MTL - The Most Beautiful Boy In Tokyo-Chapter 23 : The boss does not speak

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At eleven o'clock at noon, Miyamoto's family was full of joy, waiting for the arrival of the special car.

Finally, at 11:05, an Infiniti car came slowly from down the mountain. The license plate was the district number of the Osaka administrative district.

The one who got out of the car was the butler of the Yamazaki family, who was also the speaker of this blind date.

"Master Yamazaki didn't come?" Miyamoto Kiyoshi stepped forward.

The old butler of the Yamazaki family smiled slightly and shook his head: "The young master and the master are waiting in the hot spring hotel."

This is very euphemistic, it means that your family clings to our family, and you still want our young master to come in person, isn't that funny.

Miyamoto Kiyoshi naturally understood, and smiled dryly: "Our girl has packed up, and she is ready to go."

"It's not time for lunch, can't I invite this old man to have a cup of tea?" The old housekeeper smiled and said, "Madam, are you too anxious?"

"Sorry, sorry, please come inside." Miyamoto Kiyoshi invited him into the room.

Behind the two were a group of relatives from the Miyamoto family, all of whom were warmly welcoming.

"Thank you, Mr. Yamazaki, for your support. I really appreciate it." Kawakami Yusuke nodded and bowed.

"Yes, thank you very much for Master Yamazaki's handwriting." Miyamoto Kiyoshi said with a smile, and Kawakami Yusuke told him about it, and she also thought it was the strength of the Yamazaki family.

I have to say, it was really angry, and even she was shocked.

The old butler was overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of this family. He hasn't met yet, so what is there to be grateful for? Besides, it's not certain whether he can take a fancy to your family.

After thinking about it, maybe this is the last life-saving straw for the Miyamoto family, and it is only natural for them to be so enthusiastic, not to mention that I, a housekeeper, still came to pick them up in person, so I nodded: "It's okay, don't worry about it. "

"Where's your girl?" He turned to Miyamoto Kiyoshi.

"It's upstairs, do you want to go and have a look?" Miyamoto Kiyoshi said softly.

She has been mentally prepared for a long time, isn't that what a blind date is all about, both parties are commodities, it doesn't matter whether they love or not, as long as they can match each other and let Xuezi live a good life, she will be satisfied.

"Let's go and have a look first," said the old housekeeper.

If the appearance is not relevant, then there is no need to talk about it later.

The photos Miyamoto Kiyoshi showed them were from a few years ago, but women can't tell for sure. If they don't manage their body well, they might become fat and ugly in a few years. The young master would not want this kind of woman.

When he reached the second floor, he saw Miyamoto Yukiko sitting by the bed, and he sighed softly in his heart.

It's really a cheap young master. If it wasn't for the decline of this girl's family, as a noble member of the Yamazaki family, this kind of girl would not have taken a fancy to them. If it was the heyday of the Miyamoto family, the Japanese noble children she could choose It must be able to fill an entire mansion.

I also feel sorry for the girl.

My young master is not a good person, and recently he got involved with the maid beside him. If this girl is really allowed to marry, he will inevitably suffer a lot of grievances in the future.

"No problem." The old housekeeper said, "Take me to the kitchen."

Miyamoto Kiyoshi was taken aback, kitchen, what are you doing in the kitchen?

When he got to the kitchen, the old man first observed the cleanliness of the sink, and then asked some questions, such as whether Yukiko had an infectious disease, or physical illness, etc. These should be mentioned in advance, so as not to hide Miyamoto Kiyoshi. If it happens at that time, neither side will be able to step down.

"No, don't worry." Miyamoto Kiyoshi said.

The old butler nodded, walked to the refrigerator, opened the freezer, and looked at the frozen pigeon meat, rabbit meat, and frosted fish fillets inside.

He frowned, looked at the vegetables on the ground again, and frowned deeper: "Does your daughter usually eat these things?"

What about bird's nest, red wine, wagyu beef, sea cucumber and abalone? !

What the **** is that row of wave soda and Pocari Sweat placed next to it, to coax children? ! The usual food is too cheap!

He despises these things, but he doesn't know how much Yuxian likes them.

Those rabbit meat and pigeon meat were all bought by Miyamoto Yukiko and put in the refrigerator. Every day after he finished his sword practice, she would cook this kind of nourishing broth for him. It is cold protection.

