MTL - The Only Magician on Earth-Chapter 584 Tangjiabao in Mount Emei

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   Several figures came up from the valley and approached quickly.

   These few second-rate ancient warriors.

   "I have seen the sect master! I have seen the elders!" These people came up and bowed to the sect master and his party.

   "Yeah!" The old man nodded lightly, "How is the arrangement here?"

"Go back to the head, this place was originally our secret base. The subordinates led more than a dozen disciples of Shenji Hall to strengthen various institutions overnight. It is already solid. As long as someone comes in, it is guaranteed that he can enter or not exit." , said a bearded middle-aged man in the lead. Confident tone.

   "It's good that Junior Nephew Liu has this confidence. However, you must be careful. That kid is very evil. We arranged an ambush for the ambush. It seems that he can find out in advance. It's very strange." The fifth elder said.

   "Hehe, Fifth Elder, don't worry. This junior's arrangement this time is all hidden institutions. The major institutions that entered the entrance are even closed. He can't find it either." The bearded man said.

"That's right! Fifth, you are too careful? I think it must be that guy who didn't know where to get some information about our Tang Sect. The organs in your stronghold have been too long, and have been used to kill several times. It's not surprising that the enemy is exposed. Our stronghold has never been used, and it has always been used as a substitute for the foundation of the sect to confuse the opponent. The old man does not believe that this kid can discover these organs, is he not an immortal?" The old man's voice was rough.

   He was already very upset that he didn't do it directly in Tianfu City. In the process of running this way, it feels like being stared at. It's quite a bit turbulent, and it's even more annoying.

   Now that the fifth elder is so cautious, I really can't stand it. In his opinion, it is just to deal with a hairy boy, there is really no need to make such a big battle.

"I can't be too careful. That kid is a little weird. Besides, I always feel a little uneasy along the way. Liu Jin, don't be careless and arrange it well. If you can successfully win the ancient style this time, you are a great leader. Heroes." said the old man in charge.

   "Yes. Sect Master!" Liu Jin bowed his head and agreed. A little excited.

   In Tangmen, it is difficult for Chinese and foreign surnames to enter the core of the sect. It is very rare for Liu Jin to become the deputy head of Shenji Hall. It's just that he can see clearly, if there is no chance. His life will probably end here.

   Today's action. The head of the sect and the elders of the sect dispatched as many as possible. If it weren't for the fact that the head of the Shenji Hall was not in the sect, I'm afraid this opportunity would not be his turn.

  Liu Jin made up his mind that he must be more beautiful. Turn away. Continue to perfect the formation.

   Gu Feng heard it next to him, but was secretly disappointed.

   "It turns out that this place is not where Tang Sect is at all, it's just a trap. In this case, I will continue to follow, I'm afraid it will be meaningless."

  Gu Feng was thinking about it when he heard the old man next to him say:

   "We are resting here! Recharge our batteries and wait for the Gufeng boy to come to the net. Send a letter to inform the disciples left behind in the city to pay attention to the trend of Gufeng. As soon as he appears, bring him here immediately."

   "Yes, Master."

   The fifth elder agreed and went to make arrangements.

  Gu Feng heard this and knew there was no need to wait any longer. With a thought, he took out the magic wand from the space pendant, and the magic power caused a slight fluctuation.


   Several wind blades attacked several people respectively.

The    wind blade attack unfolded, and the air fluctuated. With the strength of the Tang Sect elders, it was naturally sensed immediately.

   However, at such a close distance, with the speed of the wind blade, it is simply impossible for them to escape.

Puff puff!

   In the splash of blood, the heads were thrown away.

   Several old men still kept surprised expressions on their faces, and their heads had already fallen to the ground.

The elder    was attacked by two wind blades.


  Two arms were cut off directly.


   A shrill scream, before I had time to say anything more. But I saw two wind blades attacked again.


   Both legs were also cut off.


