MTL - The Most Beautiful Boy In Tokyo-Chapter 225 : song and dance

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In the 14th year of Qingchang, Tokugawa Ieyasu invited Aguo to perform a Kabuki dance at his residence. After Aguo left Tokugawa, something like this suddenly happened:

During this year, the female officials in the palace envied Ah Guo's beauty and talent, and they also imitated her to dress up as a female Kabuki and stroll through the capital, but they ended up being sentenced to death.

In order to miss them, Ah Guo made them into puppets, which he would often carry when performing on stage.

Keio private school has no time to switch scenes.

"Unless they've hidden the dancers on stage, and the best place to hide is..."

Yu Xian Zhisheng stared at the puppets on the stage.


The puppet moved suddenly.

Men and women have their own, and they open their eyes.

As the last syllable of Kabuki's classical music falls, modern music blares, seamlessly switching the rhythm of the entire scene.

The stage effects on the screen have also been switched to a modern style.

-Park Zun-style mechanical dance, go into battle.

As the champion of the Korean youth group competition, he jumped off the rope and came to the front of the stage with the pace of mechanical dance, performing his personal puppet show "Lonely".

There was another burst of cheers and applause.

The ingenious design impressed all the audience and the judges applauded.

Even Dansheng Huazhi couldn't help but be moved.

The female officials who were killed back then were also lonely, so they used this form of loneliness to interpret this form of loneliness with mechanical dance. While completing the national dance culture switch, the core of the entire story remained unchanged.

They not only completed the re-enactment of Waseda, but also brought this form of performance to the extreme.

Genius concept, whose line dance design is this? !

Dansheng Huazhi looked down at the name of Shenhuiling on the list.

She smiled wryly and shook her head.

Shenhuiling was completely forced out of his potential by that child.

Another girl who acted as a puppet also came to the stage, this is Qinghe of Yaojian Temple. She brought a violin to accompany the two on the stage.

Matsubara Rō, dressed as a puppet, sat in front of the rotten piano, and Saito Hideyoshi, who was in charge of the cello, sat beside him and slowly pulled the cello in his hand.

Music comes together like threads.

Leading the mechanical dance of Park Zun's style.

Shenhuiling was in front of him, controlling her gestures, as if she was the sorceress Aguo of Izumo.

Everyone on the team showed up appropriately.

This is the leader, fully exerting everyone's strength, without omission.

Park Zun's mechanical dance is very cool.

Action, strength, and control are all top notch.

The **** girls in the audience screamed loudly.

As the third player on the list, this Korean teenager is also quite popular in Japan.

"Should it be said that he came from a family of **** in Korea?" Ryosuke Akagi sighed while looking at the TV.

"Bastard family? What a funny name."

Natsume chuckled softly, the Japanese pronunciation of a **** is Hachi.

"Nothing funny, that's the name of their dance organization, the strongest hip-hop organization in the underground in Seoul, South Korea. Last year, the underground hip-hop in Tokyo fought them in the Red Bull Hip-hop World Championship, and they lost badly. Their leader used to be; The boss of the crew dance troupe, and currently the strongest bboy in the world."

"Park Zunshi also came out of this organization?" Yu Xianzhi asked.

Akagi Ryosuke looked at him and nodded: "Yes, and the boss of the **** family personally invited him. Park Zunshi used to study at Seoul Ye Gao, and then dropped out of school because of this, the second after joining the **** family. In the same year, he won the Korean Junior Championship of the Year."

"That boss." Akagi Ryosuke scratched his head, a little afraid to speak.

This boss is called loyal and loyal. Since Yu Xianzhi raised the art of Dongda to the first place, he no longer has any thoughts of resistance.

"What's wrong?" Yu Xianzhi asked.

"I hope you can take us to **** him." Akagi Ryosuke said seriously.

Yu Xianzhisheng really wanted to put a big puck on his face, and burst into laughter in his heart.

"You don't have to hope for that." Yu Xianzhi compared his **** to him, "Our dancing is no worse than theirs."

This stinky boy was frightened by the other party, but he was smart enough to come over and hug his thighs tightly.

Amused for a while and relieved the tension in the lounge a little.

Yu Xianzhi stared at the screen, thinking.

The four major consortiums should spend a lot of money in order to dig Park Zunshi.

Dug him to work on his own ship?

Well, forget it, you can dance yourself, you can save this money.

