MTL - The Most Beautiful Boy In Tokyo-Chapter 201 : Air volume

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"How is it?" Rinako asked in a low voice.

"I think the childish one is better." Xiaoxun Nagisa Sakura said with a serious face, "I didn't say that because I liked him, I really think."

"I'll leave it to you to judge!" Ishikawa Ziki opened the folding fan and left the referee to Fukuzawa Kexiong.

Fuze Kexiong couldn't tell the winner for a while.

"I don't know how to describe it, what do you think?" Facing people in the literary and art circles, Fukuzawa Kexiong was very frightened and did not dare to make a decision.

Ishikawa Zigui snorted, snapped away the folding fan, and tapped lightly in his hand: "If you want me to say, in terms of haiku form, it's all very good, and Ji Yu (the thing of sustenance) is not off topic."

He said leisurely, "But..."

"But?" Rinarako's heart hung high.

But Ishikawa could never have imagined that the boy sitting opposite him would make such a haiku. Instead of being stimulated by his own irony, he borrowed Xiaojing's ambition.

‘The courtyard is small but it can condense the power of spring, striding into the unknown territory, even when the flowers fall, I am still on the road of exploration. ’

Looking at Ishikawa's own, 'the running water cannot sleep, and it flows along the courtyard to take away the fallen flowers. That is because the soil is light and thin, and the nutrients can only provide the flowers and plants to survive. ’

One is full of derogatory meaning, and the other is full of praise. This gap is really shameful.

"But in terms of gas, I'm not as good as him." The old man exhaled, "You won, boy."

"It's accepted, isn't it good for you to be sarcastic?" Yu Xianzhi said.

"You actually heard it?" Ishikawa Zigui was very interested.

"'The soil is thin' is a metaphor for my lack of culture, right? 'Offering lingering' means that I pretend to be brave. If it is connected with the 'unbearable sleep' in the first sentence, it means that I can't sleep because of fear." Yu Xian Childish said with a smile.

"The future generations are terrifying, I'm the one who misunderstood."

Ishikawa Ziki put the folding fan in his hand on the table and bowed slightly.

"I don't know where your hostility towards me comes from?" Yu Xianzhi still chuckled lightly.

The old man raised his head and said, "My granddaughter likes to listen to your songs very much, and she sings when she has something to do. Most of those songs sing about the love between men and women, and they are flashy and empty. I think they are like ghosts and ghosts, and I can't understand them at all... ."

"Therefore, I also regard you as an unreasonably frivolous person, and presume that you do not understand the real traditional culture."

"I want to apologize to you for this." The old literati was able to bend and stretch.

"You will understand one day." Yu Xianzhi said with a straight face, "A new era is coming, and no one can stop it from advancing."

"According to this, it will be your world from now on?"

"Yeah, it's us who inherit the culture, and it's us who introduce the new. Our position in the future will definitely be higher than yours. You boats of the old era, just stop by the new dawn."

Fuze Kexiong's expression changed, and he wanted to speak out quickly to stop Yu Xianzhisheng. No matter how the other party was said to be, he was a prominent figure in the literary and art world. It's hard to say that he wouldn't cause any trouble after being hit by a map like this.

"Hahahaha~" Unexpectedly, Ishikawa Zigui laughed out of anger, "You kid, you are really arrogant, no wonder Mr. Ansanji often mentions you."

"This kind of student doesn't need to be taught, and I can't teach it either!"

Ishikawa Zigui stood up, his kimono sleeves fluttered, and walked towards the door: "Boy, I will consider the level of tolerance myself. When you arrive, you don't have to pass the level, just come to me and get the pass."

"You forgot to take your fan." Yu Xianzhi reminded.

"I'll send it to you." Ishikawa Ziki slammed open the door, "Please take it and climb high!"

As soon as the door was opened, a group of young girls and teenagers who came to eavesdrop on the door slammed in, all of them lying on the ground.

Natsume Qingyin rubbed her **** under her short skirt. Crouching dragon and phoenix chick posted the most recently, and also fell the worst, kneeling in front of the courtyard with a slap of both legs.

Ishikawa Ziki walked away without looking at them.

"Do you want me to say that Aiqing will be free from courtesy?" Yu Xianzhi picked up the fan and played with it, half-smiling.

"You actually still have the mind to eavesdrop?" Fuze Kexiong reprimanded loudly, waving his hands like chasing a chick, "Don't make trouble, and hurry back to prepare for the game!"


! "The boys and girls answered in unison, and then left quickly.

"Do you understand, Ryosuke, the haiku just now?" Dahuai Yiyong asked loudly, "I didn't understand at all!"


Akagi Ryosuke clenched his teeth, wishing to cover his big mouth.

Hei Mutong was right in front of him, he didn't want to lose face, he had to pretend to understand if he didn't understand!

"Ah, I must understand..." Akagi Ryosuke was about to make up something, but the girls had already walked away hand in hand, and no one paid any attention to him.

"As expected of the boss." Natsume said softly, "I really look forward to what kind of clothes the boss will wear that day."

A small star appeared in Fujiwara Chie's eyes again, and she nodded vigorously.