  The old man who lost his limbs fell to the ground. The sudden great pain made his face distorted. What made him even more sad and desperate was that his limbs were chopped off. Even if he survived, he would be a crippled person from now on.

   This huge gap in his heart almost made him completely collapse.

   There were several people on the top of the valley, and in the blink of an eye, no one was standing, except for the headless corpses all over the ground, which was the "meat and stick" of the old man in charge.

   The figure flashed, Gu Feng withdrew the invisibility technique and stood up.

   " it you? Is it you who has been following us?" the old man in charge roared angrily, glaring furiously.

   "Not bad!" Gu Feng's tone was light and he nodded calmly.

"Impossible! How is it possible! How did you do it? We arranged so many means, and we were careful along the way. How did you track it here? Where did you attack us just now?" Incredible expression.

   "It's an ancient martial artist! His limbs were chopped off, and he was still so full of energy." Gu Feng smiled slightly, and he was not interested in answering the old man's words.

   Now, he is the victor, and the old man in charge is the prisoner, so of course he takes the initiative.

The    magic wand was gently waved, and a faint light shrouded in it. At the wound where the old man's limbs were cut off, the blood stopped and the pain suddenly disappeared.

   "This is... what kind of magic trick are you doing?" The old man in charge experienced it himself, and the shock in his eyes was beyond description.

  Gu Feng directly ignored the question, reached out and took out a bottle of Veritaserum, popped the cork with a "Boom". A small wind magic, Veritaserum floated under the nose of the old man.

   "Tell me, where is Tangmen's headquarters?" Gu Feng asked after seeing the effect of the medicine.

   "More than 300 miles away, in the middle of Mount Emei, is Tangjiabao." The old man in charge almost blurted out, and then, with a cold look, he looked at Gu Feng, "What poison did you use on me?"

   As expected, the head of the Tang Sect, who is known for using poison, found that his physical condition was not right, and immediately realized that he was poisoned.

   Gu Feng smiled. It's a pity that no matter how powerful this old man is, he will never think that he is not poison at all, but a magic potion.

   "Can Baicao Garden be in Tangjiabao?" Gu Feng asked.

   "Yes! The Hundred Herb Garden is the foundation of the Tang Sect, and naturally it is in the center of the sect." said the old man in charge.

   "How can I successfully enter the Herb Garden?" Gu Feng asked.

"Outsiders are not allowed to enter the Hundred Herb Garden. Even if I lead it myself, there is no exception! Unless a meeting of elders is held, it is up to the elders to decide. However, even so, there must be three or more elders who enter. He led the way, and blindfolded him, so he couldn't see the way outside. The last time outsiders entered the Herb Garden was more than 30 years ago, and at that time, it was according to this example.

   The old man in charge said something, and Gu Feng frowned.

   Hold a Presbyterian meeting... that's a bit of a hassle.

   "How many elders are there in the Tang Sect? It seems that the people I killed just now are all elders?" Gu Feng asked as his eyes swept over the corpses all over the ground.

"Yes, these people are indeed my Tang Sect elders. However, my Tang Sect has a total of sixty-eight elders. These are only one-tenth of them. In the elders, the ones who really have the right to speak. , not these ordinary elders, but seventeen supreme elders. If it were us... we wouldn't even have the qualifications to hold a meeting of elders." The elder of the sect squinted, with pride in the Tang Sect's heritage in his tone.

   "Your Tang Sect, is the strength of ordinary elders similar to these people? What about the elders?" Gu Feng directly ignored his expression and asked.

"The few of us, among the elders, are considered to be in the middle and upper class. Elder Li is in charge of the execution hall, and his strength is in the top five among ordinary elders..." The elder head turned to look at the stern face on the ground. Skull, frowning, shaking his head.

   Even if the strength ranks in the top five, under the sneak attack of the ancient style, it seems that there is no difference at all, and it is the end of the instant kill. This is really annoying. It's hard to guess how strong the lethality of the ancient style sneak attack and spike is, and what is the upper limit? Can't see it at all. (To be continued..)