MTL - The Only Magician on Earth-Chapter 567 people you can't mess with

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   The young man Bai Jun moved with the sound, and before he finished speaking, he punched Gu Feng with a punch.

   This punch is tough and extremely confident. Looking at the momentum, the purpose of this punch, even if Gu Feng is not killed, it will be seriously injured.

   In his opinion, Gu Feng was only seventeen or eighteen years old, about the same age as him, and could not be his opponent.

  The calm youth obviously has the same thought. However, the focus of his attention was on Jiang Yiyan.

   Jiang Yiyan was twenty-five or six years old. He was afraid that Jiang Yiyan would block him, so he was ready to snipe. [

   As expected. Just as the boy Bai Jun moved, Jiang Yiyan also moved, and he was about to meet him with a flash.

   is also a second-rate ancient warrior, and it seems that he has entered this realm not long ago.

  The calm young man could see Jiang Yiyan's level at a glance. Although the other party turned out to be a second-rate ancient martial artist, which surprised him, his heart was half let go.

  The same realm, the strength is also divided into strong and weak. Can this guy who has just entered the realm of second-rate ancient martial arts be able to compare with himself, who has mastered many martial arts of the Kunlun School?

  There is nothing to hesitate, the calm young man also punched Jiang Yiyan, blocking Jiang Yiyan's rescue.


  Gu Feng snorted coldly. When he was talking just now, he had already prepared two flying knives in his hands. At this time, he flicked his hands, and the wind blade was wrapped around the assembly line.


  The boy Bai Jun smiled, with a look of disdain on his face.

  It's just a flying knife, a trick of carving insects.

   The fist that slammed into the past suddenly opened, and **** were pinched towards the flying knife.


   The situation where the flying knife was clamped did not appear in the imagination. When the flying knife passed, **** were directly cut off, just as easy as a knife cutting tofu.

   At the same time, the momentum of the flying knife did not stop there, but continued to "shoot" towards the neck of the young Bai Jun.

  Bai Jun boy was taken aback, his reaction was fast enough, his forward momentum stopped, his body leaned back.

   Seeing that the flying knife was about to be dodged, it drew an arc in the air.


   cut off his head directly, blood splattered in the cavity, and a corpse fell to the ground.

  The calm young man also wanted to pick up the flying knife with his hands, but the young boy Bai Jun's fingers were cut off first. The calm young man was shocked when he saw this, but his strength had already been exhausted, and if he wanted to change his method in the middle, it was too late. [


  The flying knife makes a loop, directly slashing its palm off.

   Fortunately, the throwing knife did not continue to attack, but fell to the ground.


   His palm was chopped off, causing huge pain, and the calm young man cried out in agony.

   However, he was still hard-hearted, and quickly reached out to hold the broken wrist, endured the pain, and dared not speak again, looking at Gu Feng with a terrified face.

   "Who is your Excellency?"

   The calm young man was really scared. It seems that a young man who is less than 20 years old can shoot so ruthlessly, and his flying knife stunt is so sharp, it is simply avoidable.

  Gufeng, this flying knife, is mixed with wind blades. Before the flying knife, attacking with the wind blade and pinching it with your fingers is equivalent to using your fingers to block the wind blade... Of course, it is an act of courting death.

  Gu Feng didn't want to reveal the secret of his own wind blade, so he deliberately used this method.

   Last time, after getting the flying knives from the disciples of Peacock Villa, I felt this benefit. I once found someone to make a batch of flying knives and put them in the space pendant, just to wait for this time.

   This is also one of the reasons why he dared to break into the Great Nine Lakes to find trouble with the Tang Sect.

   "People you can't afford to offend!" Gu Feng's voice was cold.

   If Gu Feng had said this a minute ago, the calm young man would have sneered in his heart, laughing at Gu Feng's self-control.

  But now...the two second-rate ancient warriors were casually killed and wounded. Don't they have the right to say that?

   He only felt a chill in his heart. Less than twenty years old, to have such amazing skills, what is the origin of the other party? What terrible enemy have you provoked?

"Just now, your junior brother was too arrogant and repeatedly offended me, so **** it. You tried to persuade me, but you also had bad intentions. So, I won't kill you, but I will abolish your hand. Now, apologize to me, You can leave now." Gu Feng said.