If Pu Zunshi knew what Yu Xianzhisheng was thinking at this time, he would probably explode on the spot.

I regard you as my most admired opponent, but you treat me as a replacement commodity? Ashley!

Soon, the Park Zun-style personal mechanical dance on the stage ended.

This is the second country, the origin of mechanical dance, California, USA.

The layers of embroidered clothes on Shenhuiling's body have also been taken off and only a white plain clothes are left. In their dance, this may mean that the puppet's ghost is released as if the clothes have faded away.

Just the right time, a boon for perfectionist obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Then, the students of Keio Private School put down their musical instruments one after another, gathered together, and started the final group dance.

Against a black background, white plain clothes dance.

This is the Korean knife dance.

Different from the Japanese sword dance, the sword dance does not really take the sword up to the Huo Huo chopping people, it is a concept that appears in Korean dance, referring to the neat dance like a saber.

The movement is as neat as a knife, and one step is not bad.

This ending completely pushed the atmosphere of the game to its climax.

Until the end of their performance, the cheers continued for a whole minute without stopping.

"Thank you for your liking." Shen Huiling panted slightly, her face rosy and extremely beautiful.

She is proud of her heart, **** Yuxian, let's see how you can beat me!

"I think you are the only one in the choreography. It's really good," Mrs. Danson said. "And you have referenced a lot of local culture. As a leader, you have put in a lot of effort, haven't you?"

"It's been hard work." Park Zun said with a smile, "When we were all asleep, A-Ling was still practicing dancing in front of the mirror in the training room, saying something strange, I will definitely beat you. "

"Beat who?" asked Mrs. Danson curiously.

"Defeat the past self in the mirror." Shen Huiling rounded back steadily, pinching the talkative Park Zunshi from behind.

When you are enjoying victory, you say defeating Yu Xian Zhisheng? nonexistent!

Shame would not allow her to do that.

But she is really happy, because she can definitely beat him this time! Whether it is from the performance or the overall structure of the stage, it has achieved the perfect effect she expected!

If in her heart, in addition to the vicious soul, there are also kind villains.

Well, when the vicious soul laughs wildly, the villain is also having fun.

"I see that your stage design uses a lot of elements from the Warring States period, including the waka you chose, which are all classics of that era." The descendant of Chunjiang picked up the microphone in his hand and said with a smile, "Speak from your heart. , I really want to bring your embroidery performance this year to my crew."

There was a burst of laughter from the jury.

Shenhuiling also kept a polite smile: "Thank you for liking it, of course, I also want to thank "Battle of the Son" for the inspiration."

"Ah, is this still true?" The descendant of Chunjiang pretended to be surprised.

"Yeah." Shen Huiling said with a smile into the microphone.

It doesn't matter whether it is really or not, the important thing is that the popularity is to be rubbed.

"Battle of the Son" is currently the most popular national hit drama. Since its launch last year, it has maintained the first night's ratings. The actor Kotaro in it is the third most popular character list of the year.

There are so many viewers who are obsessed with this drama. Saying such words can gain a lot of popularity.

In this way, you can get a lot of passerby tickets.

"Then, taking this opportunity, I will also advertise the second season of "Battle of the Son"." The descendants of Chunjiang laughed, "The spring will begin next year, and it will premiere publicly. Who will Xiaotaro end up with, please look forward to it. !"

There was a burst of applause from the fans in the audience.

The official also wants to see this situation, and the ultimate beneficiary is still them.

"The charm of traditional culture is like a new life in your hands." Mr. Hanjiro Hanajing was so excited that he almost shed tears, "Thank you for your performance. If you want, I don't think Kabuki will have no successor."

Shenhuiling bowed slightly, without any extra expression.

Her identity as a girl has not been revealed yet. If she can no longer perform Kabuki after she is revealed, this may be a huge harm to the old man.

Of course, it must be made public after the game, it's none of my business if it hurts or not.

"After reading this, I am very satisfied today." Hanjiro Huajing sat down slowly, "My first-class ticket is only for you!"

"Me too." The judge next to him agreed.

"Miss Dansheng, you can also say a few words." Hanjiro Hanajing looked at Mrs. Dansheng.

"Yeah." Dansheng Huazhi reluctantly picked up the microphone.

In her heart, she didn't want to talk.

She has the ultimate preference for Yu Xian Zhisheng.

Ke Qingying's wonderful performance in the private school made her picky, unable to start.

