MTL - The Most Generous Master Ever-Chapter 750 : I'm in a hurry, let's go together

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After passing through a battlefield, Ye Qiu came to a mine vein in the north.

Between the sky and the ground, there was a breath of gunpowder smoke, and it could be seen that the battle here had just ended.

It's just that for some reason, Mingyue is not seen.

Ye Qiu searched the battlefield and found the corpse of that ancient monster.

"What a domineering power, it seems that it is the senior sister who is right..."

Ye Qiu took a closer look at the corpse of the primordial monster. From the domineering scars on the corpse, it is not difficult to see that the person who killed it was very powerful.

And the strength is extremely domineering, the shots are fierce, and the tricks attack its vitals.

Many of the above clues point to one person, that is Mingyue.

In this world, she is the only one who can shake such ancient monsters with extreme physical strength.


Just as Ye Qiu was still struggling to find the bright moon, a roar came from the mine vein.

In a blink of an eye, Ye Qiu came to the top of the mine vein. Looking down, he could only see a primordial monster dormant under the mine vein.

The roar just now was the cry it made after waking up. Obviously, the battle here just now woke it up.

"Hehe... It's really lucky that I met a primordial monster here."

When Ye Qiu was watching, a gust of wind blew by, and he saw a golden bloodline relic appeared on the top of the mountain.

This is a Bixi relic, the blood of the rumored Dragon's nine sons, born with golden blood, unparalleled in the world, with a strong physical defense, and the ultimate impact of power.

Although his cultivation is only in the middle stage of Tianzun, his strong physical body makes them invincible in the face of the powerful Tianzun of the same realm.

This is the innate advantage of the golden bloodline. Under the same level, it is difficult for anyone to defeat them head-on.

Ye Qiu glanced at him, but didn't speak, and after greedily glancing down at the primordial monster below, he also discovered Ye Qiu's existence.

The two looked at each other from a distance, and there was no spark of conflict.

Because Ye Qiu has no interest in him, now he just wants to find Mingyue.

Just as Ye Qiu was about to leave, there was another movement that tore through the void, and many figures appeared on the mountain above.

"Ha ha…"

The heroic laughter came from Jiutian, and a nine-headed lion broke into the battlefield.

"Another golden lineage!"

Bixi Yizhong was stunned for a moment, and looked at the nine-headed lion opposite him with hostility in his eyes. Obviously, he had already regarded the nine-headed lion as his strongest opponent.

As for Ye Qiu, he didn't pay attention to it at all, because Ye Qiu is a human race, and as a noble golden blood descendant, he never put human race in his eyes, only the noble golden blood, the descendants of the emperor's blood, are eligible become his opponent.

"Primeval monster, haha, it seems that I am lucky, the magic core of this ancient monster belongs to me."

As soon as he entered the battlefield, the nine-headed lion said excitedly that his arrogance was even stronger than that of the underdog.

He didn't even look at everyone around him, but looked greedily at the ancient monster below.

Such an arrogant gesture caused dissatisfaction among many people.

I saw a few figures descending from the twisting void, but when he saw the last two figures that came, Ye Qiu froze for an instant.

"Hua Feiyu?"

Ye Qiu was a little at a loss, the person who came was none other than Hua Feiyu who was taken away by Yaoshan Tianzun.

The last time Ye Qiu seriously injured him, not only did he not die, but his strength increased greatly, and now he has even reached the stage of mid-stage Tianzun.

"Hehe... It's interesting. From this point of view, this kid should have absorbed the power that Candle Dragon left in his body because of a blessing in disguise."

Ye Qiu silently analyzed it in his heart. At this moment, after entering the battlefield, Hua Feiyu also found Ye Qiu, and his face was a little bad.

And Yin Shi, who was beside him, also noticed Ye Qiu, and his eyes showed even more anger and hatred.

Ye Qiu was puzzled, obviously, he didn't know this person at all, why did he hate himself so much?

Ye Qiu was puzzled. In his memory, he didn't seem to have anything about this person. When did he offend him?

How did he know that the reason Yin Shi hated him was all because of Mingyue.

"Ye Qiu! Hehe...So you're here too."

The moment he saw Ye Qiu, Yin Shi immediately showed a cold smile and said jokingly.

Ye Qiu frowned and said, "Am I familiar with you?"

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Yin Shi's face stopped abruptly, but he didn't expect Ye Qiu to be so shameless.

But this is also in line with his personality. He never gives good looks to his enemies.

"Ye Qiu!"

And I don't know, Ye Qiu, who was originally unknown in the crowd, instantly attracted everyone's attention because of Yin Shi's words.

The Nine-Headed Lion looked over with fiery eyes, and carefully sized Ye Qiu in front of him.

"It is rumored that there are peerless twins in the Holy Land of Butian, one is the Saintess of Butian, Mingyue, and the other is the Son of Butian, Ye Qiu!"

"So you are Ye Qiu!"

Bixi Yizhong said in a cold tone, he had heard the rumors about Ye Qiu for a long time, but he had never had the chance to meet him.

In his whole life, his favorite thing is to challenge the strong, and among them, the person who wants to challenge the most is Mingyue.

He heard people say that Mingyue had appeared here before, so he rushed here non-stop.

Unexpectedly, in the end, he was in vain and did not find Mingyue. What surprised him was that Mingyue could not be found. Instead, he met another legendary figure in the Heaven-Mending Holy Land, Ye Qiu...

In an instant, the Bixi survivors became a little excited, especially the nine-headed lions.

"Haha...Ye Qiu! You are finally willing to show yourself. I have always heard people say that you have great supernatural powers and boundless magical powers. Today I want to see if you are as evil as the legends say."

Nine-headed lions said excitedly, but they didn't think about it, Bixi Remnant immediately scolded: "Presumptuous, this is my prey, you all get out of here."

"What are you, worthy of grabbing with me?"

The two remnants confronted each other in an instant, and it seemed that they both regarded Ye Qiu as something in their pocket.

After all, with Ye Qiu's current reputation, if you defeat him, you can climb to the top. Who can resist such a temptation.

Seeing such a scene, Yin Shi showed a smug smile instead.

"Why, nine-headed bastard, you want to do two tricks with me?"

Bixi Yizhong is not used to the nine-headed lion, he has a bad temper, and his words are full of provocation.

Seeing that the two giant beasts were about to fight, Ye Qiu interrupted it immediately in a hurry.

"Stop stop..."

Stretching out his hand to stop their quarrel, Ye Qiu said impatiently: "I'm in a hurry, so go up together, those present, one counts as one, all come, all come..."

After speaking, Ye Qiu put on a posture, with a look of disdain and extreme humiliation, everyone present was instantly dumbfounded.

"Hiss... This guy is really talking nonsense. Could it be that he wants to challenge everyone present at the same time?"

"Damn it, what arrogance this is, are all the people in Butian Holy Land so arrogant?"

Read The Duke's Passion