As for herself, she clamored to lose weight, saying that she was worried that she would not look good if she became fat. Every day, she ate kimchi, millet porridge, vegetable salad, and occasionally ate a rabbit leg with him.

These ordinary days, they lived happily.

"Forget it, let your girl go downstairs and get ready to get in the car." The old butler gently covered the freezer with a disgusted expression.

"I'll call her now and let her take your car." Miyamoto Kiyoshi quickly went upstairs.

On the second floor, Miyamoto Yukiko stood in front of the window, motionless in a daze.

"Let's go, baby Xuezi." Yuxian said childishly.

This time, she didn't agree, indicating that she was not in a good mood.

Yu Xian wanted to hold her hand, but she gently pushed him away.

"Zhisheng, if you let me go with you, I will definitely go with you." She said softly.

She was very angry and sad. She thought he would protect her, even if he just said it, she would have the strength to resist.

But now, it was him who asked her to go.

She wanted to cry a lot, but couldn't cry, it was a very powerless feeling, and this feeling would not affect her love for Yuxian, but she just couldn't figure it out.

Yuxian stared at her profile: "Xuezi, when this year is over, you can go out."

To face this bad, painful world.

Even when he is not around, she can face all challenges calmly, let alone worry about him.

Because say a thousand sentences, ten thousand sentences, or that one sentence.

Miyamoto Yukiko's weak point is only Yu Xianzhisheng.

Today, I just need to let her understand where her confidence lies.

In the days to come, she no longer had to compromise with anyone, and she could move forward boldly without being coerced, deceived by lies, or worrying about his gains because of his losses.

She can enjoy the glory of the past.

Let him see the bright and fearless Xuezi with a bright smile in the past.

Of course he thought about just staying by her side like this and silently protecting her, but now that he thinks about it, it's actually selfish.

Xuezi is a living Xuezi, with her own past, life, and thinking, independent and beautiful, and he will also take her to grow together and go hand in hand.

Moreover, it was just to meet, not to get married.

In fact, she can take it as a place to play, go to eat, and come back after walking around with herself.

There is no need to worry at all, if it is marriage, even if the other party is the prince of the State Council, he will do everything to kill the other party.

But Xuezi is really steadfast in her relationship, a small meeting can make her panic to the extreme, if she identifies a man in the future, that man will probably be entangled by her with no regrets.

Thinking about how lucky it was, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"Just take advantage of this time to make your mother give up."

"Let's go, don't be afraid, I'm here."

The two walked down the stairs side by side, Miyamoto Yukiko dawdled, and finally came to the front of the mansion, Yuxian let go of the hand holding Miyamoto Yukiko's kimono cuff, watching Miyamoto Kiyoshi take a step forward, He hugged Miyamoto Yukiko in his arms.

"Our mother and daughter haven't chatted for a long time, let's take the same car." Miyamoto Kiyoshi took Miyamoto Yukiko's hand and led her to the Infiniti.

Miyamoto Yukiko turned her head three times a step, looking at Yu Xianzhisheng.

When the people in front of the mansion saw this scene, they felt strange emotions in their hearts.

The eldest lady of the Miyamoto family used to be so strong, but she was never like today, relying on a young man like a fragile girl.

Yu Xianzhi put his hands in front of him, his waist was straight, and he looked at her with a smile.

Miyamoto Yukiko was the focus of the audience, and so was he.

Soon the group of relatives recognized his face.

"Isn't that the boy idol on TV?" Kawakami Yusuke asked in surprise, "Is he the child adopted by Ms. Yukiko?"

"Is it true?" The women in the family looked over until they confirmed that it was indeed Yu Xianzhisheng who often appeared on TV.

According to the news department's report, there were more than 40,000 people at his championship farewell party that night, and this was just counting the two nearest welcoming streets.

Not only them, but even the old butler of the Yamazaki family's expression froze.

The Yamazaki family is often involved in the affairs of Japanese politics, and they usually don’t hear any news in the entertainment industry, but even in the Yamazaki family, no one does not know this boy idol, because his name is spread among the women in the family. It was too frequent, especially after reaching the semi-finals, almost once a day.

The old housekeeper's face quickly returned to normal, and after he figured it out, he was secretly happy.

Buy one get one free, this is an extra joy. The Yamazaki family has always developed the physical industry, and has no plans to enter the entertainment industry, but if this boy can become the adopted son of the young master and Miss Xuezi, then he can make good use of it to the outside world. Yes, his popularity and appearance are currently the top signs in Tokyo.

