MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 439

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That’s right, everyone reacted after hearing Shikamaru’s words, that... the big brother who performed very well off the field today turned out to be a spy of Orochimaru “Then what are you waiting for! Let’s go directly to arrest that guy !"

Inuzuka tooth immediately.

Get excited, catch a mole, this is a very big credit! The catching pharmacist listened to Inuzuka Ya's words, Ling Ye shook his head helplessly.

"Only relying on you, I'm not an opponent right now. That guy's strength is probably not much weaker than Kakashi's."

The strength that Ling Ye knows, that guy has been: Cangzhuo, Kakashi failed to win the opponent, of course, this does not rule out that it is caused by Kakashi's passiveness of 50-50, but this can also be obtained from one In terms of strength, as the left and right hand of Orochimaru, it is really strong.

Looking at the group of Xiaoqiang who were eager to try, Ling Ye couldn't help but said helplessly, "Don't think about it, you can't beat it, and... Konoha should have taken action by now, maybe it's dead now .”

That's right, Ling Ye knew that the third generation had already purchased the moon machine and was secretly watching it, among other things, it must have been exposed now, but he didn't know whether the third generation could keep it.

Thinking of this, Ling Ye looked out the window.

At this moment, in the wilderness of Konoha, a figure is running away quickly, and there are several figures behind him, each of these... They are all wearing masks. Obviously, it is the three Jnin from 3 Anbu who are chasing after them! Still: the one who escaped is still at a loss. So many powerful ninjas appeared! Fortunately, I was always on guard against being exposed, so I was prepared, so I was not caught by these... Anbu, but now he also started to run away quickly up.

Even until now, why did Pharmacist Bai expose himself.

"Strange, what did I do wrong?"

It was impossible for him to think that he had been hiding Konoha for so many years, and what finally exposed him was a manga. If he knew the truth of the matter, he would definitely vomit blood in anger.

", don't... run away, if you let me run away.

What face do we have to go back and meet the three generations of adults!"

The leader of the ninja directly shouted that the strength of Anbu jnin is stronger than that of ordinary ninja, and now there are three 3 Anbe jnin, they are naturally very confident.

And at this moment, suddenly, a figure appeared in front of them. This figure looked extremely thin, and his complexion was also extremely pale. He looked like a sick patient. However, seeing the appearance of this figure The three 3 ninjas were completely stunned, how could they ignore this figure, how could they not recognize this figure! Isn’t this person exactly! One of the three ninjas, Leng Jun Orochimaru? At this moment, the three 3 upper ninjas I want to report this news right away, but it's a pity that although their strength is very strong, they have only one ending when facing the Kage-level Orochimaru.

Swipe! Swipe! Swipe! When everything returned to calm, there were only two corpses of Jonin left on the ground, and this was not over yet, and then three huge pythons appeared out of thin air, and then directly swallowed the two corpses .

And the other one is wrapped around the body of a Jonin and came to Orochimaru.

After everything was dealt with, Orochimaru walked up to him and asked, "Why are you exposed?"

Hearing Dashewan's words, he could only shake his head with a wry smile.


I don't know how I was exposed, because I didn't do anything at all."

If he didn't do anything and listened, Orochimaru also became a bit interested. He has always trusted him, and he didn't expect why he would be exposed at this moment. However, isn't he still alive? Some things, just ask knew.

At this moment, Orochimaru came directly to the last survivor. He didn't ask directly, because he knew that the ninja of Konoha Anbe would never betray Konoha. However, who is the number one scientist of Naruto? I want to know Is it difficult to get information? So, after a magical operation, Orochimaru also obtained all the information he wanted to know, but at this moment, his face became even more surprised, because at this moment, he unexpectedly discovered The exposure was actually because of a manga! After knowing this, Orochimaru couldn't help but feel a little at a loss, "I,,.

Did you fall into some kind of illusion?"


Chapter 1296 ━━ Orochimaru also came to the door

Orochimaru also came to the door, "What happened, what happened, why are you so surprised?"

On the one hand, he looked at Dashewan in front of him incomprehensibly, to be honest, it was the first time he saw Dashewan's expression.

At this moment, Orochimaru also looked at the person in front of him in shock and said, "If I said that someone predicted everything, and then found out that you are a traitor, would you believe it?"

Listening to Orochimaru's words, I was stupefied at the moment. How could it be possible? Is this a joke? This kind of thing is impossible if you think about it. If you don't say anything else, just prophesy. The legendary immortal is It can be predicted, but the best they can do is...predict that there will be a catastrophe in the future, and then the son of the prophecy will come out to save the world. However, if you look at this prophecy, you will know your own affairs at once. Isn't that too accurate?

"I do not believe."

shook his head.

However, seeing that he didn't believe it, Orochimaru sighed helplessly, "I know you don't believe it, but it's a pity, it's true."

