MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 5

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"Da Vinci, don't worry."

"My intelligence cannot be questioned."

"No, you are wrong.",

"I'm not wrong, and I can't be wrong."

midnight. . . . . . . Looking at the extremely confident Da Vinci beside her, Ling Ye couldn't help but burst into tears at this moment.

"Da Vinci, I mean! Don't go that way, that's not the way to my house!! The road to my house is this way!??"

Dear Vinci. . . . . . . "Well, there are thousands of paths to success, this time, let the little master guide me."

Looking at Da Vinci beside her, Ling Ye couldn't help but sigh at this moment, isn't his assistant a bit of a genius?

Ten minutes later, Ling Ye brought Da Vinci back to his bookstore, and just as Ling Ye opened the door, a small body rushed towards Ling Ye.

Ling Ye stretched out his hand to grab it, and Ling Ye embraced this small body in his arms.

"Oni-chan, you're finally back. Sakura is so scared that you won't come back." Sakura buried her head in Ling Ye's arms. Xiao Ying, Ling Ye couldn't help but pat her on the back lightly to comfort her.

"Okay, it's just an old bug, can it still hurt me?" Ling Ye said disdainfully, while talking, he also looked at Da Vinci, who was looking at him curiously.

"Dear Da Vinci, there are several rooms upstairs. I'll find one for you. I'll take care of you from now on. This is my sister, Sakura."

Ling Ye introduced the little Lolita in her arms, and upon hearing Ling Ye's words, Da Vinci smiled softly. "Okay, then I won't bother you, I'll go to decorate my room first."

After Da Vinci finished speaking, she slowly went upstairs. Ling Ye's current manga system is still at a low level, so the layout of this small bookstore is the simplest. The first floor is a bookstore, and the second floor has six rooms. The kitchen and a room for Ling Ye, there are four rooms for Da Vinci to choose.

Seeing Da Vinci kissing her upstairs, Ling Ye patted Little Lolita's little butt. "Okay little girl, you are safe now, now, you can go upstairs and choose a room."

Hearing Ling Ye's words, little Lolita pulled Ling Ye's sleeve in fear. "Oni-chan, Sakura is scared, can Sakura sleep with Oni-chan tonight?"

Looking at the terrified Sakura in front of her, Ling Ye also understood that it was no wonder that Sakura was not afraid of being so scared by Matou Zouken. Let her sleep alone tonight, she would definitely have nightmares.

Thinking of this, Ling Ye walked towards his room with Xiao Ying in his arms.

"Okay, tonight, you can sleep with your brother."


Xiao Ying nodded obediently, and then hugged Ling Ye's arm even harder, because at this moment, Xiao Ying understood that from now on, only Ling Ye was left as her relative. *

Chapter Fourteen

"Ah, it's another beautiful day." Ling Ye stretched, and then silently opened his eyes. In his arms, Sakura, who was wearing a bunny pajamas, curled up and lay there.

Looking at the sleeping little Lolita, Ling Ye couldn't help opening his big mouth and biting the little Lolita's little nose.

"Okay little girl, it's time to get up."

"Well, sister, don't make trouble." Little Loli turned over, and then left Ling Ye a small butt, hey, this little girl might think that she is still at home now.

Suddenly, Sakura also seemed to react. "Ah, oh Ni-chan!" Xiao Ying jumped up from the bed, and she just remembered that now, she is at Ling Ye's house, and at this moment, Xiao Ying was lying on the bed, and then kept drawing circles with her little hands, Obviously, this little loli is very embarrassed now.

Seeing Sakura like this, Ling Ye smiled slightly, then reached out and patted the little **** the head.

"Okay, wake up, it's time for us to go out for breakfast." After Ling Ye finished speaking, he got dressed and left the room. When Ling Ye came, Little Loli lay down on Ling Ye with a happy face. above the big bed.