Heimutong glanced back, and the last glance was that the young man opened the folding fan in his hand, and the light fan was blowing in the breeze. Even if it was just daily household clothes, it was still so clear and beautiful, elegant and childish.

Just like the young masters outside the world's turmoil, he has no fame and fortune, and does not stick to the stench of copper.

But she would never know that after the boy casually fanned the fan a few times, he put it away, walked to Rinarako, and said in a low voice, "Help me see, is this fan valuable?"


Yu Xianzhisheng got an answer that satisfied him.

Rinarako has a deep research on luxury goods, after all, she usually has no other serious job besides spending money.

The Japanese folding fan originated in the Nara period and was introduced to Japan from a Chinese fan. After improvement, it was re-introduced to China in the Song Dynasty. Today, there is an ancient Chinese fan in the Taiqin Guanglong Temple in Kyoto, Japan, which is said to be the relic of Prince Shotoku and is invaluable.

The folding fan that Ishikawa Ziki gave him is called the Goldfish Kyoto Fan. It uses sandalwood as the handle and stretches out 20 ivory fan bones. It uses a hollow and carved design to draw the totem of goldfish playing in the water. The thinnest part of the fan is even thinner than the hair. The wire is even finer.

Yu Xianzhisheng sat in the car and fanned the sun twice, feeling that the goldfish above seemed to be wandering in the transparent air, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

Rinarako said that this folding fan was quite precious, and it was very honorable to show it in front of the old nobles in Tokyo. It may be a sincere apology, but more likely, he likes Yu Xianzhi as a child, and is happy at first sight with his demeanor. As for whether there is a reason for his granddaughter, only Ishikawa Ziki himself knows this.

"Are you going to sell it?" Rinarako asked from the front.

Yu Xianzhi shook his head. If he was still short of money, he would definitely sell it, but now that the economy is prosperous, he also wants to pursue some spiritual enjoyment.

After buying the house, put the precious cello drawn by Mori Mi, as well as the folding fan, the super S star emblem, and even the champion cup of the Star Awards, put it there, and then take Miyamoto Yukiko over and stand on the chair. She is of average height, and with a wave of her little hand—look, this is the world that I have laid down for you!

Yu Xian Zhisheng giggled, leaving Rinarako confused.

Since this semi-final only gave the players two days to prepare, Yu Xian Zhisheng temporarily stopped everything and prepared for the semi-final with peace of mind.

To this end, the recording cooperation that was scheduled to go to Sony Music in the morning was also rejected.

In fact, the recording studio of Dongda Art Group is already enough, but Linariko rented the most luxurious 'Island' recording studio in Sony Music for him. The SM58 model microphone costs hundreds of thousands of yen.

Rinarako really likes the song "Fairy Tale Town", she likes it very much, and she chases after him and wants him to make the studio version of this song. She has seen those fairy tales and understands the beauty of this song.

This is why she is so eager, in a sense, when others don't understand the song, this song belongs to her alone.

The two were on their way to Ginza, and the weather was sunny.

The last time I agreed to Linariko's invitation to dinner, I just took this opportunity to ask her some questions.

He has learned calligraphy before, but he is not proficient in the technique. He wants to ask her to help him find a calligraphy teacher to review it. In addition, he does not know anything about the classical etiquette of the nobles in Tokyo. He also plans to ask Rinako to help him find a teacher. By the way, discuss how to customize the clothes to be worn in the competition.

Deng Gaoya has special requirements for clothes, taking classics as beauty, but regardless of national culture, Yu Xianzhi planned to wear a Tang Dynasty Hanfu to win glory for his hometown from the side.

As for the two items of talk and poetry... This can be regarded as hitting the old one. The ancient poetry has been recited from small to large, but if you can't recite it, you will be punished by standing at the door.

And let’s talk about it, there shouldn’t be any country in this world that understands reading better than the students of the Celestial Dynasty, right?

The restaurant is a teppanyaki shop that Rinarako often goes to. Rinarako parked her Ferrari F355 at the door and opened the door for Yuzuru.

The restaurant chosen by Rinako is located on the top of Ginza, overlooking the entire Tokyo skyline. This restaurant often appears in the famous TV series "Tokyo Hotel" in later generations. As the chef, Natsuki Obana got his chef career here. top honorary medal.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about the dishes. Rinarako prepares for him. Everything is the best ingredients on the market.

"The First Cause of All Realms"

The sea urchin sushi stuffed with seaweed rolls is put into the mouth in one mouthful, slightly cool like ice cream, and then the sweetness slowly melts in the mouth. Eight boxes of white sturgeon caviar, ranging from 10 years, 15 years to 20 years, are priced at $3,000 each on the market, and more than $5,000 in 20 years.

Yu Xian Zhisheng thought that the caviar was eaten by digging with a shell spoon, and then saw Rinarako pick up a box of ten years and smash it on the matsutake bread, and hand it to him as a sandwich.

This is luxury, luxury at the top.

When Andy Lau went to eat caviar back then, he gave me a can!

