MTL - The Only Favourite Ugly Husband-~ 156. Grab and go to work

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Outside of Changlong’s trip, there is also a signboard. At this moment, their shop doors are wide open and they open the door to do business.

It is a pity that Jiang Zhen saw this scene.

He originally wanted to try the tricks...

The business in these years has grown bigger and bigger. He has not done such a bully behavior for a long time, and he still misses it...

Jiang Zhen was on the horse and made a gesture. The people in the Jin Zhen darts immediately rounded up Changlong. At the same time, some people sneaked in.

"What do you want to do?" The people in the long-running line were blocked in the house, and they took out their weapons and looked at Jiang Zhen and others.

There are also many people in Changlong, and there are more than a dozen people in the line.

However, they have more people, and there are not as many people as Jin Zhen’s board...

"Jiang Zhen?! What do you want to do?" The main agent of the trip asked aloud, glaring at Jiang Zhen.

The principal of this Chimelong operation is Chen Wang. Because he likes to use an axe, he is called an axe Chen. He is a man in his thirties. He has a large beard and opens his chest when he is wearing clothes. Fierce.

However, the appearance is rough and can control so many people, it can already prove that this axe is not simple.

When Chen Wang saw Jiang Zhen, he knew that things were bad.

He is going to find the trouble of Jin Zhen's Escort, but he really didn't plan to bring Jiang Zhen out...

Before they went to work, they also had troubles for shops opened by some big families, but they never brought out the family members of big families. How did Jiang Zhen come?

He didn't even look for him to discuss it privately, so he came to the table with great fanfare!

"Who asked you to deal with me?" asked Jiang Zhen.

"I don't understand what you are saying." Axe Chen immediately said that they had a rule that they could not disclose the information of the guests. Of course, he would not say anything.

"Don't you say that?" Jiang Zhen smiled and then looked at the person behind him: "Catch them all!" He doesn't expect these people to tell him the truth, so... it's good to toss them first. .

Jiang Zhen’s men sighed and rushed up.

The people who played in Changlong were very angry and resisted.

Their fighting experience is still very rich. If their people and Jiang Zhen’s men are alone, most of them can win. The key is that Jiang Zhen’s men are many.

Not only many people, but Jiang Zhen’s men also have a tacit understanding!

These people swarmed and quickly caught all the people who played.

"Boss, people have caught!" After catching people, Jiang Zhen’s men immediately said.

"Well, tie it up and take it away!" Jiang Zhen said again.

"What do you want to do? You better let me go!" The axe chanted, and the voice just fell, and he was slap in the palm: "You give me a quiet spot!"

The man hit the axe Chen with a fierce face and turned to look at Jiang Zhen, but he changed his face and smiled: "Boss, how do these people take away?"

"Before the chicken shop, didn't you go to the city to catch chickens? Let them drive the chicken carts with chickens." Jiang Zhendao.

"Yes!" Jiang Zhen's men should have a voice, and immediately went to the cattle cart.

At this time, Jiang Zhen came down from the horse and then sat down in a row and found a chair to sit down.

The chair is covered with tiger skin. When you look at it, you know that it is a high-ranking person. This is Chen Wang’s position.

Seeing that Jiang Zhen took up his position, Chen Wang, who was tied up, couldn’t help but glare at Jiang Zhen.

Jiang Zhen ignored him. Not only that, after a while, when he came to the oxcart with chicken, he and some other people were all loaded into the oxcart.

The car behind the oxcart was a slab, very large. The car not only made a fence to prevent the goods from falling to the ground, but also made a rain-proof shed with bamboo and mats.

The ducks are okay, the chickens are drenched, but they are sick, especially the chickens.

Such a car, squeezed inside, can be loaded into more than a dozen people.

However, Jiang Zhen was very tolerant and did not let them squeeze. Because there were three cattle carts, they could have eight people and one car.

Of course, even then, these people do not want to take the oxcart.

This ox cart is usually used to hold chicken, duck and egg duck eggs, eggs and duck eggs are good, the chicken and duck...

When Chen Wang and others were put into the cart, there were a lot of chicken and duck droppings.

