MTL - The Most Beautiful Boy In Tokyo-Chapter 193 :Good morning

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This sleep was not restful, and he woke up in the middle of the night.

The stars were shining outside the window, and the huge A300 passenger plane cut through the night sky. Under the night sky were thousands of lights that were brighter than the stars, dense like a spider web, and seemed to never go out.

Tokyo, the largest city in Asia, ranks among the top three most expensive real estates in the world. The first place is Hong Kong, China, and the second place is New York, USA.

Someone once said that if you compare the nighttime satellite images of the three cities, you will find that New York and Hong Kong are like candles, while Tokyo is like fireworks. Energy, ten kilometers away is surrounded by 13 large nuclear power plants.

Paper drunk and gold fans, carnival every night.

This city is terrifyingly dreamy but realistic. Ordinary people from abroad want to come to Tokyo to study at a university. The first thing to do is to check whether the bank account has an annual turnover of 150,000, otherwise they will be turned away.

Yu Xian Zhisheng put the bath towel on the chair and looked at the flashy city under the rain.

At 4 am, the sky is grey and blue.

The clock on the wall is walking, and the 20th century is moving towards the 21st century bit by bit.

The light he wanted to grasp was not just sunlight.

Turn on the phone, still no calls come in.

Yu Xianzhi felt a little self-deprecating for himself. According to what he expected, Flower Bird Fengyue should call soon. The best result is that the two sides negotiate. invite.

That's it, that's it.

In addition to the honest little brother Kirima Hiichi, he can have Tokyo's top female dancers, she can help him a lot, and he will go hand in hand with her.

But everything is fantasy.

Huaniaofengyue doesn't seem to be interested in him, or she doesn't intend to believe in herself.

As for herself, she could only watch her cooperate with the leaders of the two academies.

Are you afraid? No, he is not afraid at all. If it is a personal competition, it doesn't matter if you play three games, prepare more songs, and increase the amount of dancing and fitness every day. It's no problem.

But he is no longer alone.

The semi-finals were academy team competitions. If the girls dragged their feet again and again, everything would be a waste. Throwing aside the two Wolong and Phoenix chicks who had been forgotten by him for a long time, looking around, there was almost no one available at the Dongda Art Academy. Mori painting may be available, but Saito Hideyoshi has enough to offset her strength. Heimutong himself has been keeping an eye on it, but the violin girl under Shen Huiling is also top-notch, so it's hard to tell who is better.

Yu Xianzhi put on his shirt and school uniform. The air was quiet, and he could hear the quiet sound of the cleaning staff cleaning the corridor in the morning. He made a cup of coffee, sat on the table, turned on the yellowed eye protection lamp, and watched Looking at the performance records of everyone on the mobile phone, while picking up the pen and drawing lines on the paper, each piece corresponds to each piece.

Vocals: Shenhuiling VS Yu Xianzhisheng.

Cello: Hideyuki Saito VS Mihua Mori (the winning percentage is tied).

Violin: Yaoji Shi Qinghe VS Kuroki Tong (the winning rate is equal).

Hip-hop: Park Zunshi VS Yu Xian Zhisheng (6/4).

Group choreography: Flower Bird Fengyue VS Yui Yunu (laughs) - (8/2).

The second round of choreography: Lu Huoqing VS Yuxian Zhisheng (after being forced to turn against the water or usher in a turning point).

Piano: Matsubara Ryo VS Akagi Ryosuke (disgraceful).

Drums: Saddle Aoyama VS Dahuai Yiyong (more shameful).

Orchestral music: Touyun Ryoko VS Natsume Light Sound (Hanging).

Tuba Orchestra: Nan Naika VS Fujiwara Chie (Hanging, pointing to the opposite side, thank you Chie).


"Sure enough, the strength is not enough, so I can only make music together." He turned off the phone screen, rubbed his eyebrows, and laughed after a while, not a wry smile, but a helpless smile that looked at his children's disappointment.

Yu Xianzhi placed the pen carefully and threw himself on the bed again, intending to stare for a while longer.

He had a shallow dream, dreaming that he was planted in the soil, and a gourd vine grew. There were seven gourds on the vine, all of which were his clones, and one of them jumped out and called Grandpa! Team competition begins! Erwa said don't worry, don't worry, watch me beat the scorpion with the cello first...


He wasn't the only one who didn't sleep well that night.

At 4:00 in the morning, Miyamoto Yukiko had arrived at the women's clothing store early and stocked up with the old employees. Although Rie Baizawa persuaded her several times that she didn't need to be so tired, she shook her head, whether it was coolie or coolie.

The old employees didn't like to see her at first, thinking that she was a delicate and tender young lady who couldn't endure hardships, but gradually changed their minds towards her, they were more willing to communicate with her, and could usually tell jokes.

This is an ordinary person's day, she has never experienced it, she is experiencing it, the world is turning every day, some people are in high positions and worry day and night, some people are stuck in the quagmire and look up at the stars, she gradually finds that life will change, people are the same, no one will remain the same.

The unbearable hardships and unbearable humiliations in the past were the same, and she gradually became familiar with them and accepted them all.

