MTL - The Most Generous Master Ever-Chapter 7 : My apprentice, it's not your turn to point fingers

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Facing Ye Qiu's questioning, Qi Wugui felt guilty, but he quickly reacted.

"Junior Brother Ye, your apprentice is arrogant and arrogant, and if you don't train well, you will definitely cause disaster in the future.

Senior brother sees that you are in retreat and have no time to discipline. I also have good intentions. Junior brother, don't take offense. "

"Oh, is it so…"

Ye Qiu smiled and said, "My apprentice, no matter how wrong it is, it's just my Zixia Peak's housework. I will discipline myself, and it's not your turn to point fingers here..."

"My people from Zixia Peak are not dead yet."

As soon as the voice fell, a powerful aura instantly dissipated.

The faces of the three suddenly changed.


"Master is so strong?"

Lin Qingzhu was shocked in her heart. At first, she really thought that her master was really just like the rumors of those people, and only had the strength of the second rank of Xuanzhi.

Now, when she felt this terrifying momentum, she was very shocked.

What moved her even more was that Ye Qiu had no regrets in order to support her.

You know, this old guy is the strongest in the entire Heaven Mending Sect, except Meng Tianzheng.


Lin Qingzhu was very moved in his heart, looking at the fluttering figure in white clothes in front of him, he became a little taller invisibly.

She didn't expect that after her family was destroyed, she thought that no one in the world would treat her with sincerity.

Unexpectedly, she once again met a master who was willing to protect her and decide for her.

Lin Qingzhu opened his mouth, trying to persuade Ye Qiu that the grievance she suffered just now was nothing, there was no need to offend Qi Wuhui for her.

However, when she opened her mouth, she couldn't say anything.

At this time, at the moment when Ye Qiu's aura exploded, Meng Tianzheng cast a surprised look.

"This aura! It contains a hint of immortal essence, what kind of cultivation is he at the moment?"

"I can't believe that his strength is obviously not as bad as the rumors say, but he has endured ten years of humiliation and never explained anything."

"This person's temperament is too terrifying. If it wasn't for his apprentice, I'm afraid he would continue to hide?"

Taking a deep look at Ye Qiu, Meng Tianzheng didn't say anything to stop him.

This is the generational conflict between Cangjian Peak and Zixia Peak. As the headmaster, he is caught in the middle and can't favor either side.

On the other hand, Qi Wugui's face was ashen as he looked at Ye Qiu expressionlessly.

He now understands.

Ye Qiu's strength is not as rumored, only the second rank of Xuanzhi.

Judging from the aura he is bursting out now, his strength is at least above Wuji.

However, this does not mean that he will be afraid.

"Hmph, Junior Brother Ye! You apprentice, you have no respect, no rules in your eyes. As a law enforcement elder, can't I control it?"

Qi Wugui let out a cold cry, and his aura gradually erupted, offsetting the power radiated by Ye Qiu.

"Hehe, door rules?"

Ye Qiu dissipated his aura, and walked leisurely to the edge of the cliff, looking in the direction of Cangjian Peak.

"Since Senior Brother Qi mentioned the rules to me, let's talk about the rules."

"What's the meaning?"

Qi Wugui's face was gloomy, he didn't know what medicine Ye Qiuhu was selling.

"Senior Brother Qi, as a law enforcement elder, you must be familiar with the rules and regulations."

"I don't know, the disciples of this sect oppressed the people, robbed people's daughters, and killed innocent people. According to the sect's rules, how should they be dealt with?"

Qi Wugui said without thinking: "As a rule, the cultivation base should be abolished and expelled from the teacher's door."

Hearing this, the corner of Ye Qiu's mouth rose slightly, revealing a meaningful smile.

Seeing this scene, Qi Wugui suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough... after hearing his words.

Ye Qiu smiled lightly and said, "It seems that Senior Brother Qi still knows the rules very well."

"If I remember correctly, there is a disciple under your Hidden Sword Peak.

Relying on his own strength, he oppressed the people, robbed women from the bottom of the mountain many times, and played with them to death. "

"According to the rules of the sect, should one abolish the cultivation base and expel the teacher from the sect?"

"Oh, I remembered! This disciple seems to be Senior Brother Qi's son, right? No wonder this kid is still at large on the mountain."

"That's not surprising."

Ye Qiu had an expression of sudden realization.


Lin Qingzhu almost couldn't help laughing. She didn't expect that her master would have such a dark side.

Clearly put Qi Wuhui together, let him dig a hole by himself, and then jump down by himself.

Hearing these words, Qi Wugui couldn't guess where Ye Qiu was deliberately cheating him.

What he couldn't refute was that every word Ye Qiu said was true.

He is old enough to have a son, and he loves him very much. He has always indulged his son.

And Qi Hao, relying on his father as the law enforcement elder, and himself as the heir of Cangjian Peak, under Qi Wuhui's indulgence, his psychology became more and more abnormal.

In just a few months, he had already snatched several ladies down the mountain and played with them to death on the mountain.

This kind of thing is quite normal in this world where the strong are respected.

Usually everyone opens one eye and closes one eye. After all, his father is Qi Wugui, and no one dares to speak of him.

This also indirectly contributed to his rampant capital, and his psychology became more and more abnormal.


Seeing that the trigger was on his most beloved son, Qi Wugui was in a panic.

"Junior Brother Ye, you are talking about evidence. Although our two lines have always been at odds, you don't need to frame them, right?"


Looking at the other party's sinister face, Ye Qiu sneered.

"Then what if I find evidence? Senior Brother Qi, as a law enforcement elder, shouldn't he be covering up for personal gain?"

As soon as these words came out, Qi Wugui immediately burst into cold sweat and looked at Meng Tianzheng as if asking for help.

Seeing his chaos, Meng Tianzheng shook his head in disappointment.

He didn't expect that Qi Wugui, a law enforcement elder, couldn't even play a young man in his early twenties when he was playing tricks?

He had to admire Ye Qiu again. On the surface, he looked like I was being honest, but he didn't expect to be so cunning.

Meng Tianzheng obviously knew about Qi Hao, but because of his special status, Meng Tianzheng also opened one eye and closed the other.

After all, in the eyes of cultivators, they would not care about the death of a mortal.

This is a world where all races compete for hegemony. The fittest survives. Only the strong will have the right to speak.

Looking at Zixia Yunxia in the sky, Meng Tianzheng suddenly said, "Junior Brother Ye, you Zixia Peak has beautiful scenery and abundant spiritual energy.

Under these feet, I'm afraid there is a spiritual vein pressing down? "

"No wonder Master Xuantian has never left Zixia Peak for so many years, so..."

Ye Qiu gave him a deep look, knowing that he deliberately opened up the topic and suppressed the matter.

She sneered in her heart, feeling almost the same.

At this time, angering Qi Wugui would not do him any good. After all, the other party is also a strong leader of the sect. If they really fight, he is not yet the opponent of the other party.

It's better to go with the water and give Meng Tianzheng a face.

Moreover, as long as this handle is still there, Ye Qiu will be able to hold on to Qi Wuhui's life gate.

"As expected of the teacher in charge, you can see the mystery of my Zixia Peak at a glance, and the younger brother admires..."

Ye Qiu laughed, and followed his words.

Meng Tianzheng glanced at him with satisfaction and continued, "It's getting late, let's get down to business."

"Junior Brother Ye, we are here for the Seven Meridians to meet in three months' time."

"I don't know Zixia Peak, the younger brother, will you participate in this martial arts meeting?"

Read The Duke's Passion