghuai asked suddenly.

"I have already replied." Fang Ru described to Qian Jianghuai the symptoms of her second brother's illness in the letter.

Qian Jianghuai bowed his head and thought for a while, then said, "I have a little bit of confidence in the symptom you mentioned, but I'm still not completely sure. It's best to see your second brother and give him a pulse."

Fang Ru pondered for a while, and said, "I'll talk to my second brother when I go back during the Chinese New Year, and see if I can take her over in the new year."

Soon it was the day when Qi Han and Liu Rong got married, and all the old and young people in Shuangxi Village were invited, including Fang Ru.

Fang Ru had never attended a wedding, and didn't know how to follow the ceremony, so she went to ask Wei Huan for advice.

"Usually in a situation like this, a dime is enough," Wei Huan said.

Fang Ru didn't have any special friendship with Qi Han and Liu Rong, and they followed the crowd, only giving them a dime.

At the wedding, Fang Ru looked at Qi Han and Liu Rong. Although they had smiles on their faces, there was no joy in their eyes.

When Liu Rong saw Fang Ru, there was hatred in her eyes. If it wasn't for Fang Ru, how could she have fallen to this point.

Seeing Fang Ru and Wei Huan approaching, Liu Rong couldn't help but taunted: "Hey, isn't this our educated youth? You said you and Meng Xing have been dating for a while, right? Your wedding wine?"

Fang Ru is just an ordinary family, with Meng Xing's family background, maybe he was just playing with Fang Ru.

I didn't see that although the two were dating, their relationship was not that close.

When people are in love, they can't wait to stick together every day, and the two become one person. But what about Meng Xing and Fang Ru? What to do, it's like there is no one.

Thinking about Meng Xing, he just watched Fang Ru's beauty and played with her.

Thinking of this, Liu Rong finally felt a little joy in her gloomy heart. Looking at Qi Han next to her, Liu Rong's sense of superiority grew even stronger.

No matter how beautiful you are and how smart you are, so what? Your official male protagonist is begging to marry me. Even if my reputation is ruined and my appearance ruined, he still wants me. At this point, I am much better than you.

Fang Ru didn't feel anything about Liu Rong's yin and yang questioning, and she and Meng Xing weren't really dating at all.

But Fang Ru didn't speak, but Wei Huan beside him couldn't take it anymore. She didn't like Liu Rong in the first place, but now hearing what Liu Rong said, it was obvious that Meng Xing didn't value Fang Ru, so she snapped back.

"Fang Ru and Meng Xing are both from the city, and their parents are also in the city. Even if they want to get married, they won't get married in Shuangxi Village."

"Besides, Meng Xing's partner doesn't know how good it is. In the past few months, Fang Ru and Meng Xing have been talking about each other. They have been drinking milk powder and malted milk every day, and they have never stopped eating Four Seasons cakes. If I can find such a partner, I'm dreaming You can wake up with a smile."

Liu Rong originally wanted to use the spiritual victory method to comfort herself, feeling that she had surpassed Fang Ru.

Being squeezed by Wei Huan like this, Liu Rong's complexion suddenly darkened.

"Really? Those things are valuable to you, but to Meng Xingxing, they are just some gadgets. He teased you with gadgets that he thought were worthless, and you really made people like you?"

Liu Rong's words were heard by Wang Hao who just came over, and he exploded when he heard these words.

It was only recently that he found out that brother Meng Xing and Fang Ru were not really together. Brother Meng Xing was chasing Fang Ru, didn't Liu Rong mean to cause trouble when she said this?

If Fang Ru really felt that Brother Meng Xing didn't care about her, judging from Fang Ru's current situation, would she still accept Brother Meng Xing?

Wang Hao couldn't help standing up, and snorted coldly: "It's worthless? Ha, what a joke! I'm not afraid to scare you by saying it. Last time, Brother Meng Xing gave Fang Ru the Chen Ji pastry. It was not an ordinary pastry. , was made by Chen Baohe, the founder of Chen Ji."

