MTL - The Most Beautiful Boy In Tokyo-Chapter 207 : Yamaoni

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After passing two levels at a time, Yu Xianzhisheng's record was ahead of everyone, and with the pass card for the level of Qi, he has won three consecutively.

Most of the students just got one or two, and some are still stuck in the qi level, and have not been able to come out until now.

The afternoon sun rises high, embroidering golden gauze on the mountains, rivers and lakes.

After Heimu Tong's last talk was over, they started again and headed to the next exam room.

However, there were three missing.

Dahuai Yiyong's clear talk did not pass, and he had to re-queue for the next round of answers. Akagi Ryosuke did not leave, but waited here for Dahuai Yiyong.

It is said that adversity shows true love. This pair of crouching dragon and phoenix chicks usually live their lives together, but they value the friendship between friends. Dahuai Yiyong happily rubs his nose and tears on Chimu, but he Kick away.

"You go first, we will catch up soon." Akagi Ryosuke said.

"Yu Xian-Jun, it's not good for us to drag you down, please come out on top." Da Huai said bravely, "Five passes are easy for you, right?"

After the talk just now, the two of them were in awe of Yu Xianzhisheng, and they didn't dare to make fun of them anymore.

Yu Xianzhi nodded and hurried in the direction Heimutong left, Anshan Qingji closely following him.

She seldom walks such a fast road, and there is a clear and pleasant sound from the swaying of the neck ornament and the collision of the pearl beads. Although the girl is innocent, she is not ignorant of the world. .

Natsume Qingyin and Fujiwara Chie walked beside Kuroki Tong. After not knowing why, Kuroki Tong walked out with a low face and didn't answer her questions.

Yu Xianzhi asked them to take care of Kiyohime and walked side by side with Kuroki Tong alone.


"You think I'll be mad at you?"

"Yes, sister, do you think my answer is not good enough?"

"Who said you didn't answer well, I can't answer that kind of question." Heimu Tong frowned slightly, "It has nothing to do with your answer."

"Is it because of this?" Yu Xianzhi smiled lightly and took out the sachet from his arms.

Dear, what does it mean when a woman gives a man a sachet? Online wait, very urgent.

Oh, it's a token of love.

Then you are done.

Yu Xianzhisheng naturally knew the meaning of the sachet, but Qing Ji gave him the sachet to a large extent because he liked his blue-eyed confidant, and it had nothing to do with love.

He also wouldn't be so affectionate that Qing Ji would love him. A girl like her, who has a great cultural heritage and pursues a plump spiritual world, has very low desire for the outside world.

Hei Mutong was a little flustered, and explained that she didn't care about this, but worried that others would think wildly.

Yu Xianzhisheng waved his hand, telling her to stop talking.

Taking advantage of the lack of broadcast footage in this place, he weighed the sachet in his hand, then lunged and bent down. With enough strength, he happily threw the embroidered sachet, which exudes a sweet fragrance, into the river.

"Let's go, sister." Yu Xianzhi said with a smile.

Hei Mutong was stunned for a while, and sighed softly: "Doesn't you mean that I'm jealous?"

"My sister has nothing to do with me throwing the sachet, it's me who is angry with myself." Yu Xianzhi looked at the sachet washed away by the water until it was nowhere to be found.

"Actually, my answer just now was not good, and it was not worthy of the gift from the Miss Anshan family. After I walked out, I was very annoyed, because there were many answers in my mind, such as 'Death and Life' in Liezi. , go back and forth, so the one who dies is, I don't know whether to be born there or not."

"To be honest, if you give me another chance, I can answer better." Yu Xianzhi sighed, "It's a pity I can't do it all over again."

"You're embarrassing to my sister, sorry." Yu Xianzhi looked at her seriously and said, "Sister, please punish me."

This contradictory shift confuses Hei Mutong's consciousness.

She moved her mouth and found that she had nothing to say.

"It's not your fault." She finally choked out such a sentence.

This was originally her fault, she was really jealous.

Natsume Qingyin and Fujiwara Chie are also very clingy, but she doesn't care at all.

But Ansan Qingji is different.

The Yuan family mostly hides the dark side, while the Anshan family is on the bright side.

Ansan Qingji's status is not below her, whether from the point of view of beauty or power.

It made her feel dangerous.

