MTL - The Only Magician on Earth-Chapter 594 use your life

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   Gu Feng stood up.

   This time, there are only six people in total, which is much smaller than the previous wave of more than 20 people.

   However, the last time Gufeng sat still from beginning to end. Now, before the other party is near, he has already stood up.

   In his hand, he has already taken out the magic wand.

   Antiquity and self-confidence, but never careless.

   He could sense that the enemy who came this time was small in number but had a strong aura. He was a great enemy.

The ones following    are nothing more than the ones he killed, and their strengths are almost the same as the elders he killed. The one at the front, immortal style, with white hair, gave him a strong sense of crisis.

   This is a rival!

  Ancient Style When there are a lot of Elder Chu, Elder Chu is also looking at the ancient style.

   Less than twenty years old, too young. This is Elder Chu's greatest fear. When he got to his seat, he had more worries.

   At such a young age, he can have such powerful means. How terrifying must the master behind him be?

   However, I was afraid, but now there is no way out. The other party blocked the door and killed him here. If he couldn't kill or take it down, Tang Sect's face would be disgraced, and he would not be able to stand on the rivers and lakes from now on, and would become the laughing stock of other major sects.

   This kind of thing, if you want to hide it, you can't hide it.

   "Your Excellency is blocking the gate of my Tang family fort and killing people openly. Do you think you have the strength to single-handedly challenge my Tang Sect? Or, is there any other reliance?" Elder Chu asked coldly.

   At the same time, a pair of eyes. Watch all around.

   His thoughts were the same as the young man in white robe just now. Although Gu Feng's personal strength is strong, it is too exaggerated to want to challenge the entire Tang Sect alone.

   There are ten **, there are other people in ambush around, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

be careful! Be cautious! Don't miss out!

   Elder Chu reminded himself.

"I have no intention of challenging the Tang Sect. The people I killed were the ones who attacked me first. It was you who became arrogant under the banner of the Tang Sect. I just want to go to the Herb Garden. Get the herbs I need. As long as you fulfill me, the grievances between our two sides will be offset immediately, and you will definitely not suffer from the new Peiyuan Dan that I use to trade with you." Gu Feng's tone was flat.

"The grievances are offset? Hahaha... Killed so many people from my Tang Sect. Don't tell me. Do you think this grievance is offset? Do you still have the initiative?" Elder Chu laughed angrily, "Young man, you are so arrogant. This old man will replace your master. I will teach you a lesson!"

   Elder Chu said, his inner strength was aroused, his feet slammed on the ground, and he was about to jump up. At this moment, a sudden change occurred. When he stepped down with his feet, he felt the ground suddenly sink.

  Elder Chu's strength surpasses that of the day after tomorrow, and he is an innate powerhouse. However, the innate powerhouse can't violate the laws of physics. He can't fly. If he wants to jump, he must first step on the ground and use the reaction force of the ground to leap.

   When he stepped down, the ground followed, so that instead of jumping up, his body immediately lost his balance.

   All of this is caused by the ancient style.

  The ancient style has always been shrouded in spiritual power, always paying attention to the flow of internal power in Elder Chu's body. When you notice the internal force condensing under your feet, you immediately realize that the opponent's feet must move.

   One step ahead, Gu Feng is an instant earth magic. This kind of instant raid magic just makes the ground sink a little bit. With Gu Feng's current strength, it's as easy as a game.

  However, the generally easy move of this game was completely beyond Elder Chu’s expectations. In his consciousness, there was no such thing at all. Even if he has decades of fighting experience, in front of Gu Feng, he is still a little white, who is instantly hit and loses his balance. This is a big taboo on the battlefield, and I can't help but panic.

  The ancient style deliberately created this scene, and now of course I will not lose the opportunity. With a flick of my hand, several flying knives attacked Elder Chu at the same time.

   Elder Chu is a congenital strong man, and his strength is quite powerful.


   With a loud drink, his body spun rapidly in the air.

  Under the lock of the ancient style mental force, you can "see" clearly, and the internal force in the opponent's body is also flowing rapidly, like a river bursting its embankment, Wang Yang is unrestrained and galloping endlessly.