"Chen Baohe, do you know who it is? That's the man who once worshiped the imperial cook as his teacher. No matter how many people in Beijing want to eat the cakes made by him, they can't be bought with money. It's Meng Brother Xing got the box, and he only got it for the sake of the old man."

"Brother Meng Xing gave Fang Ru all the box of pastries, and I didn't want to eat any of them. You said Brother Meng Xing didn't value Fang Ru? Who gave you the guts to make up such nonsense?"

"Okay, happy day, don't argue here. Let's go."

Qi Han, who hadn't spoken a moment ago, took Liu Rong's hand and left. Liu Rong's stay here is just to make fun of herself. Just looking at Wang Hao protecting Fang Ru so much, one can see how much Meng Xing attaches importance to Fang Ru.

They are entangled here, and when Meng wakes up, Liu Rong will only look worse. Although he hated Liu Rong, that was their own business. But he didn't want Liu Rong to lose face in front of outsiders.

However, Liu Rong didn't appreciate Qi Han's affection. She threw off Qi Han's hand and cursed angrily: "Qi Han, are you still a man? Your daughter-in-law was bullied. Not only did you not help, you Still taking me away?"

Regarding such unreasonable reasons, Qi Han's face darkened: "Liu Rong, today is our big day, please restrain yourself."

On Fang Ru's side, when he heard Wang Hao's words, he felt very uncomfortable.

Like Liu Rong, she thought that what Meng Xing gave her was just a matter of effort for him. But he didn't expect that those seemingly ordinary things would make him pay so much attention.

A few days after the wedding, Fang Ru's life went on as usual. But this day, I saw Ning Yuheng as soon as I went out. He stood at her door, apparently waiting for her.

Fang Ru's face turned cold, and she was about to walk around Ning Yuheng.

"Fang Ru, wait a minute, I have something to give you." Ning Yuheng is familiar with Fang Ru's attitude now, he is now holding the attitude of redemption, no matter how Fang Ru treats him, he has no complaints .

"I don't need anything from you. It's enough for you not to appear in front of me again."

Fang Ru's eyes were indifferent, and now, when she faced Ning Yuheng, she could already calm down. Ning Yuheng couldn't move her mood anymore.

"Fang Ru, I know you resent me and hate me. But the things in my hand are about your second brother's illness. Can you take a look?"

Ning Yuheng looked at Fang Ru beggingly, although she knew it in her heart, but seeing Fang Ru in this state, she didn't want to have anything to do with him, Ning Yuheng's heart still felt uncomfortable.

Ning Yuheng's words successfully stopped Fang Ru: "What's the condition of my second brother?"

"Yes, after you passed away in the previous life, I studied your second brother's condition and proposed some treatment methods for his condition. It's a pity that your second brother was always unwilling to accept my treatment because of you, and in the end..."

Ning Yuheng didn't continue, but Fang Ru understood the meaning of his words. Her eyes were moist, the second brother was really stupid, but this stupidity made Fang Ru extremely moved.

Ning Yuheng handed Fang Ru a thick stack of documents in his hand: "Your second brother is sincere to you, and for your second brother, you should also accept these documents. Your second brother's illness is still in its early stages. If you can get effective treatment as soon as possible, the possibility of recovery is very high."

Fang Ru didn't refuse this time, and there was no way to refuse. The second brother even gave up his life for her. Is she going to abandon her second brother's illness because of her own selfishness?

She couldn't do it, so she took the information in Ning Yuheng's hand.

"Just treat it as my debt to you. If you need anything in the future, you can come to me for help." After Fang Ru finished speaking, she turned and left.

Ning Yuheng had a bitter smile on his face, she didn't owe him, he owed her. But Fang Ru was willing to take the stack of documents, and Ning Yuheng was relieved.

Fang Ru took the information back into the room and flipped through it casually. It described the development of the second brother's illness in detail, and explained it in detail below.

