MTL - The Most Generous Master Ever-Chapter 758 : Melee in Immortal Ruins

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Mingyue didn't hesitate any more, and with a cold sound, her figure disappeared in place in an instant.

She chased after the little tower, and Ye Qiu was not far behind. She exploded with all her strength, like a cannonball fired, and rushed away with a fierce impact, heading straight for the treasure house of the true phoenix.

As soon as the two of them moved, for an instant...everyone in the restricted area panicked.

"We're going too."

More and more golden bloodlines, descendants of the emperor's blood began to join the battlefield, and the entire treasure house of the true phoenix became lively in an instant.

And at the moment when the True Phoenix Treasure House appeared, the entire Absolute Beginning vein boiled.

Seeing the supreme light shining above their heads, everyone showed excited expressions.

"Haha... True Phoenix Treasure Art! Destiny belongs to me, it must be in my pocket."

In the dark night of dawn, while crouching in the forest, a red anguish roared excitedly, and the whole forest trembled for it.

On the other side, at the end of the mountain, a huge head popped up. He hovered around the huge mountain, showing that huge body, like a demon in the world, staring at the stars in the nine heavens.

A demon dragon showed a greedy gaze, it was an aura of arrogance, crushing all living beings.

Suddenly, a strong wind picked up, and the sound of a phoenix singing came from the mulberry forest to the east.

In an instant, a bright fiery red figure flew across the sky. The scorching flames illuminated the night, ignited the silent earth, and broke the original tranquility.


In the ice cave in the polar region, the face was slightly pale, and the young man in the green clothes on his body, which was already stained red with blood, opened his tired eyes.

Looking at the phoenix flying overhead, a look of surprise and shock appeared in his eyes.

This person was none other than Ye Qingxuan who had been missing for a long time and was forced into the restricted area of ​​life.

After experiencing the torment of life and death, and the torment that life is worse than death, he finally escaped from the restricted area of ​​life.

And after the treasure house of the true phoenix was opened, those who surrounded him also left, and he was finally able to walk out of the ice cave.


Dragging his heavy body, Ye Qingxuan walked out of the ice cave with difficulty. In this battle, he was already scarred and almost lost his life.

This time, he was given a heavy lesson and made him truly realize his own shortcomings.

That aloof, arrogant personality seems to have restrained.

There is a trace of profundity hidden in the eyes, more like a sleeping dragon, ready to go, waiting for the blockbuster moment to come.

Simple recovery and adjustment, looking at the chaotic battlefield, Ye Qingxuan resolutely chose to join the battlefield to explore the treasure house of the true phoenix.

This is a secret, and it is also an opportunity for him to change against the sky. As long as he can obtain the true phoenix technique, he can rewrite his life.

True Phoenix! He is the well-deserved overlord of the fairyland, and his prestige is not weaker than the terrifying existence of the real dragon.

Just now, the phoenix that flew over his head was the remnant of a phoenix in the extreme state of heaven. Its lineage, traced back to its origin, might be related to the real phoenix.

It has a strong recovery ability, as if it has the ability of immortality, and it is extremely difficult to fight with it.

Their natural racial advantages gave them a very high prestige in the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, and their strong bloodlines also supported the clansmen of later generations.

The phoenix that flew over just now, Ye Qingxuan recognized, is the most amazing remnant of the phoenix in the world, the legendary son of the emperor!

He has practiced for ten thousand years, his bloodline is strong, his magic power reaches the sky, and his reputation is not even weaker than the terrifying existence of Mingyue.

Therefore, his appearance surprised Ye Qingxuan.


That piece of immortal ancient ruins has been turned upside down, and the mountains and rivers have been turned upside down.

Countless young handsome men joined the battlefield, and the peaceful ancient ruins began to shake.

The spread of the battle almost woke up the ancient invincible who was sleeping underground.

You must know that this is only the periphery of the ancient ruins of Xiangu, and there have already appeared terrifying existences such as giant chaotic crocodiles.

If you explore deeper, maybe a more terrifying existence will pop up.

At that time, not to mention them, I am afraid that the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths will also be overthrown.

This is definitely not a joke. Judging from the current strength of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, it is not enough to support the strong attack of an Immortal Immortal King.

Once the Immortal Immortal King appears, it will be a baptism of annihilation.

Traveling through the battlefield, Ye Qiu followed Mingyue's figure and stepped into that mysterious field.

"Treasure of the True Phoenix!"

After passing through the barrier, Ye Qiu came to a mysterious space, the sky was filled with flames instantly, hot sweat appeared on his forehead, and his body was hot for a while.

"Is this the fire of Nirvana?"

Ye Qiu was startled, feeling the shocking flames, he was extremely shocked.

Unexpectedly, in this world, besides the red lotus fire, there is such a powerful flame.

Its momentum and degree of destruction are not weaker than Honglian Karmic Fire, even worse than it.

No wonder the real phoenix was one of the top ten fierce beasts when it was established in Immortal Ancient Times. It has such a powerful natal fire, which is enough to prove its strength.

According to the rumors, the phoenix can be reborn after nirvana! And the most critical element of Nirvana is the fire of Nirvana that destroys the world.

The so-called death and rebirth is an extremely crazy idea, to force oneself to death, and to gain a new life in the way of Nirvana.

Once Nirvana is successful, it also means that its strength will be greatly improved and a new journey will start.

This is one of the mysteries of the True Phoenix Art. In this world, very few people can truly master this technique, because you simply don't have the courage to push yourself into a desperate situation.

Ye Qiu couldn't think of a few people with such courage, and maybe Mingyue was one of them.

Her madness and persistence are unmatched by ordinary people.

Thinking of this, Ye Qiu was overjoyed. If he could win this true phoenix technique, he might be able to win his senior sister as well.


In his mind, the picture of himself conquering this cold and proud senior sister seemed to have emerged, and Ye Qiu couldn't help showing an evil smile.

Wonderful, wonderful.

This desire to conquer is irresistible. For a better tomorrow, Ye Qiu made a bold choice to set foot in that mysterious realm.

As he took one step forward, in an instant... the flames of annihilation rushed towards him, and Ye Qiu forced himself to use his external transformation to block the flames a foot away from him.

With his current strength, he can only do this at most.

But it is still difficult to support the high-temperature flames. Fortunately, he has practiced the Red Lotus Fire for many years, and his body has already adapted to the temperature of the flames before he can support it.

The fire area in front of him was very vast. After entering the fire area, Ye Qiu and Mingyue separated.

She followed the small tower, while Ye Qiu stayed where he was, because the law of the four directions trapped him here.

On the other side, another giant beast broke into here, and the sound of the dragon chant that shocked the sky was very ear-piercing.

Ye Qiu looked back and found that it was an ancient flood dragon. He looked at Ye Qiu from the air, his eyes full of contempt.

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