MTL - The Most Generous Master Ever-Chapter 807 : Give treasure with treasure, leave

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Faced with his doubts, Ye Qiu just smiled, and silently put away the yellow spring fruit.

This is a good thing, right? Huangquan Zhibao, although the quality is not as good as the one I already have.

But its true value is incomparable to that one.

Why do you say that, the reason is very simple!

Because this yellow spring fruit has not been returned, it is the biggest trump card in Ye Qiu's hands.

As long as he wants, he can cash out anytime! From the hands of other people, get a return of a hundred times, a thousand times, or even ten thousand times.

Then the situation is different, after returning a hundred times or more, this must be a terrifying existence.

This one alone is enough to drive Ye Qiu crazy.

And the original one was obtained through returning it. Although the quality is good, it has reached its limit.

Therefore, in theory, the value of this one is higher.

"Hey, exchange a Jasmine Jade Leaf Flower for a Yellow Spring Fruit, and repay the karma by the way. This deal is worth it..."

Ye Qiu secretly rejoiced in his heart, but the value brought by this Jade Blood Jade Flower was far more than that.

It can not only help the veteran solve the problem of energy, but also increase his lifespan, allowing him to have enough time to continue waiting for the return of Emperor Zhenwu.

The implication is not so simple.

So, no matter what, Ye Qiu would do this deal, and he couldn't refuse it emotionally or rationally.

After putting away the yellow spring fruit, Ye Qiu smiled slightly, and took out a jasper jade leaf flower from the storage jade.

The moment the green jade leaf flower appeared, the old soldier's face was moved, and even Mingyue looked surprised.

"Three Treasures of the Yellow Spring, Jade Blood Jade Leaf Flower!"

Mingyue was surprised and shocked.

"This guy, how many treasures does he have in his hand?"

I can't help but feel ashamed in my heart. Fortunately, there are no outsiders here.

Otherwise, letting others see that Ye Qiu has so many fairy treasures in his hands, it is inevitable that some people will have evil intentions.

This is beyond doubt.

This itself is a world of survival of the fittest, everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty.

As far as those powerhouses from the heavens were concerned, even if Ye Qiu had no grievances against them, with just this Jade Blood Jade Leaf Flower, others would take action to get rid of him.

Along the way, Mingyue has been shocked by the treasure in Ye Qiu's hands many times, and her heart has already become numb.

It's just that there is some worry in my heart, Ye Qiu is so sharp, it will definitely lead to disaster in the future.

Thinking of this, his face was slightly worried, and he secretly groaned.

What she worries about is not the treasure in Ye Qiu's hands, but his future.

Different from Mingyue's mentality, Mingyue is worried about Ye Qiu's safety and future.

The mentality of the veteran was perplexed and puzzled.

"Jade Blood Jade Leaf Flower! It grows in the Nine Nether Lands, bred by the blood that devours the heaven and earth, and the growth conditions are even more difficult than Huangquan Guo."

"The old man once entered the realm of Jiuyou in the past, and saw this flower on a dam."

"It's a pity that behind that flower, there is an immortal giant guarding it, and the old man never dared to touch his mind."

"Other than that, I haven't seen this flower in any other places."

Confused, the veteran looked at Ye Qiu and said, "My child, where did you get this flower?"

Ye Qiu didn't answer this question, because it was a very personal question.

Seeing him shaking his head and refusing to answer, the veteran didn't force him, just laughed.

"Haha, since you don't want to answer, the old man won't ask."

"But child, look at what you mean, are you planning to exchange Jade Blood Jade Leaf Flowers with me?"

Ye Qiu nodded, his intention was obvious, the veteran was a smart man, he could tell that Ye Qiu didn't want to owe this karma.

So, it's more of an exchange and a deal.

He was silent, not because he was reluctant to change it, nor because he wanted Ye Qiu to owe him a karma, but if he accepted this flower, he would owe Ye Qiu a karma instead.

Because, the quality of this jade leaf flower is too high, even much higher than his yellow spring fruit.

The most important thing is that its terrifying medicinal effect can completely solve his most serious problem at present.

The effects of the two are completely different.

For Ye Qiu, Yellow Spring Fruit is just icing on the cake, nothing compared to the help that Jade Blood Jade Yehua gave him.

"Son, you have to think about it clearly! This flower is even more precious than the yellow spring fruit I gave you."

"I know, you don't want to owe me anything, but that's not the case. I'm a dying person. Why?"

Instead of accepting it, he persuaded Ye Qiu that if these two treasures were left on Ye Qiu's body, they would be far more effective than if they were left on him.

But Ye Qiu didn't listen, and said in a flat tone: "Senior, I, Ye Qiu, have always been like this. People treat me with courtesy, and I return courtesy. People treat me with swords, and I return swords."

"It has nothing to do with cause and effect, today is only for our friendship, senior, don't refuse, if senior really needs a reason..."

Having said this, a smile appeared on Ye Qiu's face, and he continued: "Then take it as it is, I have something to ask from senior."

"how do I say this?"

The old soldier was stunned, and Ye Qiu explained with a smile: "The road is long and difficult, and the journey to immortality is long. The junior still has many problems, so I rely on the senior."

"What's more, my teacher and you, and even the friendship, have just entrusted the senior, and the junior has never dared to forget it. I only hope that when the dream is realized in the future, the senior can see the scene of this prosperous age, and this wish is fulfilled."

Even though Ye Qiu said it so euphemistically, the veteran could still hear the meaning in his words.

After being silent for a long time, he suddenly laughed and said, "Haha...interesting little guy, I've spent my whole life, but I didn't expect you, a little guy, to be involved in it today."

"Okay, I have received your kindness! The old man will accept this karma today. I hope that one day I can see you realize this unrealizable ideal."

Speaking of this, the corner of the veteran's mouth twitched, with great resentment.

"You master and apprentice, you really have to hold the old man and me alone! The old man worked for your master when he was alive, and was dug out by you brat to continue working when he died."

While talking, he laughed Although he was very angry, he seemed to enjoy it very much.

Perhaps in his heart, being able to fight for Emperor Zhenwu all his life is the most regrettable thing in his life.

After accepting the Jade Blood Jade Leaf Flower, the veteran looked at Ye Qiu with a smile, and his eyes were full of relief.

With a faint smile, he said: "This fate is over, you should go! Children, if there is a day in the future, you need to ask for help, you can crush this talisman."

After finishing speaking, he handed a piece of jade talisman to Ye Qiu. After leaving, he really didn't know when we would see each other again. The veteran looked a little lonely.

To be honest, he really admired Ye Qiu and wanted them to stay and chat with him more to relieve fatigue.

But he also knew that Ye Qiu's time was very precious.

So, after he sent the jade talisman, a gust of wind pushed away, rolled up Ye Qiu and Mingyue, and escorted them out of the other side of the underworld.


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