MTL - The Most Generous Master Ever-Chapter 800 : Huangquan fruit tree

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Still in shock, Mingyue looked at the corpse on the ground vigilantly, slowed down, and looked around again.

She didn't dare to be sloppy anymore, this sudden attack reminded her that this a very dangerous place.

There was also a burst of self-blame in her heart, she had never been so sloppy before, why did she lose her mind today.

Looking at the man who was by her side, Mingyue thought to herself, perhaps it was because of his company that she became less vigilant.

Such a thing must never happen again, not even once.

Thinking silently in her heart, Mingyue took a breath and said coldly, "Thank you..."

His tone was still so cold, seeing his senior sister return to her previous state, Ye Qiu's heart trembled and she was a little worried.

The defensive line in the heart that was finally broken, won't be repaired because of it, right?

Before Ye Qiu could answer, Mingyue answered his doubts with actions, she just took his hand silently, feeling the warmth from the palm, and the calm tone of that cold woman.

"Let's go."

Ye Qiu finally showed a smile, Mingyue is still the same Mingyue, nothing has changed, no matter how much she likes her in her heart, she still has this attitude.

This is what Ye Qiu admires most about her.


The two once again set foot on Huangquan Road, and as they continued to go deeper, the yellow sand all over the sky became more and more violent.

Yellow smoke billowed in all directions, blocking all their sight. Walking in the dark world, they could only hold each other's hands and walk by feeling.

At this moment, Ye Qiu finally understood the true coldness of that sentence.

On the road to Huangquan, there is no turning back!

Its true meaning is not that you really can't turn back, but that you have lost contact with all the past at the moment you entered here.

You can't find the way you came here at all, and every trace you left behind is slowly buried with the yellow sand.

At this moment, Ye Qiu was standing in the yellow sand all over the sky, looking at the emptiness of the world, feeling hesitant for a while.

They have lost their way, and even the desolate ancient road they came on has lost their trace.

"This time, I'm afraid there is really no turning back."

Muttering in her mouth, Mingyue was relatively speechless, and took a while to reply: "I never look back! From the beginning of this road, we are doomed to go to the end."

"Maybe, through this piece of yellow sand, we can reach the pure land in our hearts, where... we can truly understand the profound meaning of life."

Hearing this, Ye Qiu remained silent, but fell into deep thought.

The mystery of life!

Emperor Zhenwu once talked about this problem, and even he couldn't explain it, and was trapped by it all his life.

Is longevity really that important?

Why, so many ancients, one after another, embarked on this road of no return.

Ye Qiu doesn't know, at least for now, he still can't understand this truth.

Supporting each other, the two slowly walked a long way. Neither of them could remember how long they had been walking.


Just when the two were about to reach the other side of the other world, a voice suddenly came from the sky filled with yellow smoke.


The expressions of the two of them changed instantly, and they all looked in the direction of the source of the sound vigilantly.

"That is…"

When they saw the source of the noise clearly, fear and anxiety flashed in their eyes.

It was a skull, bodyless, soulless, with a **** glow all over its body.

The most terrifying thing is not his appearance, but his breath.

"On the sacrificial path!"

"Damn it, I'm really afraid of something."

At this moment, Ye Qiu couldn't help yelling, he thought that they would go through this journey safely and smoothly.

Unexpectedly, when the end point was about to be reached, suddenly

Suddenly, such an ancient **** appeared.

The moment the skull woke up, the surrounding yellow sand instantly fell, and an extremely heavy terrifying suppressing force instantly pressed down. The two of them only felt their shoulders sinking, as if Mount Tai was pressing down on the top.

"It's such a strong sense of oppression. I'm afraid this breath has reached the level of the Great Elder, right?"

Mingyue frowned, her heart was in turmoil, her mind was running fast, trying to think of a countermeasure.

She is a very peculiar woman. Unlike most women, she panics when encountering things. She is just the opposite. The more dangerous things are, the calmer she is, and her calmness makes people feel terrible.

After being silent for a long time, she apologized first, and said: "Little girl Mingyue, and junior brother Ye Qiu, pay respects to senior!"

"It was a helpless act for the two of us to break into the sleeping place of the senior. We didn't intend to disturb the senior. I hope the senior will forgive me."

I have to say that her response was really fast.

The **** skull that was originally awake was just about to make a move, but when it heard her words, it stopped instantly.

Seemingly full of interest in the little girl in front of him, the skull grinned and spoke.

"Hehe... What a polite little girl, I have been sleeping here for many years, and I have seen countless daring desperadoes break into here, trying to pick the fruit from the Huangquan fruit tree."

"Unfortunately, their corpses were all buried under that fruit tree and became fertilizer."

"If they are as polite as you, maybe they don't have to die."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the two of them changed instantly, and Ye Qiu was even more shocked.

"Huangquan fruit tree! There really are Huangquan fruit trees here."

Ye Qiu was startled, that Huangquan fruit, known as the supreme treasure among the three treasures of Huangquan, he had one in his hand, but he was always reluctant to eat it.

It never occurred to him that there was a natural Huangquan fruit tree here, which was more precious than Huangquan fruit.

With it, it means that he can realize the freedom of Huangquanguo, which is no joke.

Excited in his heart, Ye Qiu was about to speak when he suddenly realized something, and quickly said: "Senior, the two of us have absolutely no intention of offending the Sacred Tree of Netherworld. Excuse me, we'll be leaving right away."

Compared to Huangquan fruit trees, Ye Qiu felt that life was more important.

This timely brake also successfully saved his and Mingyue's lives, because the **** skull just now had been observing the changes in their faces.

And this slight detail fell into Ye Qiu's eyes, and he immediately judged that this senior was deliberately testing The Huangquan fruit tree was also said on purpose by him, because most people heard This name, the greed in the eyes, cannot be concealed at all.

The moment Ye Qiu made this judgment, he instantly understood whether this senior, who was testing the two of them, was really aiming at Huangquan fruit tree.

And what they said just now, is it true?

If they broke in unintentionally, it would be impossible for them to know that the Huangquan fruit tree was here.

If you know, then you are prepared!

Obviously, the Scarlet Skull had already seen the answer he wanted. Judging from the surprised eyes of Ye Qiu and Ming Yue just now, they obviously didn't know.

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