MTL - The Omega Can’t Pretend to Be a Beta After Accidentally Witnessing the Major General’s Susceptible Period-Chapter 3 The place of the incident

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Since leaving the factory, the little robot has fulfilled its duties and strictly followed the instructions on the chip. All behaviors revolve around a core idea of ​​'the customer is God'.

Even if an angry guest kicks it over, it will help itself up without complaining to the guest.

Now there are guests who say that they need its help!

And within the limit.

Its eyes are curved like crescent moons on the display.

Then followed Xie Quan into the side alley.

"What can I help you with?"

As soon as the little robot finished asking, a pair of claws ruthlessly stretched towards it—

With a 'Sisi' sound, its power was turned off.

Xie Quan dragged the small robot that was turned off a little further into the alley, and at this time a beetle-shaped device was flying in front of the monitor above their heads.

But just in case, Xie Quan hid behind the waste thrown away by the store.

Sit on the ground without caring about it at all, Xie Quan opened the backpack he had been carrying all the time, and in the backpack was a portable tool box, which contained some of his commonly used tools, all-purpose Screwdrivers, adhesive, spare parts, and even a small can of spray paint.

Spray paint development is a science, and he is still too weak in it.

I heard that the Imperial Research Institute has come up with a light and thin defensive spray paint, which can not only resist corrosion, but also increase the toughness of the material to two levels.

Xie Quan disassembled the small robot's tracks and chassis while decomposing the method and principle of the spray paint in his mind.

Although the structure of this robot is not very complicated, it is only relatively speaking. After all, it is a high-precision instrument. It is not that simple to disassemble the chassis. The wheel starts processing and disconnects dozens of connecting lines.

Even if you let an old mechanic come here, it will take more than ten minutes at the fastest.

But Xie Quan only took seven minutes, which was when he was distracted and thinking about other things.

Smooth, no pause, no hesitation, no error, just like the action of stuffing food into the mouth, it is an innate behavior pattern that has long been engraved into the genes.

In the blink of an eye, the crawler problem of the little robot was solved. Xie Quan even helped to repair some joints and sprayed the surface with a layer of his own transparent spray paint.

Xie Quan took the little robot out of the alley and turned on the power.

After plugging in the power, the little robot blinked, then rolled its eyes, "What help do you need?"

Xie Quan looked at the little robot and thought for a while, then returned to the store.

Then the remaining two vending robots were abducted.

I've done it anyway, so why not just fix it all?

He's fine anyway, and there's no one around now.

Unconsciously, Xie Quan's pair of jeans was also dirty, not because of repairs, but because he sat on the ground regardless.

Even the back rubbed against the wall unconsciously, making it gray and white and dirty.

Just as he was putting the parts of the third robot back together and finishing, the beetle-like device suddenly sent a weak current to the optical brain on his wrist, which was an alarm, indicating that someone was approaching .

Xie Quan frowned, and his movements kept accelerating to the end, and then immediately retracted his tools into his backpack.

However, before sending the little robot back, the sound of footsteps entered the alley where Xie Quan was.

Xie Quan, who stood up, happened to have a face-to-face with the other party.

Then both were taken aback.

Xie Quan, who doesn't pay much attention to people's appearance, looked at the tall man with glasses a few steps away from him. He felt a little familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

As for Ji Cheying, she was surprised. He didn't expect him to meet this new neighbor again so soon.


Ji Cheying looked at Xie Quan's stained trousers and clothes, and looked like she was rolling around on the ground.

How did this person do it in just over an embarrassed?

And the little robot that was powered on by Xie Quan just now stood between the two of them, and said in a crisp voice, "Hello, guest, do you need any help?"

The sense of presence instantly fills up.

Ji Cheying looked at the innocent robot and wondered why the shop assistant robot was here?

Xie Quan didn’t know Ji Cheying’s doubts, he was just thinking—

Where have you seen this person?

His tools were put away, and the robot was restored, so there should be nothing suspicious.

Ji Cheying said at this time, "What a coincidence, we met again." He smiled mildly and well-tempered, and the glasses looked a little elegant.

Xie Quan heard the voice, his eyes were on Ji Cheying's wrinkled shirt and scratched leather shoes, and the pair of socks with torn holes appeared in his mind. Feet and T-shirts with holes.

