MTL - The Only Magician on Earth-Chapter 620 secret

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   It seems that this is the plot in the novel!

But the cheap old man smiled, "Teach us martial arts? You guessed it right, that sloppy old man is indeed our master. But he didn't teach us martial arts so easily. He, tell us, he is alone. , No one takes care of him. If he eats food today, he will starve to death if he has no food tomorrow. Let us continue to deliver food to him the next day."


  The ancient style is speechless. This old man is really interesting. At that time, he hadn't revealed his identity or his ability, so he just let people give him food. If you change to someone who is more mature, I am afraid that you will have to scold him for being greedy.

"So, Bingbing and I took the opportunity every day and came out to give him food. This delivery lasted for more than a month. After the two children, after the food was delivered, they played together every day. I am very happy. Thinking about it now, at that time, the old man was a test for us! The food and clothing we gave the sloppy old man showed our kindness. The fact that we can persist for more than a month shows our willpower. It is very rare for two seven or eight-year-old children to do one thing for more than a month. The old man valued our character and perseverance. Finally, he accepted us as closed disciples... and he was the only two living in the world. A child...began to teach us ancient martial arts."

The cheap old man took a sip of tea and said, "The old man taught us for three years. With the old man's kung fu, it is impossible to avoid the bodyguards in our family. I can't mention it to anyone, he is a disciple of his old man. After three years, the old man said that the basic exercises have been handed over to us, let us practice diligently. And his old man, he continued Traveling, every once in a while, he will come back to see us and train us."

   Cheap Daddy said. "I am with your mother. There is a real friendship. During the period of practice, you are also growing up gradually. Young boys and girls will inevitably develop feelings for each other. And the ancient family where I live. The white family with your mother. It is a political feud. Position. It is completely different. The family, it is impossible for us to agree to be together. Although the ancient martial arts of the two of us cannot be exposed, but we are in love with one heart, how can we care about these worldly things? Finally made a decision with your mother...elope!"

The expression on Father Cheap's face was sweet in nostalgia, "In the next few years, the two of us will wander hand in hand and roam the arena. Maybe few people in the secular world know our reputation, but in the arena, everyone knows, No one knows it. The male and the female are both evil, and the sound is shocking."

   "The days of those few years were the real happiness and freedom! It was the happiest time in my life. Your mother is also pregnant. We are ready to end wandering and live in seclusion to live the life of ordinary people."

   The words of the cheap old man are very longing for the ancient style.

   A pair of immortal couples, both male and female, is indeed a good story.

"The turning point of the matter came one day. Master suddenly contacted us, but that time Master's face was very ugly. Because he met an old enemy. After a fight, he killed the old enemy, but he himself He was seriously injured. When we arrived, Master and his old man were covered in blood, and he could barely walk. These injuries are good to say, but more importantly, Master was infected with a kind of poison, and he needed to use several kinds of extremely precious Herbs to interpret."

"Master taught us martial arts and recreated us with kindness. Of course we couldn't watch Master fall. In order to gather the herbs, we went through the medicinal herbs bank saved by the state on the outskirts of the capital, and then touched the Tang Sect... Finally, we provoke the Tang Sect. hunt us down."

The voice of the cheap father began to become low, "You also know a little about what happened later. We gathered the medicinal materials and saved the master. However, the master's origin of the old man was also severely damaged, and his skills did not recover, and he lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests. After that, we no longer have any news of his old man. And we, because we provoked too many enemies in the rush, were finally chased and killed by the Tangmen and Kunlun faction, and once fell into a trap, I fell into tears of Guanyin Poisonous."

When the cheap dad said this, he gritted his teeth, "The despicable Tang Sect, the despicable Kunlun faction... If it wasn't for your mother who was pregnant at the time and had poor skills, how could we easily say it! Fortunately, at the last moment, we relied on The unique kung fu taught by the master, using the golden cicada to escape from the shell, made the enemy think that we fell off the cliff and died, but in fact, we escaped."

"However, it is precisely because of the Kunlun faction, Tangmen, and even other enemies, that we cannot be sure that we are really dead. Therefore, for many years, they have not given up their investigation of us. Guanyin Tears, as expected of the Tangmenzhen faction It is highly poisonous. Although I have a secret method to suppress it, it cannot be excreted from the body. We are injured, so naturally we do not dare to confront a few sects, so we can only hide in Haicheng under a pseudonym.”

   "We are living in the outskirts of Haicheng, living the life of ordinary people. In fact, I am tortured by the poison all the time. We tried to contact Master. However, after Master's origin was severely damaged, he lived in the mountains and forests, and there was no news..."

"For a few months, I have been fighting against the virulent poison all the time, and your mother, because her pregnancy is becoming more and more obvious, can't help much, so she can only be anxious. Finally, your mother is in labor and gives birth to you. At that time, our gloomy life brought a touch of sweetness." The corners of Father Cheap's mouth were sweet again.

"It's just that this sweetness is too short. You haven't had the full moon yet, and the poison in my body finally can't be suppressed, and it explodes in full force. My skills completely collapsed and I passed out. I thought I was going to die like that. It's still so small, it's really hard to rest assured. Although I was full of unwillingness, there was nothing I could do. However, later, I woke up. I don't know how long I slept, but I did wake up. "

  Cheap Dad paused, "It's the master who appeared. It's just that his old man's condition is also very bad. After I woke up, my face was heavy, and after sighing and warning us, I left."

"Later I learned that the way Master saved me was to **** out the toxin with internal force. It wasn't himself, but he and Bingbing joined forces... and after sucking it out, the toxin would enter the bodies of both of them, It's hard to get rid of. That is to say, it was the two of them who exchanged their own lives for my life!" The cheap old man's face was full of hatred, "My life, why is it worth it for them to do this!"


   said, and slapped it down with a heavy palm, and the stone table collapsed and cracked into stones.

"I'm alive. However, Master, his old man's serious injury has not healed, coupled with the poison of Guanyin's tears, it can be said to be a fatal blow... He dragged the sick body away, saying that he was going to enter the mountain and wanted a way to detoxify. But , That time was also the last time I saw Master. Until now, for nearly 18 years, he has not appeared. Come to think of it, Master has not recovered after being injured, affecting Shouyuan, and his lifespan has expired! The love for me and Bingbing, if there is a way to detoxify, it is impossible not to come and save Bingbing."

   Cheap dad is talking about secrets. Gu Feng really did not expect that in this peaceful social environment, the cheap old man would have such a thrilling experience.

"I detoxified and survived. However, my internal strength was scattered and messy, and I couldn't gather at all. In other words, I became an ordinary person. As for your mother, because you shared the poison of Guanyin tears with Master, and , When taking drugs, some of them are excreted from the body, although it is not fatal, but the toxins linger, not only can't use the internal force, but also endure the pain of severe poison every day."

   "So, mother is not sick at all, she is poisoned?" Gu Feng asked.

"Yes! We are in this state, and we are all enemies in the rivers and lakes. Of course, I dare not let you continue to follow the path of the ancient warriors. Because, the skills of our lineage are very special. If you teach them to you, as long as you have contact with people in the rivers and lakes, your identity It's easy to expose. No one protects you, those enemies are looking for you, we must all end up dead!" The cheap dad sighed with emotion. (To be continued..)

Read The Duke's Passion