Orochimaru said, and then directly changed his appearance, and then, a young woman appeared directly, at this moment, Orochimaru looked at the person in front of him and couldn't help but speak.

"I'm going to that... bookstore, will you go with me or run away first"

Listening to Orochimaru's words, how could he run away in despair, he still doesn't know how he was exposed! At this moment, he directly changed his appearance with the transformation technique, and then he followed Orochimaru left here behind.

Swipe! Swipe! Lingye Bookstore at this moment.

"Okay, don't cut it, just close the door."

Ling Ye ordered him to close the door again, those... Xiaoqiang finally left here, and now Ling Yedou is ready to close the door and go to sleep.

And the same is true if you don't cut it, he just closed it, but at the moment he was about to close the door, a figure walked in directly from the door, followed by a figure behind her, looking at the two people who walked in, if you don't cut it, immediately .

He said, "You two, our bookstore is closed.

Zabuzhan said it was very rude, to be precise, except in front of Ling Ye, he always behaved like this in front of everyone.

Especially now, he finally got off work, but you came in now, did you pay the overtime pay? However, the two people who came in turned a blind eye to Zabuza.

"Excuse me, is Naruto's manga and Tsukiji available here?"

Aunt Snake asked directly, heard the other party's voice, and wanted to drive him out if she didn't kill him, but Ling Ye's voice rang out.

"If you don't chop it up again, give the guest eight things, take them over and wipe them, it won't take a few minutes."

Hearing what Ling Ye said, no matter how bad I am, I am happy, but I still ran over to get the comics. I have no choice but to let others be my own. And seeing how obediently I left, Aunt Snake did too. He looked at Ling Ye in front of him with interest.

"Interesting, when did Konoha have such a strange bookstore?"

Listening to the other party's words, Ling Ye also looked at the other party, and the moment he looked at the other party, Ling Ye laughed.

Transformation is a very good ability, but it is a bit difficult to deceive Ling Ye who has a system.

At this moment, the system's voice rang directly in Ling Ye's mind, "Ding Dong, I found a character, Orochimaru."

Listening to the words of the system, Ling Ye didn't know who the two people in front of him were. He turned on the past view directly, and Ling Ye understood the cause and effect in an instant. Thinking of this, Ling Ye couldn't help laughing, "Oshemaru, you two are being killed. Don’t run away if you find out, don’t you really think that the two of you can compete against the entire Konoha?”

Hearing Ling Ye's words, Dashewan and Dashewan both changed their expressions! What's going on, he was discovered so quickly.

In an instant, he was ready to strike directly, but it was a pity that as soon as his body moved, the beheading sword blocked in front of him.

"Damn! I said who came to our bookstore to make trouble at night! You rest and see how I deal with these two people!"

Zabuzhan said quite confidently, he didn't think he could beat Dashewan, he mainly felt,,, even if he couldn't beat Dashewan, there was Ling Ye behind him, saying that Ling Ye couldn't beat Dashewan, it's a little bit better I don't believe it either, at this moment, Zabu Zhan's performance can be described in four words.

Dogs rely on people's power,,,,,.

Although it doesn't sound good, it's the truth, and looking at the one in front of him, he no longer hides and directly changes back to his original appearance.

He looked coldly at Momoji Zabuchi in front of him and said, "Demon Momoji Zabuza you are here, you think you are the opponent of Oshemaru-sama, you guy, you really want to die!"

Chapter 1297━━Turn the pharmacist pocket into a baby

Turning into babies "Okay, don't cut them, don't be so nervous, in fact, it's not that difficult to deal with them."

Ling Ye directly stopped those who still wanted to make a move, but at this moment, they obediently withdrew their weapons.

Well, that's right, why don't you retract your weapon and pretend to be here for a while... It's really embarrassing to lose in a fight.

Knowing this, the one in front of him hides behind Ling Ye like a douchebag.

"Since Your Excellency already knows my identity, I wonder if Your Excellency can know the purpose of my coming here!"

Orochimaru asked with a gloomy face, maybe he didn't deliberately look gloomy, maybe it's just because his complexion is really not very good.

"Of course, it's just to see if I know your Konoha collapse plan. Do you think I know?"

Orochimaru... You said it all and let me guess what? But at this moment, looking at Ling Ye in front of him, a cold light appeared in Orochimaru's eyes.

There was only one thought in his mind, kill, he must kill this guy, otherwise his plan would never be successful! Looking at the expression of Orochimaru, Ling Ye had no idea what this guy was thinking.

"You want to kill me"

"As long as you know it, if that's the case, will you obediently let me kill you?"

Orochimaru looked at Ling Ye in front of him and showed a cruel smile, he looked at Ling Ye in front of him as if he was looking at a prey.

