MTL - The Omega Can’t Pretend to Be a Beta After Accidentally Witnessing the Major General’s Susceptible Period-Chapter 72 The Seven People's Conspiracy (1)

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Among the candidates for the crown prince,Lu Wu and Erica are not children of Emperor Hea. Lu Wu is the youngest son of Prince Ludxiwei, the younger uncle of Emperor Hea,currently inheriting his father's title,known as Prince Luwu. Erica is the child of Princess Rebecca, the sister of Hear the Great.

Both of them were chosen as one of the candidates for the crown prince because of their talent and intelligence,and the high purity of Omega pheromones.

But everyone knows thatthey are just foils, and it is impossible for Emperor Hea to hand over the position of crown prince to someone other than his own children.

I just experienced Lu Wu's birthday party,In addition to the previous controversy between Saroyan and Amelia, many people present began to have other things consider.

Could it be that this Emperor Hea was interested in Lu Wu?

Hea the Great will come to the birthday party,Not even Lu Wu himself.

Of course he routinely sent an invitation letter to the emperor, but he never expected that Emperor Hea would really come.

The young prince was dressed in Chinese clothes,standing respectfully beside Hea the Great,but Lu Wu was more than other princes, Easy and casual.

"Your Majesty."

The Great Emperor Hea looked at his little cousin and said, "Today is your birthday party, don't worry about me."

Lu Wu nodded,"Your Majesty is willing to condescend to participate, and I am grateful."

The Great Emperor He A nodded lightly, "I am bored in the palace all day long,The inside of the palace is not as lively as the outside,Awu is even more lively here."

Lu Wu has always been indifferent to the world. To put it well, it means indifferent to fame and fortune, and to say it badly means to have no enterprising spirit.

But who can guarantee that this is not a disguise trying to deceive the world?

Faced with the words of Hea the Great, Lu Wu smiled slightly and replied: "You are too famous, but you want to have some fun,Just like His Majesty, borrowing It's just a chance to get together for my birthday party."

Hea the Great went to the first seat of the banquet hall, Hea the Great sat on the velvet seat that was temporarily moved out, he directed at Lu Wu, Saroyan and Amelie beside him Ya said: "You all go away, you don't have to be here."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Only one point, today is Ah Wu's birthday, don't cause trouble." Although he did not increase his tone, but there was a sense of deterrence.

This was obviously addressed to Saroyan and Amelia.

Since the battle of public opinion a few days ago, the atmosphere between the two princes can be described as needle-to-point and tense.

Today we are here together, there may be some trouble.

Saroyan and Amelia seemed to be okay, and they all responded: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty."

Saroyan relied on his closeness to Emperor Hea, took a step forward and said affectionately: "I started preparing gifts a month ago for my cousin's birthday, Uncle will definitely like it then."

Amelia and Lu Wu retreated without disturbing the family happiness of the father and son.

Empress Amelia raised her head and looked ahead, and looked at the young man beside her, she said in a low voice, "Why do you think so many people are coming today?"

Without waiting for Lu Wu to answer, she left a sentence to herself, "No one will let you stand on the edge of a cliff to watch a play. Today, His Majesty brought us here, just to You have also drawn everyone's attention and attracted firepower for my precious brother. Just watch, what happened to me a few days ago will happen to you as well."

After she finished speaking, she stepped on those bright high heels and parted ways with Lu Wu.

It was almost an hour after the banquet started, during which time everything seemed so ordinary and ordinary.

Except for the presence of Emperor Hea, everyone was cautious and did not dare to joke.

Even Amelia and Saroyan, the two princes who were supposed to be fighting each other, seemed like nothing had happened, not to mention the smell of gunpowder, not even a single spark.

But it is this calm that is more disturbing.

At this moment, a blue cocktail was slammed onto an ironed military uniform.

Omega holding the cup said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't notice it just now."

Clothes have suffered.

Ji Cheying frowned slightly at the stains on her clothes, and Yan Siyu next to her came in time, "You go, it's alright."

"I'm really sorry."

Ji Cheying wiped it with the handkerchief on her body, "It's okay."

The attendant next to him has been closely watching everything that happened in the banquet hall. Upon seeing this, he hurriedly greeted him, "Major General Ji, there are spare clothes in the guest room."

Yan Siyu said: "I'll go with you, it's not interesting here."

In another part of the banquet hall, Ji Shanhong took his red-cheeked female companion to the side and found the attendant, he said with concern and worry: "She seems to be drinking too much Now, can you take her to the room to rest for a while?"

"Of course, Miss Vecchia, please come with me."

Ji Shanhong gently said to the woman with blurred eyes: "Anna, take a good rest, don't rush back."


"Major General Ji, your clothes are ready. I will take your changed clothes to wash and send them back to your house."

Consciousness fell to the ground.

Ji Cheying picked it up quickly, then dragged the person into the room, and Yan Siyu next to him cooperated very tacitly and quickly closed the door.

Yan Siyu took out the equipment from his pocket while watching Ji Cheying swiftly and without hesitation, tying up people and throwing them into the toilet, and said coldly "You have an entire army under your command, with hundreds of generals and officers. Can't pick one person to do this? Why should you take the risk yourself."

