MTL - The Mightiest Leveling System-Chapter 5672

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Back on the ground, Long Fei couldn't calm down for a long time.

This result is a bit unbelievable, and Long Fei never thought that it would be such a result. Looking at Qingying around him, Long Fei thought a little.

"Don't use this face to me? I've seen through your disguise a long time ago." Long Fei said.

Qingying trembled: "You already saw it."

"Of course, the power of eternity is like nothing in front of me. If I can't see through your disguise, how can I be a fool?" Long Fei said.

But as soon as these words fell, Qingying's eyes changed, looking at Long Fei with disgust, as if thinking of something.

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, seeing this change in expression inexplicably. But soon, Long Fei also understood: "I'm talking about being a fool, not a fool."

This is a big misunderstanding.

Long Fei felt that his thinking was ahead of his time, and that one sentence actually caused such a misunderstanding.

But it doesn't matter, in a sense, Qingying is also her own woman. Just a woman of her own lifetime.

But Long Fei also has his own concerns in his heart. After all, this kind of thing is just a statement. Whether it is his first life or not, Long Fei has no idea in his heart.

"Forget it, it's up to you. If you like this face, just use this one. Let's send you out to the Eternal Land first." Long Fei said.

The next thing is very dangerous, Long Fei does not intend to let Qingying continue to participate.

"Didn't you say let me hang out with you?" Qingying asked instead.

"But the next step is very dangerous. You can't imagine the road I'm going to take." Long Fei explained.

"I know, aren't you already doing it? The creation has already been done." Qingying said.

Long Fei: ...

Is rebellion so easy? Is it possible to pass it with a simple sentence?

Just yet?

"Look at the four of them? What was the result of the rebellion?" Long Fei pointed at Zhao Ling and the others.

This is a living example.

The idea of ​​Qingying is very dangerous. Rebellion is a life-threatening attack. At that time, these four people failed, and then they fell into eternity, and their spirits were suppressed for a long time.

"You are different from them." Qingying said.

"What's the difference? Although I am a little bit handsome and a little bit stronger, I am actually an ordinary person." Long Fei said with a dagger.

But as soon as the voice fell, he found that Qingying was staring at him.

"The face is still a little thick."

Qingying was also speechless. At first, he thought Long Fei was serious, but he didn't expect to be so frivolous in the blink of an eye.

"I'm just telling the truth." Long Feijian frowned and said lightly.

"Well, I believe it. So, I won't go." Qingying continued.

Long Fei sighed.

Although she didn't want Qingying to get involved, Qingying was determined and he couldn't change it.

After a while, the two came before the crowd.

Many people still have hatred and disgust in their eyes.

There is no cure for such people, they have completely sunk under the influence of eternal power, bowing their heads willingly.

"What are you going to do?" Qingying asked at this time.

Although Long Fei only made a few shots, she could see that Long Fei was not an indecisive person.

"This kind of eternity is not as good as destruction. I will expel them from the power of eternity who have never lost their nature. If their nature has completely fallen, I will free them." Long Fei said.

Redeem life!

This is the requirement of the system task, but in fact, sometimes, destruction is also a kind of redemption.

No help. Now that the Tianjia has been destroyed, their eyes are still full of hatred and hatred, which has already explained everything, and they have regarded Long Fei as an enemy in their hearts. There is no cure for this man.

"Yes, destruction is also a kind of new life. But I am more curious about those who have not been wiped out, how are you going to redeem them." Qingying said.

Because she has the jade pendant of the wrath of the sky, she is very clear that some of these people still maintain their original intentions and have not been affected by the power of eternity.

However, this eternal power is extremely mysterious, and ordinary power cannot be disintegrated at all.

"Look at it."

Long Fei smiled lightly.

In an instant, Long Fei's figure rose directly into the air.

The next moment, Long Fei stretched out his hand.

The eternal sky that seemed to be static suddenly gave birth to a red light, followed by a murmur like the sound of chanting the avenue.

The heavens celebrate the cloud, the voice of the ruler.

Two kinds of forces appeared, and the eyes of everyone in the field changed immediately, and they raised their heads in confusion.

But at the moment when they looked up, Long Fei swayed freely, and the light of eternal life came directly.

Under the illumination of the light of eternal life, everyone in the field changed color. Some people wailed in pain, and under the light of eternal life, their bodies gradually collapsed as if they were being burned by flames.

And the vast majority of people who appeared this kind of picture, their bodies collapsed and disappeared between the heavens and the earth visible to the naked eye.

Others struggled in pain, as if two forces were hedging in their bodies.

Some resisted, some failed, and finally became fly ash.

But this ratio is staggering. There are millions of people in the entire Tianye City, but none of them really survives.

But fortunately, Zhao Ling's dead have resisted. Moreover, they were the first to wake up. And their memories are still there, knowing exactly what happened during this time.

"Thank you for saving your life!"

The four of them knelt down in unison, their eyes full of gratitude.

What Long Fei is doing now is what they wanted to do back then. Now that they have recovered their nature, the first time they naturally express their gratitude.

But the vast majority fell into silence. Because the power of immortality and the power of eternity are like two extreme powers that are hedging in their thinking.

In the void, Long Fei withdrew his hand, and the light of eternal life dissipated.

He has already done what he needs to do, and the rest is up to them.

"Ding, congratulations on completing the phased task, completing the first step of the rebellion, task progress: 2%!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player for getting the reward, the secret under Tianye City."

"Ding, the player has revealed the secret, and the reward has been cancelled."

The system sound reappears.

Long Fei: ...

The whole person froze in place, cancel?

Damn, if you solve this secret yourself, can the reward be canceled?

"System, are you a dog? The reward can be canceled even if it can be said to be canceled?" Long Fei was quite speechless.

This is also the first time in history. The system may have been a dog before, but the rewards that should be given have never been less. But now it's better, just cancel it.

"Ding, the mission continues to advance, please advance the mission progress to 50% within one month, otherwise it will be judged failure."

"Ding, given that the player has mastered the secrets between the cities of the Eternal Land, all the rewards are temporarily cancelled. After the player has advanced the task to 50%, the system will issue a one-time reward."

The system ignored Long Fei, but fired a new mission.

Then, the system sound disappeared. "Really dog. In just one month, 50% advance? It seems that the system is also in a hurry."

Read Ultimate Level 1