MTL - The Most Beautiful Boy In Tokyo-Chapter 220 :world masterpiece

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"No, how dare you..."

Before he could say anything, a slap hit Li's face, stunned him.

Not very painful, but extremely insulting.

"I'm sorry, brother." The mouse shook his hand, "You are good brothers when you come out, and the fat and water don't flow to outsiders. I think you will forgive me. I am a good person, and I will give you half of it."

"Come on, brother, stretch out your face."

It's true that the mouse is a scumbag, but a slap in the face is enough. The most annoying thing is that because of his weak body, no one dares to touch him in the Yuan family. If he is broken, the Yuan family will have no technical responsibility. .

Li stayed where he was, not daring to fight back.

Just now, he was still imposing, arrogant and cool.

But after just a few dozen seconds of betrayal and separation, the situation took a turn for the worse, and he couldn't be cured completely.

"Hey, Amo, do you want a face?"

"Is this worthy of the boss! Didn't you eat?" Yuan He Yilong grinned, eager to try, rolled up his sleeves and spit, ready to slap him with all the flavors, "Let me come!"

The scene suddenly became philosophical. In an instant, the hunter became the prey. Two men were chasing a man, and they didn't touch him anywhere. They just wanted to slap him on the face. The face escapes.

It is not necessary to mention the relationship between the thrones of the Yuan family here.

Each throne of the Yuan family is an isolated island. Although there will be mutual cooperation, and people like Yin and Rat will also have a love affair, there is one thing that is always in front of the Yuan family.

That is the only respect for the strong.

This kind of value concept of "worship of the strong" can be seen everywhere in the Japanese hierarchy, and it is condensed into one point in the Yuan family, which is vividly reflected.

As long as you are strong enough and give me enough benefits, then you are my daddy.

Dark list points are more useful than Tokyo list points. The latter can only be used to enter the Zenith Maple Garden, while the former can do quite a lot.

The throne is also a human being and needs to live. Take Yin as an example, and often ask the dark list to buy limited edition dolls.

The same is true for Li, he also wants to buy a car. Some cars can be bought with money, while others can't. The best modified violent cars in the garage of the Tokyo Underground will be purchased. The boss only needs points and no cash. If you want to buy them, you can only buy them through Tokyo Dark list.

This is a utopian kingdom that exists invisibly in the society. The literary society uses its own authority to balance the various forces in this kingdom. In this kingdom, whoever has the most points is the master.

An Sanji is willing to give points to Yu Xianzhi. In addition to thanking him, the more significance is to announce to this kingdom of darkness that this child is a member of the literature club, no matter which force it is, don't treat him Start thinking.

In a sense, if Yu Xian Zhisheng is willing to throw more points just to kill Li, then even if Li ranks third in the Twelve Thrones, he will have to perform a Tokyo Great Escape.

"Don't make trouble, I really don't dare to fight back, right?"

Li covered his half-swollen face, leaned his back against the corner, and stared at his brother who was approaching gradually.

"Jie Jie Jie." Yuan He Yi Long and Rat let out such a laugh.

The chase continued, leaving the left to hide and the right to hide, screaming.

Suddenly he realized something and stopped hiding.

Then, he suddenly slapped himself.

? ? ?

The two behind him were dumbfounded.

Yu Xian Zhisheng, who was watching the play, was also dumbfounded.

"Brother, you didn't designate anyone. Anyone who can't fight is fine. I can beat myself, right?" Li shouted at Yu Xianzhisheng.

"..." Yu Xianzhi was silent.

"Forget it." He nodded.

Li Haha laughed, dodging others' slaps while slapping himself with a grin.

【world masterpiece. 】

"Ten o'clock, ten o'clock, ten o'clock." He took off and jumped.

Taking a spare time, he also sneered slightly at the two behind him.

The eyes seemed to say, "This point belongs to me, hee hee hee", "Are you afraid of self-produced and self-sold", "What is the original soup and raw food?" Um? ’.

This eerie atmosphere suddenly reminded Yu Xianzhi of that famous sketch of later generations.

"Eighty, eighty, eighty..."

People are shameless and invincible in the world.

But don't let this guy really go bankrupt.

Probably realizing that this opportunity was not easy to come by, Li actually quickened his speed, spread his hands together, bowed left and right, and played with the momentum of a real man.

"Okay, okay." Yu Xianzhi raised his forehead to stop him.

A child who has never been a home doesn't know Mi Gui, and he doesn't feel bad about it, but he can't all be approved by this madman.

In addition to the 1350 points, it was transferred to Yuan and Yilong's account.

With the slap in the face, he also kept his promise and turned around.

"I don't need mine." Yuan He Yilong said with a smile, "It's cool."

"I don't need mine either," said the mouse, "to play with you."

This is the Libra tilt between the invisible.

