MTL - The Only Magician on Earth-Chapter 610 five thousand years

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   "The old man's skill is really superior, the boy admires it! However, if you don't keep your hands, the old man, I'm afraid you won't be able to stop us from taking the herbs today." A smile flashed in the cheap old man's eyes.

   He admitted that his internal strength was not as good as that of the old man, but it was not much different. He believed that it was not difficult to join hands with Gufeng to pick the Qiyi grass.

  Cheap Daddy does things for people, with a sinister nature, obviously not a pedantic person. In order to achieve the goal, absolutely will do anything.

   This, Gufeng is very fortunate.

"Yeah! I haven't seen you for 20 years, and you have really broken through to the realm above the innate... Although the old man's internal strength has overwhelmed you, but after all, he is already old and his qi and blood are declining. There is no need for this little friend next to you to shoot, the two of us. If we fight, within 500 moves, I can suppress you, but only suppressing you. I can neither capture you nor kill you. After 500 moves, we will be evenly divided. You can completely suppress me, and even if the old man does not escape and continues to fight, I must be the one who will die in the end! The future generations are dreadful!

   "Haha!" The cheap dad smiled and didn't deny anything, obviously agreeing with this point of view.

  Now is not the time to be humble.

Beside   , Yan Wushuang's complex eyes swept over the two of them.

  In her eyes, the old man who is as invincible, is there a time when he is inferior to others?

   "How is it? Do you want to fight again?" asked the cheap dad.

"Don't fight! If you fight again, the whole medicine garden will be destroyed. Even my old bones will be torn down, so what else can I fight!" The old man was obviously very open-minded, "If you just want the Seven Lights Grass, The old man can take you there now. However, when you take the medicinal materials from the old man, you can never pay nothing, just take it for free?"

   "What does the old man mean?" asked the cheap old man.

   After all, the old man's internal strength is above him, and this is the hinterland of Tangmen, so he doesn't dare to push too hard.

"I heard that you originally planned to exchange the improved Peiyuan Pill? The old man hopes that this young man can help refine a thousand new Peiyuan Pills. Of course. The medicinal materials come from our Tang Sect. Ever?" The old man looked at Gu Feng this time.

   "Yes!" Gu Feng nodded without hesitation.

   If you can advance to a high-level magician and refine a new type of Peiyuan Pill, which is not even of the grade... Wouldn't that be a matter of seconds? a thousand pieces. It's just a hands-on effort.

   "Yeah! Good!" Now the initiative is in the hands of Gu Feng. The other party did not sit down and raise the price. This made the old man feel a little better in his heart and felt a little more comfortable, "Also. You came in just now, and you used invisibility. If I'm not mistaken, the key to using invisibility should be on Gufeng Xiaoyou. I don't know. Gufeng Xiaoyou, how did you do it? Of course, the old man also knows that stealth is definitely a very important practice. It is a bit abrupt to ask this question. However, the old man is really curious... After living for more than a hundred years, There are fewer and fewer things that can make the old man curious. If the little friend is willing to solve the puzzle, the old man will be very grateful. I dare not say anything else, the old man can decide the grievances between you and my Tang Sect. How about we write off this one? ?"

  Gu Feng was just stunned for a moment, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he already understood the old man's thoughts. The strength shown by the two of them and the cheap old man is beyond the control of the old man, and it can be said that no one can suppress them in the Tang Sect.

  If Tangmen insisted on killing their many disciples, and the two sides held on to hatred, it would definitely be Tangmen who would suffer in the end.

   Cheap Dad, the mysterious master behind Cheap Dad, the magical power displayed by Gu Feng himself... These, if the Tang Sect can't handle it well, there is a possibility that it will be destroyed in the end.

  The old man found this excuse, which seemed to be a compromise, but in fact it preserved the foundation of the sect.

   Can bend and stretch... Sure enough, **** is still old and spicy!

   In just one turn, Gu Feng thought of these keys. He couldn't help but turn his head to look at the cheap old man.