Of course Orochimaru has this confidence. He is one of the three ninjas. Although he was easily defeated by Uchiha Itachi, it was because Uchiha Itachi restrained him too much. If he was facing other people, he would not be able to kill him. It's not too difficult either.

Don’t look at Naruto’s bosses who are more perverted than each other, but it’s the gathering of all the ninjas in Naruto’s history in this era. If you remove a bunch of dead people who have been reincarnated in the dirt, there are also people like Uchiha Madara Accidents and alien visitors like Kaguya, in fact, Orochimaru's strength is really the top existence in Naruto.

So, it's quite normal for Orochimaru to have this self-confidence.

However, looking at Orochimaru in front of him, Ling Ye just shook his head helplessly.

"It's really confident.

Want to kill me more."

Ling Ye shook his head helplessly, then he opened his eyes, and in an instant, Ling Ye directly used the Devil's Eye of Immediate Death.

"What kind of pupil technique is that?"

Orochimaru hadn't reacted yet, he just noticed that something was wrong with Ling Ye's eyes, and in the next second, Ling Ye's magic eyes were used directly.

The future looks at the predicted position, the past looks at the summoning attack, the magic eye of death reflects the dead line, brush! In an instant, Orochimaru found that his body was torn apart! Puff puff! All over the floor! One hit! Just one hit! The... legendary ninja was mortally wounded.

This is Ling Ye's mercy, otherwise, it is estimated that Orochimaru would have been directly wiped out at this moment.

"Master Orochimaru!"

Looking at everything in front of him in horror, fortunately, Orochimaru is worthy of being an unbeatable Xiaoqiang. He doesn't know what ability he used. At this moment, the limbs all over the ground recovered together, and then in a wave of chakra , Orochimaru's body has also been restored to its original shape.

However, although it looks like it has been restored to its original shape, the Orochimaru at this moment is particularly sluggish.

Orochimaru, the first scientist of Naruto, the existence of immortality.

As long as his soul is not destroyed, he can be resurrected through various methods.

Even Uchiha Itachi didn't kill him, one can imagine how strong this guy's vitality is.

But it's a pity, seeing the method of Orochimaru's resurrection in front of him, Ling Ye laughed, "Oshewan, you are a good genius, but unfortunately, your understanding of life is still too weak."

Weak actually said that he is weak, Da Shewan is not convinced, he has experienced all kinds of things in his life, he has been pursuing immortality for countless years, now,,, he is called weak "Young man! You are very strong! But, ,,, want to kill me, how can it be so easy."

Orochimaru stared at Ling Ye in front of him, he wanted to show his great strength, however, Ling Ye just raised a hand towards him, a pistol appeared in his hand, and then, in an instant! Swipe! Ling Ye The bullet in Ye's hand landed directly on one side of the body, his strength is very strong, but unfortunately, he is no match for Ling Ye.

A bullet went down, and he had no chance to dodge at all. Immediately afterwards, his body began to change, getting smaller and smaller, and finally, under the unbelievable gaze of Dashemaru, the person in front of him turned into a A newborn baby! Say!,

Chapter 1298 - Pursuing the meaning of life

Pursue the meaning of life "This,,.

,How can it be!"

Orochimaru looked at the baby in front of him, he stretched out his finger and poked it, only to find out that Teemo was really a child.

In an instant, Orochimaru felt that his three views had collapsed.

"This,,, how is it possible! This is time and space ninjutsu, but it is impossible, this has surpassed ninjutsu!"

For a moment, Orochimaru felt as if he had opened the door to a new world.

Looking at Orochimaru in front of him, Ling Ye also laughed. To be honest, Ling Ye didn't hate Orochimaru, what did Orochimaru do in the Naruto world.

Orochimaru is definitely a famous villain in Naruto.

And he has been researching some very perverted forbidden techniques.

He once killed his master with his own hands in order to experiment.

However, many readers don't think Sandai is a good person. Out of the ten Hokage fanbooks that I read in my previous life, nine of them died in the third generation, so this black history is gone.

Abducting underage boys and girls everywhere, Honglian, ah, Junmalu, etc.

But what's interesting is that these people admire him very much, and most of them are willing to give their lives for him.

This is really because of Orochimaru's personality charm.

Kidnapped Sasuke, then failed, and was counter-killed, shameful.

After finally being resurrected, I helped the protagonist to summon all Hokage, and helped the Ninja Alliance to win! As a villain, it is shameful.

In the end, peace was finally ushered in. Shouldn't you Orochimaru make things happen, let Konoha monitor, and become a shame for being cute.

The rest is... research on human body, but finally gave up, and then invented the self-reproduction technology and made the protagonist Mitsuki ashamed.

Hey, Orochimaru,,, this is really not a successful villain, it can even be said that he just wants to pursue eternal life, but,,.

This dream is destined to be difficult to achieve.

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