After Ji Cheying finished the attendant, he took off the medals on his military jacket and threw it on the bed together with his hat.

While loosening his neckline, he said rightly: "My business, why should others do it?"

Yan Siyu took out a device the size of a cream jar, he walked to the communicator in the room, and then glued the device to the communicator, "I don't remember that person dumped it. Are you? Why is he still your business?"

"..." Ji Cheying's face was heavy, but her tone was still indifferent, "He was brought to the imperial capital by me, so naturally I have to be responsible for sending him out safe and sound."

"And I'm not worried about others coming."

"Just like you? To tell the truth, you may not be as good as the people in your team." After Yan Siyu activated the device, he threw a bag to Ji Cheying, "Press a pheromone Pressure, the glands are almost unable to be isolated."

He is small, and everything else is good, but his words are too sharp and annoying.

Yan Siyu's words were not exaggerated.

Ji Cheying's current state is actually not suitable for walking outside. The pheromones in his body are boiling and roaring like magma under a volcano. Don't look at his face, it seems that there is no change, but in fact his body is now Burning like fire.

This is a precursor to a susceptible period, which means that he will most likely enter his own susceptible period a few hours later.

"..." Ji Cheying expressionlessly took out a needle from the box Yan Siyu threw and stabbed herself.

"After five minutes of installation, the signal transmission system of this house will be invaded through the connection network of the communicator, and then the signal transmission channel of this house will be temporarily blocked after ten minutes, and the security system will be disabled. Minutes, you can use that time to sneak in. The inhibitor will only give you an hour, get it done quickly, then go back and huddle in a corner.”

Yan Siyu lowered his brows, "You are now at the critical point of the susceptible period, and your state is very dangerous—" He lengthened his voice, "For others."

"I know."

Ji Cheying opened the window of the guest room, this is the third floor, took out a hook rope and hooked it on the window sill, turned over with the rope, and then kicked the rope three or two times along the wall with one hand It landed lightly on the ground, like a cat.

Yan Siyu leaned against the window sill, hugged his shoulders and watched his friend disappear into the bushes. He lowered his head and looked at the time on his wrist.

Time is second by second, unaffected by anyone or anything, and gradually move forward at your own pace.

Two minutes to block—

But at this moment, the pupils in Yan Siyu's eyes staring at his light brain suddenly shrank—

"How...?" He turned around and hurried to the intrusion device attached to the communicator in the room. The small screen on the device clearly displayed Current program status.

At present, this intrusion device has just broken through the firewall of the signal transmission system, and has not yet located the console of the signal transmission channel.

In other words, signal blocking has not started at all.


Yan Siyu's brows are knotted, he frowns stubbornly, and his eyes are looking at his light brain, because it shows that the signal has been lost.

Yes, the signal was blocked in advance.

But it wasn't them who did it.

In other words, someone else in this house has activated the signal blocking device.

What is this?

Just a few minutes ago, in the banquet hall, there were five other people who gave orders to the outside before the signal was blocked, and then waited for the signal to be blocked. a moment—

Ji Cheying's goal is another courtyard separated by a wall.

He exhausted all means in the past few days, and finally got some information about this house.

Who would have thought that a prince who is not favored and has no support from his parents, but only inherited a false name from his parents, would have an information protection and security system that is not weaker than that of the military headquarters.

If he hadn't been keeping a close watch on Xie Quan's apartment, he would have tracked that person as soon as someone invaded.

He really couldn't find where Xie Quan was.

Thinking about the hard work she has put into obtaining information in the past few days, Ji Cheying's face is heavy.

He has some clear and bad premonitions. If he is on the battlefield at this time and facing a battle, he will never make this action.

But unfortunately, it's not.

And what he wants to do is not to win a battle, but to save a person.

It is not the life of the country and his comrades that he bears on his shoulders.

Just some insignificant personal feelings.

Therefore, he doesn't have to be a general, he doesn't have to think about the future, and he doesn't have to make choices.

Then do something reckless.

After the time was up, it was confirmed that the warning system was invalid, Ji Cheying climbed the wall in the back garden with a vigorous posture and landed in his target courtyard.

He did not act immediately, but hid in the bushes, like a beast on the hunt, alertly observing all the wind and grass.

Sure enough, after a while, a patrolling guard came over with a weapon.

Ji Cheying narrowed her eyes and was about to make a move, but before he could make a move, the guard suddenly fell to the ground.

This unexpected development made Ji Cheying stop preparing to attack. He frowned, then slowed his breathing, took a step back into the shadows, and hid himself even more .

Who did it first?

After a few seconds, a light and fast figure entered Ji Cheying's sight.

Under the light of the garden, he gradually saw the face of the man.

Then there was confusion and surprise on his face.

Although he changed his dress and tied his hair, he still recognized that it was the female companion his brother brought to the banquet tonight.

The name is Vecchia Beta.

Why is she here?

Is this related to Ji Shanhong?

What about Xie Quan?

The author has something to say:Although one day is missing, everyone should have a good rest tomorrow.