Compared with the points he earned from those slaps, it was obviously more important to make a good impression in front of the teenager.

The most precious thing in Yu Xianzhisheng is his human affection, and the mouse understands this very well.

"Hey...I've slapped myself more than twenty times." Li covered his face and said, like a worker who was exploited by a black-hearted boss after working hard all day.

"I didn't count, did you count it yourself?" Yu Xianzhi said.

"I don't." Li shook his head, "Who would count this?"

"Then how do I know if you're teasing me? It's only two hundred points. Don't forget it." Yu Xianzhi said.

"Yes, yes." Li swallowed.

Yu Xian Zhisheng's authority is much higher than his. He has been playing in the Tokyo Dark Ranking for five years, but he is only B-rank, while Yu Xian Zhisheng is S-rank, one of the few S ranks on the Dark Ranking. .

On the dark list, there is no such thing as a gram or a gram, and he dares not.

Of course, that's not the main reason.

He is not a fool, the circulation of points needs to go through the hands of the literary society, and Yu Xianzhi can get 10,000 points under their noses, which is really incredible.

Li used to be part of an underground organization in Tokyo, and he was able to live unharmed to this day, relying on this belief, he would never mess with anything unknown.

"I'll go back to rest first." Yu Xianzhi stood up and yawned.

This kind of outrageous plot can be said to be rare in a thousand years, that is, the crazy critics of the Yuan family can do this kind of thing, he is addicted to it.

Wait until the door closes.

The three men looked at each other and saw the cold sweat on each other's foreheads.

Just like a dream, no matter how exaggerated it is in a dream, it can be logical and self-consistent, but when you wake up like a dream, you find that everything is incredible.

"This child is growing up so fast." The mouse shrank his head.

Yuan and Yilong nodded, a little disappointed: "It's already to the point where you don't need parents."

"It's very strange, isn't it, where did he get so many points?" Li asked with a frown while picking a car on the dark list page.

"The only possibility is Mr. An Sanji." Yuan He Yilong said softly.

"This kid won't really hook up with the little princess of the Anshan family, is this the dowry given by the Anshan family?" Li teased.

What greeted him was Yuan He Yilong's cold and sharp gaze.

"I'm joking." Li raised his hand in surrender.

"You know in your heart that this is absolutely impossible. If the literary society dared to do this, its credit would have collapsed long ago." Rat said.

"Then I can't figure it out." Li Tan said.

"No, it's actually a good guess." The mouse took out his mobile phone, logged into the Tokyo Dark List website, and shook his head toward the two, "These 10,000 points should have been found by An Sanji looking for Mr. Shi Shen before. Bounty post."

The two were startled at the same time.

"In other words, it's the young student who helped Mr. An Sanji find Shi Shen?"

Yuan He Yilong frowned and said, "That's why he got this point? It's very possible, after all, isn't Shi Shen the one from the company he signed."

"No, it's impossible. If you want to find someone in the island country with An Sanji's connections, there is no need to issue a reward, and there is no possibility of passing a teenager." Rat said.

"And I also took this post, but I didn't find any information related to Shishen."

The mouse pushed the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and said softly, "Is there such a possibility that Shi Shen is himself, so An Sanji has never been able to find him."

Li Mengdi raised his head and looked at the mouse in shock.

Yuan He Yilong swallowed, and instantly felt that his brain was not enough.

"So, the previous game was specially designed for him by the Literature Club?" Li asked with a frown, "Just to wait for Yu Xianzhi to go."

"It should be." The rat nodded. "That child can end the reward is the most powerful proof."

Then the mouse looked at Yuan and Yilong, his eyes worried: "This time, it is us who need to worry."

Yuan and Yilong nodded silently.

Yu Xian Zhisheng's growth rate exceeded his expectations.

Rinarako, this girl licking the dog and the support of the literature club, that child will have nothing to fear, as long as he doesn't reach out to Kuroki Tong's engagement in the Yuan family, he doesn't even have to be afraid of the Yuan family.

The choice has always been in his hands.

He can be without the Yuan family, but the future of the Yuan family cannot be without him.

"This is how to do?"

Yuan He Yilong sighed faintly, feeling so sad in his heart.

"There's no need to be sad, Brother Yilong, isn't this not very good for you? With this power, he can also compete with the emperor's status in the Yuan family. He only needs one force, and everything has to be changed. Look at the problem from an angle." Rat said with a smile.

Yuan He Yilong was stunned for a moment, as if clearing the clouds and seeing the sun, and his mind suddenly became clear. He patted the mouse on the shoulder and laughed: "That's right, how come I didn't find you so smart before."

"I'm just being honest, okay, being honest doesn't mean stupid!"

Rat and rat angry, cute pinching.


When Li and Rat left, Yuan and Yilong closed the door of the room and slowly sat on the chair in the room, looking up at the ceiling.

Bright lights, like a dream.

