MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 437

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The level task is completed by the Chunin.

Gaara always thought that he was already invincible among young people, but unfortunately, the reality gave him a slap in the face.

"Surrender yet?"

Ling Ye smiled faintly.

He looked at Gaara in front of him and couldn't help laughing.

However, Gaara is extremely cautious, obviously, he found that Ling Ye in front of him is really powerful and terrifying.

However, Gaara is not afraid, because he knows what kind of power is hidden in his body! "Sand Shuriken!"

With a wave of Gaara's hand, shurikens made of sand flew towards Ling Ye. Obviously, Gaara was going to retaliate against him in the same way, but it was a pity that Ling could make this guy react.

Treasure of the King! Activate! Swipe, Swipe, Swipe! Seven or eight rays of light collided with the sand shuriken in front of you. How could the sand fight against the treasure, but in the end there was only one, broken! The sky was full of sand falling from the sky. The sand in the sky is falling like raindrops. Looking at the sand in the sky, Gaara still can't believe it. At this moment, he finally understands that the reason why the man in front of him can subdue Taodi is not because of money, but because of his true heart. The strength of the sand shield! The sand shield is defended with sand far exceeding the hardness of steel. Because of the mother Garura, the sand can automatically defend, which is called absolute defense, but it cannot defend against attacks whose attack speed exceeds the action speed of the sand.

Originally, this move was too late to use, but fortunately, Gaara's previous sand shuriken played a certain role, and his sand shield still caught up.

Bang! A King's Treasure pierced deeply into the sand shield, and then pierced Gaara's body, piercing Gaara's last barrier.

Sand Armor covers its entire body with sand.

Generally used with Sand Shield, but its defense is not as good as Sand Shield, and it consumes more Chakra.

Three moves, facing Ling Ye's random blow in front of him, Gaara used the three skills of Sand Shuriken, Sand Shield, and Sand Armor to barely resist a wave of attacks. If you continue to fight, Gaara I'm afraid it's going to be crazy.

"Damn!!! Damn!!! I'm going to kill you!! Kill you!!!"

Gaara is completely insane, he has never suffered such humiliation, and at this moment, he has already exploded with all his strength.

He closed his eyes directly, and then he fell asleep directly! Going to sleep before fighting, Ling Ye only knows two people like this, one is Su Qier, and the other is... Gaara.

Others are more clear-headed and stronger, they are just the opposite, if they don't sleep well, they won't be able to fight well.

The technique of false sleep is a high-level hypnosis technique, allowing oneself to fall into a deep slumber, and make the one-tailed crane in the body fully awake.

At this moment, Gaara's whole aura has changed! Seeing Gaara awakened like a wild beast during the interview, Ling Ye's body suddenly appeared in front of Gaara! "Don't hurt Gaara!"

Temari yelled and rushed up with Kankuro, but it was a pity that Ling Ye just waved his hands, and two terrifying forces directly knocked them into the air! Bang! Bang! The two figures fell to the ground, At this moment, Temari's eyes were full of panic, they never thought that with their strength, they would not be able to stop Ling Ye for a second.

"Not good! This is Konoha! Can't let: Gaara transform!"

Kankuro yelled quickly, but unfortunately, Gaara could no longer hear his voice. At this moment, Gaara had only one thought, and that was! Kill everything in front of him!

Chapter 1289━━A New Method of Sealing and Keeping Cranes

New way to seal Shouhe "Kill you guys! I finally came out!!! Kill!!! Kill!!! Kill!!!"

A strange voice came from Gaara's mouth, upon hearing this voice, Temari closed his eyes in despair.

It's over, Gaara has become a monster, this time it will be discovered by Konoha, and their plan is completely aborted.

"This is Shukaku's Tailed Beast Transformation just using you to do an experiment."

Ling Ye looked up and down...Shouhe in front of him, and looking at Ling Ye, Gaara, who had turned into a beast with a tail, attacked frantically! The wind escapes the infinite sand and dust breakthrough!! This move is only available in the possession state use below.

The caster can release a huge desert storm that sweeps several kilometers away, and can wipe out countless people in an instant.

However, facing Shukaku Gaara's blow, Ling Ye directly pressed the musket in Gaara's head against Gaara's head, "If Shukaku is completely liberated, it can cause me some trouble, but If you turn into a tailed beast, you should rest early."

Having said that, the gun in Ling Ye's hand fell directly on the opponent's head.

"This kind of harmless attack also wants to hurt my uncle, but my uncle..."

Shukaku Gaara completely ignored the bullet in front of him, however, because of his too strong self-esteem, at this moment, the bullet directly imprisoned Shukaku's body.

Ke Ke Di, time is imprisoned.

