MTL - The Martial Emperor with Dragon Blood-v8 Chapter 5322 : East Emperor's Power

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The latest chapter of Emperor Dragon Blood

"Okay, we cooperate!"

Ye Mo promised that he was also very happy. Now, the evil palace is also aware of the power of the Heavenly Palace.

Together with the alliance, we will first wipe out the heavens and then talk about it. As for the things that follow, we will talk again.

Nowadays, the forces of the Quartet can be described as a real alliance. Of course, in the face of the Emperor of Heaven, the ancient Heavenly Man did not dare to do it. They majored in Heaven. Once Heaven was taken back, they were completely finished.

"Hey, if you can join hands, how can you, the Emperor use the East Emperor's Seal, suppress all the embers, who dares to approach?"

The Emperor of the East Emperor sneered again and again, and then he looked at the Queen Mother, saying: "After the day, release the Hellfire Beast."


After the Tian Niang Niang hand wave, the entire space turned into a huge sea of ​​fire, a giant beast, but also slowly emerged from the sea of ​​fire, it is the Hellfire beast of the top ten ancient wild animals.

The Hellfire beast appeared, screaming a few times, the sound of the sky, let all the strong, his face changed greatly.

It is directly guarded in front of the big array, and any one that is close to the big one will become its target.

"It’s good. I will refine the three great sacred artifacts and deal with you again."

The Emperor of the East Emperor said that he rushed directly into the center of the tactics and wanted to refine the three artifacts in front of many masters.

This method, the general god, still really dare not approach, plus the guard of the **** fire beast, who dare to approach?

"Who can hold the **** fire beast?"

Emperor Wuji’s eyes flashed.

"Let me go!"

Ye Mo armed with a long gun, directly rushed to the Hellfire beast, and a gun was worn through, forming a killing force, swaying toward the Hellfire beast.


Hellfire God beast roared, and a claw gathered a fierce offensive, hardly picking up a shot of Ye Mo, two horrible attacks, constantly colliding.

The aftermath rushed into the air, and the space around it began to oscillate. Finally, it began to produce holes.

"What is the existence of the Hellfire Beast? Can you easily attack Yemo's attack?"

Many masters saw this scene, but also scared a big jump, did not think that, the **** fire beast is so powerful, change yourself, it is simply unable to hold back, but the **** fire beast can easily block.

What kind of beast is this?

“It’s the ninth wild animal!”

Ye Mo smiled and said: "The Emperor Wuji predecessor, this wild beast will be handed over to me."

"Very good, all the masters, with me to shoot, attack the big battle together, weaken the power of the array, wait for me to force the power of the East Emperor, a blow to break this battle."

The emperor did not scream a lot, directly rushed to the past, many powerful, but also one by one to pass the **** fire beast.

The Hellfire beast originally wanted to intercept those strong, but it was pinned down by Ye Mo.

It roared again and again, but it could not break through Ye Mo’s offensive.

Ye Mo's current strength, want to defeat the Hellfire beast, is very difficult, but, if you want to contain it, naturally there is no problem.

The Emperor of the East Emperor felt a lot of strong people and rushed over together. He also shouted loudly: "All elders of the emperor are working hard, and in any case, they must keep the Emperor."

Those elders of the emperor were all outbreaks, and all the heavens in the body came out and they fought for the Emperor.

In particular, the Donghuang Da Yin, which suppresses the big array, is also constantly turning.

However, the ancient savages, the evil palaces and the strongmen of the eternal gates also broke out. They all fought a lot of gods and bombarded them in the formation.

Time, the huge array of law, began to madly twisted, but the East Emperor's seal began to sway again, one by one, covered in the formation, the achievement of the iron barrel defense.

"Continue to attack!"

Huang Wuji said that behind him, there is also a golden shadow that emerges from a stage, like an emperor, full of pressure.

In his hand, holding a golden sword, slowly lifted.

Many masters, once again rushed to the big array, the big array, and began to twist.

Donghuang Da Yin, once again want to repair the defense of the big array.

Unfortunately, it is already late.

The golden shadow, at this time, strangled a sword, the power of the horrible East Emperor, gathered a peerless blow, and rushed to the big array.


The big array was directly divided into two, and the elders of the emperor all flew out, and the blood rushed.

The big array was disintegrated, and the East Emperor’s seal was constantly spinning, and it was suppressed against the Emperor Wuji.

However, the shadow of the Emperor Wuji, behind him, once again moved, the long sword was killed and smashed, and constantly collided with the East Emperor.

Under a few tricks, the Emperor of the East, I dare not act.

"The big battle is broken, I will help you protect and take away three artifacts!"

Huang Wuji said.

In his view, only Ye Mo can collect these three artifacts, because Ye Mo has mastered the power of rebellion, and the arrogance of the power of rebellion has reached a very terrible level.

As for him, he may not be able to collect artifacts.

Ye Mo saw it, and no longer entangled with the Hellfire beast. The body swept and disappeared instantly. The next moment, he appeared behind Tiandao and walked away with a shot.


This gun directly penetrated the body of the Emperor.


The Emperor of the East Emperor was completely angered, his body swelled, and countless white light burst out directly, tumbling in the air.

The white light was also reunited to form the illusion of the Emperor of the East Emperor. He said, "The Emperor won't get three artifacts. You can't think of it. The Emperor will banish it in the opposite direction of time and space. Among them, see who you dare to take."

Between the words, he waved his hand, and a large piece of empty space was torn apart. The storm of time and space began to sweep out. In an instant, the three artifacts were rolled Oops! ”

After seeing the ancestors of the ruins, they resisted the sorrows of the sun and the moon, and the whole body rushed toward the air storm at that time, and finally rushed into the storm of time and space.

"Who is here?"

From the time and space storm, the ancestors of the ruins explored a head and snorted.

It is said that many powerful people are taking a few steps back, time and space storms. This is not a general storm. Once it is scraped, it is impossible to return to reality.

Many strong people have not been killed, but they have been exiled to the time and space. There is no end.

"I go!"

Ye Mo’s eyes flashed, and it was directly rushed to the past. At that time, the air was counter-current, and even if it was dangerous, he would have to take a trip. Moreover, those ancestral inheritors were exiled to the time and space by the heavens.

Perhaps this is an opportunity to find a ancestral inheritor.