"Is this Brother Ling Ye's embrace? This feeling is so comfortable." Hey, little Lolita, your situation is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will become a brother-controller, you know?

Ignoring Xiao Ying on this side, Ling Ye knocked on the door of Da Vinci's room on the other side.

"Please come in."

After Da Vinci's voice sounded, Ling Ye opened the door and walked in. At this moment, in the room, Da Vinci was holding Ling Ye's manga manuscript and reading it.

Those manuscripts are exactly the first five juan of fate/zero that have been drawn, plus the prologue of fgo. When Da Vinci saw Ling Ye coming in, she smiled and shook the comic manuscript in her hand.

"Ling Ye, your imagination is very good."

Listening to Da Vinci's words, Ling Ye looked curiously at Da Vinci's in front of her. If fatezero didn't know, she didn't know, fgo, didn't she notice anything wrong? "Da Vinci, how do you feel about my fgo painting?"

"How is it?" Da Vinci frowned, seeing Da Vinci's expression, Ling Ye shook his head helplessly. "Should I explain it?" Ling Ye was about to speak when Da Vinci suddenly spoke.

"The drawing is very good. The prologue of this fgo is very interesting. Is this your comic?"

Seeing Da Vinci's expression like this, Ling Ye was taken aback, Da Vinci didn't even know about Chaldea! Wait, why does Da Vinci have to know about Chaldea? At this moment, the Da Vinci I summoned probably hasn't gone to Chaldea yet! That's right, Ling Ye realized that he had just entered into a misunderstanding.

Thinking of this, Ling Ye excitedly ran to Da Vinci's face.

"Da Vinci, let me ask you, can you invent?"

Hearing Ling Ye's words, Da Vinci stretched out her finger and tapped Ling Ye's forehead in front of her. Then she said confidently.

"Will it be invented? Please pay attention to your words, my little master, are you questioning the creativity of an inventor?"

Hearing Da Vinci's kiss, Ling Ye breathed a sigh of relief. "So, is there a problem with high-efficiency printing presses?"

"Is this a small invention? Is it enough to print a million copies a day?"

"That's enough." Ling Ye nodded, and then he set his sights on other things. That is, my own comics. "Da Vinci, you should know anime."

"I know, I watched a lot last night." Da Vinci nodded, and his well-developed brain immediately understood what Ling Ye meant.

"You mean, change your manga into an anime?"

"Can it be done?"

"According to the length of your current FZ," Da Vinci picked up the FZ manuscript in front of her and flipped through it. "If a volume is made into an anime, it should take thirty minutes. With my ability, I can make one volume in an hour."

"One hour! One volume!"

According to the anime, Ling Ye divided the entire FZ into 24 volumes, one volume is one episode, other animation companies want to produce a work like FZ, at least hundreds of people need to work overtime for a week to produce one episode, but , one episode, only one hour for Da Vinci?

Thinking of this, Ling Ye couldn't help being stunned. However, Da Vinci didn't notice Ling Ye's expression. At this moment, she was still talking to herself. "It's just that this fgo is a bit huge. It will take at least two hours to express the entire prologue, plus characters, composition, storyboards, coloring, and then mechanically synthesized dubbing. It may take three hours to complete. It's done."

Only need,,, three hours? ? ? ?

At this moment, Ling Ye finally understood what kind of assistant she had, but that's right, he was Leonardo Da Vinci. Apart from the last supper, an existence like the Mona Lisa, for her, painting was not A difficult thing.

Thinking of this, Ling Ye solemnly put his hands on Da Vinci's shoulders, and then said with a serious face, "Da Vinqi, please give me your advice from now on."*

Chapter 15 Emiya Kiritsugu Reading Manga

The new fz has been updated, and countless viewers are waiting for this update at this moment, because the Holy Grail War officially begins at the beginning of this volume.

