MTL - The Only Magician on Earth-Chapter 9 restaurant storm

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   Xiaoguang Potion entered the belly, and the surrounding magic elements were immediately mobilized and began to gather towards Old Master Guan's body.

   The whole room seemed to cool down instantly.

The number of    magic elements is too much, condensed on the surface of the old man Guan's body, forming a layer of soft light.

   This light, so obvious and so pure, made the dry old man look holy.

   Everyone was stunned!

   This situation is completely beyond the scope of everyone's cognition. One by one, their mouths opened wide in shock.

   The one who felt the deepest was, of course, Mr. Guan. His body was refreshed. In his body, which had been tortured by diseases for many years and had long been exhausted, there was a trace of strength growing and growing rapidly.

   The chest that has been pressing against a boulder is no longer dull; the dizzy head has become clear...

   Mr. Guan suddenly had a strong urge. He tried to sit up, then stood up and took a step. Under the gazes of everyone who stared like a copper bell, his steps became more and more relaxed!

   "My God! Is this a miracle?" Auntie bit ten with her mouth wide open, with an incredible expression on her face.

   " can walk?" Guan Kezhong quickly reacted with a surprised tone.

   "Hahaha...I can walk! I can walk again! Hahaha...I now feel that I am full of strength and can kill a cow! Hahaha..."

   Mr. Guan laughed out loud, so wanton, so mad, he laughed so hard that he even burst into tears.

   In the past two years, he was seriously ill, most of the time he was lying in bed, enduring the pain, his body was powerless, and he couldn't even take care of himself. Those days, for Mr. Guan, who was so strong in his life, was simply a life rather than death.

   After many years of suffocation, this time it was finally eliminated! It is conceivable to feel the feeling of power growing in the body.

  The surrounding people gradually woke up from the shock, looked at the old man, and thought about the two years he had spent, no one felt that he had overreacted.

   Mr. Guan's mood gradually calmed down. The light outside his body had long since disappeared. However, his own body knew that the medicine was still working, and he was confident that his body would get better and better.

   "Listen to all of you, today's events are not allowed to be shared, if anyone lets me know who of you go out and talk nonsense, the family law will serve you!" Mr. Guan's tone was awe-inspiring, and he regained his former majesty.


  The people did not dare to disobey and replied respectfully. The old man enforces the family law, which is very scary.

"And your kid, Chen Kangning, don't think that I can't cure you if it wasn't for me who shut up the family! It's impossible not to let you tell your old guy, but besides that, even your father can't. Tell."

   "Yes!" Chen Kangning had just recovered from the shock, and was rather uneasy.

what happened? This potion is so magical?

   So, that guy who hides his head and shows his tail is not only not a fake drug seller, but also an expert?

   "You all go out! Kezhong and Shao Shao stay!" The old man waved his hand.

   The others agreed and left with different expressions. Most of them had happy expressions on their faces. After all, the old man is a big tree in the family, and the Guan family's status today has a great relationship with the connections accumulated by the old man for decades.

   As long as the old man is here, the Guan family can continue to flourish; when the old man falls and a new successor comes up, it is not certain.

   Of course, there are joys and sorrows. The younger uncle Guan Kecheng and the younger aunt's face turned ashen. Originally thought that the old man would surely die, so in order to compete for the family property, the two did some shady deeds in the group, and even did not hesitate to damage the interests of the group. ….

   Now, Mr. Guan has obviously become alive and well. Once the investigation is carried out, even if the old man thinks of family affection, he will not do anything to them. However, with this kind of bad deeds, there is no need to think about inheriting the family business.

  The loss of inheritance rights is the biggest blow to them.

  In the ward, the old man was sitting on the bed, looking at the little bright potion that was left in his hand.

   Guan Zishao smiled and explained the process of buying medicine fairly.

   "Master! This is a master! It's a blessing for me, Guan Tianzhao, to meet such a master. This is a noble person in our entire Guan family!" After listening to this, Mr. Guan sighed.

   "Dad, do you want your son to look up, find out the noble person and thank him." Guan Kezhong asked in a timely manner beside him.