The smell of chicken and duck lingered in the nose, and Chen Wang was somewhat desperate.

Of course, his desperation is not because Jiang Zhen arranged for their car to be too bad, but because... Jiang Zhen came to them with such a big fanfare, no one came to save them!

They have a good relationship with the people in Tuen Mun. They used to have something. The people in the door will help them and save them. But today, it’s been so long, and the people in the door are not even exposed. One!

There is also the person who entrusted them to find the trouble of the Jin Zhen Escort.

The things they did were revealed, and those who would come to save them, but did they have a little movement?

Chen Wang was anxious and couldn't help but worry, and while he was walking away, the cow car moved and bumped.

He suddenly planted it down, and he was planted on a pile of chicken cockroaches.

Chen Wang: "..."

Jiang Zhenyu smiled and said: "Put their mouths." Then, let people put the curtains on the cart.

Chen Wang subconsciously wants to struggle. Jiang Zhen said at this time: "Do you guess I know where your family is?"

Chen Wang’s action was awkward and he did not dare to move.

The people they play are also loved ones.

A few cattle carts slowly headed out of the city, and occasionally a little sound came from the car.

"You are Jin Zhen's Escort? What's on this car?" asked the people of Hexing House who were more courageous.

"Installed a few pigs." Jiang Zhen's men said with a smile.

The oxcart is dirty, and it is normal to say that there are a few pigs inside.

People do not doubt anything, that is, some people doubt what they do, and they dare not do anything. This Jin Zhen darts is not something that ordinary people can provoke.

A patrol on the street was afraid that he had gotten some news and wanted to come and check it out, but soon, a younger servant around him pulled him.

"There are problems with those ox carts." The young servant was a little anxious: "There is movement inside. The people who had been in the Jin Zhen darts before went to Changlong to fight!"

"Since you know that it is Jin Zhen's Escort, don't worry too much if you don't want to be unlucky."

When the young servant squatted, he stopped talking and went to the old servant.

They know who can offend and who can't offend.

Jiang Zhen’s men swayed through the city and suddenly became proud of it.

Jiang Zhen took the horse to the forefront. When he noticed this, he frowned. At the same time, he made up his mind. In the future, he would beat and beat his own people. Don’t let them do something wrong because they are obsessed.

Jiang Zhen still has to revise how to adjust | teach his men, Chen Wang and others are very painful.

They have never been in such a bad car in this life!

At this time, the oxcart bumped all the way, finally arrived outside the city, and then, came to the chicken farm that was poisoned by their people.

The smell of roast chicken is emitted from the chicken farm, and the smoke is rolling up and spreading in the blue sky.

A few old people looked at the direction of the smoke, but they were tearing their eyes.

However, when Jiang Zhen and others arrived, they immediately did not cry, but came to Jiang Zhen and others: "Total head, are you coming back? Did the murderer catch it?"

"Catch it." Jiang Zhendao, and at this time, Jiang Zhen's men opened the curtains on several cattle carts, and then exposed the people on the cart to the people.

These people saw the people who rolled up the chickens and ducks on the cart. First, they had some sympathy, and then they looked at them angrily.

These people are the ones who poisoned the ducks?

"It's him! I saw him on the mountain yesterday!" An old man suddenly looked angry at a man on the cart and shouted: "The total head, he poisoned our chicken, we killed him!"

This is ancient times. The power of the clan is very strong, and there are many lynchings. The things that steal others are killed. Everyone feels that it is a deserved one. The trick is generally not accepted.

Therefore, the old man said such a thing, he did not feel that there was a problem.

Jiang Zhen glanced at him, but said: "No, they poisoned our chickens and asked them to pay compensation first."

The old man looked at Jiang Zhen with incomprehensibility.

When Chen Wang came over this road, he had already recognized it. This time he quickly said: "You let me go! I will pay you for your loss!" Isn't it a group of chickens? The sky is a few hundred and two silver, they are willing to pay!

Jiang Zhen looked at Chen Wang, but he did not pick up his words, but he was facing the human being: "Take them to the mountains and let them work hard."

"Yes!" Jiang Zhen's men should have a voice, and when they swarmed, they brought Chen Wang and others to the mountains.

