MTL - The Only Magician on Earth-Chapter 627 How could you possibly be there?

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   "Okay, stinky boy! Hurry up! Talk about it, Dad is still holding him back. Let you continue, there is no place for this old face!" The cheap dad laughed and scolded.

   "Thank you dad for your understanding, I'll go first."

   Gu Feng said lightly, but in fact he was very anxious. Otherwise, he wouldn't be afraid that the extra cheap dad would affect the flight speed by himself.

  Gu Feng crossed an arc, landed on the ground first, and put down the cheap dad.

  Then, ride the broomstick and soar into the sky.

   just walked a short distance, circled around, and flew back.

  Cheap Dad stood there and didn't move. When he saw Gu Feng coming back, he smiled, "What? Do you think it's hard to do without Dad? Just say it if you want Dad to help."

   "Uh...that's not the case. Just, I want to ask, do you have any money with you?" Gu Feng asked.

   "Money?" The cheap old man was stunned for a moment, and the embarrassment flashed across his face.

   Money, he really didn't bring it. He doesn't have two storage pendants that are ten cubic meters each like the ancient style. Carrying money with you is inconvenient.

   Besides, he usually stays in the health care villa, and it is really useless to ask for money. It was the last time I went to Sichuan Province, and finally drove to Tangjiabao. I put my wallet and other things in the car. When I left, I was carried back by Gu Feng directly on the flying broom, and I didn't bother to get it.

   Anyway, those things don't matter to him, and it doesn't hurt to lose them.

"Give you!"

  Gu Feng has taken out a few stacks of money from the space pendant and threw it to the cheap dad.

   "Going out. How can you do without money. Unless you want to be a gentleman on the beam with your brilliant skills. Hmm! It's also very appropriate to change the male and female thieves to male and female thieves, stealing invisible, and making a joke about his father!" Gu Feng laughed and joked about his father.

   "Go, go, go! Hurry up!" The cheap old man waved.


   In laughter, Gu Feng rode his broomstick into the sky, and this time he really went.

   From the capital to Chuanfu, Gufeng flew at full speed, and it took only twenty minutes to arrive.

   The speed at which a high-level wind-type magician can fly with all his strength can be imagined by ordinary people? You know, the area of ​​the magic continent. That's really big. I don't know how many times bigger than the earth. That's the magician's world.

  Earth... It's too small for a magician.

   "I'm over the mountain you mentioned, where is Qin Qing now?" Gu Feng immediately called Shi Taishan.

   "You...where have you been?" Shi Taishan was obviously taken aback.

   He knows the identity of the ancient magician, and he knows that the ancient wind can fly. He knew that Gu Feng was flying very fast... But. Only twenty minutes. From the capital to Chuanfu... This is too perverted?

   His first reaction was that his ears heard it wrong.

  In his identity, the UFO broke into the air defense of the capital. Then he found out that it was an ancient style... He naturally heard the news.

   "The suburb of Tianfu City is where you said Qin Qing disappeared." Gu Feng said.

   " could you be there? How could you be there? Could it be that the UFO that appeared in the capital just now wasn't you?" Shi Taishan still couldn't believe it.

   "If you waste your time saying such unhealthy words, I'm not sure whether it will be Qin Qing or her corpse who will be rescued." Gu Feng said in a cold tone.

   He has no good temper with Shi Taishan now.

   "Good good!" Shi Taishan also knew what was the most important thing, and now is not the time to think about it. He could only suppress the shock in his heart and tell the location of the move.

  In this way, under the guidance of Shi Taishan, the ancient wind crossed a large forest in just a moment. Chase towards Qin Qing's direction.


  In the winter bushes, the ground is full of fallen leaves, and it feels a little depressing.

   A group of people walked vigorously and shuttled through the jungle. Only the woman in the middle, with her hands tied with ropes, stumbled.

"Beautiful lady, what's the trouble! We French men are very gentle. As long as you obey us, we can help you untie the rope immediately... Even, many of us here are very happy to carry you behind your back. "

   A tall Westerner, with a sturdy face, looks a little handsome, blue eyes, and a very magnetic voice.

   Objectively speaking, this man is very attractive.


   This Western man was Rafael who stayed behind when the Monroe family retreated. The men next to him are his companions.

   A large number of people from the Monroe family came to China and suffered heavy losses in front of Tangjiabao. The old priest brought people back to the country, let Rafael stay, and temporarily hid in the forest. After avoiding the limelight, he was ready to continue to monitor Gu Feng and look for opportunities at any time.

  As a cursed outcast, Gu Feng is the only magician they have discovered for hundreds of years, and they are unwilling to give up this only opportunity anyway.

   They were in the jungle when they met Qin Qing and his gang by coincidence.

   This group of undead skeletons was just attacked. Seeing Qin Qing and others, although they were not sure that they were the official people of Huaxia, they were obviously not ordinary people when they appeared in the jungle in this kind of attire. Rafael and the others naturally acted immediately.

   Qin Qing's skill is good, but compared to this group of undead skeletons, there is still a big gap. What's more, she was caught off guard, and all the national security personnel around her were killed, and she was the only one left.

   Rafal, a lecherous fellow, was of course reluctant to kill this beauty, so he tied it up and took him away.

   Of course, Qin Qing was kidnapped and wisely did not reveal his identity. Near the nearest Tangjiabao, there are dragons and snakes mixed together, and Rafal has no doubts.

  Otherwise, if he knew Qin Qing's identity, he would definitely not be at ease with him.

"Rafael, isn't she just a Chinese woman, why so much nonsense, now that she is in our hands, could she still have the strength to resist? What does Huaxia say? It's been so hard recently, and the guys are just so comfortable!"



   A big man next to him said a word, and several men laughed. A circle of blue eyes stared at Qin Qing recklessly.

   Qin Qing also felt a little chill in his heart. She is not afraid of death, but she is really afraid that there will be a more terrible encounter.

Fortunately, Rafael seems to be very confident in his own charm, "Geroe, you are really vulgar. We French men have made you lose face. Be gentle with ladies, have you forgotten ours? Gentleman? I believe, this lady, will eventually fall in love with me."

  Rafael said, his eyes became gentle, and he touched Qin Qing's face with one hand.

   Qin Qing twisted his head and ducked.

   The tyranny in Rafal's eyes disappeared in a flash. In his impression, Chinese women are very lowly, especially for their Westerners, they have an inexplicable worship. He usually fishes for horses and drinks in the city, he can take a beautiful woman away without much effort, and then he goes to bed quickly...

   For example, Zhou Xiaomiao a few days ago. Knowing that he was a wanted criminal, he not only willingly helped himself, but also used it as his venting tool... Rafael believes that all Chinese women should be like that.

   The woman in front of him is almost the most beautiful one among the Chinese women he has ever seen... At least he has dated so many Chinese women, and none of them can compare to this one.

   What is even more valuable is that this woman is an ancient warrior. This made Rafael even more excited and more conquering.

   However, ever since he caught this woman, the other party has never been soaked in soot, which made him very frustrated.

"Oh, beautiful lady, don't treat me like this. I'll be sad. If you reject me again and again, even as gentle as I am, you will lose patience. You know, if I lose Be patient, the consequences are terrible! Look at them..."

  Rafael stretched out his fingers to his companions around him, all blue eyes staring at Qin Qing greedily.

   "They are very interested in you. If I lose my patience, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you!"

   While speaking, Rafael reached out and touched Qin Qing again.

  Qin Qing looked around, with despair in his eyes resolute. (To be continued..)

Read The Duke's Passion