   He has no interest in destroying the Tang Sect, as long as he gets the Seven Luminaries Grass. However, the cheap father and the Tang Sect have some grudges, and it is up to the father to make a decision.

"There is no grievance between me and Tangmen. Twenty years ago, I also took the initiative to provoke Tangmen in order to find medicine for Master. It's just that Tangmen has scum, and I have already eliminated it. Our grievances have been eliminated. It's up to you to decide how to do it. Now, it's your young people's world." The cheap dad looked at Gu Feng with trusting eyes.

  Gu Feng nodded gratefully. What Daddy Cheap said, the implication was obvious. In the future, everything will be dominated by himself, and he will try his best to assist him in any decision he makes.

   "I'm a magician! My invisibility technique is a magic method and has nothing to do with internal power. This is just a very ordinary magic."

   Gu Feng said, and in a flash, he cast invisibility.


   Watching, Gu Feng's body was illusory and disappeared instantly.


  The cheap old man is fine. The old man and Yan Wushuang, although mentally prepared, were shocked when they saw it for the first time.


  An ancient figure flashed again slowly.

   "Unfortunately, magic and inner strength are two completely different systems. Old man, you have strong inner strength and may be unique, but at the age of more than 100 years, you have already missed the golden age of learning magic." Gu Feng said.

   "Hey, is that elder sister still in the golden age of learning magic? I wonder if the younger brother is willing to teach elder sister?" Yan Wushuang smiled and looked at Gu Feng.

   "Haha!" Gu Feng smiled lightly and did not answer.

   His magic, of course, cannot be easily passed on. The reason why I explained it was because I was worried that the old man had other thoughts, which would add to the twists and turns of obtaining Yaofengcao in vain.

  The old man was stunned, not knowing what to think, and finally sighed.

   "There is actually magic in this world. It's just a pity that I missed it." The old man was full of regret.

   "Okay! Since you are clearing the old man's doubts, from now on, the grievances between you and the Tang Sect will be written off, so what?" the old man asked in a vicissitudes of life.

  Gu Feng looked at Daddy Cheap, and Daddy Cheap also looked at Gu Feng without making any statement. Obviously, the word is done, and in the future, everything will be left to the ancient style.

   "Okay! Write it off!" Gu Feng nodded.

"Hahaha... The little friend is really fast. The male and the female have a good reputation in the rivers and lakes. I have never heard you say nothing. You nod your head now, that is, the invisible nod, the old man has nothing to worry about." The old man With a big laugh, he looked very happy, "Go! Follow me to get the Seven Luminaries Grass!"

   As he spoke, he took the lead and led the way. With a slightly stooped figure, he seems to be walking very slowly, but in a short time, he has already crossed over half of the Herb Garden.

   Yaofeng grass!

   Sure enough, it's a sorghum grass! On the earth, there is an existence called the Seven Luminaries!

   Far away, Gu Feng has sensed the breath of Yao Feng grass.

  The tall Yaofeng grass has purple flowers, a long string, and a gorgeous piece, which is truly beautiful.

  The heart of the ancient style instantly became hot. Eyes, first focus on the long string of flowers, one, two, three, four, five... five! There are a total of five sections of the flowers of this Yaofeng grass!

  Only the thousand-year-old sagebrush will bloom. And after blooming, the grass will never wither. After that, every thousand years, one section will be raised.

   There are a total of 5 sections of Yaofeng grass, which means that this is 5,000 years of Yaofeng grass!

  The heart of the ancient style was about to jump out of the cavity.

   The 5,000-year-old Yaofeng grass! Even in the Magic Continent, this is extremely precious!

   For some intermediate magicians, it is very gratifying to be able to find a thousand-year-old Yaofeng grass. And here, there are 5,000 years of Yaofeng grass... and it is a large area. The purple flowers are so beautiful.

"Seven luminous grasses aren't anything precious either. If they weren't discovered from Xixuan Dongtian, they would have grown here, and the old man might have completely eradicated them." The old man was still sighing, "If I had known you earlier I really only want the Seven Luminaries Grass, why are there so many conflicts!" (To be continued..)

Read The Duke's Passion