MTL - The Martial Emperor with Dragon Blood-v8 Chapter 5324 : Ancient Snowy Area

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The latest chapter of Emperor Dragon Blood

“I am the most risky, but most likely to succeed?”

Ye Mo’s glimpse, in the heart, is also a huge wave of the sky, the countless results of the future, actually all failed?

And the emperor is going to seek a result that is likely to turn over in countless results.

"Yes, because what you master is the power of rebellion, it is most likely to turn over, but the risk is also great, just like our current situation, the sun and the moon will have been chased."

The ruined ancestors frowned, and did not seem to think that this day the demon will actually catch up directly.

Originally, by his means, he could successfully send Ye Mo out of the storm of time and space before he fell.

However, now the Sun and the Moon will catch up and may not be able to make him succeed.

"The moon will be demonized, and it seems to have deliberately kept a distance from us!"

Ye Mo looked at the distant time and space storm, could not help but say.

After seeing the ancestors of the ruins, they could not help but frown, feeling strange. This time and space storm is very powerful. Even if the strongest level of the gods is involved, it is impossible to get out of it.

However, the Sun and the Moon will be able to do it, and even he can remain stable in this countercurrent.

"We are now, immediately find a lost time and space, go to the past, and then, when the time comes, after I fall, you will refine my statue."

Said the ancestors of the ruins.

"What? Refine your statue?"

Ye Mo understood the meaning of the ancestors of the ruins. I am afraid that the ancestors of the ruins had long guessed that only he would follow.

"Yes, after refining my statue, your eternal body will surely be strengthened again. At that time, you should not be afraid of the impact of time and space. Perhaps you can find the three pieces of the wild artifact."

Said the ancestors of the ruins.


Wen Yan, Ye Mo nodded, his face slightly dignified, this ruined ancestor, is the Sun and Moon will be resurrected, but only one day.

When time is up, he will be transformed into a statue.

Time and space storms continue to boast in time and space. In the end, the ruins of the ruins chose a lost time and space, and Ye Mo jumped directly into the countercurrent.

The cold wind entered the knife and slid away.

Here, it is a piece of snow, surrounded by white awns.

The ruined ancestors took Ye Mo and went directly to a snowy world.

The ruins of the ruins landed down and said: "Here, it should be the ancient snowy area, an area of ​​the ancient times."

"Is it too ancient?"

Ye Mo was slightly surprised, how and where, can be linked to the ancient times.

"Since the age of Taikoo has fallen, I have used the Kaitian sword to open a new era. Many areas of the ancient times have been lost in the turbulence of time and space. It is perhaps an opportunity for you to come here."

Said the ancestors of the ruins.

Ye Mo felt a little, and the snow was blowing around, which made people feel very quiet. He had some concerns about Master. Now, it seems to have forgotten everything.

Never a moment, Ye Mo was so quiet.

At this moment, looking at the whole snowy area, the vast land is connected to the sky, and all of them are white, and people's sights are somewhat blurred.

Here, people can't see the space, all of them are white.

The ruins of the ruins of the ruins took Ye Mo forward and said: "Now, the most important thing for us is to find the old site here. It is said that the people who lived here are the ancient people of Xuezuo. They have a natural mastery. If you can cultivate it, there is a huge improvement in your strength."

When the ruins of the ruins said this, Ye Mo recalled it. When he read the books of the gods, he saw some rumors about the ruins.

It’s a wasteland, but it’s a top-notch existence.

At that time, the Emperor of the Emperor had cast a school of extinction.

“Where is the old site?”

Ye Mo curiously asked.

"You ask me, I don't know, walk slowly, feel with your heart."

The ruined ancestors said slowly.

Ye Mo was slightly surprised. He could feel that the ruined ancestor seemed to have reached a very powerful realm. Of course, this realm is not a force, but a change of state of mind.

At least, he can't do it now. For example, the old site that they are looking for, he can't find it, but he will not be anxious.

This is the gap in the realm.

Two gods, I don’t know how long I have been walking in the snow. I suddenly found out that there is no falling snow in this area.

This scene makes them feel very strange.

Continue to walk, and start to snow up again, but from time to time, there are some areas, there is no falling snow.

This strange scene seems to imply something.

"I understand!"

Ye Mo Meng was shocked and said: "There is no area where snow falls. It seems to form a passage. If we walk along the area where there is no falling snow, we should be able to find the old site."

"It should be."

The ruined ancestors nodded, and he also guessed this way.

Two days, the **** walked along the area where there was no snow. After three hours, at the end of the line of sight, a huge ice arch bridge appeared.

The other side of the arch bridge is actually a huge ice palace.

"The ancient people of the Xue people were also killed by the three great devils. Now, it should be an empty palace."

The lord of the ruins said that he had just stepped out and found himself starting to petrify, and his body was covered with a layer of earthy gray stone.

After Ye Mo saw it, he was also shocked. He said: "It’s not time for the ancestors to come?"

"It should be time, and the next journey is made by yourself. Remember, fearless in your heart can be invincible."

After the ancestors of the ruins, they completely turned into a statue.

Ye Mo squatted down bowed a few times against the ancestors of the ruins, and they stood up directly and took the statue away.

He did not have much fluctuations in the fall of the ancestors.

Continue on, through the arch bridge, onto a thick layer of ice.

He looked at the front and said: "The ancient ruins, I don't know where I can, I can't cultivate the ancient people of the ancient people."


At this time, Ye Mo suddenly discovered that the dragon-shaped jade that Zu Long gave him, actually began to emit blood.

"what happened?"

Ye Moyi twisted his eyebrows and said: "Is it true? In this ancient site, there is a ancestral inheritor?"

At the beginning, Zu Long gave him this dragon-shaped jade, told him that this jade can help him find other Zulong inheritors.

Today, this jade produces induction, perhaps, the Zulong inheritor is really possible, just in this snow.