The two of them knew that they would get along in the way of an older sister and a younger brother, and neither would expose the other. If another sister Qingji fell from the sky and stepped in, this delicate balance would be completely broken.

Either confess or leave, she will not accept leaving.

She will take the initiative to take the step of confession, but there are too many things involved in this step. The future of the entire Yuan family, the marriage contract that Kurokizaki made for her and the childhood friend before his death, are the huge rock in front of him. .

He can choose to break the rock, or he can pat his **** and walk away.

The most painful thing in this world is that the choice is not in your hands.

"Sister, before they come, let's get on the boat first." Yu Xianzhi said with a smile, "It's time for lunch."

When the two got on the box in the flower boat, Yu Xianzhisheng asked her to hug again.

This guy knew that his own white hair was so handsome, he raised a childish little face and acted like a spoiled child in her arms, rubbing and rubbing, arching and arching, Hei Mutong could only hug him gently body, feel the warmth.

She felt that she was a little too indulgent to him, but when she thought about how lonely he was in the orphanage in the past, she felt that this was what she should do.

After enjoying it, Yu Xianzhi walked out with a smile and greeted the girls to eat.

Hei Mutong tidyed up the clothes he had messed up and walked out with him.

The lunch was delivered by the sponsor's literary club, and each college had it on the flower boat, which was neatly arranged according to the staff.

The cabin is filled with the aroma of various pastries. Tea, bean rice, grilled fish, and flower cakes are all presented in red and black wooden boxes, which are extremely rich.

Yu Xianzhisheng drank green orange juice, sandwiched fish, and chatted with Ansan Qingji.

This chat couldn't stop, the girl's mind was filled with all kinds of whimsy, scriptures and philosophy, and she talked nonstop, as if she wanted to finish the words of her life in one breath.

Yu Xianzhi could only stuff a glutinous rice dumpling into her mouth, blocking her small mouth.

Anshan Qingji whimpered and hurriedly opened her mouth, Yu Xianzhisheng hurriedly stuffed one more, until the young girl rolled her eyes and burped loudly.

The flower boat drives smoothly on the water, crosses the bridge of Zhongzhou, and goes to the river bank road below Zhongzhou Mountain, where is the examination room for listening to the wind music.

Before I could get close, I could already hear the sound of Dongdongdong's Kagura drums floating down from the top of the mountain, accompanied by the sound of the horns of the conch, echoing in the halo of the autumn afternoon.

After twelve noon, the bell of the ancient temple in the forest rang.

The magnanimous sound of the bell startled the birds in the forest, circling and dancing overhead.

"This is a forest bell made by Duke Wei Xiang during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. It is an imitation made by my mother. Duke Xiang was brutal and killed the people. My mother built this clock to make my father, who is the leader of the literary society, always alert, lest he Being deceived by bad people, injustice arises in my heart." Anshan Qingji explained to Yu Xianzhisheng.

Yu Xian Zhisheng nodded.

Yuan and Yilong said to himself that the literary society is in charge of the kingship of public opinion, and gangs of all sizes in Japan respect the literary society and maintain a delicate balance in society.

This credit is inseparable from the Chinese woman standing behind An Sanzhi.

"Where's your mother?" Yu Xianzhi asked, "Where is it?"

"Today is the Climbing Festival on September 9th. My mother went back to her mother's house to visit her relatives, West Lake, Hangzhou, China. By the way, she bought fabrics for me to make clothes." Anshan Qingji replied.

Only then did Yu Xianzhi remember this traditional festival, and she was a stranger in a foreign land alone. If she hadn't said so, she really couldn't remember it.

"She loves you very much." Yu Xianzhi said with a smile.

"Of course, she will give me anything I want, but if it's too expensive, she will let me save money to buy it myself. She makes all my clothes for me."

Anshan Qingji spun around in place, her skirts fluttered, and her eyes were full of smiles: "Look, it's beautiful, right?"

"However, I hate my father very much." Her eyes darkened.


"As soon as my mother came home, he won't let me get close to anyone. I can come out today thanks to you, but even if he stops it, I can't stop it. I dug a dog hole in my small yard, You can get out."

Ansan Qingji shared her little secret with him.

This secret, even her favorite grandmother never told.

Yu Xianzhisheng smiled slightly, and then he forgot about it.

He also has a lot of secrets, but not everyone can tell the secrets. The two will never meet again, so the less memories they leave with each other, the better.

