MTL - The Only Magician on Earth-Chapter 644 Phoenix God Jueyan

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   However, the old man is a strong man above innate, and he suddenly suffered an unknown accident, and he did not lose his position. Infuriating in his body, he stretched out his palm and gently tapped on the edge of the big pit. The whole person had already taken advantage of the strength to rise into the air.

  The man is in the air, spinning rapidly.

   Hu Hu Hu!

   At this moment, there was a hot breath in the sky, and in the violent fluctuations, the originally flat sky instantly turned red, and groups of flames condensed and fell from the sky.

   It rains fire!

   Fire-type area attack magic, raining fire from the sky.

   The body is surrounded by flames, and there is no way to avoid it.


   The old man opened his mouth, and his body erupted with true energy, making a sound similar to the roar of a wild beast. Raise your palms flat and push up.

   Boo Boo!

  Inner strength is released! This is the real inside out. An air mass that was invisible to the naked eye was extremely powerful, and the fire and rain above his head were thrown away.

   The meteor shower is about to be destroyed.

   Who would have thought that those fire and rain **** that were about to fall to the ground suddenly crossed arcs and rose again, gathering towards the old man from all directions.

   The old man was taken aback. Every attack of Gu Feng made him extremely uncomfortable, completely passive.

   However, when the mountains and rivers were not exhausted, he pushed his palms outward, as if two invisible doors were suddenly pushed open. The fire rain was completely pushed away and landed on the ground. The beeping and beeping began to burn, and the surrounding vegetation instantly turned to ashes.

   A distressed look flashed across the old man's face. These herbs have been taken care of by him for many years. Even, many of them are older than his age. Since he came to Baicao Garden, they have grown here, and now they are burned by flames and destroyed by war, which makes people feel distressed.

   "Huh! Boy! You are not trustworthy, you come to provoke me for no reason, and destroy my medicine garden. This old man is fighting for his life. I can't make you feel better!" The old man was angry.

"Hahaha. I've said long ago that good things are possessed by capable and strong people. If you move from place to place, I believe you will not be more merciful than me! Stop talking nonsense. If you stop now. I'll leave you one. Survive. If you continue to resist, be careful that when I get angry, the Tangmen will not stay!"

   Gu Feng laughed. People are constantly moving in the air. Voices came from everywhere. The old man's idea of ​​taking the opportunity to speak to lock the location of the ancient style was shattered.


  Suddenly, the old man stepped on the ground, and several thorns protruded from the ground.

   When the ground shook slightly, the old man sensed it and jumped up ahead of time to avoid it. Rao is so, the magician's strange attack method also made him tremble.

"Hey, old man, I have to say that your strength is stronger than I expected. In terms of strength, you are a worthy opponent. In this case, I will let you see the real magician of mine. strength."

   At this time, the sound of the ancient wind came from the air again.

  The old man is always vigilant and has been trying to find traces of the ancient style. The moment Gu Feng opened his mouth, he just stepped on the ground with both feet, and the whole person flew over.

   However, what was captured was just a wisp of air.

  Gu Feng's speed is too fast, and the invisibility technique coupled with the control of the element of wind makes him unable to sense it at all. When speaking, the position is revealed, but it is moving at high speed. When he chased after him, they would have already run away.

   This is a battle with invisible enemies. Only then did the old man realize that he had seriously underestimated Gu Feng's strength. Hearing what Gu Feng said, his heart froze. Could it be that until now, the opponent has not even displayed his true strength? If that's the case, there's really no need to keep fighting.

   The old man already had the intention to retire.

   At this moment, only the sound of mantra chanting resounded in the air:

"The light wind is for your great wings, the fiery flames are your sharp claws, come, the king soaring between the heavens and the earth!! Show your great body!! Flame wind synthesis technique!! Phoenix God Jue inflammation!!"

   With this chant, there was a manic wave in the surrounding air. Although the old man didn't know what the magic element was, he could clearly sense this agitation.

