MTL - The Original Heroine of the 70’s Cannon Fodder Book is Reborn-Chapter 22

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However, when Liu Rong said that she would help him get Fang Ru, Ning Yuheng was very surprised!

The reason why Liu Rong designed Fang Ru to marry him in her previous life was because she knew that she fell in love with her and would not have any feelings for Fang Ru.

At the beginning, he also thought that Liu Rong was kind, but later he realized that this woman is just pretending!

What's more, Fang Ru married him with that unbearable attitude, so he wouldn't even look at Fang Ru.

In the last life, after Fang Ru died, he did not remarry. Everyone thought he was doing it for Liu Rong, even Liu Rong thought so, only he knew that he was doing it for Fang Ru!

If Liu Rong had been reborn, she would never have said anything about chasing Fang Ru to herself. In her heart, she likes her!

But if Liu Rong hadn't been reborn, how would she know about her family background? He never said outside what his family was doing?

Even if I occasionally go to the mountains to collect herbs, I just say that I am a little interested in this aspect and have learned a little bit!

"You know that I like Fang Ru? How do you know?" Ning Yuheng fixed his eyes on Liu Rong.

Liu Rong clasped her hands together and frowned: What's the matter with Ning Yuheng? They all said that they wanted to help him chase Fang Ru, but instead of agreeing, he asked himself here instead!

"Don't worry about how I know! I just ask you, do you want Fang Ru!"

Ning Yuheng was silent, how could she not want to, even in her dreams! But how could he believe Liu Rong, a woman!

"Go back! I really don't have the medicine you want here!" Ning Yuheng turned around and wanted to enter the house.

"Ning Yuheng, if you refuse, you will regret it! You will never try to catch up with Fang Ru in your life!" Seeing that Ning Yuheng was about to leave, Liu Rong couldn't help but raise her voice in a hurry!

Ning Yuheng stopped and turned to look at Liu Rong: "What do you mean? What do you know?"

He didn't know that Liu Rong wasn't lying to him, it was about Fang Ru, and Ning Yuheng didn't dare to be careless.

Seeing Ning Yuheng stop, Liu Rong smiled triumphantly. It seems that Ning Yuheng still likes Fang Ru, that's enough!

Knowing Ning Yuheng's weakness, is she still afraid that Ning Yuheng won't heal her face?

"Ning Yuheng, don't ask so many questions! If you want to catch up with Fang Ru, just heal my face!"

Liu Rong raised her chin slightly, and looked at Ning Yuheng proudly. Now it is Ning Yuheng who is begging her, not her begging Ning Yuheng. She no longer has to put on a low profile like before!

Ning Yuheng looked at Liu Rong like this, which overlapped with Liu Rong after Qi Han's death in her previous life. This is Liu Rong's real appearance!

Thinking of how he was played around by Liu Rong in the past, Ning Yuheng thought it was ridiculous.

"Can you really help me catch Fang Ru?" Ning Yuheng frowned slightly, as if he didn't believe it.

"Of course, the premise is that you help me heal my face, otherwise, nothing will be discussed!"

Liu Rong crossed her arms and stared sideways at Ning Yuheng, feeling a little pity in her heart, a man like Ning Yuheng who is handsome and capable should surround her with Liu Rong.

However, compared with a man, of course his own face is more important! Without Ning Yuheng, there are other men of better quality, such as Meng Xing.

If I lose my face, no matter how good the man is, it has nothing to do with me!

Ning Yuheng was a little shaken, he thought of Fang Ru's indifferent attitude towards him, if Liu Rong really had a way?

No, no, can't trust this woman! In the previous life, wasn't he bad enough to be harmed by Liu Rong?

"Go back! I really don't have the medicine you want here!" Ning Yuheng's face turned cold. This woman is so powerful that she was almost shaken by her agitation again.

"Ning Yuheng, don't regret it! Without my help, you will never get Fang Ru in this life!" Seeing Ning Yuheng's reluctance, Liu Rong's face darkened.

Ning Yuheng just turned around coldly, ignoring Liu Rong.

Liu Rong cursed bitterly, but she had no choice but to go back and find another way.

Fang Ru stood behind the window, looking at Ning Yuheng and Liu Rong. Liu Rong's face was ruined, she came to Ning Yuheng to ask for medicine! After all, Liu Rong knew Ning Yuheng's identity!

Fang Ru didn't hear what the two said. It was Liu Rong's slightly elevated "Don't regret it", but Fang Ru heard it clearly!

Why did Liu Rong say these words? Ning Yuheng didn't give her medicine? Fang Ru knew that during this period, Ning Yuheng hadn't developed the medicine that could restore the scars on his face.

However, the Ning family still has medicine that can treat the scar on Liu Ru's face!

Why didn't Ning Yuheng give it to Liu Rong? In the previous life, Ning Yuheng wanted to bring the best things in the world to Liu Rong!

Thinking of the change in Ning Yuheng's attitude towards him since his rebirth, and thinking of Ning Yuheng's sad expression after his death!