On the way of the flower boat, he encountered the boat where the flowers and birds were.

This little girl was very beautifully dressed, and she looked at Yu Xian Zhisheng standing on the bow from a distance, waving her arms with a loud laugh, and calling out his name.

Yu Xianzhi looked over. She lowered her head shyly. The irresistible emotion in the eyes is like the colorful light under the transparent river, which is intoxicating.

This time, Heimutong was not jealous.

In her heart, the flowers, birds and the moon are not enough to become a threat.

A group of people are walking on the road leading to the central hill. This street is very lively today. In order to cooperate with the entertainment industry this time, quite a number of art performers have been invited by the literary and art circles to add to the fun.

On both sides of the street, there is the sound of fencing breaking through the air, and various dolls are placed on the puppet altar with gauze curtains. The queen dolls and maids of various colors are arranged at both ends, and an old man silk thread controls several dolls, manipulating them to perform the drama "The Man of Suzuo Kills the Orochi."

Next to him is a handsome man dressed in the shape of a woman, charming and enchanting, playing the shamisen in his hand, to accompany another strange man dressed in a wine gourd, and the strange man danced a funny dance, the gourd was painted with the facial features of a woman. , with his movements, crying, laughing, and embarrassing.

This wonderful art performance attracts the students on the flower boat, and there will be cheers from time to time.

Ansan Qingji seemed to be going out for the first time, running around the streets, looking here and there, then trotting over after a while, grabbing Yu Xianzhisheng's arm, for fear of being embarrassed kitten.

"Isn't this your home, and are you worried about getting lost?" Yu Xianzhi calmly drew out his arms.

Although she looks young and tender on the outside, she has a very plump figure, and the two soft flesh on her chest is pressed against her arms, which already shows the full weight of a girl.

"The last time I was allowed to come out to play was spring." Ansan Qingji said pitifully.

Yu Xianzhi was speechless for a while, and it was hard to inquire about the facts of other people's homes, but An Sanji, a daughter slave, was a little too conservative.

Soon, a group of people came to the venue of the game.

This is located on the top of Zhongzhou Mountain. Inside is a very large courtyard. Among the lush flowers and trees, you can see the silver-gray tiles on the mansion with the gable roof and the cornice. Behind it are the undulating western-style houses. There are musical instruments collected from different countries.

Most of the instruments have been moved out of the western-style room, and are mainly divided into two parts, east and west.

One side is Western musical instruments, such as orchestra, drum, violin, harp, saxophone, tuba and trumpet.

On the other side, there are oriental musical instruments, including shawzin, guzheng, pipa, suona, sheng, flute, and even a huge and complete imitation chime in the middle.

The center of the square is already crowded with people. Almost half of the 200 students listen to the wind music here. Compared with the cultural talk, playing music is their forte.

On the left hand side is the performance location, which is blocked from the mountains and rivers by a white jade railing to prevent people from accidentally falling. There are several wide chairs on it, and the judges just sit on the chairs to watch the performance and give the students a score.

Most of them were disappointed. The judges had extremely tricky tastes. If they didn't meet their wishes, they let the other party wait and try again later.

Listening to the wind music, pay attention to the state of mind of harmony between man and nature.

The wind comes from the valley, and the students have to capture the wonder of the wind, and then trigger their own reverie, and fully express their inner feelings through the selected musical instruments.

"Please write down the composition here and receive the musical instrument." The waitresses greeted from afar.

Yu Xianzhi took the pen and paper, sat on the soft cushion in the square, facing the huge mountains and rivers, closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the wind filling his ears.

In the deep autumn, the wind is bleak.

The maple leaves all over the mountains and plains are red and transparent, and the calm water surface is blown by the wind with ripples like fish scales.

The coolness permeates the heart, and the feeling of homesickness permeates the heart.

Yu Xianzhi picked up the pen, wrote the song on the score sheet, got up and handed it to the waitress.

"What's the name of this piece?" asked the judge who took the sheet music.

"Mountain Ghost." Yu Xianzhisheng replied.

"Go and choose the instrument you need." The judges passed on each other.

"Does Yu Xian-jun use a flute?" Anshan Qingji asked with blinking eyes.

"Yeah." Yu Xianzhi nodded, his eyes fell on the flutes of various colors and lengths on the shelf, and he selected a few, but he was not very satisfied.