Now the happiest time of the day is to settle wages in the evening, sitting in the Nissan 240SX car, counting the banknotes one by one in front of the lights, which money is used to buy winter clothes for Yu Xianzhisheng, and which is used for him Buying toys, although he doesn't seem to like toys, there are nutrition expenses and life insurance expenses for the coming year...

Although she knew that Yu Xianzhi had everything, news about him would be broadcast on TV, and the old employees would often talk about it during their lunch break. She could only give him this, because it was all she had.

The happiest thing in life is that someone loves you all the time. She once got this love, but now she loses it. She doesn't expect to get it again, but she doesn't want Yu Xianzhi to lose it.

It's the only thing she can do, she wants to do it well, even if he doesn't want it.

"Didn't sleep well again?" An old aunt looked at Miyamoto Yukiko.

"Hey." Miyamoto Yukiko rolled up her hair, put on plastic gloves, and unloaded the box from the transport truck and transported it to the store.

Then they are put on the shelves in batches, and the excess goods are moved to the storage room in the back.

At breakfast time, we all talk together.

Miyamoto Yukiko found this very interesting. I used to hold a tea party with the group of Tokyo noble ladies, and everyone talked about those topics - the new products of Paris Fashion Week, the new sea diamond jewelry from Givenchy, etc., and then go to the next one At the tea party venue, we talked about the scandals of the stars, and they plummeted...

The group of aunts had a completely different conversation—whose dog was killed by biting someone yesterday, the price of vegetables has risen, and the fruit shop on East Street has made special offers for the past two days.

Facing the rising sun, Miyamoto Yukiko nibbled at the rice ball and laughed happily while chatting with the aunts. Every time she was eating, an aunt with perm would say, "As expected of the eldest lady, I am lonely. She's also the eldest lady, you see how she eats, she's completely different from us."

Then everyone found out, really, she was so elegant and beautiful when she was eating, and Miyamoto Yukiko blushed, continued to eat in small bites, and then laughed with everyone.

She found that she could live happily after leaving the rich life of the past.

"Xuezi, come here." Bai Ze Rie called her in the store.

"Come on." Miyamoto Yukiko put away the rice balls. She has been having a bad appetite these days, and the rice **** in the morning can't be eaten until noon.

"What's going on recently, you don't think your face is very good?" Bai Ze Rie looked at her face carefully, and whispered, "Is it because of that?"

"That one left early." Miyamoto Yukiko blushed.

"You can't go on like this, or I'll give you a few days off." Bai Ze Rie said.

"No." Miyamoto Yukiko shook his head, "Being with everyone, I feel more at ease."

She has been having a strange dream these days.

The thing happened last Saturday, after Yu Xianzhisheng's third public performance.

That night, she and Bai Ze Rie watched the replay of the game at home, Bai Ze Rie drove away, and she took a shower and slept as usual.

Then it seemed as if something in her body had awakened, and she couldn't fall asleep. She took Yu Xianzhisheng's photo in her arms and looked at it for a long time before she barely fell asleep.

This is a very strange dream.

She became a little girl.

Unfamiliar environment, with Chinese calligraphy hanging on the wall, two men in suits were discussing in front, she instinctively felt that it should have something to do with herself.

She suddenly understood their communication.

"It's out of our control, and the group doesn't need such a person."

"Send her to him, and he will adopt her. If he doesn't do what we ask, the adoption can be replaced by something else. That guy has a lot of self-esteem and can't help but commit suicide."

"It's just an illegitimate child. It's still a mixed-race **** born to a Japanese woman when the owner went to Japan to play. The leader of the Chen family group will still be the third young master. Don't worry about it, he will never know in his life."

Then she was taken to meet a man, who was a very gentle and gentle man. He bought himself pancakes and fruits, and the two sat in the snow to eat food.

"My name is Chen Sheng, how about you?"

"Yukiko." She wrote her name, Yukiko, but he didn't seem to understand.

She was once an orphan in an orphanage, dirty and unadopted.

But in this strange city, she spent two years of extremely happy life. The man bought her a lot of toys, and she wrote the names of the two on them.

'yukiko and doll'

'Yukiko and the game console'

'Hong Kong Disneyland Tickets for Yukiko'

At the last glance, he looked like he jumped down from a 26-story building. She didn't look down, but she also jumped down, like a snow-white bird.

Then she suddenly woke up from her dream and looked up in the moonlight. She felt that something important in her life returned to her body, but it drifted further and further away like moonlight.


six in the morning.

Yu Xianzhi was awakened by the ringing of his mobile phone. He looked at the unfamiliar number on the screen and felt as if he was dreaming. There was a remote-controlled racing car that children were looking forward to. When he opened his eyes the next day, he found that his parents did not know when to put that Cool packaging on the side of the pillow.

The premonition is very strong, it should be her.

Life has to go through many turning points, ranging from working, buying a house, and settling down, to just a phone call.

He pressed the answer button.

This is an eternal warm call, God sent him the first perfect girlfriend in his life.

"Good morning, Yu Xianjun." A girl's soft voice came from the phone, "I'm Huaniaofengyue."

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