MTL - The Only Magician on Earth-Chapter 605 nowhere in the world

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  's cold tone made the old priest very unhappy. However, he just snorted and said nothing. Because he knew that Mr. Yi's power in China, if he really wanted to keep them, was absolutely impossible.

   Seeing the other party's attitude, the gentleman seemed to be satisfied, his tone slowed down, and then said:

   "Let your people retreat to the northeast! As long as you can get rid of the ancient style and the evil shape, my people will meet you."

   Get rid of antiquity and evil? [

   The old priest frowned slightly, turned his head to look at the top of the battlefield, the ancient style and the evil shape, like two gods, were massacred.

   The speed of the two of them is extremely fast. It's really not easy to get rid of them.

   However, he has cooperated with Mr. several times and understands Mr.'s character. Since the other party has said so, he must not be ready for conflict with Gufeng and Shaxing. No matter what you say, it will be beneficial.

   "Okay!" The old priest's old voice could only nod his head.

  The phone hung up, the old priest turned his head, and ordered the people behind him:

   "Send the clansmen to retreat, and wait for the next order at any time."

   "Yes, Your Honorable Priest."

   A few people in the back agreed, and they all showed a relaxed expression.

  Gu Feng suddenly exposed the identity of the magician and flew in the air. It was impossible for them to catch each other. However, since he was already mentally prepared for this, it was nothing. What makes them feel the pressure is the power of the evil shape.

  Shadow, is simply too strong. With a fierce palm, every time he made a move, a clan fell. make them terrified.


   Immediately, the skeletons scattered on the battlefield. The mountains and plains began to flee.

Although the   Shaxing was mighty and domineering, the many skeletons scattered and fled, which also caused him a lot of trouble, after chasing and killing some of them. Finally let most of them escape.

  Gu Feng is still on the battlefield, so he can't chase too far.

  Gufeng people are in the air, watching all this coldly. This group of undead skeletons came from France to hunt him down, causing him trouble several times. This made Gu Feng very angry.

   However, he was not swept away by anger. Knowing that the most important point now is to get Yaofeng grass as soon as possible. Advance to senior magician.

   "When I succeed in the promotion, I will definitely kill you in Europe and obliterate all of you despicable skeleton people!"

   A cold light flashed in Gu Feng's eyes.

  The father and son joined forces and almost swept the battlefield. When dealing with flesh-and-blood humans, Gu Feng's killing efficiency clearly prevailed. One after another wind blade. Like a death scythe, it harvests life on the battlefield. [

   The speed of the broomstick, and the sharpness of the wind blade, the combination of the two can be resisted at all.

  Whether it's an ancient warrior, a ninja, or an undead skeleton... they're all madly fleeing. these people. He came to covet Gu Feng, but as a result, Gu Feng's father and son joined forces to kill him and flee in embarrassment.

   There were even some people who couldn't escape at all, leaving corpses all over the floor.

   Of course, not all of these corpses were killed by the ancient father and son. There are many more of them, which are mutual killings between various forces.

   Karma Squeak

   In the distance, the sound of the shaft is astringent. The heavy gate of Tangjiabao slowly closed, and the wooden bridge over the moat was lifted.

   Gu Feng smiled slightly. For himself who owns the broom, all they did was hard work.


   A dive. Gu Feng appeared beside the cheap dad.


   put away the broom, landed on both feet, and fought side by side with the cheap dad.

   "Good job!" The cheap dad reached out and patted Gu Feng's shoulder. The generous palm makes the enemy feel terrified, but the ancient style feels warm.

   "Don't you ask what's going on?" Gu Feng looked at the cheap dad. It refers to the origin of his identity as a magician.

   "If you want to say it, you will naturally tell me." Cheap Dad said.

   "Yeah!" Gu Feng nodded. There was a sigh in my heart. My soul is not the son of the cheap old man!

  Gu Yimin is so strong today, he is like a world-beating enemy, so mighty. I don't know how it could be reduced to such a miserable level back then?

   His wife died of illness, he was imprisoned, his son was reduced to the point of being left alone and died in an accident...