  Under the urging of this internal force, Elder Chu's body quickly stabilized his balance and rose upwards.

   The direction of those flying knives was about to fail. At a critical moment, there was a sudden strangeness.

Puff puff!

   Now, Elder Chu's strength has been exhausted. Of course, it is no longer difficult to avoid it. He was directly hit and submerged in his body.


   Elder Chu's body fell heavily to the ground.

The    master also has limits.

The first time the ground suddenly collapsed, Elder Chu responded in a hurry, and his potential was exhausted. Let’s see how he had dealt with the attack of the flying knife; however, the flying knife turned suddenly at an angle that violated the mechanics, and, after the turn, the strength was still so strong, he would stop There is no way to cope.

   seems to kill an innate powerhouse in seconds.

   In fact, it is all because of the asymmetry of information between the two parties. Gu Feng has a very clear control over the opponent's internal strength, but the opponent knows nothing about Gu Feng's methods. Magic, wind blade... These are all too unfamiliar to them.

   This is like the first time a Confucius master faced a pistol, he was pointed at by the pistol, I am afraid that he did not know how to dodge and collapsed with one shot.

   When the knowledge of pistols is popularized, a person holding a pistol against an ancient warrior is hard to say about a third-rate ancient warrior. If a second-rate ancient warrior is to dodge carefully, an ordinary person with a pistol will definitely not kill him.

   Now, the ancient style is taking advantage of this information asymmetry.

   He knew this, so he killed at will without being excited.


   "Elder Chu!"

   "Elder Chu!"

   There were several old men next to him. When Elder Chu took action, they were all motivated by their inner strength and were ready to cooperate.

  Where did he think, in the blink of an eye, Elder Chu was given a second by others!

Depend on!

   This is an innate powerhouse!

   Even Elder Chu was given a second by others, do they still dare to go? The person who dares to go up must have his head caught in the anus.


  There is no need to hesitate, and there is no need to discuss, several people are invariably in the same shape and retreat.

   They are not the sons of Elder Chu, and of course they will not stay and take their own lives to avenge Elder Chu.

   Even Elder Chu's body, no one dared to move. At such a time, it is lucky to be able to escape, who would dare to have other ideas?

   If you can recapture Elder Chu's body and return to the fort, it must be a great achievement. However, if this great achievement had to be at the cost of life, these elders would definitely not take this risk.

   They are desperate to escape, will Gufeng give them this chance?

of course not!

   His deal with Tang Sect has failed. Now, there is only one way to get tickets to enter the Baicao Garden, and that is to kill!

Blocked at the gate of Tangjiabao, killing the other party with chills, killing the other party and trembling when he mentions his name, even after killing dozens or hundreds of years, his name can still stop children from crying at night in Tangmen .

   hands shaking!

  Several flying knives wrapped around wind blades, under the control of mental power, like eyes, they locked the throats of several people with extreme precision.

Puff puff!

   Blood splattered, and a miserable howl sounded.

   Several corpses fell to the ground and died!

   "My means of killing the enemy cannot be exposed, so I can only use your lives."

   Gu Feng said in a low voice, walked forward, leaned over and picked up a few flying knives one by one.

   went back to the place and sat down cross-legged. Meditate.

   In the two battles, the consumption of his spiritual power and magic power was almost zero. This kind of victory made him very satisfied. However, he is not careless, even if it is a trivial consumption, he must seize all the time to recover.


  The killing here in Gufeng, Tangjiabao has been in chaos.

   "Elder Chu is dead!"

   "All the elders are dead!"

   "Elder Chu didn't get close to the other party at all and was killed!"

   "One move! Just one move! Powerful! Too powerful!"

   "How can there be such a powerful person in this world?"

   "No wonder the other party dares to block the gate of Tangjiabao so unscrupulously, they are really capable!"

   "Could it be that the gate of my Tangjiabao is really blocked like this? The other party won't come in?"


   When he knew that someone blocked the door to challenge, a large number of disciples gathered on the city wall to strengthen the defense. Now, this group of disciples are discussing with each other, panicking. (To be continued..)

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