   "Yes! I'm sorry, Young Master Gu! I have offended Young Master Gu, please forgive me!"

  The calm young man recalled hearing the name of the young man just now, and he knew Gu Feng and the surname Gu. Very sincere tone.

   "Go!" Gu Feng said.

   "Thank you for not killing Gu Shao!"

   The calm young man thanked him, turned around and hurriedly left without even looking at the young boy Bai Jun's body. Obviously afraid of Gu Feng changing his mind temporarily. [

   Jiang Kazuhiko watched his heart surge from the side.

   This is my own old young master! Two second-rate ancient warriors! Two second-rate ancient warriors from the Kunlun faction! Kill if you say it, without mercy or scruples!

"Young Master Gu, now the Kunlun faction is staying here. They are coming to participate in the Nine Lakes Competition. In addition to the young disciples, there will definitely be old people leading the team. Now let this person leave, he will definitely call for help, and ask Young Master Gu to pretend. Prepare." Jiang Yiyan reminded.

"Don't worry! I have long expected this. I let him go, just to let him go to rescue soldiers! We must be in danger when we enter the Great Nine Lakes this time. I want to test the strength of the Kunlun faction here first. Kunlun The faction belongs to the strongest ancient martial arts sect, but it is only one of the seven sects. If it is difficult for us to deal with him, whether it is sensible to enter the Great Nine Lakes this time, we must consider it carefully.” Gu Feng said .

  Jiang Yiyan only then knew that the original young master from the family made a decisive move, not just for the sake of quickness, but also for such far-reaching considerations.

   At the moment of the conflict just now, he made such a judgment, and his wit can be imagined.

   "Let's go! Go back to the room and wait to see how they react."

   Gu Feng said, leaned over and picked up the two flying knives, put them away, and walked straight forward.

   There was a conflict here just now, and the waiter who was leading the way had already avoided far away when he saw the conflict between the two sides. But what happened next, like a rabbit rising and a falcon falling, made her petrified.


   This kind of thing, I only saw it on TV before, but now it suddenly appeared in front of me, **** was scared to death.

   Seeing Gu Feng and the two of them looking at her, their first reaction was not to come and lead the way, but to scream and run away.

   "I'll go get her back." Jiang Yiyan said.

   "No need! We'll just go back to the room by ourselves."

  An antique deluxe room for two people is on the nineteenth floor.

   Such a high floor is not a good location for ordinary people. Once blocked, they will go up the road to the sky and enter the underground door.

   However, for the ancient style, this is the most ideal place.

   and Jiang Yiyan sat in the living room, sitting cross-legged, waiting for the enemy to come.

   Mental power was released, and a radius of twenty or thirty meters entered his mind.

   If there is an enemy that is too strong to be resisted approaching, Gu Feng can jump out at the first time, and then ride his broom to escape.

  Ancient Wind So far, no second flying person has been found on Earth. So he is confident that in this environment, no one can leave their own life.

  Chak Chacha!

  The sound of footsteps. He didn't make him wait any longer. In just a moment, a group of about ten people quickly came towards the room where Gu Feng was.

   The leaders were three middle-aged people, the rest were young people in their twenties and thirties, and two or three people looked younger, less than 20 years old.

When    arrived at the door, these people did not break in directly, but stood at the door and formed a circle.

   At the same time, Gu Feng sensed that there were four or five people on the eighteenth floor and seventeenth floor, and they were ambushing in the room directly facing him downstairs.

   Gu Feng sneered. His mental power swept over, and the strength of these people has been proved. The three most powerful middle-aged men were only in the same league as the gray-robed man from the Su family who he killed, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

   "I don't know who is in the room. Kunlun Zhang Zhaohui, Zhou Dawei, and Zhao Qinghui are visiting. Please open the door and see."

   A middle-aged man who took the lead spoke in a sonorous tone.

   Gu Feng signaled, Jiang Yiyan stepped forward to open the door.

   The three middle-aged and talented artists were bold, but they had nothing to fear, so they walked in.

   As for the others, they stayed at the door. rs! .

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