   There must be hardships! Gu Feng knows that this must be due to hardships! Gu Yimin's character is obviously not that pedantic. If you are so domineering today, how can you usually endure humiliation and steal your life?

   Just, I don’t know what the difficulty is?

   Now there are corpses all over the floor, and there are more important things, not the time to talk in detail.

   "Do you want to go to the Tangmen Baicao Garden?" The cheap old man turned his head and asked.

   "Yes! Willing to win! It's very important to me!" Gu Feng nodded. After a short pause, he said, "Is it a little difficult? I heard that outsiders are never allowed to enter the Tangmen Baicao Garden. Even the Tangmen disciples have no chance to enter."[

   "Hahaha, if you want to go, I'll accompany you. Our father and son join forces, in this world, where else can we go?" The cheap old man laughed loudly and his voice was bold.

   "Okay! Thank you Dad!" Gu Feng thanked him with a sincere voice.

   In terms of soul, he is not Gu Yimin's son, but this ** belongs to Gu Yimin's son. Moreover, since the time of crossing, the days with the cheap old man have made him feel warm everywhere.

   Now, the cheap dad is even more domineering, and he is willing to accompany him to enter the tiger's lair.

  The ancient style is very moved, and already in my heart, I agree with this old man.

"Father and son, what are you talking about? Thank you! Let's go! However, Tangjiabao is like a big hedgehog. It's not easy to break in from the front. Maybe your broom can move me?" broom.

   Obviously, Dad is also very interested in this thing.

  Gu Feng handed it over without any hesitation and said with a smile: "This is a magic equipment item, but unfortunately, you are not a magician, so you can't push it. However, I will push it, and it will not be a problem to load you."

   "Tsk tsk! It's a pity! If I can use it too, let you help me build one, and ride on the flying and play, how much fun it will be!"

   Daddy Cheap stroked the broom with both hands and sighed regretfully.

   "Hehe! Come on!" Gu Feng took back the broom and rode on it.

   "This... a bit detrimental to the image!" The cheap old man frowned. But I just complained casually, and rode on it very cooperatively.


   Gu Feng laughed.

   The cheap old man wears a bronze mask and a splendid robe, completely in Chinese classical style. He is riding on a broomstick. No matter how you look at it, it looks a little awkward!

   "Let's go! Dad, hurry up!"

   Gu Feng shouted.

   "Humph! Don't underestimate Dad!" Cheap Dad rolled his eyes, very displeased.

"Ha ha!"

  An ancient smile. It's right to think about it, with the richness of Daddy Cheap's internal strength, there is no need to worry about him!


Driven by internal force, it turned into a streamer and flew directly towards the head of Tangjiabao.

  The ancient style's mental power is in control, and the sense is clear. The cheap dad's body is firmly nailed to the back, very relaxed.

   Dad is indeed Dad!

   "They're here!"



   The Tang Sect disciples at the head of the city immediately became a mess.

Da da da


The   zi and the rocket are coming towards the sky.

   However, Gu Feng's speed is really too fast, and it is impossible for these sons to hit him at all, and they all fail.

   "Don't pay attention to these people, just fly there!" The cheap old man stretched out his hand and pointed to a mountain in the distance.


  Gu Feng nodded and agreed.

   It was a steep mountain, and the ancient wind flew directly over it.

   Flying over the mountain peak, but seeing the fog shrouded, I couldn’t see the situation below at all. Judging from the terrain, it could only be seen that it was a valley.

   "This is the Herb Garden?" Gu Feng asked.

   "To be precise, this is the entrance to the Herb Garden!" said the cheap dad.

   Looking at Gu Feng's surprised expression, the cheap dad continued:

   "Twenty years ago, my mother and I came here to ask for a good medicine for Master. Those old guys in the Tang Sect are too stingy, otherwise, why would we sneak in?"

   "Dad, have you entered the Herb Garden?" Gu Feng was really surprised.

   "Of course! Back then, I sneaked in secretly and knew about this matter, I'm afraid there were no more than three people." The cheap old man raised his eyebrows, his face was smug, and then, he didn't know what to think, he changed it to nostalgia. (To be continued...)

Read The Duke's Passion