For a moment, Gaara's body was motionless.

Temari and the others still don't understand what happened, Ling Ye directly injected his magic power into Gaara's body! Seal it, strengthen it! "No!!!"

Shouhe Gaara didn't realize it, and it closed its eyes again in an instant. The double seal, especially Ling Ye's seal, is the seal of the original power. If Ling Ye doesn't let Shouhe remove it.. ..., it is estimated that Shouhe will not be able to get out in this life.


Seeing Gaara lying on the ground, Temari rushed over.

"I love Luo!"

Temari's younger brother is nervous, although she is arrogant and bloodthirsty and aggressive, but she knows that all this is because of the crane in Gaara's body, if it is not because of Shukaku, Gaara will have a complete childhood , his mother would not die so miserable.

Temari and Kankuro stand in the way of my love. Although they are facing death at this moment, they are not afraid.

"You can't hurt Gaara, this will provoke a war between Konoha and Sand Shinobi!"

Temari wanted to use righteousness to make Ling Ye stop, but hearing what Temari said, Ling Ye looked at her with a smile on his face, "I'm not Konoha's ninja, why did I provoke Konoha to fight with you, and, ,.

Didn’t you come here to start a war?”

Hearing Ling Ye's words, Temari and Kankuro looked at each other, and both of them could see the shock in each other's eyes.

How did he know that his affairs were wrong? He must be guessing! Temari doesn't believe this at all..., but unfortunately, the fact is... so.

Ling Ye silently took out two brooms and mops from his hands and handed them directly to Temari and Kankuro in front of him.

"Here you go, clean it up for me, if I find a sand, I will let you know why the flowers are so red!"

After Ling Ye finished speaking, he sat directly on the sofa beside him, and looking at the broom and mop in his hands, the two of them couldn't help but feel at a loss.

What's the situation? This is, you use so much effort to...let us clean the room for you, aren't you going too far! If you need to clean the room, tell us, can't we hire two for you? Do we not want to lose face if you do this? However, although Kankuro wanted to say something at the moment, Ling Ye glared at him directly, and the next second, this guy died down and ran away to work.

On the other hand, Temari looked at Ling Ye in complete incomprehension, she might still be thinking about who the person in front of her was.

"This gentleman, Gaara,,, are you all right?"

"Don't worry, little panda, I just sealed his crane guard. He should have fallen asleep now that he has lost the power to guard the crane. He should wake up after you are done with it in a while."

Ling Ye scratched his head, he is not sure now, he just sealed Shuhe, but Ling Ye...... Remember, after Gaara's Shuhe was captured Gaara's strength has not dropped much after losing Shukaku, and even his sleep quality is getting better and better, his dark circles are gone, and his mood is more stable.

"Just take a nap? Great, it's time for Gaara to take a nap too."

Temari nodded silently. She didn't think it was necessary for Ling Ye to deceive her. After all, he could solve her group of people with a wave of his hand. If that's the case, then let's work. Otherwise, she might really want to be with her. My love Luo died together.

But Temari still has a problem at the moment, that is,,, why did Ling Ye know their Konoha collapse plan? Could it be that there are traitors among them?

Chapter 1290━━Can you sleep with me at night?

Can you sleep with me at night "what is this place"

Gaara woke up from the sofa. At this moment, Gaara felt that his whole body was extraordinarily relaxed. Among other things, he felt that his whole body was extraordinarily active. Chakra is gone "wake up"

Ling Ye looked at Gaara in front of him, looked him up and down, and then nodded silently, "It's not bad, the dark circles under my eyes have become smaller."

"You sealed that thing inside me"

Gaara looked at Ling Ye in front of him in shock, he didn't expect that he had entered a hypnotic state and still couldn't win.

And now the power in my body is gone.

"Did you sleep well?"

"not bad."

Gaara nodded, he thought that the person in front of him would kill him, however, Ling Ye did not do so.

In Gaara's eyes, shouldn't enemies just fight to the death? Why does this guy let himself go?

"Why don't you kill me"

"Why is it good to kill you"

Ling Ye didn't know why, this young man said he was either alive or dead, it seems that... the education was crooked when he was young.

Listening to Ling Ye's words, the little panda couldn't understand anymore.

And Ling Ye obviously had nothing to explain to Gaara, he yelled directly to Temari and Kankuro who were not far away, "Your little panda is awake, you can take him away."

After Ling Ye yelled, but no one responded, Ling Ye turned his head to look, at this moment, in front of a bookshelf, Kankuro and Temari were staring at the Tsukiji in front of them with wide eyes, as if they were going to enter the moon. Hearing Sa Shige and Nalu Tuo coming from inside the Moon Machine, Ling Ye knew that they were watching Naruto.