A bold guess gradually popped up in Fang Ru's mind, could it be that Ning Yuheng is the same as herself? Otherwise, there is no way to explain the weirdness of Ning Yuheng's behavior.

She didn't think much about it before, because this kind of thing itself is ridiculous!

But thinking about it now, I didn't have much contact with Ning Yuheng before that! Why did Ning Yuheng pester herself?

Unless, he has the memory of his previous life, and after his death, he regrets it!

regret? Fang Ru snorted coldly, Ning Yuheng had better not be reborn, otherwise, the account of the previous life would have to be settled with him no matter what!

Liu Rong passed the village entrance and saw the village girls who were talking together. When she wanted to go up to say hello, she found that everyone looked at her very strangely.

Liu Rong tried to talk to a girl she usually knew well, but the girl avoided her. The other girl gave Liu Rong a sideways glance, and said with her mouth curled up, "Tsk, do you still have the face to come out?"

A thin-faced girl next to her sneered, "Look at her face, it's as white as a freshly painted wall, it's to cover up the scars!"

Liu Rong's hand touched her face all of a sudden, she thought that if it got darker, no one would see the marks on her face.

But I didn't expect that this girl was so powerful that she could guess that there was a scar on her face from the powder on her face. But how did she know that she had a scar on her face?

Liu Rong made a pitiful look, and looked at the girls with tears in her eyes: "What happened? Why did you treat me like this? What did I do wrong?"

"Tch, what did you do wrong? What did you do that you don't know? You thief! Why did you steal Fang Zhiqing's prescription?"

Liu Rong was startled, how did these people know? Could it be that Fang Ru said it.

However, I didn't steal it at all, at most I took a peek. At that time, she took a special look at Fang Ru. Fang Ru was solving a problem and didn't look at her at all!

"What are you talking about? What thief? What Fang Zhiqing's prescription?" Liu Rong held her chest and took two steps back, as if she had been wronged by the sky, "You guys, have you misunderstood me?"

"You've done something wrong and you don't want to admit it! You and Liu Hua are real sisters. They're both the same white-eyed wolves. If Fang Zhiqing solves a problem for you, you can steal his prescription. Why are you so stupid?" Shameless?"

"Yes! You still have the face to pretend! That day, Wang Chunhong went to your house and heard everything you and Liu Hua said! We all know that you stole Fang Ru's prescription!"

"Fang Ru said that the prescription was lost that day. I'm afraid it was to save face for you! No wonder Liu Hua acted so strange that day. Fang Ru said that the prescription was flawed. If you apply the medicine, it will leave scars. Liu Hua was pinched. It looks like it's broken its neck!"

"If you don't tell me, I really didn't remember it. No wonder Liu Hua was so excited that day! So she already knew!"

"You guys, what are you talking about? I don't understand! I didn't steal Fang Ru's prescription, my face is just allergic!"

Liu Rong tried to quibble, but how could the girls in the village believe it?

Liu Rong was originally rejected by Ning Yuheng, so she was very angry. Now, even more furious.

Once at home, Liu Rong went to Liu Hua's room. Because of his anger, Liu Hua's door was slammed by Liu Rong!

Liu Hua opened the door and was surprised to see Liu Rong: "Didn't you say you were going to the field? Why did you come back so soon?"

"Go into the room and talk!" Liu Rong walked into the room first with anger on her face. Liu Hua followed behind and asked, "A Rong, what happened?"

"Liu Hua, why didn't you tell me that I stole the prescription?" Liu Rong stared at Liu Hua viciously, as if she could pounce on something she said that didn't suit her.

Liu Hua was stunned for a moment, and his face slowly changed: "A Rong, I don't know what happened, the story of you stealing Fang Ru's prescription was spread! During that time, you had scars on your face, and you were in a bad mood. I didn't dare to tell you!"

Liu Rong was almost **** off by Liu Hua's stupidity. She rushed to Liu Hua, raised her hand and slapped Liu Hua: "Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me, ah? How could I have You such a stupid sister?"

Liu Hua covered her face and looked at Liu Rong in disbelief: "I am your sister, your own sister! Didn't I do that for you? You hit me? Why did you hit me?"

"Then I have to thank you, can't I?" Liu Rong was so angry that there was nowhere to vent her anger. Seeing that Liu Hua had done something wrong and dared to argue, she became even more furious, "Liu Hua, am I your own sister? What happened?" You didn't tell me about such a big deal?"

When it came to this matter, Liu Hua was a little guilty: "I didn't mean it! During that time, you had a bad temper and got angry when things went wrong. How dare I tell you!"

"Idiot! Idiot!" Liu Rong was so angry that she walked back and forth in the room, and then stopped after a while, barely restraining her anger, and asked, "How long has this been reported?"

"Half, half a month!" Liu Hua replied stammeringly, her eyes were flickering, and she didn't dare to look at Liu Rong.

"Half a month? My good sister, Liu Hua, are you trying to kill your sister and me? There were rumors spread half a month ago, but you didn't tell me? After half a month, how do you ask me to clarify these things? Rumor?"

Read The Duke's Passion