But at this moment, in an ancient castle wrapped in ice and snow, a person is waiting here silently. This man was wearing a black windbreaker, with neither sad nor happy expression on his face. He was sitting in front of the stool smoking a cigarette, and in front of him, a computer was logging into the page. And beside him, a small figure was pointing at the man beside him with his small hand.

"Kiritsugu, do you like reading manga?"

Emiya Kiritsugu turned his head, and beside him, a little white-haired loli was blinking at Emiya Kiritsugu with her big eyes, and saw the daughter beside him, Emiya Kiritsugu Kiritsugu also showed a fatherly smile.

"I like it, because the information in this manga is very useful." Emiya Kiritsugu certainly doesn't like to read manga, but he attaches great importance to the information. It can be said that among the people participating in the Holy Grail War this time.

Director Ken, a pure magician like Tosaka Tokiomi doesn't even have an interest in reading manga, a priest like Kotomine Kirei doesn't even know how to watch TV, and as for a certain murderer, even thinking about it, he knows he won't like manga. Webber is studying magic at the clock tower and has no time, Kariya Matou? You probably haven't come back yet.

Therefore, there is only one Emiya Kiritsugu left. After all, at this moment, in order to coax his daughter, he will always come up with something to make Illya happy, and manga is one of them. While looking at Illya, he suddenly saw the manga in front of him.

Holy Grail War! Someone turned the Holy Grail War into a caricature, and more importantly, the content of this caricature is exactly the same as his own!

Even the appearance of my king is exactly the same as myself. In the eyes of others, this is just a cartoon, but at this moment, in the eyes of Emiya Kiritsugu, this cartoon is already a piece of highly confidential information.

"Alright, Illya, our manga has been updated, let's read it together." Emiya Kiritsugu put Illya on the chair, and then slowly started to read the manga. . . . . . .

"Wow! Kiritsugu, look, this golden man is so powerful, he actually has so many treasures!"

Illya spoke excitedly, while beside Illya, Emiya Kiritsugu frowned, obviously he had already started thinking about countermeasures.

"Huh? Isn't this mom? She also appeared? Look, mom has arrived in Fuyuki City, and she's bringing Saber with her!"

Illya then looked at it seriously, and as a result, a jaw-dropping thing happened. At this moment, Irisviel actually took my king on a drag racing like a catching shrimp, watching herself crazy in the comics Illya was completely stunned, she pulled Emiya Kiritsugu beside her with her little hand.

"Kiritsugu, mother,,,,, are you so fierce?"

Hearing Illya's words, Emiya Kiritsugu also looked behind him with black hair. At this moment, in that room, Irisviel was exchanging feelings with Arturia. Counting the time, there were less than two The monthly battle is about to start, and I really need to find some time for them to read the manga.

Just when Emiya Kiritsugu was thinking, suddenly, Illya exclaimed! "Kiritsugu, look, mom is fighting with someone!"


Emiya Kiritsugu turned his head directly, did this first battle start with them?

"Illya, wait for me, I'll call someone over right away!" Seeing this, Emiya Kiritsugu hurriedly ran to a room on the side, and not long after, Artoria and Irisviel followed Emiya Kiritsugu walked out.

"What's the matter Kiritsugu? It's so late, why don't you take Illya back to the room to sleep." At this moment, Irisviel looked at Illya beside her complainingly. Daughter thinks.

But at this moment, Emiya Kiritsugu pointed to the computer beside him, then looked at the screen and said to the two.

"I think you two should take a look."

Seeing Emiya Kiritsugu's expression, Irisviel came directly to the computer, then she gently hugged Illya, and then put Illya on her lap.

"Come on, Illya, mom will watch with you."

"En." Illya nodded obediently, and then she and Irisviel started to read manga together, while on the other side, Emiya Kiritsugu looked at the king in front of him.

"Saber, don't you want to watch?"

Hearing Emiya Kiritsugu's words, my king was also taken aback for a moment, she pointed to the manga on the side, and then said, "You mean, let me read this thing called manga together?"