Moreover, as long as there is pressure from the Yamazaki family, he will not be able to turn any waves. The young ladies in the family like him very much. When the time comes, give him a slap and a sweet date, let him choose one of the young ladies to make a marriage contract, and he will be bound in the family for the rest of his life. money machine.

This marriage contract is indeed too compatible, as if even God is helping.

The old housekeeper suppressed the joy in his heart, and prepared to report to the Yamazaki family immediately. At the same time, he couldn't help but respect Miyamoto Yukiko even more, and he bent down and opened the car door for her.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to everyone. The moment Miyamoto Yukiko was about to step into the car, she suddenly broke free from her mother's hand and ran towards the boy.

She hugged him tightly, and then glanced at everyone. Then there was this scene that surprised a group of people. She slowly let go of her arms, then shrank her body, and hid behind him like a kitten.

"Huh?" The old butler was dumbfounded.


Kawakami Yusuke was also dumbfounded, and Saigo-kun was also dumbfounded, and the women in the family also stood where they were.

This is an unforgettable picture in this life.

In the snowy sky of the Snow Country, the eldest lady of the Miyamoto family, like a princess rescued by a young hero in a storybook, hides behind a young man who is not broad.

This picture is hilarious and touching.

It even made everyone understand in an instant that she didn't want to go to the banquet and who she really relied on.

Miyamoto Kiyoshi's complexion was livid, and he couldn't help shouting softly: "Xuezi! Come here!"

Miyamoto Yukiko desperately shook her head behind Yuxian Zhisheng, she bit her lips tightly, looked down at the snow on the ground, and the heels of Yuxian Zhisheng's clogs.

At this time, she wasn't afraid, but was thinking, if her beloved was wearing wooden clogs, would he get cold feet?

Yes, she was thinking about such small things.

"Disgraceful!" Kawakami Yusuke couldn't bear it any longer, he was about to rush forward to pull Yuxian Zhisheng away, our eldest lady is clinging to you, if outsiders find out about this, the engagement will be annulled!

At the same time, I feel ashamed for my eldest lady. Is this something that a twenty-three-year-old adult would do? It's childish and ridiculous! It just makes people laugh out loud! As unwilling to face reality as an ostrich with its head stuck in the ground!

Revitalization of the Miyamoto family! It's all up to you, miss!

Xixiang went with him.

"do not come!"

Miyamoto Yukiko looked at the ground, quickly picked up a branch, and pointed it at the uncle and uncle who came.

The aura of the Valkyrie burst out all of a sudden, Kawakami Yusuke and Saigo were stunned, they didn't dare to make any moves for a while, Miyamoto Yukiko even dared to beat someone in her family for a boy.

"After all, you are still young and ignorant." The old housekeeper sighed.

Being different from the members of Miyamoto's family, he was quite relieved. It is a good thing that the two of them have a close relationship. Otherwise, when Miss Xuezi gets married, it will be difficult to use the young man, so let her speak up then.

Looking at this picture, as long as she speaks, the boy will be obedient.

Miyamoto sighed quietly and shook his head.

Sure enough, she was drunk by this young man, my girl is so stupid.

"Zhensheng, let's run away." Miyamoto Yukiko said softly.

She looked at the Nissan 240SX in the yard, calculating how long it would take to rush inside, get the keys, and start it. It will take some more time to start in winter. She will stand guard outside and kill anyone who comes. When she drives into the car, she will kill anyone who gets in front of her!

Yes, she is really not afraid of anything if she hits someone to death!

No, after thinking about it, she was still afraid, what would happen to the childish students then.

So she turned into that fragile and pale Xuezi again, sighing softly.

"Don't be like this, Xuezi." Yuxian Zhisheng came back to his senses, the earth-shattering hug just now made him stunned for a while.

He tugged at Miyamoto Yukiko's sleeve, stood on tiptoe, and whispered a few words in her ear.

Miyamoto Yukiko's brows were raised, then gradually relaxed, staring at her beautiful eyes: "Really?"

Yu Xian smiled tenderly and nodded at her: "Go with ease."

Miyamoto Yukiko dropped the branch, and in the eyes of surprise, took her mother's hand and took the initiative to sit in the back seat of Infiniti.

The old butler closed the door for Miss Xuezi, and looked back at Yuxian Zhisheng amidst the snow.