He suddenly remembered the conversation he had with his lady here the day before.

Miss Heimutong is not a fool. She has seen a clue from Yuan He Yilong these days. Yuan He Yilong did not choose to hide it, but told the truth.

That night, she was very calm after knowing about this. For the first time, Yuan and Yilong saw her so calm, like the sea under the thunder.

Then, Yuan and Yilong saw her showing a disdainful, even contemptuous smile.

Yuan and Yilong haven't seen her smile like this for a long time. The last time she was sent to Yuan's house was when she was very young. It was her first time to Yuan's house. The old man wanted to change her surname. But she was rejected. How old was she at that time, eight years old? It can even be said firmly that I am the only blood of my father, and I will never change this surname.

That is the strength that can be maintained even after the extermination of the clan. The average little girl has long been scared to cry, but she stood firmly, facing a group of vicious warriors, the corner of her mouth just twitched impatiently.

On the night he spoke about the flowers and birds, he saw the fearless smile of his young lady again.

Then he heard his lady say.

"Since my brother likes to play, let him play."

"Just a cannon fodder."

"When he calms down, he will come back."

Aren't you angry? No, it's impossible for her not to be angry, that's the boy you like, how could you just watch him be taken away by the girl who killed him halfway. But the more angry you are, the more magnanimous the princess must be. She is pulling him like a mad woman, or crying alone, so it's not her anymore.

But she couldn't blame him, because he was her own brother.

At that moment, she finally understood why this guy didn't call him sooner or later, but at this time he called his sister, and he called it happily, for fear that she would forget.

He figured it out, if she was her sister, she could only dote on him and support him.

Unless she admits that she never thought of him as a brother.

Now think about it, has he given himself a chance.

"Sister, is it true that you said you treated me as a younger brother?"

She was still confused at the time, why he suddenly asked this.

Now I want to understand.

If that night, if she went back to that dining table again, if she had confessed that she had never regarded him as a brother, none of this...probably wouldn't have happened.

No, it will still happen.

She is not a fool, if she can, she wants to have a sweet love with him.

But on the old man's side, she didn't know how to say it, and she couldn't do anything about the marriage contract her father made. From beginning to end, she was the only one who needed to be rescued, and she didn't want to drag him in too.

Perhaps, when he becomes stronger, she will dare to come closer.

That night, she was lying on the table, looking at the stars in the sky, her eyes wandering.

"Yilong, I want to know what his heart is like."

Well, she already knew.


Yuan and Yilong got up from their chairs, walked to a compartment in the suite, and knocked gently on the door.

It's not that Miss Heimutong wasn't there, she was in the cubicle, listening to their conversation all the time.

She opened the door and looked up at her warrior.

Yuan and Yilong looked at her with a smile.

Hei Mutong smiled softly, very good-looking.

The heart is very sweet, the cheeks are flushed with reddish color, and the corner of the mouth is also a sweet smile.

Especially when I heard the word 'like' he admitted.

There is also that sentence that she will never forget in her life, 'I hope that my love for her can be a vassal without any power. "

"What are you going to do in the future, miss." Yuan He Yilong asked with a smile, "Do you still plan to let him continue playing?"

Hei Mutong shook his head slightly.

As the nearest girl around him, but not knowing what he always wanted, she felt sorry for herself.

But tonight, she already understood it all.

"I won't give her another chance," she said softly.

What Flowers, Birds, Love and Moon can give him, she can give as well.

As a sister, let him fall into his own honey and cannot extricate himself.

"But I'm a little worried, that stinky boy will be angry." Yuan He Yilong scratched his head.

"He has no reason to be angry, I'm his sister, right?" She pulled a lock of hair to her ear and said calmly in a palace-like tone.

"It's normal for elder sister to discipline younger brother, right?"

She smiled, with the air of a princess, fearless and sullen.

Since he can run out to play as his younger brother, he can also use his elder sister's identity to tie him firmly by his side.

"Yilong, go and give this to him."

She took a ring from her hand and placed it in Yuan and Yilong's palm.

This is the head ring of the Heimu family, which means that her entire net worth will be entrusted to Yu Xianzhisheng. com What she took out was the attitude of the main palace. Once this invisible palace fight started, there would be no way out.

She understood his intentions and repaid it with no complaints or regrets.

Yuan and Yilong were about to drool with joy.

At this moment, as Miss's most loyal dog, he was full of fighting spirit again.

Are you going to be a coward or a hero for a lifetime, even for a few minutes?

Yuan and Yilong felt that they still wanted to be that dog, a heroic dog, until he watched the couple walk into the marriage hall, until he fulfilled his greatest wish in this life.

At that time, he will be able to speak to the little girl who was only ten years old back then, the little girl who was covered in blood but had glowing eyes.

"Miss, you didn't pick the wrong warrior, I'll do it for you thousands of times."

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