"No! Don't!" The old man Guan immediately denied, "Such an expert like this has a weird temper. Since he is disguised, he definitely doesn't want to be recognized. If we use means to find him, we will provoke Angering the other party may be counterproductive. Not only can we not find him, but we have to clean up for him. You go to the director, Xiao Gao, and tune up the video in the hospital and delete it. "

   "Yes! Dad is still thoughtful!" Guan Kezhong nodded and agreed.

   Guan Zishao nodded at the same time, deeply agreeing.

   Just take out a dose of medicine, and instantly cure the depression for many years, such a person is not a master of the world? How could such a person hide his head and show his tail for the sake of 200,000?

   As Mr. Guan said, this is simply the noble of the Guan family!

   At this time, the nobles in the eyes of the Guan family’s grandparents and grandchildren were in the Manshi Yali Western Restaurant and had just ordered a meal.

  Whether it's an ancient style of magician or an ancient style of high school students, there is no picture of eating Western food in his memory, so he doesn't even know which hand is holding the knife and which hand is holding the fork.

   Seeing the guests around him pointing at him and talking in a low voice, Gu Feng immediately stared at him with a fierce face. This trick was quite effective, and it even frightened those white-collar workers, and immediately lowered their heads to eat.

   "White-collar workers are amazing! Sooner or later, I will hire ten white-collar workers to clean the table!" Gu Feng muttered, and put a piece of foie gras that he had cut through so much painstakingly into his mouth, frowning immediately.

  The taste is even worse than the porridge sent by Xue Ting. It seems that if you don't want to cook by yourself in the future, you will be wronged by your stomach. Perhaps, there is a third way to go... It's not bad to cultivate a beautiful cook!

  Sun Feifei's figure flashed in his mind. Little girl, you have potential!

  Mansi Yali Western Restaurant has a prime location, and now it's a meal spot again. Many people come here to eat, and there will be no seats in a while.

  Gu Feng occupied a table by himself and ate slowly. Some of the new guests pointed at him. However, Gu Feng didn't take it seriously, and no one came to say anything.

   Of course, there are also unrepentant ones. As soon as a couple of men and women entered the door and saw that there were no seats, they immediately greeted the waiter and whispered to Gu Feng.

  The corner of Gu Feng's eyes can see clearly, and the image of the pair of boys and girls is also passable. The male is of medium to tall stature, with suits and leather shoes, and oily face; the female is dressed in professional attire and has a good figure. This kind of white-collar couple is the most vanity and face-loving group.

   Soon, the waiter came over with an apologetic smile:

   "Sir, I'm sorry to disturb your meal."

"It doesn't matter! It's just a sentence, it's not a disturbance. If you ask me to move my seat, that's a real disturbance! You wouldn't do that, would you?" Gu Feng had already guessed the other party's intention, and one sentence past.

   "Dang... Of course not. I won't bother you anymore! Please continue to eat!" The waiter immediately blushed and bowed to Gu Feng. ….

   I have to say that the quality of the waiters in high-end restaurants is really good, and they are not discriminated against because of their ancient clothes or actions.

   "Forget it! Let them come over!" Gu Feng is not that arrogant and unreasonable, there is no need to make the waiter embarrassed. Seeing that the waiter is doing well, make concessions.

   "Thank you! Thank you so much!" The waiter didn't expect to give up, but things suddenly turned around, and he bowed and thanked him again and again.

   Soon, the three of them came together.

  Gu Feng has also swallowed the last piece of steak, with a "ding!", he threw his fork on the plate and stood up.

   However, not only did the pair of man and woman show no gratitude, but when they saw the "rude" action of the ancient style, they all frowned in disgust.

  The man even took out a wet towel and wiped it **** the seat where Gu Feng had been sitting in front of Gu Feng. Such an obvious action made the waiter look embarrassed and looked at Gu Feng apologetically.


   Gu Feng immediately became angry. I didn't **** on it, you wipe your ass!

   Twisted his **** and sat back toward the seat.


With a scream   , the man with powder noodles could not hold back his hands, and he almost got Gu Feng sitting under his buttocks with his hands.


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