"After enjoying the performance, it can only be described as flowing water. Both the group choreography and the individual choreography are excellent. The overall state has always attracted my attention. The three dance cultures are perfectly connected, and each level and movement is very Clear." Dansheng Huazhi sighed softly, "After reading it, it makes people feel that their vision has also broadened."

"Then this ticket?" Hanjiro Hana Jing smiled.

"I choose to keep this vote for the time being. After the Dongda Art Show is over, I will decide which one to vote for. Since it is a semi-final, I think Dongda Art will surprise us too!"

Dansheng Huazhi looked at Hanjiro Hanajing and smiled.

If you want to hold my position to vote, don't even think about it, stinky old man.

The performance is really wonderful, but how can it feel like a championship testimonial!

Wait for my Yu Bao to come! Kill you all!

The audience at the scene was almost immersed in the performance of Shenhuiling, and she wanted to reverse it.

Hanerang Huajing naturally saw what she meant, and Dandan snorted softly.

"Then look forward to the performance of Dongda Art." He yawned boringly.


The commercial was about to be broadcast and the stage had to be replaced. The director came to the lounge, reminding the students of Dongda Art that they were ready to play.

"Let's go." Yu Xianzhi stood up.

Hei Mutong also stood up calmly and followed behind him.

Today everyone wears school uniforms, boys are school uniforms and trousers, girls are school uniforms skirts.

Maybe that's not surprising enough.

Yu Xianzhi could feel the nervousness overflowing from the girls' hearts.

behind the stage.

The girls from the two academies in Osaka and Hokkaido are still crying.

This is the loser.

Last year's Dongda Art was the same in the eyes of others.

However, this year they are different from last year.

Walking through this dark corridor, in front of you is the light of the most grand stage.

Yu Xianzhisheng suddenly stopped, looked at his students, glanced over their calm or fearful cheeks, and said softly, "I have thought about it before, what should a really good performance be?"

No one answered him because he was talking, not asking.

Everyone looked at him, and behind him was the light.

"I want to understand, that is sincerity."

"If we're useless, but as long as we act with sincerity, then there's no need to regret it."

"However, we are not useless, we have entered the finals with half a foot, just enjoy tonight, with our sincerity, with the audience, and your family, enjoy."

"So, dance to your heart's content! Everyone!"

"Understood!" Heimu Tong smiled.

"I'm not afraid! Boss!" Xia Mu Qingyin waved her fist, in fact, she was the most afraid of just now.

"Get ready for our celebration feast, I'll treat you." Akagi Ryosuke said.

"Huh? Shouldn't the boss treat you!"

"What I said just now is not in vain, I still want you to treat guests!"


"Let's go."



The lead singer is Yu Xianzhisheng, the girls have to cooperate with him in harmony, and at the same time perform ultramarine dance moves, and Wolongfengchu is the backup dancer beside him.

This is an immature team. Compared to Keio's private school, it can be called half a bucket of water.

But with Yu Xian Zhisheng as the core, they actually showed awe-inspiring aura, with a straight face and no fear at all.

Starting the prelude is Natsume's melody solo.

This is her performance, at the golden section of the cutting stage.

Soon, the audience's attention was firmly captured.

In the dance formation set up, Yu Xian Zhisheng, wearing a headset, came slowly and sang softly.

"Ah, it's business as usual"

"Time without turbulence, boring and boring"

"It's a female voice?!" Dansheng Huazhi jumped up from the chair and stared at Yu Xianzhi on the stage in a stunned manner.

Not only she, but also several female judges around, were surprised one after another.

This was the first time they heard Yu Xianzhisheng's falsetto female voice. If they covered the stage curtain, they wouldn't even notice that the singer was Yu Xian Zhisheng.

Jin Eling, who was watching the performance in the lounge, was also stunned.

There was an uproar from the audience at the scene.

The only ones who could accept it at once were the fans who had watched Yu Xianzhisheng's school art performance. They had heard his unique female voice, but they never expected to hear it again here.

The cheers gathered into the ocean, and the cheering lights flashed in the air like a river of stars.

"This kid also used the ultimate move." Zeye Kazushu said with a smile.

"Isn't he always stronger when he is strong?" Fuze Kexiong laughed.

Even the two of them were surprised, which meant that they didn't know in advance that Yu Xianzhi had always used a male voice in the training room, probably because Keio's private school was doing so well, and that child also wanted to play more exciting.

The performance on stage continues.