He was stunned for a moment, and even his hands on the handlebars trembled violently, causing his body to feel numb all the way to his scalp. At that moment, the black flame-like vision almost engulfed his whole body.

But in the blink of an eye, it disappeared, as if it had never existed.

The boy was still clear, with a gentle smile.

"Which car should I take?" Yuxian Zhisheng asked.

"You take a car with them." Kiyoshi Miyamoto rolled down the window and raised his chin at Kawakami and the others.

That look is obvious - you keep an eye on him, don't let him make trouble.

Kawakami Yusuke and the others had been instructed a long time ago, and they all nodded in unison, and took Yuxian Zhisheng into the car, not so much with him, but rather with him.

The Infiniti sedan in front started slowly, and Yuxian Zhisheng also sat in the van behind with the group of relatives, with Kawakami sitting on the left and Xixiang sitting on the right.

The two middle-aged men stared at him closely, for fear that he might make a mistake.

But this kid is very honest, he started playing with his mobile phone as soon as he got in the car, and he didn't show any expression.

Yu Xianzhi bowed his head and sent a text message, then put away his phone, leaned on the car seat, and looked out the window at the scenery of the mountain going down.

Sending text messages was useless, Yusuke Kawakami smiled silently, after hearing Miyamoto Kiyoshi's words, he also felt that there was something wrong with this young man's behavior - it's none of your business if someone goes on a blind date.

"Hey, Zhisheng, how is your salary in the entertainment industry?" Xixiang leaned closer and asked.

Yuxian Zhisheng ignored him, he just looked out of the window with a blank expression.

"He's an idol, so he wouldn't talk to a commoner like you." Yusuke Kawakami was annoyed, but of course he knew in his heart that if it wasn't for his young lady, he would never have had the opportunity to sneer like this in his life.

The cell phone in his pocket rang suddenly, it was the number of the woman from before.

Kawakami Yusuke was stunned for a moment, then quickly picked up the phone, and his voice was joyful: "Hello."

"Ah, Kawakami-kun, hello, just now the boss sent a text message, saying that he will call you, and you are ready to answer at any time." The woman on the phone said, "His personal number starts with XXX."

"Hi! Stand by at any time!" Yusuke Kawakami shouted.

"The boss wants to call?" Xixiang said pleasantly, "Brother Kawakami, help me say something nice to the sword franchise department!"

"Hmph." Kawakami Yusuke smiled.

The women sitting in the back row of the van told him to be more polite and respectful, after all, he was the real boss behind the scenes.

"It's up to you to say!" Kawakami Yusuke said.

After finishing speaking, he put his eyes on Yuxian Zhisheng again, his face full of pride, look at the young master of the Yamazaki family, investing in himself and making phone calls, you are a member of the entertainment circle.

Then he watched Yu Xian Zhisheng strangely taking out his phone from his pocket.

Like someone to call.

beep beep

It just so happened that Yusuke Kawakami's own cell phone rang, and for a short time, before he had time to think about it, he quickly pressed the answer button: "Moses, Moses."

This number is the boss's phone number, and he is here!

However, there was no voice from the other side.

Yuxian Zhisheng didn't speak either, he just turned on the hands-free phone and looked at the scenery outside the window.

"Moses Moses?" Yusuke Kawakami asked again.

The cabin is not wide, the sound is double.

The voice came out of his lips, and then rang in Yu Xianzhi's mobile phone, it was such a one-way call.

"Why didn't the boss say anything?" Xixiang said.

"Why didn't the boss speak?" His voice came from Yu Xiansheng's hands-free cell phone.

Then he realized something, his whole body trembled, and his throat seemed to be pinched tightly.


Kawakami Yusuke's hand slowly froze in mid-air, UU Reading The women stopped holding their breath, and then their eyes widened in horror. Kawakami's voice came out through the boy's cell phone and echoed in the car.

Kawakami Yusuke lowered his head stiffly, his eyes fell on Yuxian Zhisheng's mobile phone, the number he dialed was undoubtedly his own number, which only the woman and the boss would know.

Feeling the oppressive atmosphere, the driver's hands were shaking, and even the car was trembling on the downhill road.

Yuxian Zhisheng still didn't say a word, and hung up the phone.

He was still staring at the snow outside.

Not even blood seemed to flow in the cold winter air.

"Kawakami-san, we finally meet." His voice was very soft.

(end of this chapter)

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