What he needed was a flute that could control the major A key to a 5-range range, so that the flute variations could be extended into the characteristic intonations between 6135 and 3512.

He finally picked one that fits, but it has already been used by someone, and even though it has been cleaned once, it still makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

No way, only make do.

"Yu Xian-kun, why don't you use my flute?" Qingji Anshan said crisply.

"Do you have a flute?" Yu Xianzhisheng hadn't finished asking, but saw that Anshan Qingji had already run away quickly, and in less than a minute, she came out of the western-style room, still holding a simple long box in her arms.

"This is the flute used by my mother, and she occasionally uses it for me, but never borrows it." Qingji Ansan said expectantly, "But if it is used by Yu Xian-kun, I think she will be willing!"

Yu Xianzhi opened the ancient box, took out the flute and looked at it in his hand. He saw that the flute was made of solid materials, the wood was expensive, the weight was just right, and the surface was bright blue.

It's not like something you can buy outside, but it looks like a flute in an ancient legend.

He put the flute to his lips and blew out a few syllables. The sound was like the chirping of a hundred birds, which made people feel relaxed and happy, and became more certain in his heart.

Yu Xianzhi asked softly, "Is this a Ke Ting flute?"

"How could Yu Xian-jun know? That's what my mother called it!" Anshan Qingji said happily.

How can I not know, I have learned since childhood, Qi Henggong's bell, Chu Zhuangwang's rafting beam, Sima Xiangru's Lvqi, and Cai Yong's Keting flute are all famous musical instruments in ancient China.

Ansan Qingji's mother can have this flute, she is definitely not an ordinary woman, shouldn't she be a member of the national team?

"Then use this flute." Yu Xianzhi thanked him, "your mother will like this piece too, so I will repay it."

He walked to the stage and gently put the bamboo flute to his lips.

The flute sounded from far to near, and the long and slow tunes circled between Jiang Tian, ​​bringing people into an empty and bright world.

The mountains and rivers are clearly defined under the sunlight, and the sound of the flute wanders between the gray-brown mountains. After the autumn wind, most of the trees, except for evergreen trees such as pines, withered away, and the leaves fell on the ground, but only those maple trees. The tree, in the cold autumn wind, is more and more red and shining like fire, tenacious and stalemate with the autumn wind, tragic and romantic.

Just like this flute.

"If someone comes to the mountain, he will wear a lily and bring a female radish."

"Both looking and smiling"

In these mountains, in the depths of the maple leaves, will there be a mountain ghost who is having a tryst with his sweetheart?

Originally, different judges were in charge of their respective students, but they waved their hands to make them stop playing. The elegant young man with his eyes focused on the white jade railing looked at the flute in his hand and pricked up his ears to listen.

Not only them, but even the students were obsessed with the long flute sound.

The flute sound goes from low to high, showing the outline of heaven and earth, and it is played in short and cheerful sounds, sassy and vigorous.

Anshan Qingji stood closest to the boy, watching the wind blow his ink sleeves, and watching the sun caress the handsome side of the boy's face, he couldn't help being obsessed.

It was like a seed was buried in my heart, and the sound of the flute was like rain, urging the ground to sprout.

She couldn't comprehend this kind of emotion between fantasy and reality, she only felt her heart twitch gently.

She seemed to be able to see the picture that emerged in her mind from the sound of the flute. The woman was searching in the mountains and forests, sad and hopeful, looking forward to the arrival of her lover, endless shouting and longing.

"The rest of the place is secluded, and the sky will never be seen."

"The road is dangerous and difficult to come alone"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I forgot to go Jun Si, I have no time to spare"

"Who is playing the flute?"

The door of the Tianshou Pavilion was suddenly pushed open. The woman was wearing a white gauze skirt, black hair shawl, bright eyes, and a large suitcase in her hand. The plastic bag next to it was a Chinese glutinous rice cake.

"Wife." An Sanji got up.

"Ms. Cai." The old men stood up and bowed.

"Who's playing the flute?" the woman asked again, ignoring their etiquette.

The old men looked at each other and smiled, and answered in unison, "Yu Xian is young."

The woman's skin was like snow, her eyebrows and eyes were picturesque, and because she was running very fast all the way, there was a fine sweat on her forehead, she wiped the fine sweat and said with a smile: "I just came from my hometown, and I heard the hometown sound, today is really romantic. what!"

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