The students on the stage were stunned for a moment, then held back the surprise in their hearts. Following his singing, they slowly separated and danced neatly.

"High-pitched yet heavy, I love this sound." Dansheng Huazhi said excitedly. "Not only can he be raised as a son, but also be petted as a daughter", this is the second half of her heart.


"Inexplicable Emptiness"

"Extremely Boring"

"But it doesn't matter"

"That's all"

"That's fine"

The song quickly reaches the chorus stage of the first part.

The neat dance stopped briefly, and the boys and girls on the stage were about to sing.

Each other's voices come together perfectly:

"Hidden without knowing it"

"Remember your true heart, look! 』

"Even if you pretend you can't see"

"It also exists"

The grand chorus burst out with youthful vigor.

The sound spread to every corner of the 10,000 spectator venue through the electric current.

It makes the scalp tingle with shock to those who hear it for the first time.

This is the blue sky where the voices of youth gather.

Yu Xianzhisheng supported the dome and gathered together, all the omissions in details due to the students' disordered breath were overshadowed by his female voice.

One person drives an academy forward, and he is the only one.

The people around him are not top-notch, but with this sincere voice and dance, many audience members were amazed by their performances.

The effect of the chorus directly pushes the stage to the climax of the atmosphere.

However, is this enough to satisfy you?

Yu Xianzhi sang and danced, staring at the audience of 10,000 people with calm eyes.

If that's all it takes to satisfy you, then I'll be sorry too, right?

Isn't this just the beginning?



The song officially entered the second part.

Watching the dance on the stage, Mrs. Danson, who was already familiar with the tune, was also dancing to the music.

The same is true for many audience members.

Yu Xianzhisheng's terrifying control over dance shattered the pressure brought by Keio's private school in just a few seconds and completely disappeared.

The backstage votes kept rising.

The judges also cast their votes one after another.

Dansheng Huazhi also happily gave out his ticket.

At this time, she hadn't realized that she had voted early.

If it were any later, she might be startled and regret that she didn't have any extra tickets in hand.

The effect brought by the stage performance is obvious.

Toda Art and Keio Private School each accounted for half of the judges' votes.

It's a very lively song.

Audiences who like youthful vitality will especially like this song.

But the same.

There are people who are envious, envious, even bored and hated for this kind of youth.

After all, not everyone has had a good youth.

Like Mr. Hanjiro Hanajing, he has undergone various training and torture since he was a child.

He couldn't understand it at all, and didn't want to understand it.

"This performance is really good, but it's obviously not strong enough compared to A Ling's performance just now." He said softly, "For me, they still have to be compared."

"After all, I just became the No. 1 this year. As far as the strength of the old brand is concerned, it should be Keio's private school."

The descendants of Chunjiang agreed that this song was not his thing either.

"There is still sincerity. The amount of practice is quite large, and the line dancing is not bad... But the problem with this costume is very big, which is very deductible." A female judge next to him said with a smile.

"Is it a joke on such a big stage, wearing a school uniform?"

At this moment, before the voice fell, the stage suddenly changed.


It was Natsume Light Sound who first felt the change.

She danced and sang and laughed.

She is already very satisfied to be here.

Suddenly, she felt the light coming from behind her, it was the light playing on the big screen behind her.

At the same time, she suddenly noticed that the audience was stunned.

Even the cheers were getting smaller.

She had never seen the shocking look under the stage.

While dancing in circles, she looked back.

It was a spot of light, and it was rippling right now. The ripples are made up of countless pictures, each of which is a dance image of a college student.

They, they, their voices poured out like the rising sun.

"Hi, we are Ying Meng Women's College..."

"Minasang! This is Kaisung Boys' High School..."

"Osaka Kirigune High School Band! Sincerely!"

"This is Notre Dame College for Women..."

"We're the dance club of Tomigaoka High School, yay!"

"Hello, Yokohama High School affiliated to Chuo University is here!"

"We are Kobe Temple Gakuin Boys' High School."

"here is......."



As if never ending, the sound blends with the sound on the stage.

There are countless academy dances in the picture, UU reading and their dance steps on the stage.

230 light spots form the word [Ultramarine] on the screen.

Natsume Qingyin shed tears and continued to dance.

They, they, all wore school uniforms, full of youthful vigor, dancing.



An ancient blue dye.

Between purple and blue, it's pure and bright.

It is a color more precious than gold.

This color has another precious name.


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