Ning Yuheng worked very **** this information. But seeing Ning Yuheng like this, Fang Ru felt very uncomfortable. If I knew this earlier, why did I do it in the first place?

But anyway, at this point, Fang Ru is grateful to Ning Yuheng.

The second brother's illness has always been a knot in her heart, and just now she learned from Ning Yuheng that because the second brother refused to accept the treatment of the Ning family in the previous life, Fang Ru became more determined to cure her second brother Fang Weihua. .

At this time, not to mention just using Ning Yuheng's information, even if Ning Yuheng made a more excessive request, Fang Ru would agree.

In the evening, Fang Ru went to Qian Jianghuai with the stack of documents. After Qian Jianghuai finished reading it, he was silent for a long time. He looked at Fang Ru and asked, "The relationship between you and Ning Yuheng is not simple, is it?"

This information cannot be summed up overnight. From this detailed information, we can see the intention of the person who wrote the information.

Fang Ru didn't speak, and after a long time, she said, "Master, I..."

She didn't want to deceive Qian Jianghuai. Since she became a teacher, Qian Jianghuai taught her hand in hand, and he really taught her everything.

But if she was asked to tell the truth, she couldn't say it. After all, if you haven't experienced such absurd things in your past and present lives, who can believe it?

"Forget it, everyone has their own secrets. If you don't want to tell them, Master can understand."

He was shocked by the details of this information, so he asked casually, not really wanting to know the secret in Fang Ru's heart.

Fang Ru breathed a sigh of relief, while being grateful to Qian Jianghuai, she also took care of Qian Jianghuai's daily life more and more carefully.

One day, after Fang Ru came back from Jianghuai, Wei Huan came in while reviewing the medical knowledge Qian Jianghuai gave.

"Have you heard? Liu Rong and Qi Han had a fight."

Fang Ru froze for a moment: "Impossible? Didn't they just get married?"

Fang Ru felt a little strange. She remembered the last life, and the relationship between the two was very good. In this life, since Qi Han married Liu Rong, it should be the same as the previous life. How could they quarrel after only a few days of marriage?

"I heard that after the two got married, Liu Rong refused to consummate the house. Then Qi Han must not be willing, and the two started arguing."

Fang Ru smiled, never heard of this before. Probably Liu Rong saw that Qi Han was just a lame man with no future, so she just wanted to use Qi Han, but she didn't want to be a real husband and wife with him.

Qi Han is not stupid, if Liu Rong did this, he naturally understood Liu Rong's thoughts. Since he married Liu Rong, how could he be willing to be a formal couple with her, because it's normal to have disputes over such things.

It's just, "How do you know about the private affairs of the husband and wife?"

"Hey, those two were arguing too loudly, and her neighbor heard it. Wang Chunhua is a famous big mouth in Shuangxi Village, so everyone knows about it."

As for the Qi family, Liu Rong is accusing Qi Han.

Qi Han said helplessly: "Liu Rong, feel your own conscience and ask, how can I treat you badly if you marry me? Why don't you want to consummate the marriage with me? We are husband and wife, aren't we?"

Liu Rong was a little annoyed: "I, am I not shy? Can't you give me time to prepare?"

"Then how long do you want to prepare for?" Qi Han still had a smile on his face, but there was a chill in his eyes. What kind of preparation is it just to use him as a platform to escape from Liu Jian's hands.

"It will take some time." Liu Rong naturally knew that she was unwilling to consummate the marriage with Qi Han.

The two just held a wedding without even issuing a marriage certificate. As long as she doesn't consummate the marriage with Qi Han, she is still an unmarried girl.

After the college entrance examination, she can use the college entrance examination to leave here. At that time, she will never have any contact with the people here again.

"That's fine, I'll wait for a while." Qi Han didn't force Liu Rong either, but when he lowered his head, there was a flash of calculation in his eyes.