There, several people in the team that had been caught by Jiang Zhen and recruited him to recruit new people were also there.

"Old Li..." Chen Wang is silent.

"Chen brother..." Lao Li and others are also silent.

The people on their side were smashed with chickens, and the people on the other side were driven into the pits.

Jiang Zhen asked his men to take their weapons and then drove them to the mountains.

He is not too much like a chicken circle.

Of course, let them take a shower first.

When the group was driven to the pool where they had poisoned before, their faces were dark.

Are they still dirty, or do they bathe with this water?

"Don't eat it in the mouth, bathing is fine." Chen Wangdao, after he became a manager, he bought the next person and began to love clean. He couldn't stand the dirty body.

However, even so, he did not dare to wash the floor too bold.

This water is poisonous...

These people eventually washed themselves in a treacherous manner, so they made themselves clean.

But after washing, I still feel that I am uncomfortable, and even the body hurts very much.

"Work fast, don't want to be lazy!"

"Work hard!"


At this time, Jiang Zhen’s men were urging them, and they also waved their whip and pulled out the sound of screaming on the ground.

Chen Wang and others have no weapons, and the other side has a lot of people. They suddenly feel a little scared and at the same time have some luck - fortunately, they just want to help them work!

Isn't that just doing work? What is it?

Chen Wang and others went to work.

Jiang Zhen looked at their backs, but his eyes were smashed.

Just then, someone came out to report: "Boss, Dalai is coming!"

Zhao Jinge is coming? Jiang Zhen browed and immediately went out.

Jiang Zhen left home after dinner last night.

After Jiang Zhen left, Zhao Jinge had been thinking about him. Unfortunately, the two children could not leave people. He was not good at going to Jiang Zhen at night.

In the morning... Jin Zhen’s dart board was over there.

When the Jin Zhen Escort escorted several guests with goods, they were robbed.

In the scope of Hexing House, it is relatively safe. When the Jin Zhen Escort arranges for delivery, there will be no too many darts.

As a result, this time, because there were too few arrangers, the road was actually robbed... Fortunately, the few darts were fine.

The distance between the two places is a bit far away. Zhao Jinge got the news, but the specific situation is still unknown. He arranged people to pick up the people, determined the amount of compensation for the customer, and after dealing with some things, I was looking for Jiang Zhen. I heard about the accident in my chicken farm.

However, Jiang Zhen has already solved the matter.

Jiang Zhen is amazing!

Zhao Jinge took people and hurried to the chicken farm.

"Gold brother, do you miss me?" Seeing Zhao Jinge, Jiang Zhen smiled.

Zhao Jinge looked at the people around him and found that all of them were looking at the nose and nose, only when they did not hear Jiang Zhen.

"Yeah." Zhao Jinge said with a voice, and immediately said: "I have bought some food in Fucheng, come over, do you want to eat?"

"Yes!" Jiang Zhen's men suddenly heard the words.

They are all hungry!

Zhao Jinge smiled and let people move out a few bamboo baskets, and in the bamboo basket, it was filled with dumplings.

One after another, Jiang Zhen did not have time to eat, he was already hungry, and he would take the buns to eat, but was stopped by Zhao Jinge.

"I have left some for you." Zhao Jin Gedao, took out a food box.

When Jiang Zhen opened the food box, he found that it contained braised pork and a few vegetarian dishes, and it made people feel appetite.

However, which one is left behind? This is clearly what Zhao Jin Gothic people do.

Jiang Zhen smiled and ate.

The buns that Zhao Jinge bought are the most common on the street. The taste is just like the general. The dishes in front of Jiang Zhen are specially made by the cook.

Jiang Zhen’s men saw this scene, but they were envious. However, some people envied them.

Seeing the people who guarded themselves all went to take the steamed buns to eat, Chen Wang and others could not help but swallow.

They are also hungry...

But Jiang Zhen’s men, eat it bit by bit.

Did not give them...

Not only did this meal not give them food, but this day, they never even gave them food.

After doing a day of work, I haven't had to eat, they are tired and hungry, and that's it. This evening, they have to continue to work, can't sleep!

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