This scene made Ling Ye see a black thread, I asked you to clean it and you were lazy on me! Thinking of this, Ling Ye covered his whole body with fingers, crackling, and a current fell directly on Kankuro's body.

Brush! Kankuro's body trembled, and then he fully reacted.

Ma! Ma! Ma! Ma! Kankuro said these words tremblingly, and he turned his head to look at Ling Ye.

"Ling Ye, you,,,, this comic was drawn by us"


Ling Ye nodded, "You guys are looking pretty fast.

I saw you all come out."

"Of course, but you even drew the Chunin exam in the content here, and said that... Morino Ibiki will test our... Strange content, isn't your imagination too rich? "

Kankuro asked curiously, but Ling Ye was noncommittal after listening to Kankuro's words.

He doesn't believe my manga, which is simply an insult to himself! "You don't believe me! Let me tell you this, if the Chunin written test doesn't test these contents in the manga, I will go out in the middle of the night. Got struck by lightning!"

Hearing Ling Ye's words, Temari and Kankuro widened their eyes, this guy is too ruthless, isn't he just questioning you, why are you making such a big poisonous oath? Seeing this scene, he gave Ling Ye a blank look.

This guy really doesn't have any integrity at all. I don't know about other peaches if I don't cut them. However, even if the Thunder strikes on Ling Ye, what will happen? Do you think this guy will be afraid of this? Even Kakashi can cut Thunder, Ling Ye Ye,,, it is estimated that the thunder falling on him is to recharge him.

"What are you looking at"

Gaara also walked over curiously, and then he looked at the moon machine in front of him, and saw that the scene where he was beaten by Xiao Li was playing in it. When he saw this, Gaara's face immediately changed Already! Who is this guy who dares to hit himself "Who is this guy! See if I don't kill him!"

Gaara said that and was about to rush out, however, Temari and Kankuro on the side quickly grabbed him.

"Gara, calm down, calm down, this is Konoha, if you attack a ninja for no reason, you will be arrested."

Kankuro shouted nervously, but Kankuro also knew that there must be no obstruction from him, and with Gaara's stubborn character, he would definitely not listen to himself.

However, Gaara was stunned for a moment, and then nodded silently.

"Okay, let's talk about it when I meet this guy in the Chunin exam."

Hmm, watching Gaara's actions, Kankuro couldn't help being stunned for a moment, what's the situation, when did Gaara become so obedient, is this still our younger brother who kills people if they disagree with each other? Kankuro and Temari don't know at this moment, Gaara just slept for a short while, and his spirit has also been calmed down. Although there is no big change, at least he is in a good mood now.

And figured this out, Gaara just remembered looking at Ling Ye in front of him and asked, "From now on, can I come and find you to sleep with me at night?"

Ling Ye "ha"

Chapter 1291 ━━The Answer to the Chunin Exam

The answer to the Chunin Exam is "Fuck off!"

Ling Ye kicked the figure in front of him out, and Gaara's body was kicked out of Ling Ye Bookstore in an instant.

Sleeping with you, do you think you are a girl? If Ling Ye and Temari are allowed to sleep together this time, Ling Ye will happily agree, and I will talk to you as a little panda! Ling Ye directly put the three little pandas together The group kicked it out, and at the same time lifted the seal on the little panda. Now that the experiment is over, there is no need to imprison him.

The three little pandas 3 looked at the mysterious bookstore in front of them, and they all felt fear.

Especially Kankuro on one side, he didn't dare to say anything, because he knew that Ling Ye in front of him could easily destroy him.

However, the other party now even knows about his Konoha collapse plan, such a person is in Konoha, and their plan can still succeed "Gaara, should we find a chance,,,"

Kankuro looked at Gaara in front of him and cut his neck with his hand, and then,,, "Are you a fool, do you think you can kill him?"

Temari just gave Kankuro a blank look, is this younger brother out of his mind? Why can he say all kinds of bad ideas, so he really doesn't know what he should do in the future.

"That's right."

Gaara also nodded, "However, what do you guys think about his Naruto anime?"

Gaara asked suspiciously, he still didn't believe that he would be injured by that guy called Xiao Li, although he won in the end, but his hole cards were basically exposed.

And I love Luo, I can be sure that I have never seen Ling Ye before today, that... How did Ling Ye know all his abilities? "You say, Ling Ye can really predict the future, right?"

Temari asked suspiciously.

"Cut, how can I predict the future?"

Kankuro still didn't believe it, and Kankuro wanted to say something, but Gaara stopped him directly.

"Okay, don't talk about this, hurry up and take the Zhongnin exams and waste too much time here."


Read The Duke's Passion