"If you want to read books, the library in my basement is quite big. It's not difficult to get a quick etiquette. I can call a friend to teach you. I'll help you review calligraphy. My calligraphy is not bad...but You probably don't want to come to my house."

Rinarako propped her charming and sad cheeks, and while speaking, she sandwiched the sea cucumber into Yu Xianzhi's small plate.

Yu Xian Zhisheng, who was concentrating on dealing with hairy crabs, was stunned for a moment.

She is so self-aware that Yu Xianzhi, who hasn't blurted out her rejection, will be dealt with.

In any case, he will not go to her house.

He will never forget that this coquettish woman once planned to kill Yukiko Miyamoto.

Yuan and Yilong have taught themselves that you can hate her, but there is no need to kill her. The best way is to use her twisted love to achieve your goals.

Therefore, he is willing to be close to her, but only to make better use of her.

She has money and power.

But if the wealth of the whole world is to exchange the life of your most precious person.

Are you going to change?

His answer is that it will not be changed. Sooner or later, wealth will pass from one person to another, and the person who loves you will always be by your side and spend a short life with you.

In a sense, Rinarako can be considered sad, she lacks everything, but the child she cherishes the most has always put on a smiling face to her.

Yu Xianzhi ate silently, ready to think of a way.

Rinarako seemed to remember something, and a look of joy suddenly appeared on her face: "I thought about it, by the way, is the gift I gave you still there?!"

"What gift?" Yu Xianzhi asked.

"The key to the Lord of Himeji Castle." Rinarako's smile was shining brightly.

Yu Xianzhi gave a slight pause, and then he remembered his schoolbag and this thing!

He had long since forgotten about it. The one-day sovereignty of Himeji Castle that Rinarako bought for him, maybe 30 million yen was just a piece of cake for her, so she had long forgotten it.

Now the two of them all remembered at once.

Himeji Castle in Hyogo Prefecture, a world cultural heritage, the first city in Japan, has been soaked in Japanese classical culture for 600 years, and there are countless ancient books in the Great Tenshou Pavilion. Similarly, as the owner of Himeji Castle, the Himeji City Government will provide He provides the most detailed training on etiquette and enjoys the honor of the national treasure level.

"Like the Ansan family's courtyard, there are pavilions of different sizes there. Where can you be familiar with the exam room in advance?" Rinarako said in a joking tone, "Hyogo Prefecture is not far from Tokyo, and it takes an hour by plane to fly. will be there."

"I'll book a flight later and leave immediately after dinner." Yu Xianzhisheng was very excited.

"You don't need to book a flight ticket." Rinarako shook her head, "Can I go on the 'Land of Feather'?"

"'Land of Feather?" Yu Xianzhisheng kept half a crab leg in his mouth, "Is it the Shinkansen?"

"No, no, the country of feathers is a Cessna 172 private jet." Rinarako's tone was as relaxed as she bought a bag, "I bought it specially for you, with your sticker on it."

Two hours later, the private plane with Yu Xian Zhisheng's sticker printed on it took off from Haneda Airport and headed to Kobe Airport in Hyogo Prefecture. People standing in the waiting room watched the huge sticker gradually rise into the sunlight. I always feel that Yu Xianzhisheng is going to take a walk in heaven and conquer God by the way...

The news of Yu Xianzhi's arrival was notified to the Himeji City Government an hour in advance. Mayor Sei Yuan Shutai rented a stretched Lincoln sedan, laid the red carpet in person, and took a photo with Yu Xianzhi in front of reporters.

As soon as Yu Xianzhi stepped into the magnificent main city gate, the phone in his pocket vibrated.

When I took it out, it was a call from Lu Huoqing.

"Is there anyone next to you?" the girl asked directly.

"No, is there any information?"

"Yes, you are in Himeji Castle now, right? The news on TV has already started to promote." Lu Huoqing lowered his voice, "Remind you, Shenhuiling will come to you soon."

"What are you doing here?" Yu Xianzhi was puzzled.

"On the surface, it was said that I was going to study there for a day, through the relationship of Shenhuiling's father, but in fact Shenhuiling's goal is you, this news is a temporary decision."

"The four major consortiums have changed their attitude towards you. They want to heat up your relationship with Shenhuiling. Shenhuiling can't refuse for the time being, and can only swallow it and agree to cooperate."

"Are they crazy, what is the relationship between the two boys?"

"No, Shenhuiling's true identity is a girl." Lu Huoqing said with a sneer.

"She's crazy, you better be careful."

Yu Xianzhi was not too surprised by this identity.

He had a hunch a long time but after confirming it, he was suddenly a little empty.

Hang up the phone and enter the main city with Mayor Qingyuan Xiutai to accept the face-washing ceremony.

"Enjoy the tour. If you need anything, please ask us at any time." After the end, Qingyuan Xiutai said with a smile.

"Is there a shop here?" Yu Xianzhi asked.

"There is no store here. What do you want to buy, I will help you buy it." Qingyuan Xiutai respectfully.

"Please buy me a pair of slippers, a large one, a sturdier one."




PS. It’s October, let’s get recommended tickets and monthly tickets.

Read The Duke's Passion