MTL - The Martial Emperor with Dragon Blood-v8 Chapter 5329 : The peak of the gods

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The latest chapter of Emperor Dragon Blood

A piece of star, there are countless worlds in the world, and every big world has hundreds of millions of creatures.


A lot of warriors looked at the golden figure, and there was a horror in his eyes.

Because they have already seen the golden figure, constantly using the white light ball in their hands, constantly absorbing the strong.

"no, do not want!"

One of the warriors shook his head again and again, and his eyes sparkled with horror.

"You are only a living being of the eternal era. The meaning of your existence is to make the Emperor stronger. Only when the Emperor becomes stronger, this heaven and earth will be stronger."

During the speech, the white light ball flashed like a whirlpool. Thousands of warriors, all sucked in, a lot of blood, shot out, dyed the whole space into a **** color.

The face of Emperor Tiandi was also dyed red with a hint of bloodthirsty.

"You shouldn't blame the Emperor. You should blame the gang. Originally, you can spend an eternal era safely and securely. However, your meaning is to provide the Emperor with far-reaching power."

In the moment, the Emperor of the East Emperor absorbed all the tens of thousands of warriors, and the **** picture was like hell.

Heaven has formulated the heavens to maintain the eternal era. However, for its own strength, Heaven has arbitrarily killed those creatures and deprived them of the right to survive.

This kind of heavenly way is inherently contrary to humanity.

Of course, Heaven is originally cold and ruthless.

To erase the tens of thousands of creatures, the mood of the Emperor of the East Emperor did not waver in the slightest, as if it was a trivial matter.

Later, he went to another place, madly absorbed, and all the military were included in his heavenly ball.

Basically, every Star Age, he will be able to erase all the weapons of the Stars, and wait until the Stars are broken, and new creatures will be born.

Next, within a few decades, the Emperor of the East Emperor went to dozens of eternal eras, obliterating the creatures, do not know how many.

In these decades, the eternal era has completely fallen into hell.

In the past few decades, the anti-Tianmeng alliance has also tried to break through the stagnation of the eternal era, but it has no use at all.

Unless there is a sacred artifact, it is impossible to break the day.

At this time, many powerful people understand why the Emperor of the East Emperor wants to exile the three pieces of the sacred artifacts into time and space.

Without the three pieces of the sacred artifact, they could not stop the plan of the Emperor.

In the past few decades, the gods and gods have been very peaceful, and the practice of cultivation has only changed dramatically.

Many gods have already known that the Temple of Heaven has ceased to exist. They do not know that the Emperor of Heaven is the Heavenly Way and the embodiment of the rules of heaven and earth.

Moreover, the anti-Tianmeng alliance did not say the secret of the Tao. If it could not be said, the whole world would definitely be really chaotic.

Because they are used to practicing the heavens, and if they cultivate their power, they will be easily recovered.

at the same time!

Ye Mo’s cultivation in the snow pool is also really at the last moment. His whole body has been completely turned into an ice sculpture, and his whole body is transparent.

If you stand in front of him, you can even see that the ninety-nine of his body is in constant motion.

At this time, the speed of the turn of the ninety-nine turns began to turn wildly. In a flash, it almost turned into a beam of light, and finally it broke directly and turned into a chaos.

However, in this chaos, a new space has been re-opened, which is actually a snowy area.


Ye Mo's eyes opened fiercely, and the transparent state of his body recovered. As for the energy in the snow pool, he was completely absorbed by him.

He flew directly out of the snow pool and landed on the edge of the snow pool. He said: "At last, it is the sacred body of the wild, the snowy body of the wild, and now my body has truly integrated into the snow."

He now tempered this sacred sacred body, not only enhanced the defense, the strength of the ancestors, and no longer broke out.

"I don't know how strong I am now, how strong can I be?"

Ye Mo's hands were stretched out, and in one hand, a dragon was suspended, and the other hand was suspended with a black gas.

Ye Mo, now 40 years ago, the strength has increased too much. At that time, he was just a deserted realm. Now, he truly inherits the power of the ancestors, the chaos and the horror of the ascension. To the extent of the peak of the gods.

Today's Ye Mo, let him fight with Tian Da, and he will be able to defeat it.

Of course, with his current strength, it is still difficult to fight with the Sun and Moon.

The sun and the moon will be the same as the peak of the gods, but the sun and the moon will be their own, but the real Taikoo warfare will not be destroyed, let alone the peak of the wild gods, even if it is even more powerful, it will be hard to beat. .

We must know that the strength of Zulong has actually reached the peak of the wild animal, but it is almost impossible to fight against the sun and the moon.

However, Ye Mo believes that as long as he has created a brand new weapon, perhaps he will be able to fight with the Sun and Moon.

Thinking of this, he also went directly to the school tower and came to the fourth floor.

I saw the snow beast sitting on the ground, constantly covering my head, saying: "Awry, annoying!"

"Snow beast predecessors, what happened to you?"

Ye Mo asked.

The snow beast saw Ye Mo, but also a slight surprise, said: "It seems that you have successfully inherited the strength of the ancestors, but also tempered the wild snow domain, not bad, better than the results I expected!"

Originally, according to his estimation, Ye Mo will take at least 50 years, or even longer, to be able to do it.

I can't think of for 40 years, I have successfully completed the cultivation.

"I have already helped you build a weapon. However, there is still something missing. I thought for more than a year and finally found the problem. Your weapon seems to be shorter."

The snow beast said: "I don't have any material, I can extend your weapon, but if I don't reach the most powerful power, I will not be satisfied."


Ye Mo’s heart moved and could not help but say: “I have a material here.”

During the speech, he took out the other half of the Emperor's gods, and if the snow beast did not remind him, he really forgot.

"Haha, not bad!"

The snow beast saw the other half of the Emperor's gods, and grabbed it. He said, "This is right!"

[The new book can already be searched in the qq reading "Wuwu Qiankun", the protagonist is the first person in Taikoo, Zhang Mofan, his legendary story]

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