MTL - The Most Generous Master Ever-Chapter 752 : Hua Feiyu, unleash your sword

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Under Ye Qiu's humiliation, the audience was furious. All the golden bloodlines and descendants of the emperor's blood were furious.

"Damn it, you are so crazy! The last one who was so crazy is still struggling in that polar ice cave. Everyone, why don't you join forces and send him in too."

"I think so too!"

At this moment, the anger of the audience could no longer be suppressed, Ye Qiu's words directly detonated the audience.

Which one present is not the proud son of heaven, how can he be so contemptuous.

However, facing all this, Ye Qiu's expression did not fluctuate at all.

After a rough calculation, all these offals add up, there are at least dozens of golden bloodlines, descendants of emperor blood.

Their strengths are also generally in the Heavenly Exalted realm, and each of them is an existence with extraordinary talents and the beginning of the Nine Heavens Mansion.

If it were an ordinary person, they might be afraid, but instead of showing any sign of fear, Ye Qiu became more and more excited.

"Hehe, are you getting angry? Then come on, it's been a long time since I started killing, and let me exercise my muscles."

Remember https:// for a second. .

Stretching lazily, Ye Qiu played the role of arrogance to the fullest.

The aura of treating the world's outstanding people as ants completely ignited the audience.


With a roar of anger, the nine lions were the first to get angry, and one of his heads was cut off just like that.

How can we not report the shame and humiliation.

Seeing him suddenly leaping towards him, Ye Qiu looked at him coldly, the moment he was about to kill him.

A Fang Tian painted halberd appeared in his hand, Ye Qiu swung it aggressively, and there was a loud bang, the heaven-shattering power suddenly exploded, and the nine lions were thrown flying.

With the Overlord's Halberd in hand, Ye Qiu felt like I was invincible, instantly suppressing the audience.

To fight this kind of high-end team battle, of course, the Overlord Halberd, which was born for team battles, is of course indispensable.

Ye Qiu gently wiped the sharp blade on the Overlord's Halberd, smiled contemptuously, and said, "You, and you, and you all, come together, I have nothing to fear..."


There was a thunderous thunder flashing, and another ancient remnant rushed out. The rolling thunder struck down suddenly, but it missed nothing.

In the next second, Ye Qiu's figure flickered, and he had already come to the top. The Overlord Halberd shot out quickly, and smashed it hard. The ancient remnant was directly smashed down the mine vein, and fell into the mouth of the ancient monster.

Simple and rude, from the beginning to the end, Ye Qiu didn't use any treasure or fairy method, only relying on his brutal physical strength, he was able to overwhelm everyone in the audience and no one dared to move.

"Damn, why is he so strong."

Seeing this, Yin Shi became furious. He thought that Ye Qiu could be designed to get rid of Ye Qiu today, but he didn't expect that not only did he not get rid of him.

On the contrary, it made him perfect and made him a **** in the first battle.

Alone, facing the siege of dozens of heaven's favored sons and overwhelming the crowd, this kind of demeanor is unparalleled in all ages.

Once it gets out, no one in this world will be able to suppress him anymore.

"Brother, let's do it!"

Yin Shi would never allow such a thing to happen, and finally couldn't sit still.

In an instant, a fairy sword appeared in his hand, and the terrifying sword intent erupted suddenly, covering the entire ore vein.

Hua Feiyu looked at him expressionlessly, his brows were furrowed, he didn't want to make a move, but in the current situation, it seemed that he couldn't do without a move.

Sensing that shocking sword intent, Ye Qiu looked over and looked at Yin Shi who was in the void and exerted his sword intent to the extreme.

I couldn't help being shocked, but he underestimated the people in the world. Although Yin Shi was arrogant and boundless, his swordsmanship comprehension was really not bad.

That suffocating sword intent of death threatened Ye Qiu all the time. It could be seen that he was an ultimate swordsman.

However, in terms of swords, Ye Qiu seems to have never lost to anyone.

With a contemptuous smile on his lips, Ye Qiu pointed his halberd and said, "Hua Feiyu, what are you waiting for! Use your sword..."

Hua Feiyu, who was still a little hesitant at first, couldn't hide it at this moment.

"Damn it."

Cursing furiously in his heart, Hua Feiyu reached out with his right hand, and a fairy sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Ye Qiu! The hatred of taking one's wife is irreconcilable. Today we will settle the old and new hatreds together."

The grievances that had been accumulated for many years, at this moment, Hua Feiyu chose to explode.

Ye Qiu has almost become his biggest shadow due to the hardships along the way.

He knew very well in his heart that if he couldn't take this step and break the shadow, it would be difficult to improve in this life.

Recalling the scene where the beloved woman was taken away by Ye Qiu, grief and anger turned into infinite motivation, and the power of the candle dragon in Hua Feiyu's body began to boil.

"Hiss... who is this guy?"

"My God, there is such a terrifying genius hidden in the crowd, and we have never discovered it."

As the power of the candle dragon burst out, at that moment, the whole audience was boiling.

Who would have thought that Hua Feiyu, who has been unknown all this time, is actually the peerless powerhouse who hides the deepest.

The power is soaring, and after the power of the candle dragon fits the body, Hua Feiyu has completely controlled this power.

Ye Qiu could feel that his aura was gradually increasing, and had already reached the stage of Tianzun's late stage.

"As expected, I guessed correctly. You still refuse to give up this hard-won power."

With a sneer, Ye Qiu looked down on Hua Feiyu from the bottom of his heart, thinking that if he controlled Zhulong, he could control the world.

However, he didn't realize that it wasn't his own strength in the first place, and blindly absorbing it would only make him sink deeper and deeper, wasting this unparalleled aptitude and talent.

He used to be such a proud son of heaven, he didn't think about the right track and went astray. This was the most wrong decision he made in his life.

"Ye Qiu, stop talking nonsense! Come on..."

Anger has already taken over his heart, UU reading www.uukanshu. comHua Feiyu didn't want to talk any more nonsense at this moment.

I saw him suddenly slashing with his sword and attacking first, while on the other side, Yin Shi waited for the opportunity and supplemented it with a feint.

The cooperation between the two was seamless, and Ye Qiu was really overwhelmed for a while.

Moreover, there are many golden bloodlines and descendants of the emperor's blood who are waiting for the opportunity to launch a sneak attack all the time.

They are all waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to become famous.

Once Ye Qiu showed his flaws, what greeted him would be an endless abyss.

"Haha... come on!"

In such a dangerous situation, Ye Qiu suddenly let out a laugh, and all of a sudden... the blood in his body began to boil and burn.

"Shen Lingming, open it for me!"

There was a rumbling thunder, and in a moment, twelve gods descended from the nine heavens and the earth.

A shocking sense of oppression hit instantly, and everyone was stunned.

I saw Hua Feiyu, who was the first to attack, was thrown away by Ye Qiu's halberd, and Yin Shi, who followed, was about to launch a surprise attack.

Suddenly, a giant hand stretched out from the void and grabbed him instantly.

"Just relying on you bastards, you still want to kill me? Haha... trash, a bunch of trash."

Ye Qiu laughed three times, unconsciously increasing the strength in his hands, and the sudden explosion almost crushed Yin Shi's soul.


As soon as the gods opened, Ye Qiu seemed to have entered a land of no one, and Yin Shi saw him face to face, and was already seriously injured.

Seeing this, the rest of the onlookers couldn't sit still. Once these two lose, it will be their turn next.

"Go together."

Read The Duke's Passion