"I'm not interested in comics." My king shook his head, she is a king, except for food and fighting, she is not interested in other things. However, looking at my king like this, Emiya Kiritsugu shook his head.

"I advise you to take a look, because there is actually you in it." *

Chapter 16 My King Reads Comics

"What? I'm here?"

At this moment, my king also walked to the computer with curiosity and began to read this comic.

In the fourth volume of the manga, Ling Ye updated to the most classic battle of guns and swords. In the screen, a man came out, and he pulled his long hair back. It can be seen that this is actually a man with good facial features.

The weapon of the man in front of him is very special, it is a spear that exceeds the height of ordinary people by two meters. Among the regular seven classes, there are Saber, Archer, and "Lancer", known as the "Three Knights". The heroic spirit in front of him must be a servant named Lancer.

What's special is that the weapon in the man's hand is not a long gun. In addition to holding a gun on his shoulder in his right hand, there is also a short gun in his left hand that seems to be only one third of the length of the two-meter long gun.

The manga saw this, Saber, Irisviel and Emiya Kiritsugu looked at each other. "This person must be Lancer." My king said seriously.

"Wait, Saber, don't you doubt the authenticity of this manga?" On the other hand, Irisviel looked at my king in surprise, and suddenly saw the manga with herself as the protagonist. Your first The reaction turned out to be to see what the enemy looked like first? Isn't such a reaction surprising?

But after hearing Irisviel's words, my king looked at Irisviel in front of him as a matter of course, "Isn't this a normal thing? I want to apologize to you, Emiya Kiritsugu, this is called "Soldier of Love" "The man in question must be an outstanding magician like Merlin, otherwise, how could he have predicted so many things."

"This,,,," Emiya Kiritsugu just wanted to refute, however, he thought of the truth in this manga, and in the end, he didn't open his mouth either. "Could it be that this warrior of love is really a prophet?"

With this in mind, everyone continued to watch.

In the comics, the battle between my king and Lancer is extremely fierce. It was a brutal duel that could have been fought only in that distant time.

At this moment, all the audience in front of the manga didn't understand why the battle between just two people would destroy everything nearby to such an extent. Probably because of my king's sword or the gun in Lancer's hand, just a simple collision, everything has been destroyed.

A violent demonic wind was raging on this deserted street, destroying and torturing everything.

The simple collision of just two people can destroy an entire street.

This is the Holy Grail War...

All the audience felt the power of the heroic spirit in the myth. Ancient times and mysteries, magic and legends, are vividly presented in front of all audiences.

Myths are myths.

The violent thunder tore the sky, and the magic power destroyed the earth. The fantasy world is miraculously reproduced in this way.

"This is... the battle between Servants..."

Looking at this battle, the blood of the audience who was reading the comics at the moment was already boiling. Ling Ye's comic skills were too high, and each of these audiences seemed to be standing on the battlefield, witnessing the battle with their own eyes.

For example, at this moment, little Ilya, she could even feel her mother's state of mind at that time. Thinking of this, little Ilya raised her head, and she looked at the mother in front of her, "At that time, in my mother's heart, there must be Excited."

"That's right, if I really fight this person, I will definitely do it." My king on the other side feels the deepest, because she is almost sure that at this moment, she is really fighting against Lancer, and she also Such a fight will definitely be made, and even, my king discovered that the place drawn in this manga is exactly the same as the place where she will draw the sword. "Sure enough, is this warrior of love a real prophet?"

But at this time, Irisviel on the side whispered. "Look, that Lancer is about to use the treasure!"

in comics. At this moment, the seal on Lancer's two-meter spear was gently released. Then, a scarlet spear appeared in the night. There is a surging and violent magic power wrapped around the blade of the gun, this magic power is like an illusory mirage.

After seeing this scene, all the audience's emotions were mobilized again! But at this moment, Emiya Kiritsugu was muttering to himself.

"Is the information about the treasure finally going to appear?"*