   "Stop my little friend! The old man is willing to consider the conditions raised by my little friend!" At this moment, the old man felt a chill in his heart, as if the breath of death enveloped him. No longer dared to hesitate, immediately opened his mouth and shouted.

  However, once the synthesis magic and the incantation are completed, the spirit power of the ancient style is used as an introduction, and the surrounding magic elements are mobilized to form a violent attack. If it is withdrawn, Gu Feng himself will be backlashed, which is equivalent to being attacked by this magic.

   Of course he wouldn't do such a thing. Without holding back, the attack continued.

   In the sky, the violent breath, the violent wind danced, the sky and the earth were red, the temperature suddenly increased, and flames began to be generated.

  The flames in the wind, the flames are blazing.


   Immediately afterwards, there was a clear cry, and the crimson flames condensed, turning into a flaming bird with dazzling feathers, extremely magnificent.

flaming Phenix!

   The old man was so frightened that he didn't dare to think about anything. At this time, he could think with his knees that he would never be able to resist an attack of this magnitude. Frightened, he turned his head and ran.


   That fire phoenix had already set his sights on the old man, a fierce look appeared in Danfeng's eyes, and the fire crow's aura had become full of malevolence.

In the   qing cry, the figure turned into a flame and rolled towards the old man.

   "Show mercy!"

   The old man shouted, but his subordinates didn't dare to be vague at all, his whole body was violent, his feet touched the ground, and at the same time as his body suddenly retreated, his hands drooped, his palms condensed, and he lifted up from bottom to top.


  The huge soil layer was overturned and blocked in front of the old man, like an earth wall, but it was somewhat similar to earth magic. However, he was driven entirely by brute force.

  The earth wall is covered towards the flamingo.


   With a loud bang, the earth wall has completely collapsed. Firebird was almost unaffected, and in an instant, the old man was involved.


   The old man's whole person was a flame.


   A shrill scream sounded, and the old man struggled hard and rolled on the ground. However, how can this powerful fire magic be extinguished by rolling?

  In the sky, the figures of the three Gu Feng slowly emerged. Both Xue Ting and Youyou's faces were pale. With horror in his eyes, he looked at the scene on the ground.

   On the ground, the old man had turned into a fire man, still running back and forth and struggling. However, the breath has become weaker and weaker.

   "What? Scared?" Gu Feng could sense the front and back of him, and the bodies of the two beauties were shaking slightly.

  Especially Yoyo, who trembled especially hard.

   "Yeah!" After a little hesitation, Yuli nodded. The tone was a little trembling.

   Although Xue Ting did not speak, the meaning was very obvious.

   Gu Feng was stunned for a moment. Originally, when he sensed the killing intent in the old man's heart, he already had the intent to kill. Although he came to rob other people's things, he would not have the slightest psychological shadow if he killed the old man and cut down the roots.

   However, looking at the current situation, if you insist on killing people... Xue Ting and Youyou watched a big living person get burned to death here, I am afraid there will be psychological shadows.

   You must know that Xue Ting and Youyou, especially Youyou, have never seen a dead person. Seeing people being burned to will definitely be a huge stimulus, and it will leave a psychological shadow. In the future, no matter how beautiful this Fangdongtianfudi is, they will not be happy to live there.

   As long as people are here, I am afraid they will think of this scene.

  Gufeng wants his woman to be happy without any pressure. He didn't want that.

  Thinking about this, he immediately lifted the magic wand in his hand.

   Immediately, the surrounding magic elements surged, and after passing through the top of the magic wand, it became wet, and soon, a blue envelope.


   Water magic casts, rain falls.

   The flame on the old man slowly went out.


   The old man fell to the ground and was burnt to the ground. If an ordinary person was injured to such a degree, he would definitely have died. However, the old man's inner strength is strong and his vitality far exceeds that of ordinary people. Although he is hurt and injured, he will not die. Lying on the ground crying softly.

  Xue Ting and Youyou breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this. Knowing the reason for Gu Feng's mercy, he looked at Gu Feng with a little more tenderness in his eyes. (To be continued..)

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