MTL - The Mightiest Leveling System-Chapter 5654

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Long Fei's voice was mechanically cold, causing Tian Qi to fall into a state of confusion.

He never thought that he would see Long Fei again in this attitude.

"Master, don't make trouble, I'm dying now." Tian Qi showed the fear of a teenager, his tone was helpless, even with a wry smile.

Perhaps only in front of Long Fei would he show this scene.

After all, he was only a teenager.

Now in the eyes of outsiders, he is a madman who is not afraid of death, but this is just an appearance to cover up the panic and unwillingness in his heart.

"You also know that you are dying, so don't hurry to make a choice. Hurry up and accept the novice gift package." Long Fei's voice continued to appear, without the slightest emotion.

"This... is probably my fantasy." Apocalypse said, still can't believe the emergence of this so-called system.

Immediately, a look of melancholy appeared in his eyes.

"Xin'er should be dead. Then I should be dying now. No matter if I die, there will be no more pain when I die." Tian Qi continued to think in his heart.

In the emptiness, Long Fei looked at Tian Qi, who had already lied down, and was completely speechless. He and the system worked so hard to create a system for him, but he didn't want it?

It was difficult to find the two pressures of the Zhao family and the Wang family, which can make him look like a desperate situation, and let him in infinite despair, a logical awakening system, and then start the road to destruction.

It's good that he doesn't want to!

He wanted to beg for death.

"No, who will take the road of destruction if you die." Long Fei was anxious. Immediately, look at Tianxin.

"Do you want to save your brother?" Long Fei asked.

"Think, of course I don't want my brother to have an accident." Tian Xin looked forward to it. Of course she didn't want to see Apocalypse in crisis. But in this environment, she can't get out at all. If she could, she would rather live and die with Apocalypse.

"Then you will be the system!" Long Fei said.

For Tianqi, the biggest obsession in his heart is Tianxin. As long as Tianxin is there, he will have the desire to live.

For Apocalypse, after all, I have too little contact, and more of a kind of respect. If it is impossible to give up, it is impossible.

"System? What do you mean?" Tian Xin was stunned, not knowing what Long Fei meant.

"It's very simple." Long Fei thought, and handed over all the system permissions to Tianxin. As for Tianxin's shock after seeing this system, Long Fei didn't have time to think about it. Apocalypse is dying, there is no time to think about it so much, if you wait any longer, Apocalypse will surely die.

" are going to let my brother ruin the world." Tian Xin was so shocked, his eyes became indifferent. At this moment, Long Fei immediately became a big devil in his eyes, otherwise how could he create such a crazy thing.

"I don't have time to explain to you, and you have no choice. You can refuse, but the consequence of your refusal, your brother will die. If Apocalypse dies, the world will have no meaning to me. I will find a **** Kai, a ground Kai, a magic Kai, start over." Long Fei said, the truth is mixed.

Tianxin fell silent, caught in a dilemma. If she doesn't choose, her brother will die, but if she accepts it, Apocalypse will become a murderer and a destroyer in the future.

She couldn't decide at all.

But at this moment, in the line of sight, a sword light, a sword shadow once again enveloped the apocalypse.

"I do!"

Tianxin agreed immediately.

Long Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, agree, otherwise it will be useless even if you shoot yourself. The existence of Apocalypse is implicated in system tasks. If Apocalypse does not accept the system this time, it will be useless to destroy the world by himself. If the system tasks cannot be completed, he will have to die.

Fortunately, now Tianxin agreed.

With Apocalypse's concern for Tianxin, even if he doesn't want to believe it, he will definitely try it.

In the next moment, Long Fei directly gave Tianxin the elements of system control, and explained to Tianxin the integrity and ability of a system spirit.

It can be said that from this moment, Tianxin is the spirit of the system.

The only liberating force is for Kai to complete the task.

But that's fine, it's not too bad to be able to accompany Tian Qi in such a way.

Long Fei let out a sigh, then exited the nothingness, and handed over the system to Tianxin to take care of it.

On the other hand, when the voice of the heart appeared in his mind that day, Tian Qi chose to accept it without saying a word.

At the same time he chose to accept it, a hurricane exploded directly in the field, and instantly wrapped its figure a hundred meters away.

"how so?"

"Where did the demon wind come from, who is doing it, this is the person my Wang family is going to kill, who dares to stop it?"

Just for a moment, swords, lights, swords and shadows staggered, and as long as it fell, Apocalypse was certain to die. But I didn't expect that in the nick of time, there would be a change, and someone in Tianqi would rescue him. To be able to display this method under the power of the two of them is unimaginable.

But how do they know that this is just a trick in the novice gift bag.

Destruction hurricane.

At the same time, there is also a Shiquan Dabu pill in the gift bag, no matter how serious the injury is, it can make people recover to the peak in an instant.

Apocalypse is like that at this time.

Tianxin didn't die, so he naturally didn't want to die by himself. After destroying the hurricane, he swallowed the medicinal pill in one bite, and then returned to its peak state at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This scene shocked the people in the field even more, they never thought it would be such a situation.

How can a person who is dying suddenly recover completely.

But then, there is infinite fear.

"Which senior is it? This son and our family have a life-and-death feud. I also ask the seniors to give face and don't stop me."

"Senior, behind us is the Tianwu Sect, please don't embarrass us in the face of the Tianwu Sect."

The Wang Family Patriarch and the Zhao Family Patriarch spoke one after another.

The changes in Tian Qi's body are unbelievable and completely incomprehensible.

However, there was no response in the void.

Only Apocalypse walked step by step with a long spear.

While walking, the long spear in his hand stomped slightly to the ground.

Click click!

A crisp sound appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a layer of the surface of the spear in his hand began to fall off, and finally turned into a black spear with some indescribable mysterious light flashing on it, full of destructive properties.

Yes, this is the third reward of this novice gift package, unlocking the first layer of the one hundred seals of the Burning Quiet Long Spear.

One hundred and eight seals, one layer represents a level of cultivation.

And Tian Qi, this time the cultivation base has truly entered the world of cultivation.

"Don't look, no one shot. Next, I will send you to destruction." Apocalypse seemed to be reborn, and the icy eyes exuded the light of destruction.

From this moment on, he truly incarnates... a destroyer.

Read Return of the Mount Hua Sect
Read Ultimate Level 1
Read The Girl Who Reincarnated as a Vampire Heiress