Liu Rong has a good plan, but it depends on whether he is worthy or not. She wanted to get rid of him, never in this life!

Time passed quickly, and it was the end of the year in a blink of an eye. The educated youths began to pack up and prepare to go back.

Fang Ru had mixed feelings about going home. On the one hand, she wanted to go back to see her second brother and younger sister, on the other hand, she didn't really want to see her parents.

She didn't know how she should face these two people.

Thinking of my little sister, I misunderstood her deeply in the past. But in the last life, the situation where the younger sister rushed out to protect her was always firmly engraved in Fang Ru's heart.

She remembered that the younger sister had always wanted a red scarf, but unfortunately the family had a large population and the economy was tight, so how could the mother give the younger sister such a red scarf.

Fang Ru found a weekend and went to the supply and marketing agency with Wei Huan, bought some red wool and blue wool, and planned to knit a scarf for the younger sister and a sweater for the second brother.

Li Fenghua is very good at life, not only gave her money, but also specially found some food stamps and cloth tickets for her.

Wei Huan looked at the blue wool and asked, "Are you going to knit a sweater for Meng Xing? Isn't this wool enough?"

Meng Xing is tall, and the wool that Fang Ru bought cannot knit a sweater that fits Meng Xing at all.

Wei Huan thought that Fang Ru had made a mistake, so he finished the reminder.

"It's for my second brother." Fang Ru was stunned for a moment before replying.

"Fang Ru, I'm not talking about you. Meng Xing is really kind to you. You're approaching the Chinese New Year, and you don't give him something. Are you happy?" Wei Huan pointed out.

Fang Ru hesitated, knitting sweaters for the family is nothing. But for Meng Xingzhi, the meaning is quite different.

But if he bought something for Meng Xing, Meng Xing didn't even need it. Only things made by hand can reflect the heart.

"How about knitting a scarf too." Fang Ru hesitated.

In the end, the two chose some gray wool. Fang Ru's hands were very fast, and she wove the scarf in a few days.

The scarf weaved for Meng Xing was very simple, all made of flat stitches, and for the little sister, Fang Ru put some thought into knitting some patterns on it.

"Your hands are really clever. I want one. This scarf is so beautiful." Wei Huan looked at Fang Ru's woven scarf with a look of envy in his eyes.

"If you want it, I'll just give you one." Fang Ru smiled, since Wei Huan had helped her a lot since she went to the countryside, it was only right to give her a scarf.

As soon as he said it, Wei Huan took some white wool to Fang Ru, and Fang Ru quickly wove a scarf. The pattern on it was different from Fang Yue's scarf, but it was equally beautiful.

He wore Wei Huanxi's day around his neck and refused to take it off.

"You should wash it before wearing it anyway." Fang Ru said with a smile.

Wei Huan didn't care so much, he wore a scarf woven by Fang Ru, and showed it off at the educated youth point. While envious of Wei Huan, all the female educated youths also lamented Fang Ru's dexterity.

On this day, when Meng Xing went to pick up Fang Ru from Qian Jianghuai, he asked, "I heard you are good at knitting scarves?"

Fang Ru glanced at Meng Xing, and said "Yes", "It's okay."

Meng Xing touched his bare neck and said, "The weather is getting colder and colder. There is something missing on my neck. I always feel the cold wind blowing into my neck."

Seeing Meng Xing's appearance, Fang Ru couldn't help but smile.

"Then what do you think is missing on your neck?"

Seeing the smile in Fang Ru's eyes, Meng Xing felt moved, and said, "I'm missing a scarf, but I don't know if anyone is willing to weave it for me."

"You want a scarf, but are you afraid that there is no girl to weave it for you? You just need to say this, and I guarantee that you will receive ten or twenty scarves tomorrow." Fang Ru put her hands in her pockets and said with a smile.

Meng Xing's eyes flashed: "What does it matter to me how many others send, I only want one person, but I don't know if that person is willing or not?"

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