MTL - The Most Generous Master Ever-Chapter 782 : 1 punch suppression

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"What a powerful arm!"

Following Ye Qiu's punch, all of a sudden, Fuze and the phoenix cast shocking gazes.

Zhu Yan's heart trembled even more, feeling the extreme impact, a moment later, there was a tingling sensation in his arm, followed by severe pain.

"how is this possible…"

The veins swelled, and Zhu Yan looked at his thick arm in disbelief, but it was pierced by Ye Qiu's punch.

The ultimate defensive power, under this punch, there is no resistance.


The moment the two fists clashed, a devastating impact was instantly dispelled, and the sea of ​​fire boiled instantly.

The intense flames rushed towards the outside, and the second group of people who had just entered the sea of ​​flames were instantly shocked.

"not good!"

"Gang Qi Bodyguard!"

In a panic, Ye Qingxuan exploded with all his strength, and a ball of stellar energy instantly emerged, covering his whole body, resisting the extreme flame.

But the fire of Nirvana is so easy to resist, Ye Qingxuan's heart is ruthless when he sees that the Gang Qi is about to be penetrated.

"Mother Qi Cauldron! Cover me..."

With a burst of shouting, Ye Qingxuan directly sacrificed a fairy weapon, and a small tripod emitted extreme light, covering his whole body.

"Mixed Primordial Artifact?"

The moment he saw the small tripod, Ling Tian was startled. He never thought that Ye Qingxuan held such a precious treasure.

This should be his trump card, right? What was supposed to be revealed in the final decisive battle, but because of this fire, it had to be used.

From the quality point of view, this mother spirit cauldron is at least at the level of Hunyuan Immortal Artifact, and it is still a defective product.

If it were a complete maternity tripod, what level would it be?

Hunyuan emperor weapon? Or a holy vessel?

"Hiss...good boy, I really hid my hand."

Shocked, the sea of ​​flames that had been churning instantly calmed down under the cover of the mother's energy.

The all-encompassing mother qi cauldron is all-encompassing, absorbing the fire of nirvana with the power of swallowing the sky, and merging it into the body.

In less than a moment, Ye Qingxuan's body trembled, as if he had gained some kind of improvement.

The sharp-eyed Ling Tian saw the problem at a glance. His chance, the first divine fire he ignited, should be related to this tripod.

In fact, just as he thought, the power of heaven and earth swallowed by the mother qi of all things will be fed back into Ye Qingxuan's body in another way.

Because the mother's qi has recognized the master, there is actually a child in his body, and the power absorbed by the mother's qi is fed back to the child to nourish the child.

Seeing this, Ling Tian's eyes instantly became extremely cold, full of jealousy.

He didn't expect that Ye Qingxuan was so lucky to get such a great opportunity.

With the nourishment of his mother's energy, coupled with his heaven-defying talent, he will definitely grow into an uncontrollable existence in the future.


With a terrifying roar, the churning sea of ​​flames boiled again, and Zhu Yan's angry roar came from under the abyss.

He is angry.

Looking at my pierced arm and feeling the tingling pain from my arm, how real it is.

Zhu Yan has been in the world for so many years, since his debut, he has never suffered such a serious injury.


Not to mention being injured, even a little pain is already hundreds of years ago.

Unexpectedly, in today's first battle, facing a human genius, his arm was pierced.

Angry, crazy!

His eyes gradually turned red, and he stared at Ye Qiu angrily. A shocking fighting spirit burst out in his eyes.

"Die to me!"

Suddenly, a stick that held up the sky turned over from the sky, and fell firmly into Zhu Yan's hands, turning between the vines, Zhu Yan exploded with all his strength, and smashed the stick hard.

At that moment, the world was in turmoil, the sea of ​​fire was churning, and the power of that stick had already surpassed

A full blow at the level of the sacrificial dao.

The whole abyss boiled!

Ye Qiu, who originally had no intention of fighting and just wanted to get away, felt Zhu Yan's extreme provocation, and his eyes instantly became extremely cold.

He didn't want to get too involved with Zhu Yan, he just wanted to take advantage of the chaos to enter the lair and take away the treasure bone.

But he didn't think about this dead monkey, so he insisted on making trouble with him.

The clay figurine was also somewhat angry, and the anger in Ye Qiu's heart was also ignited.

"Noisy thing, since you are determined to seek death, then I will fulfill you."

Facing that ultimate blow from the stick, Ye Qiu remained expressionless, and suddenly...stretched out a hand, and a golden rune power instantly emerged from his arm.

"The gods are bright!"

With an angry shout, in an instant, behind Ye Qiu, twelve phantoms of gods suddenly appeared, and each phantom was incomparably huge, ten times bigger than Zhu Yan.

As soon as the gods opened, at that moment...Ye Qiu really felt what is called the ultimate power.

The Skyhorn Ant's Ultimate Power Realm had already been activated, and at that moment... the rune on the right hand began to boil.

"Smash me!"

With one punch, all of a sudden... the twelve gods swooped down and smashed at Zhu Yan at the same time.

At that moment, the deep space was turbulent, the sea of ​​fire was churning, and the entire Zhenfeng lair was implicated.

"My God, what kind of extreme power is this!"

At this moment, Fuze, who was entangled with the phoenix, was completely shocked by Ye Qiu's punch.

His face was full of disbelief. In his impression, Ye Qiu was not a strong man of strength, but a swordsman.

But now the power that Ye Qiu erupted has exceeded his imagination.

"Damn it, I just said he still has something to hide, and I guessed right."

Fu Ze cursed secretly in his heart, even if he had guessed it long ago, he was still shocked at this moment.


There was a loud bang, and the collision of two extreme forces shattered the crack in the void, and the impact force that shattered Jiuxiao was instantly released.


He only heard Zhu Yan spit out a mouthful of old blood, and under this punch, he was sent flying out viciously.

"Suppress with one punch!"

Fuze was startled, Zhu Yan's strength, no matter how famous he was, was crushed by Ye Qiu's punch?

As for Zhu Yan, although Fuze had never fought against him, he knew his strength. Fuze could guarantee that even if he broke out with all his strength, he would not be able to use such a simple and rude way to crush the opponent with strength.

But Ye Qiu did it.

With one punch, Ye Qiu almost emptied most of his celestial power, and his body once entered a stage of depletion.


Panting heavily, Ye Qiu looked up at Zhu Yan who had been thrown into the air, and was extremely shocked.

Looking at his right arm, his eyes were full of surprise.

"As expected of the Skyhorn Ant of the Extreme Realm of Strength, this bloody, extremely brutal duel of strength is simply too Under the blessing of the **** Ming, Ye Qiu's strength has already broken through to a limit , suppressed Zhu Yan with just one punch.

Its effect far exceeded Ye Qiu's expectations. This Tianjiao Ant Treasure Technique was too violent.

Speaking of this, Ye Qiu suddenly became a little grateful to Gongsun Tiance. If he hadn't trapped himself with the Immortal Locking Cauldron, Ye Qiu wouldn't have found the footprints left by the senior Celestial Horned Ant inside.

Sure enough, that sentence came true, good fortune comes from misfortune, and misfortune comes from blessing.

All things in the world, good and bad depend on each other! When the dust is uncertain, you can't predict what the next step in life will be like.

If you like to teach an apprentice, you will return it ten thousand times, and you will never hide your selfishness as a teacher

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