He looked back at the other person's face, lifted the forehead hair in his mind, and took off the glasses on his face.

He remembered.

"Hello, Mr. Ji Ming."

Ji Cheying said with emotion: "I didn't expect that we were so destined to meet so soon."

Xie Quan nodded, "Well, yes."

Ji Cheying asked, "What are you doing here?"

Xie Quan replied, "I'll come to the store to buy some daily necessities." Then he remembered that he had left the daily utensils bag on the ground, he looked for it with his eyes, and then next to the box On the ground, I saw a bag of daily utensils lying there, and there were some scraps next to it.

He bent down and picked up the living utensils bag.

Then he explained a little, "Just fell down here."

The little robot heard it and stood up, "Does the customer need help? There is a medicine box in the store for customers to use."

Ji Cheying pointed at the little robot, "Why is it here?"

Xie Quan was silent for a while, and replied, "Maybe, I'm tired from work, so I went out for a walk."

The little robot's eyes flickered, "No. 0386 will never neglect her duties."

Ji Cheying laughed and suggested: "It's better to deal with it first, I hope there is no injury."

Xie Quan, who was driven by the duck, could only nod.

When they came to the rest area of ​​the store, Xie Quan and Ji Cheying sat there drinking tea while waiting for the little robot to pick up the medicine box.

Ji Cheying chatted as if to ease the awkward atmosphere between the two, "Are you new to Noai City?"

Xie Quan was wiping the stains on his daily utensils bag with a tissue at this time, and he answered carefully, "Yes."

"Come here to work?"

Ji Cheying looked at the handsome and beautiful face of the other party, those eyes that were as clear as the ice lake on the Vecchia Snow Mountain.

I think Xie Quan's words are unconvincing.

He raised his eyebrows and said, "Based on your looks, you shouldn't be a bad guy?" Isn't it more than enough to be a model artist?

Xie Quan was well prepared for this, his smile faded, a little melancholy, "I'm not very smart, my brain is not good, every time I don't work for too long, I will be fired. "

Ji Cheying was silent for a few seconds. Although he felt doubtful, it was not convenient to ask about his situation, because—

He smiled bitterly, "It's a coincidence, so am I."

Xie Quan looked up at him.

He sighed and said, "Don't look at me as tall, but I'm actually very clumsy, my limbs are uncoordinated, I often break things and do wrong things, so I don't have a job now Very embarrassing."


Ji Cheying also sighed: "If only I were an Alpha, my physical fitness would be better, and I would definitely be smarter."

"..." Xie Quan did not feel the pressure and pheromone of Alpha from the opponent, nor did he see the gland sticking on the back of the opponent's neck to isolate the pheromone. Hearing Ji Cheying so emotional, Xie Quan, who is not good at comforting others, said with difficulty, "Actually, I think it's good to be a Beta. Just practice more."

After he finished speaking, he thought about it, in fact, in terms of his current status as 'Xie Quan', he didn't seem to have any qualifications to comfort the other party.

Ji Cheying shook her head, perfectly playing the character who "wants to get rid of Beta status and self-pity", "You don't understand, if you can be an Alpha, there will be many more job opportunities."

Xie Quan listened to the other party's words and was a little puzzled, "Why don't you want to be an Omega?"

Ji Cheying didn't expect that the other party's focus would be on this, he was stunned for a moment, and then said kindly: "Being an Omega is also very good."

He concluded, "As long as it's not Beta."

Xie Quan was noncommittal about this. He felt that being a Beta was quite good. Alpha would have a susceptible period, Omega would have an estrus period, and they were all controlled by pheromones in the body. Only Beta was the most alive. free.

He wanted to be a Beta.

As Ji Cheying spoke, she casually looked at the street outside the window.

The alley where Xie Quan was just now was where the latest victim was found.

This Beta, who happened to move into his apartment, was there by accident?

The author has something to say:

Xie Quan: I'm good-looking, but I'm stupid, so I'm living a miserable life now.

Ji Cheying: ? ? ! Why does this reason sound so familiar?

Don't be afraid of hitting the reason, whoever has poor acting skills will be embarrassed at this time!